LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Ascension and Trinity Gate Load Out”

“Ascension is the divine birthright of all living souls on this planet and as promised by the Christos Founders of the Emerald Covenant serving the Law of One, it is open and available to everyone irrespective of any belief system or religious affiliation. The Christos Mission is based upon honoring the free will of every individual consciousness to choose the course of action that is believed to be the best experience for them, while offering information that supports the comprehension of the mechanics of planetary ascension along with the spiritual laws governing consciousness. Regardless of any individual’s belief system or personal choice on whether or not to participate with the planetary ascension, every living being existing on the planet will undergo some form of transformation that results in a consciousness shift and ascension event. The overall grid activity pattern is enduring another heightened stage of eviction, extraction and transit of entities and constructs that have been used to transmit false feminine (violet cube reversal) distorted fields. This is known as the load out stage through the Trinity Gates during the bifurcation of time and this form of mass consciousness transiting for souls has already begun and will continue ongoing. Although every human being will experience some level of the planetary ascension event in their consciousness body, not everyone will make the choice to remain on the matter plane and ascend with the Earth. The individuals that refuse to elevate themselves beyond negative ego and awaken their heart center and inner spirit in order to practice the Universal Law of One principles of unity, unconditional love, peace, and compassion will leave the planet.”

~Lisa Renee

Ascension is the divine birthright of all living souls on this planet and as promised by the Christos Founders of the Emerald Covenant serving the Law of One, it is open and available to everyone irrespective of any belief system or religious affiliation. The Christos Mission is based upon honoring the free will of every individual consciousness to choose the course of action that is believed to be the best experience for them, while offering information that supports the comprehension of the mechanics of planetary ascension along with the spiritual laws governing consciousness.

Regardless of any individual’s belief system or personal choice on whether or not to participate with the planetary ascension, every living being existing on the planet will undergo some form of transformation that results in a consciousness shift and ascension event. The individuals that refuse to elevate themselves beyond negative ego and awaken their heart center and inner spirit in order to practice the Universal Law of One principles of unity, unconditional love, peace, and compassion will leave the planet. Although every human being will experience some level of the planetary ascension event in their consciousness body, not everyone will make the choice to remain on the matter plane and ascend with the Earth. Thus, they will be returning back to the spiritual world or Guardian hosted interdimensional transit station for an appropriate reeducation beyond mind control with a briefing to understand our inherent connection to divinity and the spiritual nature of reality.  This is known as the load out stage through the Trinity Gates during the bifurcation of time and this form of mass consciousness transiting for souls has already begun and will continue ongoing.

Guardian Host began a Trinity Gateway host out for transits in China between Wuhan, Shanghai and Beijing, which later on it was discovered to be implemented on the anniversary date of the June Fourth Incident in China. These were student-led demonstrations held in  Tiananmen Square Beijing in 1989. An opening in the timeline was accessible on June 4th, in which to collect and gather and then process as many beings out through a Trinity Gate link up. An energy harvesting feed line connecting up the China coast line all the way to Beijing appears to be in the midst of dismantling, the emphasis is that the major Pindarian groups in power are being unplugged from their NAA power source. Many pyramids of power in this construct of the NAA and their representatives in the CCP relationship to the Davos Octagon groups seem to be imploding and crashing down. This bodes well for the truth seekers aware of the current events happening behind the scenes within the covert military operations of the United States and other allied governments. The methodical identification and extraction of treasonous shadow government members or those CCP backed representatives in the political arena or multinational corporate power bases that are aggressively pushing for the technocratic totalitarianism of the Great Reset global cabal agenda. 

Something similar was required for a load out of the Vatican 5D gateway, which seemed to be connected to a major cleanup of Holy Mother body parts being reclaimed for the Triple Solar Star Tara emanation. The overall grid activity pattern is enduring another heightened stage of eviction, extraction and transit of entities and constructs that have been used to transmit false feminine (violet cube reversal) distorted fields. This system has been discovered as being transmitted from out of the Van Allen Belts into the vertical grids connecting into an alien machine hidden deep in the Indian Ocean.

Observing the bifurcation load out stage on the physical plane in the context of current global events can be very difficult emotionally, especially for those unaware that we will be required to witness the painful truths hidden behind genocidal agendas and the many revelations of disclosure events. Thus, for lightworkers and Starseeds this is an event to prepare for and work your spiritual tools. It is important to keep an open mind, learn how to become more flexible and adaptable to spontaneous changes of perception, and to stay calm, peaceful and in the observer consciousness. This is a momentous time for human liberation. Pray and meditate, awakening into greater realizations of the possibilities of emotional betrayal that may be prevalent in many situations as they are being revealed to us. This is the time for radical self-care and knowing your physical and emotional limits, while supporting our loved ones and friends as best we can. Especially as they are rudely shaken awake and startled by the ongoing revelations of the disclosure information surfacing in the mainstream. 

