LISA RENEE: “Dreamwalker”

“As the quantum field impacts the organization of space and time, those of us on the Ascension path may be more easily entering altered consciousness states that could be defined as Dreamwalking. In this definition, the function of dreamwalking is not entering or interfering with any person’s dreams. A person who can dreamwalk through the different timelines and stations of reality is called as Dreamwalker. Dreamwalking is an altered state of heightened consciousness while in the pure observer state, it can occur while in another timeline, reality or even existing outside of time. While in this altered state, we can bring that which was unconscious into our conscious awareness, we can directly participate with that content while in our higher consciousness, the compassionate witness. The path of awakening is to bring that which is unconscious into awakened consciousness, to heal the darkness or reveal the deception in order to see the greater truth. This is the state of bringing the eternal light to illuminate the shadows of darkness, thereby alchemically transforming its nature to reflect the higher truth as the light shines upon it. While Dreamwalking, it is possible to observe any kind of event that has occurred in a location, that has recorded collective consciousness archetypes, symbols, number codes, geometric patterns, Holographic Inserts and the narratives they create, to influence the minds and control the operating consciousness levels of the people on the earth. We may prepare for entering this state by opening into deep prayer, meditation, and focused attention, calling upon our Avatar Christ, Solar Logos to help guide us through difficult emotional terrain in the compassionate witness.”

~Lisa Renee

As the quantum field impacts the organization of space and time, those of us on the Ascension path may be more easily entering altered consciousness states that could be defined as Dreamwalking. In this definition, the function of dreamwalking is not entering or interfering with any person’s dreams. A person who can dreamwalk through the different timelines and stations of reality is called as Dreamwalker.

Dreamwalking is to walk or transport one’s consciousness to observe and heal the patterns and events transpiring in many alternate realities and timelines. To see the nature of the structure of what created them and to partner with God to find and remove reality boxes or dark portals that are used as Consciousness Traps. Dreamwalking is an altered state of heightened consciousness while in the pure observer state, it can occur while in another timeline, reality or exist outside of time. While in this altered state, we can bring that which was unconscious into our conscious awareness, so we can directly participate with that content while in our higher consciousness. The path of awakening is to bring that which is unconscious into consciousness, in order to heal the darkness or reveal the deception, to see the greater truth. This is the state of bringing the eternal light to illuminate the shadows of darkness, thereby alchemically transforming its nature to reflect the higher truth, as the light shines upon it.

While Dreamwalking, it is possible to observe any kind of event that has occurred in a location, that has recorded collective consciousness archetypes, symbols, number codes, geometric patterns, Holographic Inserts and the narratives they create, to influence the minds and control the operating consciousness levels of the people on the earth. [1]

Dreamwalker Codes

Indigenous peoples, Native Americans, Aborigines, Tibetans and the Celtic peoples are the earth tribes which carried the codes of the dreamwalkers in time, and were helping to protect the earth by keeping this genetic pattern alive and its memory available for the human race during the Dark Age. The earliest Dreamwalkers after the cataclysm, were the women of this earth that formed from the Grandmother Turtle Codes that were carried over from Lemuria’s matriarchal society, to keep this secret consciousness knowledge away from the invaders. Lemuria suffered a great holocaust to obliterate the power that the women had developed on the earth, with dreamwalker and Essene Templar abilities. As the Mother principle and daughter codes surface onto the earth from deep within the crystal caverns, this codified language is returning to some of the women or men in their current embodiment, that were incarnated at the time or are descendants of those original tribes in Lemuria. This group of dreamwalkers, have returned to help restore the balance of the divine feminine principle on the earth, and many are found in the Native American or aboriginal culture.

