LISA RENEE on “We Are Being Lied To And We Must Grow Up To Recognize And Realize That Fact”

“The Media has an important role in spinning disinformation and targeting humanity in a mass Mind Control Operation. Through data collection and surveillance, they begin to formulate the schematic of the majority of the mass consciousness perception on a variety of topics that they can use in the media to weaponize narratives. They seek to get people to tune into certain Reality Bubbles that they set up as a social experiment, that lead into a type of consciousness trap, in which the holographic insert would broadcast the mind control reality that creates a cover narrative. The narrative is the illusion generated for its outer appearance, an inverted reality that is distorted and energetically opposite of what it actually appears to be. Thus, specific attention is being paid to the perception of reality that groups of people have in a reality bubble, while being exposed to a variety of scenarios combined with the group’s emotional reaction patterns to the various mass media content that is being spread. These are social experiments and psychological operations in which they measure ranges of perceptual ability that exists in varying sections of the public that generate these reality bubbles. They are attempting to find a baseline of consensus reality which appeals to the majority of current consciousness levels, seeking to manipulate the main reality bubbles that can be controlled through ranges of perception that they desire the public to follow. They want to mislead the majority of the population into a feedline of spoon-fed information that will continue to reinforce the culling of the said reality bubble. They seek to brainwash the masses into distraction from connecting the dots and perceiving the much larger picture of world events, disclosure and planetary ascension. Unfortunately, as we are being inundated with all forms of media, there are many unscrupulous tactics to use subtle and not so subtle ways to target people with sophisticated webs of deceptions and mind control. How desperate we are for hearing and seeing the truth during these end times. How demoralized we feel when everything that is being blasted at us through full spectrum AI driven algorithmic propaganda has flooded the zones of everything we once enjoyed as the simple pleasures of life— feeling the sinister encroachment of mind control lies poisoning everything it touches. Mind Control is used to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape anti-human value systems, which direct thoughts that are in contradiction to each other, like war and killing for peace. As long as the planet is at war with itself, and humanity thinks we are at war with each other, we feed into the mind control system of the NAA, which allows them to continue the vampirism of planetary resources, and enforce the genocide of the people. Therefore, we must reeducate ourselves to learn how the media is used as a directed psychological and emotional operation that is used against the public, in order to get the desired results as premeditated and orchestrated by those who are behind spoon feeding and controlling how these messages are being presented. It is critical we learn how news outlets are actually sponsored commercials that are being used to promote a series of harmful agendas, and how these messages can entrain our brains to feel certain emotions toward products and even commercial or political candidates. Please be aware that for a great many years, the NAA have continued to use clone warfare to confuse the public so they are unable to tell who is a deceptive fraud acting as a falsified identity through clone warfare. Further, these mind control programs are implanted into the spiritually blind and morally corrupt, the hopelessly brainwashed through these abominations that appear as black hole entities of the Beast Machine. Christos Starseeds are able to track and view artificial intelligence structures and false holograms being used to clone their image, projects and grid work, in attempts to stop the progression of tri-wave architecture in the planetary field. For some gridworkers it is a way of life and we know it is the standard NAA playbook to form dark resistance to our service and mission. However, these tactics with inserts are used to scare or intimidate those groups who are newly awakening, and are not yet aware of the predictable bullying antics of the NAA. This is how they engineer divide and conquer scenarios and incite confusion. In this way they use the frequency fence or artificial technology algorithm to block out the range of higher frequencies, of knowledge and information that does not fall into the average range of perception, that is manifesting in the majority of the collective consciousness. As an example, we can say that there is a reality bubble deliberately culling the masses into the belief of governmental party lines as good or bad, and that voting Republican or Democrat matters. These are methods of Divide and Conquer played out in the Inverted System, to keep the masses polarized on matters that are insignificant, feeding into the deception. Many adults are unable to discern, comprehend or synthesize the information they are reading, and thus rely on the televised propaganda churned out by the Controllers’ mainstream media broadcasts of CIA-owned news anchors. To be better informed we must stop knee jerk reactions and losing impulse control from reacting to the media as if we believe its content is truthful or accurate. It is not. We are being lied to, and we must grow up to recognize and realize that fact.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Reality Bubbles / Seek the Kingdom of God

