‘THERE IS NO POLITICAL SOLUTION’. . . ReallyGraceful: Episode One ~ “The Game’s Afoot”


~via ReallyGraceful

GARY D. BARNETT: “Please Accept the Fact That Regardless of Outcomes, Elections Change Nothing!”

“Is ours a government of the people, by the people, for the people, or a kakistocracy rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools?”

~Thomas Love Peacock


The first part of the above quote is meant for those misguided and duped citizens that ever once believed that government was of, by, or for the benefit of the people at large. This was propaganda from the beginning, as no such state of being has ever occurred. As to the last half of this statement, it is exactly correct, in that the few controlling evil bastards and their pawns in government, have figured out that fools are more easily controlled, so all that was necessary in order to gain total control over society was to turn once intelligent individuals into a herd of collective fools. That has been fully accomplished, so now the two classes consist of only the rulers and the fools. One only has to go out for a few moments and look at the mass hordes of idiotic mask-wearers to understand this truth.

Considering elections, George Bernard Shaw, although an evil man, told the truth when he said in Caesar and Cleopatra (1901) act 3, “When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty.” The government of course, has always promoted voting as a sacred right and a civic duty, but it is neither. There is nothing noble about voting, as voting is simply a way to claim you had a say by choosing a master to lord over and control you. In other words, one is expected to revel in an activity that solidifies his own enslavement, but is at the same time supposed to make him free? This kind of misplaced and ludicrous ‘logic’ belies all manner of intelligence. Could anything be more contradictory or asinine than such a notion as this? The same ‘duty’ argument could apply to any government action. When the ruling class desires a war, they simply tell the voting public that those in other lands should be killed because it is a patriotic duty to do so. So all those that do the actual killing can excuse their murderous behavior by claiming duty and honor. Duty to country (government) is always a sign of ignorance and excuses for tyranny, while duty to self, which requires personal responsibility, compels intelligent thought, caring, reasoning, and courage.

So on to this current election, one that has taken over the minds of the people, mainly because of the purposeful division created by the rulers among the stupefied masses. One side is red, the other blue, and “never the twain shall meet.” This is the mantra of the collective herd of ‘duty’ bound Americans that are awaiting the outcome to find out who will take care of them, and tell them what they are allowed to do. You see the concept of ‘freedom’ in America today relies on rules, and on what is allowed to be normal. Most are clamoring, “Please keep me safe, and I will do whatever I am ordered to do.” Then the new normal becomes just that, a new normal that is everything that is completely abnormal. But this is how tyrants first frighten and then fool the gullible public, a public that now can barely function without instruction.

Will it make any difference which evil trimmer is selected this time around? Of course not, except at the extreme margin. In the long run, and over time, there will be literally no difference whatsoever. I hear screaming from the Trump red camp about the risk of more lockdowns and mandatory vaccines, this coming from the same side that has just gone through lockdowns, threatened vaccines, and threats of military deployment to distribute vaccines as soon as available. Riots, looting, property destruction, assaults, murder, and forced job loss have occurred with no relief in sight during this administration. There have also been billions of dollars allocated to the perpetrators of this entire agenda; multi-trillions spent as well, all that money stolen from the lowly citizens. Yes, the other camp, the blue side, is extreme left wing, and is threatening lockdowns, vaccines, stronger enforcement with possible military involvement, and more spending, which will have to go a long way to match the red camp. Any new looting, riots, and property destruction, as well as extreme job loss will also continue, and spending will be out of control as the ‘Great reset’ continues to go forward. What this exposes is ridiculous hypocrisy, contradiction, and insanity. As I have always said, if no one voted, no one would be elected, and we would all be better off immediately. Once the control of life comes down to one side or the other, all of us lose, every single time. In my lifetime, liberty has diminished every year since I was born, regardless of who won elections, and I fully expect that trend to continue, as it has for most of the entirety of the history of this country. We are not unique in this idiocy, but have always claimed ‘superiority’ while going down the same destructive path over and over again; exposing what has been defined as insanity. Claiming greatness where none exists is no consolation whatsoever.

