KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “January 22, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Krystal explores Greenville, a Friendly City in the US, and Grace from Belgium shares the vibrant spirit of the Filipino Community. In New Earth News: we are learning about Off Planet Remote Viewing; Yard Work for Credit; and other topics! In World News: China Stock Decline; Nigerians No Electricity; Berlin Rental Market; Swedish Citizens Stop Smoking; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings (Kim’s report begins at the 37:00 mark).

~via United Network News

‘MUST-WATCH’!!! ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “January 19, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Susan explores an Art Exhibition in Japan, and Florian enjoys Ski Mountaineering in Austria. In New Earth News: we are learning about Good Reasons for Saying No; Library of Things; and other topics! In World News: Ireland Public Sector Strike; Argentina High Inflation; Comoros Night Curfew; Australia Blackouts; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

Kim & Tom discuss the issuance & circulation of ‘funny money’ by the Order of the Black Dragon’:

(KIM): “So this has been going on for a long time. Remember, the Order of the Black Suns’ job is, quote unquote — ‘Global Security’ (winces). Not really, not. Not to OUR favor. Security for the Elites, and the financial and a number of other sectors were handled by the Order of the Dragon — which is no longer the case, either. So then after the pallets of cash started to fail, they moved into these these Iraqi ‘dinar’ — and they started paying everyone from ISIS to the Taliban to Blackwater, to all the operatives, to you know, countries and this, and ‘these new dinar that are gonna revaluate’ you know, and that kind of started to go to the wayside a few years ago, which is why they introduced — now the currency of the Underworld was the US Treasury (bit)coin — so ‘digital currency’. And they started giving that to everybody. And everybody worked and worked and worked you know, for these wallets that just never came to fruition… don’t forget ‘Trump Bucks’. Zelensky even has Trump Bucks — if he could cash them in. And then they started scamming people out of money, the same group of people — I know people are gonna have a heart attack when I say Bush, AND TRUMP — are in the same group of people with the Clintons — there’s videos all over the place of him (Trump) supporting the Clintons and being at events, and galas and what not with the Clintons. But Tom am I right here?”

(TOM): “No, you’re absolutely right. Coming from that world, I could tell you they —- just like all of the major corporations of the world — all the Elitist families are interlinked, bred into, utilized. Utilized, because now they have something on everybody. It’s all interlinked. From Trump’s family lineage to Bush’s family lineage, and Rothschild — all of them are interlinked in some way. It’s sad, because we were never told any of this. And so, quite in essence, we have to change everything. Just scrap it all and start again. Because there is nobody out there that you can trust. Nobody — because they just want to continue with — “The Narrative”.

(KIM): “Right. And the only difference here in my opinion, between Trump and Bush is that Bush was a little better if a liar, to get people to work. Because you know Trump was so arrogant, he put his face on currency and talked about Federal Reserve cards and ‘Trump’ this and ‘Trump’ that you know, and then you know, had said they were gonna be cashable in the future — a day ending with ‘y’ — in the future. Just keep goin’ operatives — just keep goin’. Just keep goin’, everyday average folk who bought into it and bought those cards, and bought those bucks…”

Kim & Tom ~ January 19, 2024

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings (Kim’s report begins at the 37:00 mark).

~via United Network News

MUST SEE!!! ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “January 17, 2024 World Situation Report”

Ascension Avatar note: As a rule, I selectively provide links to site sources that have a track record of posting only TRUE news and updates; in that sense I regret having to use Nicole Morgan’s site for a link to this video, since I feel she basically posts whatever will be popular and generate viewership, whether it is truthful OR controlled-opposition propaganda. Fortunately for humanity and for the sake of our planet, planetary Guardian Alliance steward/host Kim gives us the TRUTH we all deserve to know!

On politicians:

“Again, I’m going to repeat myself — they are actors in a movie. They are actors in a movie. They may be arrogant, rude, disgusting humans in some cases as we’ve seen in some videos circulating around the internet — from politicians not only from the United States, but from China to Russia to the Middle East — we’ve seen it all, you know. We KNOW the rituals, we KNOW what happens. But right now — it’s gonna stop at the OPERATIVES level — because the OPERATIVES are the ones that provide them with the CHILDREN. The OPERATIVES are the ones that arrange for all the deals that are being made. Davos here is no exception. Operatives at Davos are in for a REAL TREAT today. And have BEEN in for a real treat. SO — there’s no backing down now. There’s no going backwards.”

~Kimberly Goguen ~ January 17, 2024

Comment from the thread:

“When will she release the Trump child birthday party sacrifice video? Look what Princess Diana missed… But Barron was there… He got to watch his dad eat-consume a little girl… along with all his elite globalist ghoul friends.”


(Kim’s report begins @ 41:00 mark)

~via United Network News





Snide and sarcastic; usually out of irritation, often humorously.