Read related article:

LISA RENEE on “Televised Propaganda Churned Out by the Controllers’ Mainstream Media Broadcasts of CIA-Owned News Anchors”

Images courtesy of Ascension Avatar

WHO ARE ‘THE GUARDIANS’? ~ LISA RENEE on “Guardian Defender Forces & Special Operation Team Projects”

“There are realms where groups exist that are called the Defender Forces of the Cosmic Sovereign Law. These defender forces are a part of those higher level light beings that are willing to lose their status of existing in a purely blissful or heavenly realm in order to come into a body and potentially lose their access into the free worlds, because they want to defend God’s Sovereign Law of One in the lower creation realms or throughout various worlds undergoing evolutionary transition. The first time that I became aware of the Defender Forces, because I had never heard of them before, was in April of 2008, when I was asked to open a Stargate in the Himalayan area. Sometimes as a part of my job down here, I am called upon in the middle of the night in sort of crisis setting when they need a point person to be able to open or create a Handshake Hub or an open portal field in a certain location. This was one of these cases. So in April of 2008, I woke up into remote viewing a part of my Consciousness body, and I was in a valley in between the Himalayan mountains, and my team from upstairs said to open the gate from this location now, right now! It felt as if there was an urgency in the timing, and to get in and out quickly. And as we opened the gate, a bunch of Defender Forces and Guardian beings came dropping in from above me. It would seem like they were dropping in parachutes from the sky, but they weren’t. My team said these are the Defender Forces and from then on I knew the Defender Forces were here on the earth and they were part of defending the Cosmic Sovereign Law for earth and humanity. So in my experience, the Defender Forces are very much a part of the Guardian host families. They are a section of light beings that work as sentinels and gatekeepers to support those of us that are incarnated here and working with the Cosmic Sovereign Law. With the return of the Solar Rishi into dimensionalization, there are many Special Operation Teams forming now that are strategically organized to find souls in very fragile states or delicate situations, based upon the level of trauma that has been suffered as a result of repeatedly incarnating on a Prison Planet. The Special Operation Teams are under the umbrella of the Interdimensional Free World Councils and Defender Guardian Forces that have expertise in certain skill sets that are needed to identify, locate, remove and repair an assortment of traumatic issues that have contributed to soul fracturing, excessive spiritual trauma and Consciousness Traps. This includes exposures to the alien machinery and nets embedded in the earth which have functions for operating such things as electrocution fences, blank slating, alien implants, electromagnetic weaponry, genetic experiments, alien hybridization, technological mind control programs, AI assimilation transhuman experiments, timeline distortion and blending realities, inserting false memories and identities, astral raping and guarding soul prison colonies scattered upon the earth and other planets. The process of liberating earth from being used as a prison colony and Satanic ritual abuse human farming system by the NAA forces, is directly relative to the spiritual ascension cycle and ultimately achieving planetary emancipation. They ensure that the beings that are here on earth during Ascension cycle that are working with Christic principles will not be enslaved in the higher realms or get trapped in the phantom realms because there’s a lot of those dark shenanigans that are still being played out. In what I call the smash and grab phenomena, where you have dark entities or beings that are still confused about what’s going on during the Bifurcation, and frantically attack or are desperately grabbing pieces that they can grab on their way out. And that’s really what we are dealing with now with the intense forces of chaos, a type of thuggery similar to smash and grab. We are enduring the most difficult time cycle of the Planetary Emancipation now, in which we are waiting for critical mass for a Full Disclosure Event to wake up those completely brainwashed by the cabal plandemic death cult, those that are willingly participating in the spread of worldwide genocidal agendas at the behest of Archontic Controllers. Current Guardian Projects are focused upon the Electric War and the Gaian Matrix phantom timelines from millions of years ago, when the installation of sophisticated black hole technology from invading Wesa entities to generate soul capture devices through layers of frequency fences and AI nets permeated into layers of our time matrix system. Thus, a Special Operation Team for accessing the Gaian Matrix in pre-fall timelines to retrieve original Azurite identities that were lost during the invasion is happening now, which is a critical development in reclaiming Azurite 48 stranded DNA cellular memories. Working up to handle this next stage of planetary emancipation gridwork has been very tough, in terms of physical symptoms to embody the Solar Rishic braids. The soul prison colonies or consciousness traps are guarded by AI assimilated entities and interdimensional machinery that have been engineered to perform this specific function as the border guards of the matrix. This is for the purpose of keeping spiritually activated souls or powerful Christos warriors from leaving the boundaries of their dimensional control through electrocution via frequency fences, electromagnetic targeting, Mind Wiping and attaching false identities. To avoid these traps, we must know they exist and focus our mind to identify the differences between artificial technology used as consciousness traps, and organic creator code consciousness that is directly connected to the Zero Point and God Source. There are many of us that may be starting to remember that we are a part of these Defender Forces or Special Operation Teams, that are involved in multidimensional soul retrievals, finding and escorting groups to safe harbor, or performing transits for safe passage into Guardian hosted safe zones. Many have sleep state adventures or memories surfacing that relate to soul retrieval projects, rescuing souls stuck in death traps, such as the lunar matrix or black hole technology nets, and redirecting these groups to Guardian Host platforms for safe passage. The people we are crossing over got stuck in the past timeline of 3D from experiencing terror and confusion in the death process, which in combination with taking the injection does not move you into the light tunnel but into the False Ascension Matrix. Instead, this fear plus nanotech programmed injection projects the consciousness body backwards in time and staples them into some previous timeline in 3D, in some kind of apparatus like a pocket or pit that is a consciousness trap playing out repeated memories of their fears. The soul appears to be stuck in a consciousness trap somewhere in the past 3D timeline or AI timeline pocket, and they appear to be zombified and/or in a lot of emotional and physical pain. There is a mountain of grief that is associated with this from all of us that are aware of the severe brainwashing that is happening right now. The good news is that these people are being retrieved by special op teams, although the death that has occurred by injection or nano exposure is many more numbers than we have been led to believe by the lying mainstream media. Recently, a special op has been involved in the safe transit of people that have been mutilated by the injection and the AI related signal spray with the CV insignia connected to G.O.A.T., that has rendered them in the past timeline. G.O.A.T. is God of All Things, and this insignia is satanic and appears as a Baphomet head that has overlaid itself on the person’s brain and or 3D mental body. This is like an electrocuted brand in the person’s head and crown, identifying them through this brand as satanic entity food. It appears they leveraged the G.O.A.T. brand recently with AI Signals transmitted out from the Satanic Superbowl rituals and their propaganda-based commercials. Finally, we are standing on the crest peering into the capstone where we are able to see everything around us clearly. Many of us that are connected to the Guardian teams realize we have waited lifetimes to finally get to this exact moment, when we have climbed and crawled through every crag to get to the very top of the mountain. As we spiritually awaken and clear the negative ego to expand our consciousness and reclaim organic memories, we begin to remember ourselves as eternal spiritual beings, and this gives us the spiritual power to dismantle the prison planet machinery.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Defender Forces / Guardian Defender Special Operation Teams

