LISA RENEE: “Anti-Christ”

“Guardian Host considers the anti-Christ gestalts as the accumulative results of the selfish choices and tragic events made over time in dark ignorance as the result of free will given, in which has led to the utter destruction of their eternal forms to digress into permanent entropy and finite parasitical forms and AI forms. Thus, from defying the Cosmic Order over many cycles of evolution in a time matrix, they are unable to remember, connect with or experience the God source. In their mind set, their opponents are the angelic human beings of Earth, Tara and Gaia, and those who protect them and their planetary territories, namely the Paliadorians and Guardian Krystic races. Thothian Luciferians highly prize playing the war game of conquest in which they are challenged by brute force and cunning strategies, fighting to win positions of power and domination over other races and planets. Hundreds of thousands of years later, not much has changed. The Thothian Luciferian Groups and those with alliances in the Galactic Federation are the sworn enemies of all angelic human beings on the earth, and have dedicated themselves to perpetuate continual warring agendas of human and earth-based Genocide. They desire to annihilate the original human silicate matrix DNA with the Inner Christos, and further eradicate the original peaceful, love based human culture by replacing it with their anti-human ideologies of war, Blood Sacrifice and self-hatred. Thus, it was the members of the Galactic Federation in alliance with the Thothian Groups that were the primary factions responsible for the total destruction and cataclysm that ensued, which thrust planet earth into the dark ages and was an orchestrated agenda of intentional angelic human Genocide.

~Lisa Renee


In Guardian context, the Anti-Christ or Metatronic Spiral are made up of immortal consciousness gestalts that generated their own DNA template that specifically do not want to live under or co-exist in the Natural Laws of God in a base 12 Christos architectural matrix and instead, chose finite forms that require energy siphoning from others in order to survive in their preferred form and artificial creations. There are embodied and disembodied anti-Christs that are expressed in human and nonhuman forms on this planet and many other fallen systems.

Fallen systems are an entropic system of AI architecture intended to digress consciousness from the original plasma Christos Divine Blueprint of the 12 Tree Grid, and manifest the Closed Source system of Anti-Christ life forms. When the original creation program of the Krystal Code from God Source is altered or modified in any way, the ability to self-regenerate and ascend is interrupted, from the loss of energy present. This eventually leads to energetic collapse or internal implosion of the blueprint system, which manifests as Fallen Consciousness and then potential annihilation.

Thus, the higher dimensional Anti-Christ gestalts chose to defy the Cosmic Order, the original founders and creators in the system by making up their own artificial laws and artificial realities, refusing to co-exist with others peacefully or rehabilitate their forms, instead choosing the Master-Slave narrative of enemy patterning and genocide in which to dominate and rule over other species as the victorious conqueror Gods in the system. Those entities, that oppose Christos entities following the Law of One and Christos architecture generally demonstrate immense hatred and disdain for God’s creation, and thus attempt to vandalize and destroy that creation, while promoting their own glorified self destruction which ultimately leads to their eventual annihilation.

Guardian Host considers the anti-Christ gestalts as the accumulative results of the selfish choices and tragic events made over time in dark ignorance as the result of free will given, in which has led to the utter destruction of their eternal forms to digress into permanent entropy and finite parasitical forms and AI forms. Thus, from defying the Cosmic Order over many cycles of evolution in a time matrix, they are unable to remember, connect with or experience the God source. Many of the Anti-Christ entities lost their bodies as a result of tragic events, and are unable to incarnate into forms in which they can evolve or ascend. Thus, they are stuck in time, unable to evolve, and thus use technology to attempt to take shortcuts in gaining access into other dimensions of experience. They are attracted to living and ascending light beings with the krystal coding and thus hijack ascending creations like the planet earth, to gain enough energy to ride into another time matrix or higher dimensional state.

There is no enemy patterning in Guardian Host, Christos unity consciousness, however, when the anti-christ gestalts have agendas to torture and annihilate other species, they will protect and defend the consciousness if it is the choice that has been made by that being, such as the earth. Christos sends its representatives into fallen systems suffering warring ideology or genetic digression in order to support the consciousness of that species to choose the natural laws and rehabilitate their genetics, which brings natural evolution and the possibility of Ascension.