  1. Adaptations

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Ancestral Spirits”

“Negative spiritual influences can be attached to our energetic body through uncleared mental, emotional or spiritual conflicts from past, present and future lifetimes. These can be Ancestral Spirits or Familiar Spirits that attach to our body or spiritual parts. When these ancestors left their body, they were not spiritually freed and thus cling to your body waiting to be released, cleared and healed from their pain. Sometimes these ancestral or familiar spirits are connected to organs and enmeshed with spiritual body parts. This is what ‘mismatched body parts’ may mean in the process of clearing the spiritual body. During the Ascension Cycle, many of us are here to finalize, complete and end these imbalanced energetic cycles and their negative influences upon our genetic history, DNA record, astral recycling, and the patterns recorded in the family of origin. When we make progress with personal ancestral clearing, our clearing efforts will extend to cities, nations, tribes, and global gridwork for the entire human race. This means many of us have the spiritual purpose to clear unresolved conflicts and spiritual issues of our patriarchal, matriarchal and ancestral bloodlines and timelines. The process of healing the Ancestral DNA is called Genetic Pathcutting, and is the main spiritual mission of many Indigos and Starseeds. Many Starseeds incarnated purposely in different soul groups, known as the ‘False Parent’ family lines. In the early stages of spiritual awakening, all of us must address and clear ancestral issues, whether we are aware of this fact or not. Ancestral issues are inherited in our DNA record and they will manifest as specific archetypes and patterns throughout our life experiences. When we are unconscious, we will repeat these same patterns many time verbatim, as they are directly inherited ancestral behavioral patterns. People are amazed to learn these same ancestral patterns were present in relatives that they may have never even known existed until later in life.

~Lisa Renee

Negative spiritual influences can be attached to our energetic body through uncleared mental, emotional or spiritual conflicts from past, present and future lifetimes. These can be Ancestral Spirits or Familiar Spirits that attach to our body or spiritual parts. When these ancestors left their body, they were not spiritually freed and thus cling to your body waiting to be released, cleared and healed from their pain. Sometimes these ancestral or familiar spirits are connected to organs and enmeshed with spiritual body parts. This is what “mismatched body parts” may mean in the process of clearing the spiritual body.

During the Ascension Cycle, many of us are here to finalize, complete and end these imbalanced energetic cycles and their negative influences upon our genetic history, DNA record, astral recycling, and the patterns recorded in the family of origin. When we make progress with personal ancestral clearing, our clearing efforts will extend to cities, nations, tribes, and global gridwork for the entire human race. This means many of us have the spiritual purpose to clear unresolved conflicts and spiritual issues of our patriarchal, matriarchal and ancestral bloodlines and timelines. The process of healing the Ancestral DNA is called Genetic Pathcutting, and is the main spiritual mission of many Indigos and Starseeds. Many Starseeds incarnated purposely in different soul groups, known as the “False Parent” family lines. In the early stages of spiritual awakening, all of us must address and clear ancestral issues, whether we are aware of this fact or not. Ancestral issues are inherited in our DNA record and they will manifest as specific archetypes and patterns throughout our life experiences. When we are unconscious, we will repeat these same patterns many time verbatim, as they are directly inherited ancestral behavioral patterns. People are amazed to learn these same ancestral patterns were present in relatives that they may have never even known existed until later in life.

In the process of awakening, people feel urges to look up ancestral history and come to discover many similar patterns they share in the family, years after that ancestor is deceased. This is what is meant by the statement “The sins of the father are inherited by the sons”. This is a patriarchal slanted bible verse yet there is much truth in this statement. Until we are conscious beings, we are destined to repeat the same behaviors, patterns, and play out the same archetypes of our ancestral history. To heal our history we must heal our ancestral past. Studying the behaviors and patterns of our birth, and family of origin, will give us accurate clues to what our soul purpose and spiritual clearing responsibility actually is. We choose our family of origin for many reasons, and the primary reason is to cleanse the ancestral bloodline that we embody, through the biological record of the DNA we carry. Most Starseeds chose very challenging bloodlines to incarnate into during this cycle. We understood our responsibility to heal that bloodline, and that the support to complete the cycle would be available to us.

