LISA RENEE: “Traumas and Parasites”

Traumas can generate pathways in the body for various energy parasites and unhealthy spiritual attachments, that can form into energy cords, appendages and tributaries that feed into the same internal wounds of that energetic trauma that further generate miasmas. In higher sensory vision, trauma blockages can appear like a black energy octopus with many tentacles spreading out in different directions in the person ‘s energy field. The blockage or implant can be sensed as having formed from a core trauma event in the individual’s timeline, with several lines of dark energy moving throughout the layers of the body, so they are unconsciously being triggered into playing out painful memories in their cellular record. Sometimes, this can appear to be like marionette strings on a puppet that are being manipulated by a dark entity attachment to incite painful reactions or addictions, that are being activated from certain emotional or mental triggers recorded in their memories. When those deep trauma wounds are in the person’s body and there are cords connected to them, many times they also are connected to artificial mind control programs being broadcast that are specific to the current narrative pushed in the 3D belief systems. Traumas are spiritual wounds which drastically deteriorate the overall lightbody strength and have been designed in the anti-soul culture to increase parasitic exploitation. Unfortunately, negative entities and controlling types that are inherently predatorial, aggressively take advantage of others that they perceive to be weaker as a result of these internalized traumas. What can happen is that the unhealed traumatic wound attracts an extradimensional entity or negative disincarnate that is vibrating at the same frequency level of the stored pain, which then attaches to that trauma wound located within that individual. The stronger the internal environment is for vibrating to the harmonic frequency resonance of the soul, monad and avatar self, the stronger the lightbody becomes to repel parasites and demonic forces from siphoning and staying attached to the body.”

~Lisa Renee

Traumas can generate pathways in the body for various energy parasites and unhealthy spiritual attachments, that can form into energy cords, appendages and tributaries that feed into the same internal wounds of that energetic trauma that further generate miasmas. In higher sensory vision, trauma blockages can appear like a black energy octopus with many tentacles spreading out in different directions in the person ‘s energy field. The blockage or implant can be sensed as having formed from a core trauma event in the individual’s timeline, with several lines of dark energy moving throughout the layers of the body, so they are unconsciously being triggered into playing out painful memories in their cellular record. Sometimes, this can appear to be like marionette strings on a puppet that are being manipulated by a dark entity attachment to incite painful reactions or addictions, that are being activated from certain emotional or mental triggers recorded in their memories. Many times, these strings of attachment appear to be wrapped or embedded around sections of the fascia and are stimulating emotional workings or traumatic injury components connected to a core spiritual wound.

When those deep trauma wounds are in the person’s body and there are cords connected to them, many times they also are connected to artificial mind control programs being broadcast that are specific to the current narrative pushed in the 3D belief systems. What can happen is that the unhealed traumatic wound attracts an extradimensional entity or negative disincarnate that is vibrating at the same frequency level of the stored pain, which then attaches to that trauma wound located within that individual. Within this destructive parasitic relationship, the individual’s mind and body will start to adjust to the negative patterning of the entity as normalized behavior, and then the fascia will begin to reflect the same patterning, which starts to break down the distribution of life force energy at the cell to cell communication level.

Thus, healing the fascia network plays an integral role in all levels of trauma healing and pain regulation, whether from accumulative emotional events, from physical injury, inflammation, accumulative toxicity or from attachments like energetic parasites. The collagen fibers in the connective tissue of the fascia also play an active role in transferring intelligent energy between and among the muscles and the skeletal structure, which unify together to act as a harmonic frequency resonator throughout the bodily crystalline matrices. The stronger the internal environment is for vibrating to the harmonic frequency resonance of the soul, monad and avatar self, the stronger the lightbody becomes to repel parasites and demonic forces from siphoning and staying attached to the body.

The mind, emotions and body are deeply interconnected through bio-neurology, as the fascia tends to hold the unresolved emotional or physical trauma recorded in the bodily tissues, which may lock down certain patterns of negative thinking and destructive behaviors that attract negative entities. When repeated cycles of negative conditioning result from unhealed trauma wounds, this accumulates in layers upon layers of negative emotional content, growing the internal blockage so that person may struggle to control their automatic impulses that have been set up as involuntary traumatic reactions. Unfortunately, negative entities and controlling types that are inherently predatorial, aggressively take advantage of others that they perceive to be weaker as a result of these internalized traumas. Traumas are spiritual wounds which drastically deteriorate the overall lightbody strength and have been designed in the anti-soul culture to increase parasitic exploitation. [1]


  1. Fascia Crystalline Network

See Also:

Physiology of Fear



Psycho-Emotional Healing

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “12D Purification and Calibration Set Code for Crucifixion Implant Removal”


Beloved Holy Presence of God: Please open all channels of light, clear all light fibers to be fully connected and resonant with the Living Light Code.