So long as this country stays divided, filled with hate, and remains completely ignorant of the truth, then nothing will ever change for the better. Freedom will totally disappear, and tyranny will become even more extreme. Continuing this same process over and over again will only result in the destruction of all that has been held dear over our lifetimes, and will cause the enslavement and downfall of future generations. Whatever is necessary to stop this totalitarian push toward a technocratic communist society should be implemented now, and many risks will have to be taken. But before that can happen, the division amongst this population has to be dealt with, so that the many come together to fight against this heinous government and the coming control system instead of fighting each other. With division comes tyranny and slavery, without division, at least we have a chance of survival.

“Nothing so mystical. Human beings hunger for killing, that is all. It only takes a few politicians to stoke division, or a few demagogues encouraging hatred to set your kind upon one another. And then before you know it, you have a whole nation biting on its own tail, going round and round until there is nothing left but the snapping of teeth.”

~Paolo Bacigalupi (2012). “The Drowned Cities: Number 2 in series”, p.128, Hachette UK



Copyright © 2020 GaryDBarnett.com

Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

BENJAMIN FULFORD: “E-Mail From a Whistleblower + A Few October & November Surprises”

This e-mail from a whistleblower, if (as is likely) true, makes it clear the ongoing pandemic has roots to the Satanic Chabad cult and their plans to kill 90% of humanity:

“As many of you heard Moderna is in the 3rd and final stage of their vaccine development. Here’s something many of you don’t know, guess who the first CEO of Moderna was?

A Cornell graduate by the name of Anthony Fauci, who was a roommate with none other than Bill Gates. Are you paying attention? It was at Cornell that Bill Gates designed the RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) and patented it under US2006257852. Are you awake yet? Now let’s really go down the rabbit hole. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben.

IG Farben is infamous for its mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust. After Germany fell, IG Farben was dissolved and its assets sold off by a Nazi turned American by the name of, you guessed it, George Soros. Soros rebranded the company as Moderna.

And who was the primary stockholder of Moderna until his death? Jeffrey Epstein. His role in Moderna is where he made his fortune and established his connections.”

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When the still sleeping “sheeple” portion of the population finds out about elite crimes of this sort, you can be sure the reaction will be violent. That is why the elite are pushing the alien card and other tricks.

We are also hearing from the NSA of an Israeli nuclear attack against Beirut. FSB and MI6 sources say Israeli Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the attack to try to derail criminal probes that are zeroing in on him.

We are also hearing from Pentagon White Hat sources that any “October surprise” by the Khazarian mob will be met with a “November surprise.” The nature of this surprise is not known but it is a good guess that neither Trump nor Biden will be president in 2021.

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UFO Disclosure Shows Elite Planning To Follow Up On Fake Pandemic With Fake Alien Invasion

‘UNIDENTIFIED FLYING RUMORS’ ~ Benjamin Fulford Says “UFO Disclosure Shows ‘Desperate’ Elite Planning to Follow Fake Pandemic with Fake Alien Invasion”

“The Khazarian mafia is preparing the public for some form of alien disclosure or invasion scenario as they struggle to stay in power, Pentagon and other sources claim. The most likely scenario for this autumn is the cancellation of the U.S. Presidential election followed by a UFO distraction, the sources say. U.S. President Donald Trump himself is saying the election needs to be called off even as he continues to promote a ‘Space force’. MI6 sources, for their part, say all space activity has been grounded recently so this ‘space force’ may well be actors who will play the ‘good guys’ who protect us from ‘bad aliens.’ Soon to be appearing on a TV screen near you. The reason for this is a wave of criminal probes zeroing in on them, CIA sources say. Ghislaine Maxwell has been singing like a canary over elite pedophilia and her evidence is implicating a huge list of elite pedophiles. The ongoing round up of elite pedophiles is also distracting from a series of other criminal probes targeting the elite. For example, Chabad Satanist Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and Trump himself are under investigation for questionable financial deals involving Deutsche Bank. Anyway, the big UFO-alien push is clearly a sign of elite desperation.”

~Benjamin Fulford




UFO Disclosure Shows Elite Planning To Follow Up On Fake Pandemic With Fake Alien Invasion