DAVID ICKE: “The Fake and Deeply Corrupt Cult-Owned Fraudulent President Biden to Raise Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour — Sounds Good but Look Deeper — It’s Another Effort to Destroy Desperate Small Businesses to Benefit the Cult-Owned Corporations”



~via David Icke

‘MUST WATCH’! Ryan Cristian: “Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force Clearly Has Just One Job — To Control The Propaganda Narrative”

Ryan Cristian (The Last American Vagabond) breaks down the awkward propaganda-narrative script from Trump’s “Chinese Virus” Task Force…



~via The Last American Vagabond

A NEW ‘COLLUSION’ THEORY ~ Brabantian: “Is the Coronavirus a Chinese-Chabad Co-Production?”

“There are 13 ‘Chabad Houses’ in China. Could the real story be secret US-China collusion? After all, there is a ‘Chabad hotline’ between Beijing China Chabad, and the Washington DC Chabad attended by President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner (Trump is a self-acknowledged student of Cabala i.e. Satanism, genocide of goyim). As to ‘who’ launched this bio-weapon, you can take your pick amidst the ‘sides’ in global politics.”



The COVID-19 Coronavirus plague underway — hinting at a repeat of the 1918-20 ‘Spanish flu’ which killed between 1%-5% of the world population — is arguably a bio-weapon, perhaps designed to lower life expectancy in Western countries to not much more than the retirement age.

This is possibly one of the major goals of ‘Project COVID-19’, along with setting the stage for more draconian political controls, and accelerating the implementation of a New World Order.

There are 13 ‘Chabad Houses’ in China. Could the real story be secret US-China collusion? After all, there is a ‘Chabad hotline’ between Beijing China Chabad, and the Washington DC Chabad attended by President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner (Trump is a self-acknowledged student of Cabala i.e. Satanism, genocide of goyim).

As to ‘who’ launched this bio-weapon, you can take your pick amidst the ‘sides’ in global politics.

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian tweeted that, “It might be the US Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan”, and Veterans Today agrees, recalling how in October 2019, the US brought hundreds of so-called ‘military athletes’ and other personnel to Wuhan China for the World Military Games.

Or, you can delve into the story of Chinese corona virus researchers Dr Xiangguo Qiu and her husband Dr Keding Cheng, who had been affiliated with Canada’s top-level National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, linked to other researchers from places in China including Wuhan. Some suggest these ‘Chinese agents’ could have transported a deadly weapons-grade virus to the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan.


But could the real story be secret US-China collusion? After all, there is a ‘Chabad hotline’ between Beijing China Chabad, and the Washington DC Chabad attended by Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Elites in China and the USA share common interests in:

(1) Distracting from profound economic and unpayable-debt problems in both nations.

(2) Achieving higher levels of control and intimidation of their populations.

(3) Reducing the strain on national budgets from pensioners, now living much longer after exiting the labour force.


When late 1800s Germany introduced modern worker pensions, the average lifespan was only a couple of years beyond retirement age — a worker retiring at age 65 was beating the odds if he lived past age 67.

But with life expectancy now hovering close to age 80, and end-of-life medical costs skyrocketing, a big problem is at hand, especially when added to social benefits for other and younger people.

Also, NWO cabal controllers know how ‘dangerous’ some retired people are, with some in this age group being dedicated truthers. When a person has no fear of losing job or clients, he can speak more freely, and this un-nerves the NWO cabal.

Running Covid-19 pandemic statistics and data, Anatoly Karlin points out that we have plausible scenarios where, life expectancy can again reduce to the 66-67 age range, thus ‘saving’ retirement and social benefit funds


The ‘Spanish flu’ that ran nearly 3 years in 1918-1920, killing tens of millions, ran in several phases. Those who can create a virus bio-weapon, can likely also unleash waves of new virus strains to revive or even ‘adjust’ the plague to targeted populations.

In 1918-1920, the ‘Spanish flu’ killed millions of young and healthy people. Strangely, Covid-19 at first seemed to target the elderly with near exclusivity. Early on it seemed that under age 60, there was only about a 1% or so chance of dying if you were infected, whereas those over age 80 had a 1 out of 6 chance of death… the literal level of ‘Russian roulette’.

But now, after many young people gloated that they were ‘immune’ to the ‘boomer doomer’ or ‘boomer remover’ we suddenly have articles about how many recent COVID-19 intensive care patients are under age 60. Is it possible a new strain of the virus has been released, to create terror amidst the young as well?

A time of plague and looking death in the eye, is a time to reflect on life itself, and how love is our window into something more powerful than death.




~via HenryMakow.com

‘EPSTEIN-BIZARRE’ UPDATE ~ “Government Claims Prison Cell Footage Does Not Exist”


~via The Hill

‘EPSTEIN-BIZARRE’ UPDATE ~ Forensic Pathologist Trashes Epstein’s ‘Death By Suicide’ Ruling — Ligature Marks Show ‘Death By ‘Homocide'”




~via David Icke