From this Still Point of my Wholeness in manifest decision, I Decree in Sovereign Knowing, here expressed at my Command the Divine Will and Intention of the One Self-God Self. 

Set Space:

I call Upon my Group Avatar Christ, The Guardians and Aurora Races, aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of God’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.

Quick connect to 12D Hub:

North, South, East, West, and in the Earth, Sky and  into my Heart: I ask to direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Wholeness. I AM Impenetrable and Invincible. I ask the Krystal Guardian Forces to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which I Serve.

I ask my Christos Avatar to return all codes, fire letters, and the jewels, wings, energies and parts of bodies that have been misdirected and return them now to the Rightful Owner in the name of Self Sovereignty herein stated and commanded into presence now.  We invalidate the beings by commanding a full dissolution and dissolve into the One Source God Source Light through Forgiveness and Forgetfulness. Completely Heal and Seal the personal Auric Field from any further intrusion. Return all energies and essences that were in divine right order now. I call back all that is my self sovereign god power and right. I call in my personal Genetic Technicians and Ascension teams to support me in fulfilling this command.

I ask now God Force and Guardians, Higher Self Councils to administer the CORE SOUL PROTECTION PACKAGE to the Multidimensional Identities, Ancestral Identities and those Attached seeking the Release of this Dispensation at this Moment of self, Fully, Completely and totally, through all Parallel Realities and existences. Through the order of Mother Arc, open the portal to establish the passage to escort all ancestral identities, all fragments to their proper time and space vector, cleansed in the Cosmic Christos Light Source.

In the Zero Point Field and Unity Consciousness: I Command my Presence of Perfection in One Source Light. Cleanse all of the Ancestral or Miasmatic Record through my human Holographic record, through my Families of Origin and throughout the planetary interface records of cellular memory. Reinstate my Divine blueprint record to all layers of my Family of Origin to be Unified in the truth vibration, liberated, sovereign and free now. I request the complete removal of all lower formed energies or misqualified vibrations from my individual and group identities present. Terminate and Remove All imbalanced matrices, devices or structures all At once. Transmute all manipulation energies into Neutral Association through the Zero Point.

As the 12D Avatar and the Light of God that I am, I cancel all contracts and/or agreements I have made with any entity, Guide, or ___________, in this timeline or in any reality, that were not in my highest alignment and expression of my Light Source in the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. I terminate all false matrices or illusions that may have obscured my highest soul purpose and soul mission, in past, present and future timelines. I terminate redemptive vehicle and crucifixion contracts and their related phantom systems from impacting my consciousness and all of my 12 bodies. I further declare that the cancellation of all such contracts is to be irrevocable and permanent in all time frames and realities. I choose my perfection to stand in the Light and represent my full sovereignty and freedom for all human beings on this planet. I receive this Gift now as I will Share this Gift with all. All is One with the Light. I AM UNITY.

Universal Harmonics Alignment (Crucifixion Removal):

Beloveds Bring in the Universal Harmonics in an Oscillating Wave Format from the point 3 Feet above my head entirely saturating my Left Side, from top to bottom and releasing from my feet anything unneeded or unnecessary. Bring Waves from Top through the Bottom. I request the Removal of All Crucifixion patterns and their implants to be removed from my bodies in all areas, in the sequence necessary to support my optimization and Ascension. Terminate all inorganic and alien influences from this impacting my being in all of my bodies.

First – Left Side – Visualize the Gallbladder meridian filled up with Rainbow Rays of Aurora Pattern and releasing astral or gunky debris from the Temple to release all the way down the lateral side of my body and out of my small toe, or see the Waves moving through the 12 Tree Grid Lines on the Left side of my Female Aspect Body.

Second – Right Side – Visualize the Gallbladder meridian filled up with Rainbow Rays of Aurora Pattern and releasing astral or gunky debris from the Temple to release all the way down the lateral side of my body and out of my small toe, or see the Waves moving through the 12 Tree Grid Lines on the Right side of my Male Aspect Body.

Third – Center – The Sushumna or Hara line,Visualize a direct PERFECT Vertical Center Line in your Body. Correct the alignment of the vertical central column, align its axis perfectly calibrated to the main chakra cones and a diamond grid attunement. Phase Align into my Core Soul Being.