Love and GSF for All, 


~via – Time Shift Blog – June 15, 2021

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Sophianic Female Coding”

“The Holy Mother is progressively returning to reclaim and restore her creation, through the advanced Godhead technology included in the Arc Zone and The 13th Pillar. The advanced Godhead technology included in the Arc Zone Blue Ray architecture is modifying the planetary grid to transmit levels of the Sophianic Female Coding and her sacred animating spiritual quintessence that involves the emergence of the Holy Mother spiritual aspects to finally take shape within matter forms. This is heralding the full debut of the Cosmic Mother Krystallah architecture which gives rise to the Universal Solar Feminin pprinciple, and the Holy Daughter embodiment of the Christos-Sophia template on the earth. As the distortions of the Patriarchal Code System starts to break down or dissolve, it is allowing for more organic vertical spiritual connections to the Mother Arc Gateway, that serve the planetary grid systems for regenerating the trinity wave energies to circulate throughout the diamond heart networks. With the Mother Arc Gateway breathing her Aqualine plasma rays onto the earth grids, this has restored enough energetic balance in the Krystic architecture to finally bring into manifestation the Universal Solar Feminine templating, which allows the Mother’s Sophianic principle to manifest onto the earth. As we merge with our Mother’s Cosmic heart, she holds us stable in a field of omni love, so that we can fully discover the hidden contents of our own crystal heart. Our Mother God parent returns to us in order to show us how to create the beautifully harmonically arranged music that is recorded deep within our Soul and Spirit. These musical tones can only be felt with our heart, and this blossoming of love from within our sacred crystal heart is what allows us to merge with the God Worlds, to know the Edenic Blueprint.”

~Lisa Renee

The Holy Mother is progressively returning to reclaim and restore her creation, through the advanced Godhead technology included in the Arc Zone and 13th Pillar

Recent Guardian Gridworker projects related to the return of the Emerald Order have revealed the Emerald Goddess Green Tara has returned to this dimension of the planet to restore balance to the planet’s organic magnetism and offer active compassion from the Holy Mother. She has returned to embodiment in the Asian grid between Sri Lanka and India during the May Electrical Peak cycle 2021.

The advanced Godhead technology included in the Arc Zone Blue Ray architecture is modifying the planetary grid to transmit levels of the Sophianic Female Coding and her sacred animating spiritual quintessence that involves the emergence of the Holy Mother spiritual aspects to finally take shape within matter forms. This is heralding the full debut of the Cosmic Mother Krystallah architecture which gives rise to the Universal Solar Feminine principle, and the Holy Daughter embodiment of the Christos-Sophia template on the earth.

As the distortions of the Patriarchal Code System starts to break down or dissolve, it is allowing for more organic vertical spiritual connections to the Mother Arc Gateway, that serve the planetary grid systems for regenerating the trinity wave energies to circulate throughout the diamond heart networks. With the Mother Arc Gateway breathing her Aqualine plasma rays onto the earth grids, this has restored enough energetic balance in the Krystic architecture to finally bring into manifestation the Universal Solar Feminine templating, which allows the Mother’s Sophianic principle to manifest onto the earth.

Mother Arc and the Aurora forces in Andromeda align together to accomplish the process of rebirthing the elemental and tetramorphic patterns in the natural kingdoms, to be able to heal within the Krystic divine blueprint. This Aquamarine Ray is the blue diamond chalice frequency of the overflowing golden cup of divine Love found within the Sacred Crystal Heart, this represents humanity’s real parent and Cosmic Mother resurrecting herself in the fallen realm to be able to fully protect and reclaim her children from the phantom. She is the Aqualine heart beating to reclaim the vertical spiritual connections that make up the Great White Lion grid, the Feline genetics of the Mother’s tetramorph pattern that represent the Sophianic wisdom of the Sphinx being returned back into wholeness through the knowledge of the divine trinity.

Apparently, this particular creation is from a Mother Universe, and as such the reclamation of the Universal Time Matrix is entirely brought back into her domain from the Godhead’s Arc technologies. As we enter this new generation for activation of the Arc technologies, the Arc gates and developing our relationship with the true Mother and her Sophianic principle, should be primary in our present focus and attention. 