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

Comments from the thread

“Non-compliance! Yeah! That is the way! Love your snark, Peggy! You rock!!!!”

“Another Xcellent Xpose!!”

“I love it when you connect the dots. Your communication skills are extraordinary.”

“I would encourage everyone to listen to what Peggy is saying about NOT complying. Not only don’t comply, but don’t put your life in the hands of these doctors and nurses. In March 2020, my dearest friend Nora made the horrible mistake of going to the hospital. They vented her. When they couldn’t figure out how to get her off the vent, they gave her a tracheotomy. Then her kidneys failed (one ‘side effect’ of being on a ventilator). They sent her from Southeastern Michigan to a hospital in Toledo Ohio where she could be put on dialysis. While she was there the nurse (our heroes) put her feeding tube in wrong and she died of septic shock! Of course her death certificate said the main cause of her demise was cooties. The heroic nurses and doctors MURDERED her! I suppose that she was counted as a cooties death in Michigan and Ohio! These leaders and ‘health care professionals’ are insane! Trust God and His creation natural foods and substances like herbs and essential oils and not the poison of big pharma!”

“God doesn’t make mistakes… Thank you Peggy for all of your time and energy to wake people up.

“Their obsession with anything X is so cringe. These ‘controllers’ are so laughable outside their obvious and continuous assault on humanity.”

“They know what they spraying — then they know what X is. Very simple. Too bad majority of people keep looking for acorns so they never know what is above.”

“X is one of their favorite designs they do with the chemtrails!”

“New variant BS 24/7 loved it ♥️

~via The Healthy American Peggy Hall

‘LETTER FROM LISA RENEE’ regarding “The Collective Awakening Event”