Last – Entire Body – Universal Harmonics in all Three Sections of vertical body as One large Wave Pattern. I spin and align the merge of my physical centers and layers to be perfectly synthesized into my highest spiritual bodies with harmony and perfection.

Open all Spiritual links and Cognition Upgrades in order and priority as God would have it be.

Reweave and reconnect, synchronize with light, open all pathways of communication between the template bodies and the 12th dimensional body that allow communication and direct cognition with my Christos spiritual family.

We call upon all Biological Encodements of the Christ Blueprint Body, The EUKA-KRIST, The Silicate matrix DNA Template activations to install the Transharmonic Pillars of Eternal Living Light Source.

Upgrade, Download, Recalibrate Etheric Nadis, Electro magnetic Battery Body and the KA Body to the new spiritual link communication download connections.

Activate all Energy receivers in our divine Lightbody, the Apparthi receivers to be activated as appropiate for our service mission.

Reconnect and axiatonally align all of my etheric axiatonal and meridian Channels to the New Earth Frequency Hubs Axiatonal lines, in order of priority as necessary for my ascension. Align and open the handshake to the Home Soul Frequency through my Starseed Identity matrices in the hubs. Recalibrate, Synchronize and Align my field to my Monadic Families and my Star Lineages.

I ask for any axiatonal line or etheric nadial upgrades needed now for the optimum functioning and comfort of my bio-energy field and for activating all spiritual links of communication that are outside the scope of my request or understanding. Download all cognitive upgrades needed for the clearest communication and comprehension or translation of language or light codes and that which serves our current spiritual mission.

Permanently, Totally & Completely.


I State my Intention of Sovereignty:

I harmonize and Hold this space in the name of One Self God Self. As witness to One, I seal my declaration into the Light of Union and Wholeness in Service to the One Self.

Please take my agreements into completion through the Outer Levels, Mind Grid, DNA, Karmic Contract, Core Soul Level and Beyond.

Take this and record it through the Morphogenetic Field and subtle energy systems, all levels and components of our Group Being. Fully, Completely, Totally and Permanently. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Hologram. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Time Matrix.

Beloved Family, I thank you for this Opportunity. I open to all processes required to Align Fully To my Highest Soul Purposes. It is with great joy and reverence I am home in the Light! 

And So it is. I Seal and End this Request and Prayer into the Light of Wholeness and Union with One God Source.

Thank you.



“The Earth originally came from Tara which was a planet in the second Harmonic Universe that exploded and then imploded into a black hole, some of the fragments were pulled into the lower dimensions and became our planet and Solar System. Organic and naturally evolving Solar Systems that remain connected to the Center Point of All Union generally include 12 planets, including the Sun or Solar body. In the Earth’s Solar System, mainstream scientists have not recognized Nibiru and the planet Maldek which exploded a long time ago into the asteroid belt. 3D Earth is called Earth or Terra, 5D Earth is Called Tara and 7D earth is called Gaia. Different E.T. Races and extra dimensionals may call these future Earths by different names based on their language (such as Urantia). They are all planet Earth at different stages of evolution in the Timelines. The 5D planet Tara exploded millions of years ago and as a result, was sucked into a reversal black hole which fragmented the entire fifth dimensional planetary blueprint into 12 planetary bodies in our current third dimensional Solar System. This includes the 3D version of Earth we inhabit in this Time Vector of the Universal Time Matrix. These 12 planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Maldek, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Nibiru, and then the Sun star. Current science recognizes only eight planets of the twelve in our Solar System, along with the dwarf planet.”

~Lisa Renee

The Earth originally came from Tara which was a planet in the second Harmonic Universe that exploded and then imploded into a black hole, some of the fragments were pulled into the lower dimensions and became our planet and Solar System. Organic and naturally evolving Solar Systems that remain connected to the Center Point of All Union generally include 12 planets, including the Sun or Solar body. In the Earth’s Solar System, mainstream scientists have not recognized Nibiru and the planet Maldek which exploded a long time ago into the asteroid belt.

3D Earth is called Earth or Terra, 5D Earth is Called Tara and 7D earth is called Gaia. Different E.T. Races and extra dimensionals may call these future Earths by different names based on their language (such as Urantia). They are all planet Earth at different stages of evolution in the Timelines.