As a result, many of us suffer from an Orphan Complex, at various stages of our ancestral clearing and healing process. When we consciously participate and inquire on this process, we can make miraculous healing available not only to ourselves, but to our extended family of origin and throughout our bloodline history. This is the secret of the master number code of 777. Seven generations of bloodlines will be impacted in the past and future, simultaneously, when the ascending vehicle consciously participates with Spiritual Ascension to Cosmic Christ Consciousness. The now self is initiated to heal the entire bloodlines of past and future timelines, from the present station of identity. This is the secret that the NAA is so desperate to hide from humanity.

Inherited Karmic Consequences

Negative spiritual-energetic attachments influence our mind, thought-forms, emotional states and belief systems and are generally responsible for states of anxiety, depression, oppression, and hatred. When we are filled with negative spirits, they can make us feel sick and contribute to disease states. The more diseased the person’s body, mind and emotions become, the more soul fragmented and spiritually sick the person is. This energetic consequence can be cumulative over many lifetimes, or in the current identity and can exist in children, or at any biological age. Many sick children have inherited the karmic miasma of their family of origin, and the genetic record of their DNA holds the energetic consequences of their parents and previous ancestral lines. When we do not comprehend the inherited karmic consequence of previous actions, and do not change spiritually abusive patterns or clear spiritual oppressions, the energetic blockage manifests as disease patterns and other distortions for the individual. [1]


1 Single Soul Occupancy

~via Ascension Glossary

Photo by Ascension Avatar – 7-13-2019

LISA RENEE: “Mass Consciousness Dreamscape”

“Empaths and sensitives can easily discern the obvious amount of trauma and pain that is recorded in the energy field of the earth, as a result of the accumulated collective consciousness thought forms being directed into anti-human values and the practices of other ideologies that generate collective pain. If we can grasp that our current station of identity is walking through a consciousness dream that is taking place in the borders of a mass consciousness dreamscape, you can train your consciousness to move forward or backward in time to observe and release the impact of negative events from imprinting upon one’s consciousness. As an observer of the mass dreamscape, the sliding consciousness observes traumatic events or negativity in time and yet is not imprinted by the negative emotional residue. To observe something means that we are looking at something we do not identify with as ourselves, we see the reality playing in either forms of dark or light and we discern what it is, but we know that it is ultimately a movie playing in a dreamscape. While in this altered state, we can bring that which was unconscious into our conscious awareness, we can directly participate with that content while in our higher consciousness, the compassionate witness. The path of awakening is to bring that which is unconscious into awakened consciousness, to heal the darkness or reveal the deception in order to see the greater truth. This is the state of bringing the eternal light to illuminate the shadows of darkness, thereby alchemically transforming its nature to reflect the higher truth as the light shines upon it.”

~Lisa Renee

If we can grasp that our current station of identity is walking through a consciousness dream that is taking place in the borders of a mass consciousness dreamscape, you can train your consciousness to move forward or backward in time to observe and release the impact of negative events from imprinting upon one’s consciousness. As an observer of the mass dreamscape, the sliding consciousness observes traumatic events or negativity in time and yet is not imprinted by the negative emotional residue. To observe something means that we are looking at something we do not identify with as ourselves, we see the reality playing in either forms of dark or light and we discern what it is, but we know that it is ultimately a movie playing in a dreamscape.

Much of what we can observe in the world today is the result of the past selves and the masses combined thought forms in the lower dimension timeline that were imprinted in the earth fields. Empaths and sensitives can easily discern the obvious amount of trauma and pain that is recorded in the energy field of the earth, as a result of the accumulated collective consciousness thought forms being directed into anti-human values and the practices of other ideologies that generate collective pain. These thought patterns move backward or forward in time, and they can move up or down the dimensional scale impacting the state of consciousness that exists in different sections of the field.