Genetic Modification of Krystal Code

Altering the Open Source system of the Krystal Code architecture means a limited supply of energy is made available to the human Lightbody. The modified coding that has been written into the planetary body, cannot circulate or receive any more energy directly from the eternal God Source. The Metatronic or Anti-Christ being, cut off from eternal source, has to suck energy from other entities and systems. This being progressively consumes itself, therefore, when it eventually comes to the end of the evolution cycle, it has a finite life span. Fallen Consciousness, such as the Fallen Angelics and Imposter Spirits, are due to Metatronic Code configurations in the planet. These configurations are the result of excessive misuse of free will choice that opposes the divine plan and intention of God Source. In the cycles of evolution, the opposing expression of negative polarity reaches the point at which it has experienced a massive loss of energy and is unable to replace that energy. The beings that refuse to rehabilitate themselves into a process of higher evolution at the end of a cycle, jeopardize their ability to return back into the eternal life expression and continue their existence within the Cosmic Order. [1]

Two Truths

It is the God-Christos Mind and pure Diamond Heart that can guide us safely through when navigating the schemes, lies and deceptions that are the divide and conquer agendas of the Anti-Christ embodiment on the earth. It is the force of God’s love that ultimately protects us from the Imposter’s and guides us through the Spiritual Warfare on the earthly plane. [2]

Lyran History

It may be hard to fathom that in this moment in the metaphysical realms we are re-living the seed of the first wars of the Anti-Christ that began in Lyra. This takes us into our true Galactic history where this war further spread into the Orion constellation, when divine humans were seeded upon our first home world, 5D Tara. There were those that were so terrorized by the pure eternal light of the forces of Love we carried in our crystal heart, that in fear they tried to eliminate us from ever incarnating again into this Universe. [3]

Anti-Christ Agenda

As has been discussed, the NAA attempted to permanently hijack the planetary Architecture and Diamond Sun templates for their explicit use to enslave human consciousness and earth. They became the superimposed creator and architect of the current global design via the architecture they built for running the Anti-Christ agendas. They subjugated humanity by superimposing themselves as the architects of earth though Alien Hybridization, breeding programs and genetic engineering which involve numerous experiments carried out by many non-human species. Currently, a significant amount of Guardian Host rehabilitation projects with the Solar Rishi involves a massive purging of assorted levels of Satanic and Luciferian artificial matrices which include: Alien Machinery, reversal systems and holographic architecture, which was directly connected to the Lunar Matrix and Saturn. These alien architectural systems were given power on the earth through the co-created efforts made between the primary Luciferian bloodlines and planetary controllers. These are practicing Satanists, who use their satanic rituals and Blood Sacrifices for communicating with these hostile nonhuman forces that make up the Negative Alien Agenda. [4]


The original use of the title Lucifer originates from the collective races that are from the Nibiruian lines of the Annunaki races that further merged with the Thoth-Enki Annunaki and Fallen Seraphim races. During the last rounds of angelic human seeding on the planet earth, the Thoth-Enki Annunaki groups had entered into agreements with the Emerald Guardians in which they requested rehabilitation of their representative race lines, through intending to participate in the rehabilitation and regenesis of their DNA. However, when these DNA regenesis and genetic spiritual healing programs were to begin, they immediately defected and joined the competing Annunaki groups genocidal programs against human beings. Consistently, their modus operandi for divide and conquer of earth has demonstrated ruthless psychological warfare that includes perpetuating falsity, deception and Gaslighting tactics for their own agendas designed for enslaving other species. They seek full domination and power, which is their most important value system and highest belief system, to which they remain loyal as Service to Self.

The historical timelines that include the Thothian Luciferians and the Galactic Federation’s involvement with humanity, represent a dramatic archetypal storyline of warring predators that constantly shift military position and allegiances by consistently making friendly enemy deals. They like to play two sides of the coin in double dealings with other alien agendas in order to create temporary strategic alliances that benefit their general positioning over their perceived opponents. In their mind set, their opponents are the angelic human beings of Earth, Tara and Gaia, and those who protect them and their planetary territories, namely the Paliadorians and Guardian Krystic races.