Mother Arc and 13th Pillar

The Krystal Guardians have called this aspect of Mother’s Aquamarine Ray current, the 13th Pillar gateway, which is also providing a completely new quality of Sonoluminescence and magnetic forces that are powering up in the earth Crystal Core. It is through the Mother’s perfect Proton Seed or Cosmic Egg, along with the braided unification of the blue plasma cores that make up the Aqualine Sun that creation can heal itself to its original divine blueprint, which is catalyzed into elemental matter and further through the awakening of the planetary Albion body.

Cosmic Egg

As the ego body is rejected and slayed, we begin to break through the layers of our auric shell into the Cosmic Egg. When this connection is made with our True Holy God Parents, we are blessed with their hierogamic union or sacred marriage, which births the Solar Egg and Golden Embryo within our aura.The Golden Embryo is birthed inside our human body and the seed germinates within our hara complex to recreate our identity in Cosmic Christ Consciousness. This has also been referred to as the Solar Sacrum, which purges the Lunar principle of the feminine. This Solar Egg holds the Golden Embryo in the aura that gradually births the Golden Child of Christ Consciousness within a human body.When the Golden Embryo is seeded in the Solar Egg, the Lunar reflected light and its many shadow forms will start to gather into what’s called the Buddhic Egg. This is a spherical body repository for the accumulated Moon Chain Lineages and a variety of Lunar forms that have been a part of our Monadic family. Because in the lower creation realms, the Mother of God was experienced as a lunar force, this heralds the transfiguration of the Mother principle into the Solar feminine within. The Universal Solar Feminine aspect of the Mother of God in her Christos body is her daughter, Sophia.

Mother Arc Stargate Locations

• 1D Adare, Ireland

• 2D Stonehenge, England

• 3D Seattle, Wash, US

• 4D Manhattan Island, US

• 5D Bali, South Pacific

• 6D Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia

• 7D Phoenix, Arizona US

• 8D Atlantic Ocean, SW of Bermuda

• 9D Antarctica

• 10D Baghdad, Iraq

• 11D Newgrange Ireland

• 12D Cornwall, UK

Cosmic Mother Principle

Our Mother principle gently guides us to know the truth that in order to deeply heal, one must be able to deeply feel, and to empathize with the feelings of others. The Mother aspect of the Godhead, and the Sophianic female principle are what gently nudge us to feel safe enough to look inside and feel our Sacred Crystal Heart again. As we merge with our Mother’s Cosmic heart, she holds us stable in a field of omni love, so that we can fully discover the hidden contents of our own crystal heart. Our Mother God parent returns to us in order to show us how to create the beautifully harmonically arranged music that is recorded deep within our Soul and Spirit. These musical tones can only be felt with our heart, and this blossoming of love from within our sacred crystal heart is what allows us to merge with the God Worlds, to know the Edenic Blueprint. From within this field of omni-love, we live in harmony with the Universal Natural Laws and live in harmony with ourselves and our creations. Therefore, we are given the spiritual power to co-create our own peaceful place, to live in an Edenic state – as we are one with the Godhead.

(Source: ES News – Arc Zone and recent updates)

~via – Time Shift Blog – June 8, 2021

LISA RENEE: “Cosmic Heart”

“The Heart of all Universal Creation, the Cosmic Heart, is held within the Heart of the Goddess. These are the Divine Feminine principals of the Godhead itself. The Power of all Creative intelligence is held in the Heart of the Goddess and born from the forces of Pure Love. The Gateway of that infinite power is accessed within your own heart center. This Cosmic Heart Matrix is the main access gateway to all of the higher dimensions and dimensional frequencies. As you integrate and heal your wounded feminine energies, your heart chakra will expand into the Heart of the Goddess. This provides a key to the goddess gateway leading to the Cosmic Heart Matrix and this greater reality becomes One with you. The harmony of perfect creation born from perfect love merges into human potential and human possibility. All of its resonances will begin to manifest its perfection into your life and into the world. You are the effortless creator of your highest purposes and fulfillment as you are One with them. This holds the profound meaning of the return of the benevolent and rightful Christos Solar King to planet Earth, the restoration of the beloved Maji Grail King Arthur, the resurrected Solar Michael Anointed Christ, is rising to be the protector of the Holy Mother and Sophianic Grail, which is the Cosmic Heart principle of Earth.”

~Lisa Renee


The Heart of all Universal Creation, the Cosmic Heart, is held within the Heart of the Goddess. These are the Divine Feminine principals of the Godhead itself. The Power of all Creative intelligence is held in the Heart of the Goddess and born from the forces of Pure Love. The Gateway of that infinite power is accessed within your own heart center. This Cosmic Heart Matrix is the main access gateway to all of the higher dimensions and dimensional frequencies. As you integrate and heal your wounded feminine energies, your heart chakra will expand into the Heart of the Goddess.