Dreamwalking is an altered state of heightened consciousness while in the pure observer state, it can occur while in another timeline, reality or even existing outside of time. While in this altered state, we can bring that which was unconscious into our conscious awareness, we can directly participate with that content while in our higher consciousness, the compassionate witness. The path of awakening is to bring that which is unconscious into awakened consciousness, to heal the darkness or reveal the deception in order to see the greater truth. This is the state of bringing the eternal light to illuminate the shadows of darkness, thereby alchemically transforming its nature to reflect the higher truth as the light shines upon it. We may prepare for entering this state by opening into deep prayer, meditation, and focused attention, calling upon our Avatar Christ, Solar Logos to help guide us through difficult emotional terrain in the compassionate witness. [1]


1 Solar Logos

See Also:

Law of One

Guardian Founder Races

Krystal Star

Compassionate Witness

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Ancestral Clearing”

“Once a Starseed or Indigo has reached a certain threshold of personal Soul body and Monad body healing of the Ancestral Spirits and Families of Origin recorded in their genetic lines and DNA, they can progress to larger bodies of clearing. This group is able to clear cellular memories recorded in the planetary body, solar body and ultimately the Universal body. This is why this Starseed group is referred to as Genetic Pathcutters. A ‘Genetic Pathcutter’ is an incarnated soul with a specific contract to work with various levels of clearing and releasing old cellular patterns held in the human DNA and, consequently, the planetary grids. I mention ‘incarnated,’ as one must be in a human body to do this particular work for the good of the planet, which is incredibly important at this time of Ascension. There are many levels to this contract and it is unique to each soul’s energetic signature. However, I want to be specific as there is one level of patterning that many lightworkers are aggressively working with at this time. This is within the levels of planetary microbial balancing particular to the ancestral ‘viral’ patterns held in the human biology.”

~Lisa Renee


All human beings that are incarnated into this earth as babies being born have the Consciousness memories of their ancestors recorded in the cells of their body. In the cycles of seven years, the ancestral trauma of the past is brought through the offspring and repeated with each seven year cycle throughout the human being’s lifetime, until the trauma pattern is resolved, cleared and healed permanently. The Soul acts as the repository of accumulated memories from the physical or external experiences that are translated into the internal energetic reality of the consciousness of the being. These many lifetimes of experiences are recorded into the soul body which translates into memories that are embedded into the cellular matrix of our body. These memories are passed through the future generations into the offspring which will hold these accumulated records of memories in their body. When these accumulated memories include trauma, dysfunction, addiction and abusive relationships, these memories store aberrant emotions and belief systems generated from that original and subsequent related trauma. The energetic result is a range of potential negative effects on the consciousness of the person if this trauma remains uncleared. These negative effects include subconscious trauma behaviors that shape belief systems into Three Layers of Ego, Miasma, Dead Energy, Negative Forms, and Spirit Attachments that connect Ancestral Spirits and/or Fallen Angelics.

On the path of Kundalini awakening or Spiritual Ascension the first stages for spiritual healing and ongoing will include emotional and mental body clearing of these accumulated Soul memories that are recorded from both the patriarchal and matriarchal lineages of the persons Family of Origin. When we are observing trauma events and behaviors from past Timelines that we carry from our Parents and Ancestors, we can choose to heal these patterns through unconditional love and forgiveness. The Ascension Cycle will take us through many stages of emotional clearing in order to heal these cellular memories in our body and remove the blockages and negative effects they create. The process of active conscious participation with this emotional, mental and spiritual clearing at any phase is called Genetic Pathcutting.

Once a Starseed or Indigo has reached a certain threshold of personal Soul body and Monad body healing of the Ancestral Spirits and Families of Origin recorded in their genetic lines and DNA, they can progress to larger bodies of clearing. This group is able to clear cellular memories recorded in the planetary body, solar body and ultimately the Universal body. This is why this Starseed group is referred to as Genetic Pathcutters.