“Dear Ascending Family, As we enter phases of the breakdown in society as it is currently happening, it means that the energetic fields get more destabilized and the outer conflicts and chaos increases. Many people are unaware that humanity is in an active spiritual war taking place on multiple fronts. There is an active spiritual war being waged against humanity by nonhuman controllers extending to off planet conflicts and the parking lot of ET crafts sitting in the Kuiper Belt. Some of these groups are strong-arming the nations in western cultures to collapse democratic or libertarian based ideologies that support individual sovereignty in order to fall into the globalist slavery system of Collectivism via the One World Order’sdirected Techno-Totalitarianism. There are strange and unusual occurrences happening on these multiple dimensions of the planetary chess board. These hidden events bring the high strangeness in determining what if any of these energetic impacts will be manifested on our timeline or will those conflicts be neutralized and rendered invisible. I define neutralization of impacts to be that event or destruction that occurs during a false flag type of operation which goes under the radar in so that the majority of the population does not see or know what is happening. Most of us in this community should realize that we do not have an operating news media at this time. The mainstream sources of news are fully controlled Propaganda machines run in coordination with military intelligence run by the Controller groups. This makes this time very difficult because we are being weakened by not having access to current information or knowing the position of hot warfare when it is being carried out. As an example, sadly, all the statistics we are given about the bio-weapon pysops are largely manipulated and skewed making it nearly impossible to tell what is what. Over the last few weeks or so, something else has been escalated in what feels to be some kind of strategic actions that are connected to some level of military grade operation. I am not an insider nor have any connection to the military, but I can sense that there are military operations being enacted to another defensive stage on the East coast, and what I can define as strategic chess moves occurring in the midst of these end time battles. The battle is spiritual, as well as psychological, and as many of us may attest, the level of evil trickery, gaslighting and lies being told to the masses are beyond anything we can adequately describe in words. In the distance, March Equinox phases over the next few years are hovering as the milestone point in the timeline which opens up directions in which many of us can begin to move forward with our lives with The Collective Awakening Event. For many of us right now, it feels that we are being held hostage in a strange situation of wait and see, held in void of nothingness, some of us may feel isolated, imprisoned and immobile while many people around us still do not register that we are in an active spiritual war that is raging against everything that is authentically human. As it has been mentioned several times, this is the time when we will suffer casualties in this war. People, place and things can come apart at the seams, because they have no idea what is happening, and they are believing the propaganda streams of lies and deceit. If we walk into the line of fire, we can get seriously hurt or be taken out. It does appear that when the time comes for the change and tipping point in the collective it will have basic themes, and those themes are presenting this week as being escalated, so I am sharing this with you now. Many times the Controllers take advantage of holidays and weekends to carry out operations that they hide from the public. Those that are supporting humanity, we can call them white hats, also tend to use holidays or long weekends to enact some kind of strategic operation, they are well aware of Satanic holidays, full moons, and other ritualistic days. This year end with the holiday season feels to have much more weight behind it, with current operations happening in the field right now. There is a lot of military from multiple countries involved in a series of war games and supposed drills. This stage is wholly unpredictable, it is not possible to predict exact timing of collective events in the zero point no time spaces. Only God knows when this is happening, and it is in divine timing of a plan, we are not abandoned and we are not losing the war, although it can appear this way. The biggest challenge we all have is the immense grief of those people we love and care for being taken in by the darkness deceit and lies, and that many hurt themselves when believing these lies. Although when and if they leave their body it will be in a much better space as it will be a briefing life review and release of the mind control suffered on this reality plane. At this point, it is hard to tell what can be enacted to neutralize the effects of the bio-weapon, as we are seeing many benevolent actions and clearings happening en masse. I feel this is to prevent large die off of the injected population, but unsure of how much can be neutralized and what needs to happen as many souls will choose to leave. The tipping point of shifting can happen anywhere between now and ongoing during the height of the Timeline Wars, which will be an big global type of event of some sort that is dramatic, cannot be hidden and the mainstream population will see it and know it. Once it is out the genie cannot be put back in the bottle, so to speak. Some heating up is happening now with this event. This is the important phase of the falling dominoes and wild cards, and noting that the Controllers have been doing all they can to hide the truth, subvert this benevolent agenda, re-direct and distract the masses so they will not figure out what is happening and who is behind all of the divide and conquer and bioweapon psyops. Those of us that can still think in the fog of war can see clearly the injection symptoms are the promoted variants. Themes that may or may not present themselves as a BIG EVENT between now and ongoing: Surreal global events, such as declaring wars with other countries (This will be mostly for show out of desperation if they pull this out, know that there will not be any type of nuclear event); Smaller false flag operations, black military intelligence run terrorism for distraction and cover; Collapsing of western financial markets and currency; Awareness that many more people have been killed by the bio weapon injection than we are being told. They have been hiding deaths, and cataloguing who has received which vaccine lots (Genocide will be known and those involved ultimately prosecuted by tribunal. 5D benevolent groups were notified of human genocide violations recently, they are deciding what to do about that); Sudden implementation of new technologies or radical changes that impact society as we know it; Fall of mainstream media and invasion and/or breakdown of Israel. It may be important to note here that I am not political, since my youth I have despised politics in a satanic corrupt system, and thus we do not vote. We both despise the intentional harming and torturing of humans and life forms. My information comes from field work from over 20 years when reluctantly asked to look at world events in energetic terms so that I can see what is happening in detail and help the Cosmic Founders when they ask. I was rudely awakened by them to correct my thinking when they told me that the US Constitution is energetically linked to the Law of One, the natural laws of God. They made it clear that it is for that reason, the US is important strategically in this spiritual warfare as well as global warfare against the Controller’s — these are the handpicked bloodlines and aliens working at the top of the pyramid of global control. We must remember that many of these people running this NAA agenda look human but they are not, they are the ones put in control by their superiors to farm humanity for their kind. As miserable as it can be at this time watching the harm and devastation that is happening in the world at large, and the fact humanity will have to recover from PTSD from all that has happened plus living through a real time Genocide. Humanity does prevail in a much better timeline where the truth is able to be spoken and we regain our freedoms when emerging into a completely new version of this reality system. As we hit the holiday season, it can get stressful and the outer events will seem even more crazy, if that is even possible! Thus, do your best to not take the negativity inside your heart, and keep your focus on spiritually strengthening yourself, asking for guidance and acting upon it, setting intentions for how to be of service after we go through this BIG EVENT. As the society breaks down some of us are slowly building our personal pieces to prepare for what is coming, and how we can best be of service to support humanity. This may be as simple as picking up pieces of broken family relationships, or helping people understand these changes and what is happening on the Earth during the Ascension Cycle. Some will not be willing to change, and that means they will have to be let go, as there will be no going back — it is adapt to the changes or time to leave. This is a complicated topic of which I have spoken about in snippets through many different classes or newsletters, but many here that are newer may not have heard or read the previous information. Please do not allow fear into your mind over this information, it is the time to clear fear, quiet your mind, and develop your relationship with God and Christos. Connect with those things that make you laugh, feel loving and grateful, as well as focusing on things that hold deep meaning inside your heart. God and our beloved Christos family have our back, they are working very hard at our side, and there are many mysterious things happening that are blessings to help us all potentially experience miracles. Do not succumb to the fear based narratives of what it looks like on the outer, as it is not the truth! There are many good and positive things happening for humanity that we cannot see on the outer yet. It will come in divine timing, and this shift will bring us to explore a new society so we will need to be flexible, adaptable, and connected to our heart and God’s holy spirit. Your intention to connect with God and have a good loving heart is enough, use common sense, listen to your loving inner Christos spirit and do not give up — we are almost there!

~Love and GSF, Lisa Renee

~via The Collective Awakening Event