This provides a key to the goddess gateway leading to the Cosmic Heart Matrix and this greater reality becomes One with you. The harmony of perfect creation born from perfect love merges into human potential and human possibility. All of its resonances will begin to manifest its perfection into your life and into the world. You are the effortless creator of your highest purposes and fulfillment as you are One with them.

Rise of Arthur and Sophianic Grail

This is the divine plan of the Holy Father in compassionate action, to restore balance and unity within the eternal light of Cosmic Christos Consciousness in which all of humanity is connected to the Solar Logos and Star systems within the Albion Lightbody. We come from the stars, for we are the stars. This holds the profound meaning of the return of the benevolent and rightful Christos Solar King to planet Earth, the restoration of the beloved Maji Grail King Arthur, the resurrected Solar Michael Anointed Christ, is rising to be the protector of the Holy Mother and Sophianic Grail, which is the Cosmic Heart principle of Earth. [1]



  1. Rise of Arthur


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Female Sexual Fluids”

“With current Plasma light activations, the multidimensional anatomy of the female sexual organs and sexual fluids are shifting to become prolific light generators. An ascending female being initiated into higher frequencies of plasma light, will begin to notice changes occurring in her sexual organs, cycle and fluids. Her fluids are being activated into powerful alchemical mixtures that react to combine during sexual intercourse to generate even more light. When a female is able to unconditionally love herself, hold personal power and respectful boundaries for her body, during orgasm, the activated fluids open into the cells to receive more of her Soul/Monad/Spirit into the body. Simultaneously, during this loving conjunction, it attracts more of her partner’s Soul-Spirit into his body.”

~Lisa Renee


Currently, it has become increasingly important for females on the ascending path to not have sexual intercourse with any male partner that is in any shape or form, sexually abusive. In the present turmoil that manifests karmic patterns within intimate or sexual relationships, ascending females will be abruptly shifted out of negative circumstances that are sexually abusive. The intelligence of her spiritual light is protecting her Lightbody from any further intrusion of superimposed negativity, as a result of negative or abusive sexual relations. Sexual abuse is defined as a female receiving negative astral energy accumulation into her Lightbody, from having sex with her partner that jeopardizes or blocks her spiritual advancement during this time. A female receiving negative accumulations of astral energy during sexual intercourse with a disconnected or abusive partner, runs the risk of extremely amplified astral energy that can lead to passing dark Possessions from the male. It also can transfer between emotionally or spiritually disconnected partners, many accumulated years of energetic pain, suffering or misery into the body. In some cases, this is used to target ascending Starseed females to drastically lower their personal frequency and harvest their light source, by using their bodies as a dark repository.

It is extremely important for all ascending females to protect their sexual organs and treat their bodies with loving care and respect, as God’s Holy Temple.

With current Plasma light activations, the multidimensional anatomy of the female sexual organs and sexual fluids are shifting to become prolific light generators. An ascending female being initiated into higher frequencies of plasma light, will begin to notice changes occurring in her sexual organs, cycle and fluids. Her fluids are being activated into powerful alchemical mixtures that react to combine during sexual intercourse to generate even more light. When a female is able to unconditionally love herself, hold personal power and respectful boundaries for her body, during orgasm, the activated fluids open into the cells to receive more of her Soul/Monad/Spirit into the body. Simultaneously, during this loving conjunction, it attracts more of her partner’s Soul-Spirit into his body.

This is a power source that can be very supportive for mutual spiritual growth and sharing loving and blissful states with our beloved partner. Or if we are reckless with our body, this power can be abused and used against ourselves. On the ascending path, we must make the choice to clean up the past painful sexual connections and release the accumulative astral baggage. With the new Plasma energies, we are learning how human sexuality is evolving in order to become what it was designed for, a very loving and spiritually beneficial experience. [1]



  1. Plasma

See Also:

Sexual Misery


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Aeonic Pair”

“This cosmic shift in the Solar System is being synchronised into a new Aeon. This new Aeon is equal to a new measurement in cosmic time as well as the creation of a new cosmic entity. The new Aeon describes the horizontal measurement of time as having been adjusted by the Cosmic Clock, by the hand of God. The Aeons are always born in male-female pairs, each of which is in itself a divine principle, yet, at the same time represent one aspect of the Godhead. These Aeonic pairs comprise the totality of the Godhead as the two divine principles which merge and unite as the third principle, becoming the Three in One. This heavenly prototype must be embodied, as above, so below, and will come to be the spiritual embodiment process of the ascending human experience. The spiritual completion which unites the Aeonic pair is the resulting state of Krystal hierogamic union or sacred marriage between the male and female principle with the Godhead. The stairway to heaven through the Krystal Star is embodied through inner and outer sacred marriage, in alignment to these heavenly prototypes, which will continually advance upon the earth.”

