LISA RENEE on “The Spiritual Function of DNA”

“All humans at birth receive the consciousness imprint of genetic records passed on from their parents, including any kind of genetic mutation, whether it is hereditary or had been acquired later. If inherited issues are not yet visible, it does not mean that they are not there. Our etheric body is the physical body double and also holds the DNA record of all of our combined ancestors, including our family of origin. When this fact is comprehended, it becomes clear why we chose to incarnate into certain family lines. During the Ascension Cycle, we are increasingly aware of how important it is to be involved with consistent clearings of our gene pool, in order to shift the bloodline into accessing higher consciousness records. As we clear our bodies of psycho-emotional debris, we clear the energies located in the ancestral record, and this allows an opening for new DNA configurations or mutations to occur that impact the entire gene pool. Effectively, we are capable of changing the DNA record of our ancestors, passed on or alive, through the consciousness work we do to clear our inherited destructive patterns, false identities, artificial software and emotional conflicts. As we clear our body and heal our Consciousness, we elevate our DNA pattern into new potentials, which simultaneously elevates the DNA pattern recorded for our ancestors and family of origin located throughout the Timelines. It does not matter at what location in time or space they are. This is why we may feel deeply compelled to research more of our ancestry, return to birthplaces of previous generations, communicate with distant relatives, organize old family pictures, forgive those who may have hurt us, or find ourselves catapulted into visiting new lands or spaces. It is certain we have genetic relationships to these land masses and we are able to reveal and discover the hidden histories recorded there. We also may perform soul retrievals, transits and help to heal the family DNA patterns through Compassionate Witnessing of certain events we discover in time. It is important to know that as Genetic Pathcutters, all genetic imprints are passed through to the next generation and recorded in the DNA historical record, in the physical body. Comprehending the basic Spiritual Function of DNA, related to clearing of one’s Ancestral records, may be helpful to know. When we communicate with our spiritual bodies, we can activate and heal our crystalline DNA. The Crystal Body is critical in setting the electromagnetic spirals and foundation structure for the unique design and attributes of the individual’s DNA. The instruction set for the Diamond Sun DNA is held within the Crystal Body which must be activated through the opening heart center. The individual’s Crystal Body is interlinked with the entire Tribal Shield, which includes the Crystal Body blueprint for all of the variations of specific frequency arrangements for the 12 Tribes of the angelic human template. The Crystal Body remains mostly dormant in humans until consciousness growth stages of heart opening actually occur in the 8th Chakra center during the monadic integration phase. In the dormant phase, an individual’s DNA remains spiritually stagnant and is therefore largely being shaped through epigenetic exposures or environmental factors. Hence the aggressive trauma-based mind control targeting used by the Controllers as the main spiritual warfare tactic to keep humanity in fear for the purpose of shutting down their higher heart center, which tends to result as inactivity within the Crystal Body. Human red blood cells contain DNA emitting signals. When the Crystal Body light and sound layers unify into one body, this stage of Lightbody development opens up the possibility to generate different sound light emanations into liquid light Plasma Waves. Light symbol codes program and direct the consciousness energy within the fabric of light and sound grids that create the structures for manifestation. It is important to know that the Controllers also use light symbol codes in mind control transmissions to stop or prevent organic light symbol code transmissions from activating the Crystal Body in humanity, which keeps human DNA potentials dormant. As a result of NAA invasion and genetic mutations, very few humans on Earth held the entire silicate matrix instruction set in their DNA. Many distortions were being caused by the lunar matrix, artificial magnetic fields and assorted implants of alien machinery which generated damage in the Crystal Body. However, this is now changing during the planetary ascension stages of restoration of the solar feminine principle, as the organic magnetism resets and allows the Holy Mother lineages to generate the correct sound body imprints for the magnetic particle base, including corrections to upgrade the Mitochondria and chromosomes. As a result of the plasma initiations and magnetic reset, the activation of the larger Crystal Body for the Tribal Shield memories and the Diamond Sun DNA information is methodically clearing and removing alien hybrid genetic codes, AI codes and an assortment of blood covenants that were used as consciousness traps. As we dedicate ourselves to serve our highest spiritual expression as a lifestyle, we will constantly be exposed to a variety of energetic exchanges of higher frequencies and light symbol codes sourcing from our monad, Avatar Christos and higher spiritual identities. Light symbol codes activate the Crystal Body to function in higher ways directing consciousness energy, light and sound codes into new arrangements of musical DNA tones. The new arrangements of DNA musical tones start to activate higher potentials of the manifested DNA to come online and begin to make frequency alterations and adjustments to the physical body. Musical DNA tones are DNA Signals that arrange the pattern of the raw material substance of the DNA, such as the nucleotides and the protein chains. When another species’ DNA or an artificially generated genetic modified organism is injected into the bloodstream, this interferes with the human DNA’s ability to recognize other human DNA signals, and blocks DNA communication with all members of the same species. This is why it’s so important to not inject other species or foreign DNA substances directly into our blood stream.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Genetic Mutations / Crystal Body and DNA

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