The 5D planet Tara exploded millions of years ago and as a result, was sucked into a reversal black hole which fragmented the entire fifth dimensional planetary blueprint into 12 planetary bodies in our current third dimensional Solar System. This includes the 3D version of Earth we inhabit in this Time Vector of the Universal Time Matrix. These 12 planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Maldek, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Nibiru, and then the Sun star. Current science recognizes only eight planets of the twelve in our Solar System, along with the dwarf planet.

Earth is a terrestrial planet, telluric planet, or rocky planet that is composed primarily of silicate rocks or metals. About 74% of the surface of Earth is covered by liquid or frozen water. Within the Solar System, the terrestrial planets are the inner planets closest to the Sun; Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

Covenant of Paliador

The original 12 Tribes were created as a part of the plan that became the Covenant of Paliador to rescue the lost Souls of Tara, which would be made easier to recover during the Ascension Cycle when the Halls of Amenti were opened. The Luciferian Covenant was formed as a result of the earlier war of the Luciferian Rebellion, which was designed to divide and conquer the human tribes through intruder alliances of the NAA. This was to ensure the inner stargates, the Sphere of Amenti, and the Arc Portal Passages would be effectively damaged in order to ensure the failure of the recovery mission known as the Covenant of Paliador.

See Also:

Root Race

Souls of Tara

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Override Pole Shift Catastrophe



And that was a part of what the reptilian threat was and a part of a timeline that we have now overridden, which was the Armageddon Software pole shift plan, which would be to clear the entire planet. That plan was coming from the change of the sun’s relationship to the earth. So they had control over this and we haven’t gotten a lot of information about it. But we’re understanding how this came to be in terms of their various agendas of trying to take over this planet, as a source of control and dominion of the energies. And whatever they want with it at the various levels, to take. So they were planning at one point, because as weird as the sounds, adjusting the trajectory of the planet’s relationship to the sun at the smallest degree, to obliterate life down here. So this was a part of this game that they were playing.

Now we are understanding that the sun and the moon have a relationship with earth, and a relationship with each other, as stellar body relationships that represent masculine and feminine principle. So when these distortions happen, meaning structures were used artificially to siphon and move energy fields in non-organic, inorganic directions. When this was achieved at certain levels, the harnessing of forces of energy beyond the earth meaning somehow solar energy harness lunar energy harness, and the effect of those fields upon planet earth. The sun is about the solar wind that actually brings protons into the Magnetosphere, which we understand is the logos of planet Earth.

So it’s like saying they were controlling the solar winds and that was about the magnetic field change. Because if the magnetic field was operating at a certain circumference and a certain radius and a certain aspect ratio, whatever that is, is allowing it to be brought through the core of the planet. Because what I’m seeing is a radius from the inner iron core going out into the magnetosphere, these were levels of the magnetic field that were being monitored or controlled within a certain parameter. And this was how they changed or were able to hijack the Planetary Logos.

When we understand the seventh dimension of the ultraviolet plane is the Magnetosphere, and beyond the stratosphere of our planet is the magnetosphere. And the magnetosphere is responsible for the collection of solar wind, which then generates proton to electron ratios. Meaning if there’s lots of solar wind generated I guess from certain activity of the sun itself, it’s captured within the magnetosphere and the ratio of proton electron is actually changed. And we know that the ratio of proton and electron is what creates a neutron. So it’s like saying something there was being capped off at a level where the magnetic field was being used as a basis of holding architecture like the NRG grid in place.

Because what we’re understanding is these grids are only in place artificially by what they have superimposed on it. The first level is understanding that they created this AI architecture. What we didn’t understand is how did they implant it? How did they come to our planet and actually implant this false level of architecture? Because again this is like saying our planet is a computer and had a computer program that was organic to creation. The natural creation had a Blueprint. How were they able to come in and hijack the blueprint? Now we are learning a little bit more about this. Because the AI architecture they had to create to override the planetary software, they had to find a way to stick it in there. How would something inorganic merge into something that was alive? And apparently the way this was done was the manipulation or the use of solar fields and lunar fields.

We are understanding today for the first time that solar fields and lunar fields have been used as the basis, to anchor into the planet’s body inorganic artificial structures. Because these mind control structures are more than just thought forms that are being propagated, in terms of using a scalar wave with a thought form is being projected. These are intricate circulatory systems that have been placed on top of the planet to usurp the planet or override the planet, into a siphoning of energy and a redirection of the organic life force of the planet for their use in different ways. How did they do this? How do they get an architecture to do this through the sun and the moon? Okay so through the sun and the moon, in the manipulation of these fields at a higher level, what we understand is this is also impacting male and female. Because the Sun is representing a solar force of the male and the lunar is representing the female force. So the electron proton electromagnetic forces were being controlled through the sun and the moon. What we’re understanding today is that there were pieces of that information that were a part of your lifetime’s mission, to bring into completion and wholeness through the micro-macro relationship. [1] Transcript by Paige.