~Lisa Renee


The Universal Founders are involved with altering Ursa Major in which its seven stars are merging with its counterpart, the seven sister stars in the Pleiades creating a cosmic blueprint of the Aeonic Pairing. Together, they represent the active principle of the heavenly masculine and the receptive principle of the heavenly feminine uniting through their shared constellation which allows connection directly into the Cosmic Spiritual Sun. As this Cosmic Triad completes, the Heavenly Father, the Heavenly Mother unites with their Cosmic Spiritual Sun. To which this heavenly marriage heralds the birth of an entirely new creation of Suns and Sacred planets while nurturing the Christos child on the earth. This Aeonic Pair represents perfect balance.

This cosmic shift in the Solar System is being synchronised into a new Aeon. This new Aeon is equal to a new measurement in cosmic time as well as the creation of a new cosmic entity. The new Aeon describes the horizontal measurement of time as having been adjusted by the Cosmic Clock, by the hand of God.

The Aeons are always born in male-female pairs, each of which is in itself a divine principle, yet, at the same time represent one aspect of the Godhead. These Aeonic pairs comprise the totality of the Godhead as the two divine principles which merge and unite as the third principle, becoming the Three in One. This heavenly prototype must be embodied, as above, so below, and will come to be the spiritual embodiment process of the ascending human experience. The spiritual completion which unites the Aeonic pair is the resulting state of Krystal hierogamic union or sacred marriage between the male and female principle with the Godhead. The stairway to heaven through the Krystal Star is embodied through inner and outer sacred marriage, in alignment to these heavenly prototypes, which will continually advance upon the earth. [1]


Through the perfect union of the Universal Mother and Universal Father, as an example of the Gender Principle with Adam and Eve in the waters of sex with chastity, the pillar of the hermai is perfected and made into the image of God through the hierogamic union of the inner Christos-Sophia. This is represented in perfected Alchemy of unified polarities, as the Magnum Opus of cosmic consciousness. In this term hermaphrodite, we see Mercury (Hermes) uniting with the goddess of love. Her name is Venus or Aphrodite. When Hermes and Aphrodite unite they form Hermaphrodite, the perfect balance of unified male and female principle or the Aeonic Pair, Christos-Sophia. A hermaphrodite really, truly has nothing to do with what people currently think that it is. The mystical understanding of a hermaphrodite, is the etymology of the word comes from the union between Mercury and Venus (Hermes-Aphrodite), and is the hierogamic union of a God and Goddess, a perfected being, the perfect balance and union between masculine and feminine, united as one. When we enter the sexual act, we mimic that process in varying degrees of Consciousness. We enter into a sacred temple, the union of polarities to form a unity. Because we are ignorant and subjected to the Sexual Misery programming on the earth, but we corrupt it with our lust, jealousy, pride, arrogance, with animal desire — the Houses of Ego. When we think with the Negative Ego mind and allow the Imposter Spirit to dwell inside of us, we do not have a clean, pure temple; our inner temple has been made into a brothel.

Universal Male and Female

When we take the seven facial orifices and unite them with male sexual orifice and dimensional portals we get the number Twelve (12). The correct pattern of the electrical spin for the Universal Male principle is 12:12. The same architecture in the planet body is the 12 Tree Grid and when the 12:12 is projected as the first image of God as a Hu-Man (Adam), it is called the Albion.The Geometric Form of Six is inherently connected to the sexual organs of a female. When we take the seven facial orifices and unite them with female sexual orifice and dimensional portals we get the number Thirteen (13). The correct pattern of the electrotonal spin for the Universal Female principle is 13:13. The same architecture exists in the planetary core as Mother Arc. When the 13:13 is projected as the first Sound field of God from the Universal Creatrix, it descends the Holy Spirit and the colors created fill the Albion with a palette of colored music. This music is called the Cathar. [2]

When these electromagnetic patterns of Male Albion Star Code and Female Cathar Star Code unite in balance with each other, they create the Rod and Staff.



  1. Spiritual Sun Behind the Sun
  2. Portals of Consciousness

See Also:

Male and Female Principle Stars

Hieros Gamos




~via Ascension Glossary