Genetic Pathcutter

A “Genetic Pathcutter” is an incarnated soul with a specific contract to work with various levels of clearing and releasing old cellular patterns held in the human DNA and, consequently, the planetary grids. I mention “incarnated,” as one must be in a human body to do this particular work for the good of the planet, which is incredibly important at this time of Ascension. There are many levels to this contract and it is unique to each soul’s energetic signature. However, I want to be specific as there is one level of patterning that many lightworkers are aggressively working with at this time. This is within the levels of planetary microbial balancing particular to the ancestral “viral” patterns held in the human biology. [1]



Genetic Pathcutters


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Clearing Personal Timelines”

“Human beings are actually Time Travelers, and once we develop our Meditation skills and mental focus, we can actually influence and shape time and collective consciousness. We can return back into the timelines to clear out the destructive records or negative impacts of certain events and identities. We may transit entities that we may find are stuck at that particular position in time, along with the parts of ourselves that we have recollected to be reclaimed by the source light. When that negativity is removed, when that pain is erased from the past, it changes the future time and direction for that person or group. When many people in a group are clearing personal timelines, it impacts the collective consciousness timelines recorded in history. Once we are clear and confident with that understanding, we have the inner knowing that as we dedicate ourselves to serve our highest consciousness, we are able to make influential changes for the highest good of all people. What is truly healing for ourselves, is truly healing for other people. They may not always see that yet, as many times we may be forced to see where darkness has hidden inside of us, in order to come into greater embodiments of light.”

~Lisa Renee


Although time does not exist and is a construct located within the layers of dimensional bands of frequency that make up the Universal Time Matrix, our accumulated memories are recorded in our mental bodies, and that content functions in space as timelines. Therefore, our accumulated Consciousness memories are holographic light images that appear in the Dimensional frequency band our identity is located in, and are recalled in a linear sequence like watching a movie. The constructs of Timelines throughout our stream of consciousness, are organized in these holographic images that record memories. The images of our memories will be unique to the way we each experience them, relative to our feelings, sensations and perceptions of that moment in time. Thus, timelines are extremely relative to understanding that the causal events recorded in our memories, can either trigger expansion or contraction of our consciousness bodies, which can alter or change the timeline we are on.

The earth has a problem with dark entities implanting false memories in people’s timelines, in order to exert control over the person’s belief systems, and to emotionally manipulate that person. We call this phenomena of implanting false memories and false images, a Holographic Insert. These inserts can be cleared easily from ones consciousness record, when they are identified and understood as falsified records.

We move through the series of timelines in each dimensional octave to reclaim our consciousness identity, while recoding and changing the painful, obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth. If we do not clear the past issues recorded as memories in our timeline, we will repeat the same patterns until we learn the spiritual lesson, or clear the trauma of the original causal event. Everything repeats itself in the person’s timeline until the spirit of the person resolves the energetic conflict, issue or trauma that is recorded in their consciousness memories. We must communicate and work with our higher spiritual consciousness in order to achieve clearing of personal timelines. This is not a skill of the ego, but a function of the higher spiritual selves. When we clear and thus change the past timeline memory, while in the present moment, we change the current timeline that we have been traveling. This allows for the creation of a new timeline and an improved future direction to travel upon, for the consciousness life stream. When we clear the past memories, we move outside of the accumulation of a past trauma timeline, and this changes the person’s future timeline in the present moment, in order to align to a much higher reality of spiritual expression.

A timeline is a linear sequence through which, all consciousness activity has been accumulated into potentials for probable realities and future expressions. On this planet, when we’re dealing with the construct of timelines, we are dealing with the horizontal mental fields that control what we experience as time moving forward, and that give the illusion of moving from point A to point B. For each person and each group body, there are a series of recorded trigger events, which build up in the linear timeline of multiple consciousness experiences in space. These all conjoin to formulate into the probable outcomes or realities that can exist in a person’s timeline. If we recognize a trigger event in our personal timeline, such as a personal trauma that impacted us negatively, we can go back to that trigger event in time, with the intent to clear out and heal the event and the trauma. This clearing simultaneously changes the present and future timeline into a more positive reality outcome. This is similar to understanding that we have the power to edit our own memories in our personal holographic movie.