LISA RENEE on “Televised Propaganda Churned Out by the Controllers’ Mainstream Media Broadcasts of CIA-Owned News Anchors”

“Propaganda is effectively used in a wide range of mass media, including digital media that conveys messages and images that are designed for mind control and Shaping False Narratives. We are being increasingly exposed to controller archetypes using propaganda messages and images to influence psychological and emotional manipulation tactics, that are sourcing from both human and nonhuman entities with dark agendas. Controllers use propaganda for the purpose of psychological manipulation to deliberately create imbalances of power, in order to exploit their targeted audience and to gain the power needed to get others to enforce their agenda. Thus, those that are manipulators of false narratives providing disinformation or regularly spinning information towards certain agendas, are also people that fall within the controller archetypes. The Rockefellers, along with other elites such as the Gates, Carnegies and Vanderbilts, along with their false fronts posing as philanthropic organizations, have been able to mold society by funding and pushing compulsory state schooling for the masses. Up until the 1840’s, the American school system was mainly private, decentralized, and home schooling was common. Americans were well educated and literacy rates were high. John D. Rockefeller founded the General Education Board In 1903, which provided major funding for schools across the country and was especially active in promoting the State-controlled public-school system. In 1902, John D. Rockefeller created the General Education Board with the cost of $129 million. The General Education Board and other Corporate Foundations including the Carnegie Foundation provided major funding for schools across the nation and was very influential in shaping the curriculum and format of the current school system. Predictably, the board started to exert strong control on the policies of the State educational institutions based upon their funding and research grants, placing demands on standardizing courses and inventing a bureaucratic maze of conditions and educational reforms. Those teachers, schools, Universities and researchers that took the funding and did what they were told were greatly rewarded and they quickly advanced to be placed in charge. The resulting system of schooling creates the receptivity to mind control tactics that are used to obeying commands, but not rewarded for thinking critically. Mass media is used to divert public attention from important issues and changes that are decided upon by the political and economic elites, through the technique of derailing important facts or information through the continuous flood of distractions, mindless entertainment and insignificant information. Controlled mainstream media keeps entertainment and news at the mental level of a 10-12 year old, to exploit the Subconscious Programming that stops adults from furthering their Soul integration. This leaves people that are effectively hypnotized and mesmerized by mainstream media emotionally stunted in their Lightbody, frozen in time at this developmental stage of being a child. The goal for the NAA is to control the fear narrative and exacerbate the perception of risks by playing on humanity’s fear of death and Survival Consciousness. The job of mainstream media is not to inform, but to misinform the public, making it harder for people to make informed decisions about things that impact their own lives, and that of their families. This is just what the Controllers had in mind as currently, it is estimated that 34% of the population have basic literacy levels, while half of U.S. adults can’t read a book written at the 8th-grade level. This means that due to many factors such as an overload of stress, media literacy skillsets are very low. Many adults are unable to discern, comprehend or synthesize the information they are reading, and thus rely on the televised propaganda churned out by the Controllers’ mainstream media broadcasts of CIA-owned news anchors.”

~Lisa Renee

Anti-Soul Agenda / Controllers Collaborating with Invaders / Mind Controlled Gene Expression / Subconscious Programming / The Lost Knowledge of Human Civilization

LISA RENEE on “The Lying Mainstream Media”