  1. LR Client Sessions – June 2011

See Also:


Magnetic Field Manipulation

Solar Gate


~via Ascension Glossary


Photo by Ascension Avatar

“Pole Shift Ballerina Overriding Catastrophe”

LISA RENEE: “Stargate”

“The Planetary Chakra system, also called Stargates, acts to step down the higher energies transmitting from the Source field into the Sun, which is then directed into the many Stargates. The Stargates transmit an energetic spectrum of frequencies, moving from the higher to lower dimensions, in order to reach the matter fields and circulate them throughout the planetary grid network. Stargates create spirals of these energies, which are designed on a frequency scale to circulate the God Source energy into reciprocal exchanges with multiple dimensions of creation. The frequency scale of the spirals of energy feed into the manifested realms of space and time, returning back into the center point of the feedback loop, thus, returning to unite with the God Source field. The Planetary Stargate that receives the transmission of the Source field for distribution into the rest of the planetary grid system, is the Grail Point or Grual Point. As many of us may be sensing, the transmission of the intergalactic plasma waves from the Source field into the Grail point and the Planetary Stargates, is greatly accelerating now.”

~Lisa Renee


A Stargate is a vortex of energy wave spectrum that connects into multiple other dimensions within the Universal time space matrix. Stargates are an organic part of the the mechanics of creation and function as the core manifestation template of Universal creation, which is the holographic architecture called the 12 Tree Grid. There are 12 original Planetary Gates. The main planetary gates open into the Galactic and Universal Stargates at the end of evolutionary cycles. These were sealed off by the Guardian Founder Races due to severe damage and control by Negative Alien Races NAA. As a result many Starseeds and Indigo 1’s have agreed to incarnate on the planet during the Ascension cycle to help repair planetary Ley Lines and embody Stargates.

12 in 1

The Stargates are directed by the planetary Lightbody of the second layer of the Crystal Seals Grid in the 12 Tree Grid. They form 12 seals and one to form a energy grid in the the physical realm. A Stargate is like an energetic program that has 12 Pyramidal Triangles above the One Great Pyramid.

Grail Point and Stargate System

Planet Earth has a Krystal Body anatomy that holds many energetic constructs, which form into Chakras, Axiatonal Lines, Ley Lines and the many energy vortices that make up the layers of the entire Planetary Auric Body. The fact this planet was originally created from the Diamond Sun architecture, reveals the true creator of this planet and the progenitor of the human species. This remains the truth no matter what extraterrestrial race has planted its flag on the earth surface, claiming the earth as their territory. Starseed gridworkers may sense and work with many of these Holographic constructs in the earth grid, which form the basis of understanding the energetic architecture of the earth consciousness body, and how this structure creates the many realities and time fields. The many dimensional layers in the earth’s auric body are the container for entire collective consciousness on planet. These structures hold the content of all of the consciousness that manifest into the many different kingdoms and species that exist on the earth. They hold the point of origination for all of the collective consciousness energy that was originally seeded onto the planet, and entered the material realm from the Grail point. The Grail Point is located within the planet’s second dimensional Stargates, with its primary access being within Temple Mount.

The Planetary Chakra system, also called Stargates, acts to step down the higher energies transmitting from the Source field into the Sun, which is then directed into the many Stargates. The Stargates transmit an energetic spectrum of frequencies, moving from the higher to lower dimensions, in order to reach the matter fields and circulate them throughout the planetary grid network. Stargates create spirals of these energies, which are designed on a frequency scale to circulate the God Source energy into reciprocal exchanges with multiple dimensions of creation. The frequency scale of the spirals of energy feed into the manifested realms of space and time, returning back into the center point of the feedback loop, thus, returning to unite with the God Source field. The Planetary Stargate that receives the transmission of the Source field for distribution into the rest of the planetary grid system, is the Grail Point or Grual Point. As many of us may be sensing, the transmission of the intergalactic plasma waves from the Source field into the Grail point and the Planetary Stargates, is greatly accelerating now. [1]



  1. Cause and Effect

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 67

See Also:

Planetary Gates

12 Tribes


~via Ascension Glossary