To understand the clearing of personal timelines, think of the accumulated emotional experiences that our consciousness has recorded throughout our spiritual blueprint body that translates into our current expression of identity and life experience. All of the accumulated memories that are made up from the consciousness experiences that we have had in space, are then organized into linear sequences of time, and these make up the sum total of our personal timeline and personal identity. What we experience in current time, is the result of all of our accumulated memories throughout space, and that gives form to everything that we are experiencing in this moment.

Although all consciousness memories from all identities are already recorded throughout the Universal timelines in our personal blueprint, when we are in the present moment of awareness, we can change any event or trigger in the personal timelines, by erasing their negative impact upon our consciousness. This changes our blueprint by erasing the negative event in our memories. A negative impact is caused when we have been fractured from pain and soul damage, and we must find and reintegrate our spiritual body pieces that were scattered in that timeline, in order to heal. These spiritual pieces are found and reclaimed during emotional healing by applying unconditional love and forgiveness. In every moment of now, we have the power to change any of our memories recorded throughout time, from the past, present and future. In order to erase the negative impacts, we have to see the truth of what actually caused the trigger event of pain, fear or trauma, and then see how this impacted our thoughts and behaviors in the present time.

When we can see the truth of what really happened (witnessing), then we can truly forgive the events. Through forgiveness of ourselves and others, we reclaim our fractured pieces, and then we can let go of the pain completely. With extreme trauma, it may take several applications of revisiting the trigger event in layers of the trauma, in order to heal a spiritual fracture that finally allows the shift in the personal timeline. Sometimes, this may mean we cast our burden to God, to extract out the areas of the pain, blockage or attachment. When the extraction of layers of negativity occur, we open a new space in our energy field to be filled with our inner spiritual light, thus healing the areas which experienced the hurt and pain.

Throughout the personal timeline, there are different events that have happened in time that impacted our past, present and future versions of probable reality experience. Many of these events have triggered changes of direction in our life. Many times we will need to revisit the event where the pain, trauma and fear based emotions were created in our timeline that negatively impacted our future. Many times these will reveal themselves to be major events that are recorded in the collective consciousness timelines that have impacted the entire human race. Thus, all of humanity shares that same pain that you have experienced in the planet’s recorded memories.

Human beings are actually Time Travelers, and once we develop our Meditation skills and mental focus, we can actually influence and shape time and collective consciousness. We can return back into the timelines to clear out the destructive records or negative impacts of certain events and identities. We may transit entities that we may find are stuck at that particular position in time, along with the parts of ourselves that we have recollected to be reclaimed by the source light. When that negativity is removed, when that pain is erased from the past, it changes the future time and direction for that person or group. When many people in a group are clearing personal timelines, it impacts the collective consciousness timelines recorded in history.

Once we are clear and confident with that understanding, we have the inner knowing that as we dedicate ourselves to serve our highest consciousness, we are able to make influential changes for the highest good of all people. What is truly healing for ourselves, is truly healing for other people. They may not always see that yet, as many times we may be forced to see where darkness has hidden inside of us, in order to come into greater embodiments of light. As we commit to the spiritual path of unity, we are taught how to properly balance that growing energetic power within ourselves, so that we do not abuse that spiritual power. We are constantly being tested in our moral integrity, and then we are given more spiritual power. The power over others that shows itself in the form of manipulation, abuse and brute force on the earth, is not spiritual power. Once we go through processes of spiritual initiation, we are led to develop levels of self-mastery, and as the result, we earn certain morals and spiritual ethics, which become an integrated part of us. These Virtues and ethical qualities become inseparable from the way we direct our energies throughout the timelines of our consciousness experience. Sometimes, we may get to a certain stage in which we need to learn a spiritual lesson, to develop a higher ethic, or to develop a higher skill-set of self-mastery, in order to continue growing on the path of shifting timelines. [1]



  1. Timelines Shift

See Also:

Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe


~via Ascension Glossary