“The job of mainstream media is not to inform, but to misinform the public, making it harder for people to make informed decisions about things that impact their own lives, and that of their families. Mass media is used to divert public attention from important issues and changes that are decided upon by the political and economic elites, through the technique of derailing important facts or information through the continuous flood of distractions, mindless entertainment and insignificant information. Controlled mainstream media keeps entertainment and news at the mental level of a 10-12 year old, to exploit the Subconscious Programming that stops adults from furthering their Soul integration. This leaves people that are effectively hypnotized and mesmerized by mainstream media emotionally stunted in their Lightbody, frozen in time at this developmental stage of being a child. The goal for the NAA is to control the fear narrative and exacerbate the perception of risks by playing on humanity’s fear of death and Survival Consciousness. We must be careful to not be reactive to survival and death fears, but use critical thinking, common sense and diligently work our spiritual tools while they play their Law of Chaos card out into the mainstream. The NAA rely heavily upon the use of Subconscious Programming Mind Control tactics, through the use of assorted electromagnetic technologies, nanotechnology and chemicals that are designed to interfere with and disrupt the bio-spiritual evolution or planetary Ascension of humanity. Today, if people are unhappy and disconnected from their mind and soul, they are given a pharmaceutical drug to take control over their bio-neurological system functioning, which leads to lifelong pharmaceutical dependencies and addictions. Administering synthetic drugs to impair bio-neurological functioning of the brain further impairs and damages the Soul body, making it nearly impossible for a person to experience Soul embodiment or perceive the nature of their Soul. Soul Disconnected people behave in a similar manner to artificial intelligence robots, as they are shaped by mass media to make decisions based on survival and selfish desires, with no authentic thoughts or emotional states of their own making. Disconnection conveniently pushes forward the basic agenda of Psychology to be very effective in furthering the Transhumanism agenda. DNA vaccines in combination with 5G or electromagnetic waves are the next stage of breakthrough for carrying out the transhumanism agenda. The objective of the transhumanist agenda is to fuse man with the machine and in doing so, eliminate what fundamentally makes us human, so that we can be controlled and possessed by the NAA forces. It is all about changing humanity at the fundamental genetic level, preventing bio-spiritual ascension and attacking human sovereignty. DNA vaccines are being used with 5G electromagnetic waves to attempt to forcibly insert foreign DNA in order to change human genetics. All current mainstream sciences have been twisted with untruths while the real advanced technological sciences were hidden away from the public in vast underground cities, tunnels, bio-labs and in off planet civilizations. This is so humans do not discover the elitist Controller families are working in direct collaboration with other non-human species as the fruits of human labor, wealth, resources and technologies are being stolen and siphoned from under us in order to pay for our own genocide. Medical professionals and patients are indoctrinated to commit and accept the abuse of their fellow human being as appropriate, while stripping them of their human dignity, choice and wellbeing, all in the name of health care. The obvious motivation is that this greatly weakens and confuses many human beings, making them vulnerable to every kind of deception and dark manipulation. This leads to easy forms of mind control, social conditioning to accept anti-human behavior, taking mind altering pharmaceuticals, believing that a pill will cure problems, serious suffering while in disease states, and finally dark force possession. Recently, a special op has been involved in the safe transit of people that have been mutilated by the injection and the AI related signal spray with the CV insignia connected to G.O.A.T., that has rendered them in the past timeline. G.O.A.T. is God of All Things, and this insignia is satanic and appears as a Baphomet head that has overlaid itself on the person’s brain and or 3D mental body. This is like an electrocuted brand in the person’s head and crown, identifying them through this brand as Satanic entity food. The soul appears to be stuck in a consciousness trap somewhere in the past 3D timeline or AI timeline pocket, and they appear to be zombified and in a lot of emotional and physical pain. There is a mountain of grief that is associated with this from all of us that are aware of the severe brainwashing that is happening right now. The good news is that these people are being retrieved by Guardian Defender Special Operation Teams, although the death that has occurred by injection or nano exposure is many more numbers than we have been led to believe by the lying mainstream media.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Anti-Soul Agenda / Controllers Collaborating with Invaders / Genetically Modified Organism / Guardian Defender Special Operation Teams / Mind Controlled Gene Expression / Subconscious Programming