Thothian Luciferians highly prize playing the war game of conquest in which they are challenged by brute force and cunning strategies, fighting to win positions of power and domination over other races and planets. Hundreds of thousands of years later, not much has changed. The Thothian Luciferian Groups and those with alliances in the Galactic Federation are the sworn enemies of all angelic human beings on the earth, and have dedicated themselves to perpetuate continual warring agendas of human and earth-based Genocide. They desire to annihilate the original human silicate matrix DNA with the Inner Christos, and further eradicate the original peaceful, love based human culture by replacing it with their anti-human ideologies of war, Blood Sacrifice and self-hatred.

These primarily Fallen Angelic Annunaki hybrid race collectives joined together to form an anti-Kristos and anti-human domination agenda, that evolved over multiple thousands of years into the group consciousness gestalt which became known as the Luciferians. This alliance was made between several Luciferian collective races to work towards installing the New World Order in order to take territorial control over the earth, prevent the planetary Ascension] and ultimately destroy the original human 12 Strand Diamond Sun DNA. This was formalized in an agreement just before staging the events that caused the Atlantian flood and this collective non-terrestrial agreement is referred to as the Luciferian Covenant.

Galactic Federation’s Luciferian Alliance

The Luciferian Annunaki collectives made further agreements with those that had been tasked by the Sirian Council to help protect the planetary Stargates and the developing and evolving angelic human races, and this particular group is the Galactic Federation. Annunaki members that were enlisted in the Galactic Federation wanted to gain control over the Giza Stargate, and to expand their expeditions beyond their current access levels in order to claim more territory in the outer domain for themselves. Thus, it was the members of the Galactic Federation in alliance with the Thothian Groups that were the primary factions responsible for the total destruction and cataclysm that ensued, which thrust planet earth into the dark ages and was an orchestrated agenda of intentional angelic human Genocide.

Thothian Leviathan New World Order

The orchestration of several events leading to the final Atlantian Cataclysm and ripping wormholes in the Giza Stargate system, was only the first stage of implementing the Annunaki Thothian groups working alliance with the Galactic Federation, in which they combined their forces towards securing their domination agenda on the planet through the New World Order. The Thothian Luciferian groups specifically groomed the illuminati hybrid lines to be their representatives and to be the groundcrew carrying out the physical tasks required to gradually implement the consciousness enslavement blueprint of the New World Order, to be fully executed during the pinnacle stages of the Ascension Cycle. These human Annunaki hybrids were conditioned, implanted and prepared to be the primary Luciferian bloodlines that would be assigned into the highest echelon of global planetary leadership, and would come to be known more specifically as the Thothian Leviathan or Illuminati Bloodlines.

The Luciferian cultivated Thothian Leviathan bloodlines were sent to the North American continent to gain control over the Sarasota Grual Stargate and prepare the groundwork of what would become the United States of America. This demographic location was designated for laying the architecture of the New Jerusalem as controlled by the Leviathan entities, for the purpose of building the main Controller Pillars of Society upon the North American ley lines that supported the consciousness blueprint for ultimately manifesting their vision of the Global New World Order. The United States land mass was chosen as the epicenter for Thothian and Leviathan entities command central for implementing the programs of the Military Industrial Complex and black operations, that joined humans and nonhumans into several covert intelligence programs and Secret Space Programs. The United States became the primary world military power under their covert leadership in order to prepare for the final conflict or Megiddo battle, which was for gaining complete control over the earth and humanity when the Stargates opened and the planetary Ascension was underway.

And this brings us to the current global agendas still in play, as the battle for the surface earth continues with those loyal to the Luciferian Covenant, that are setting into motion all they can to implement the New World Order objectives, under the guise of Socialism and into the hellish pit of Communism, the blueprint of human slavery given to Marx from the Black Suns. [5]



  1. Entropy and Negentropy
  2. Divide and Conquer Tactics
  3. Precipice of Evolution
  4. Vatican and Dark Mother
  5. Lucifer

See Also:

Splitter Tech


Artificial intelligence

False Father

Metatronic Repair


~via Ascension Glossary

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