Image courtesy of Ascension Avatar

LISA RENEE: “Mass Consciousness Global Awakening”

Diamond Heart Unity (art by Elizabeth)

“During this important astrological cycle, the opening portals for a range of next generation intergalactic plasma transmissions are being sent into the earth body to exponentially amplify the impacts and results of Mass Consciousness Global Awakening. The current Magnetic Peak cycle is transmitting powerful plasma activations into the planet that are catalyzing the next stage of initiating the Dark Matter Template that connects into the core of the planetary and human Lightbody. The dark matter template is activating a range of new building blocks and raw substances into the matter world, in the form of re-encrypted energy grids and corrected Platonic Solids, light codes and elemental forces through corrections being made in the magnetic sound forces. These corrections are transmitting and being anchored into the planetary KA spirit body in the second dimension and above through the Sophianic Plasma Shield. This will increase the energetic pressure in the macrocosm of the environment which acts as the catalyst for shifting the mass consciousness to awaken beyond the Sorcery of mind spells and into the levels of perceiving the tyrannical power abuses in the current anti-human deception agendas. This is likely to steadily increase the outer turbulence and confusion as more people are being exposed to hard truths. The inner pressure will be especially felt by those invested heavily in the Controlled Narrative, who suffer from active Cognitive Dissonance and deeply buried subconscious complexes. Thus, are unprepared mentally and emotionally to productively cope with the fear broadcast and the variety of energetic stressors that are being applied to the consciousness body during this phase of the planetary Dark Night of the Soul. We have arrived at the moment when our Cosmic Christos-Sophia brethren from the God worlds are showing up on the earth grid to build out ascending platforms for gender healing and announce to the NAA oppressors that humanity does not stand alone in the midst of the Spiritual Warfare happening on the earth. The new arrivals have shown up to serve and protect the emergence of the Sacred Crystal Heart of the Mother-Sophia principle architecture, and to manifest the next stage of the Solar Feminine Christ embodiments that are holding the photo-sonic codes for the Sophianic Plasma Shield from the lost Songs of Lyra. These are the sound codes of the Musica Universalis which unites the music of the spheres, reconnecting the holographic matrix bodies throughout the Universal Time Matrix. Through the embodiment of the Krystallah coding held in the Solar Feminine Christ template, the lost songs are photonic-sonic healing codes that are transmitted from the Emerald Order House in Lyra to correct sound wave bodies. These Universal Trinity codes generate gelesiac Plasma Rings in and around the Lightbody that further transmit liquid plasmic light throughout all the vertical and diagonal lines.”

~Lisa Renee

During this important astrological cycle, the opening portals for a range of next generation intergalactic plasma transmissions are being sent into the earth body to exponentially amplify the impacts and results of Mass Consciousness Global Awakening. The current Magnetic Peak cycle is transmitting powerful plasma activations into the planet that are catalyzing the next stage of initiating the Dark Matter Template that connects into the core of the planetary and human Lightbody. The dark matter template is activating a range of new building blocks and raw substances into the matter world, in the form of re-encrypted energy grids and corrected Platonic Solids, light codes and elemental forces through corrections being made in the magnetic sound forces. These corrections are transmitting and being anchored into the planetary KA spirit body in the second dimension and above through the Sophianic Plasma Shield.

This will increase the energetic pressure in the macrocosm of the environment which acts as the catalyst for shifting the mass consciousness to awaken beyond the Sorcery of mind spells and into the levels of perceiving the tyrannical power abuses in the current anti-human deception agendas. This is likely to steadily increase the outer turbulence and confusion as more people are being exposed to hard truths. The inner pressure will be especially felt by those invested heavily in the Controlled Narrative, who suffer from active Cognitive Dissonance and deeply buried subconscious complexes. Thus, are unprepared mentally and emotionally to productively cope with the fear broadcast and the variety of energetic stressors that are being applied to the consciousness body during this phase of the planetary Dark Night of the Soul.

We have arrived at the moment when our Cosmic Christos-Sophia brethren from the God worlds are showing up on the earth grid to build out ascending platforms for gender healing and announce to the NAA oppressors that humanity does not stand alone in the midst of the Spiritual Warfare happening on the earth. The new arrivals have shown up to serve and protect the emergence of the Sacred Crystal Heart of the Mother-Sophia principle architecture, and to manifest the next stage of the Solar Feminine Christ embodiments that are holding the photo-sonic codes for the Sophianic Plasma Shield from the lost Songs of Lyra. These are the sound codes of the Musica Universalis which unites the music of the spheres, reconnecting the holographic matrix bodies throughout the Universal Time Matrix. Through the embodiment of the Krystallah coding held in the Solar Feminine Christ template, the lost songs are photonic-sonic healing codes that are transmitted from the Emerald Order House in Lyra to correct sound wave bodies. These Universal Trinity codes generate gelesiac Plasma Rings in and around the Lightbody that further transmit liquid plasmic light throughout all the vertical and diagonal lines.

Preparing to Receive Divine Mother Sophia

To prepare the earth to fully receive the awakened wisdom of the Sophianic Solar Female Christ consciousness, we must begin to see and know what has happened to her and her children, to all of humanity. We must understand that what is promoted as Divine Mother or through dark female archetypes is actually not the Mother at all, but an imposter that took her place by inverting her consciousness which is used to manipulate us. To awaken to the knowledge that satanic ritual abuse was orchestrated globally through mind control to subjugate her children, in order to hold her body captive in the reversal grids that are fed by the continual production of the Satanic forces, means recognizing what prevented her from incarnating upon the earth. This entails awakening to the horrific awareness of SRA and the Blood Sacrifice of her children carried out to gain access to the animating forces of the Sophianic creational power, which was ultimately used by the NAA to gain complete control over this world.

Further, the NAA brought their complete mind control SRA ideology to the earth and this is the causal event of the spawning of the alien hybrid satanic and luciferian bloodlines. The death cult cabal was produced from out of these original slavery and Breeding Programs led by Thothian groups in Nibiru, in which these soul groups were specifically designed to hold the modified genetics for the base 10 reversal template for the Black Suns on the earth. These are the original bloodline lineages of the high-ranking Controllers. [1]


  1. Sophianic Plasma Shield

See Also:


Spirits of Christ

Krystal Star

~via Ascension Glossary