LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Parasitic Emotional Manipulators”

“Over the years in observing dark entities and their tendency to have control oriented tantrums, this helped me to see how they manipulate people in the physical realm in order to gain access to their energies. It is a fact on the earth that many people are being influenced by negative forces that they do not comprehend, which has reinforced a lifetime of negative habits, low self-esteem and parasitic behaviors.”

~Lisa Renee


One principle to remember is that controlling and dominating people and the nonphysical entities that are parasitic, will always use manipulation to get what they want. Usually it is to maintain their attachment to siphon energy or to use someone else’s energy to get things they want for themselves. This may be a person who doesn’t want to put forth the effort or energy to do things themselves, so they manipulate others to do it for them. Or they feel depleted so they seek out a person that they can suck energy from, usually by drawing them into some archetypal drama or crisis. In these situations it is noted how the vampire appears to be suddenly reenergized by your presence, while you feel excessively drained and tired. If we allow ourselves to be continually siphoned by others, we can feel depressed, confused, irritable and even physically ill.

We all need to evaluate relationships and set healthy boundaries in order to generate mutually beneficial exchanges with other people.

This inherently manifests as imbalanced exchanges of parasitic and codependent behavior, and many times the party acting as the psychic vampire will become addicted to their target host, because they are used to getting the energy they want from that person. When you place boundaries and cut off the siphoning attachment, in most cases the parasitic person and the energy parasite will have a control oriented emotional tantrum, or fly into narcissistic rage. This principle of exerting energetic control works the same way in physical people and in nonphysical entities, as well as all negative spiritual energies that are parasitic in nature. Over the years in observing dark entities and their tendency to have control oriented tantrums, this helped me to see how they manipulate people in the physical realm in order to gain access to their energies.

It is a fact on the earth that many people are being influenced by negative forces that they do not comprehend, which has reinforced a lifetime of negative habits, low self-esteem and parasitic behaviors. When people feel unsafe and insecure in themselves they will easily resort to controlling and manipulating behaviors to suck energy and this is commonly referred to as a psychic vampire or emotional vampire. For this reason you should be able to clearly identify various types of personalities that are psychic vampires.

A psychic vampire is a person who carries energy parasites, will drain others energies and may intentionally drain any positive energy or happiness in another. They can commonly show up as narcissistic, controlling, victims, incessant talkers or drama queens. They generally have a black hole of emptiness within that seeks to be filled by someone else’s energy. As a result, they have a big wounded pain body and generally never feel satisfied, need constant reassurance, and take little things as personal offenses. Most of the time these are not mutually beneficial relationships but one sided parasitic drains, they are friendly as long as you do what they want, and they can suck your energy.

Manipulation tactics are used to make a generally content person feel put down or to take their positive feelings and energy away, to erode self-esteem. The vampire may use condescending, critical or belittling behavior, they may use intimidation and bullying to make another feel unsafe, or even guilty so that they are completely dependent on them. Generally these people put others on edge, where one feels they must walk on egg shells to not upset this person, or get their wrath. You may not know what can set them off at any moment. If you notice the energy wither away whenever a certain person walks into the room, you should protect yourself and amplify your 12D Shield. Most of the time, people that are vampiric are not consciously aware that they are sucking energy from others, and are often totally unaware that they are disconnected from their soul-spirit. People that are soul disconnected feel empty inside and therefore will naturally try to make up for the energy loss by sucking energy from other people in the external. Staying away from psychic vampires and one sided parasitic relationships, instead fortifying your energies as an act of self-love is a good practice for beginning effective spiritual hygiene.

Finding our Centering System

Additionally, finding our center or grounding oneself is similar as the way a tree is sinking her roots deeply in the earth to stay secure in a storm. This is also a tool in creating healthy boundaries — finding the inner stillness is what allows peace to nurture the inner connection within ourselves by finding our center and spiritual core. So, our grounding root system is both our anchor and supports the maintenance of a strong boundary system. It keeps us from being blown about in other people’s winds. We must learn to better compassionately witness other people’s emotional dramas and pain without allowing their pain and chaos to impact our own energies or direction. Learning to identify escalating emotional dramas in narcissistic behavior gives us a way to disengage from the external chaos from allowing it to impact us. When we are inwardly focused and we become still within in order to connect with our heart and feel into our deeper intuition. This is the process that keeps one steady, inner connected and focused.

So, finding the inner core to ground yourself and have strong boundaries can happen in many ways. In our Energetic Synthesis community, we suggest acclimating to the ES Core Triad as a dedicated daily practice but there are some other ideas maybe saying a Prayer and setting positive intentions every day, offering your blessings over you morning meal or dinner and repeating positive affirmations in your head as you go through your day. Try different ways and find the tool that works for you. Again, one of my favorites is always I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free.

Take notice of people and places that tend to drain you. Find neutrality in that situation by intending to connect with the inner Compassionate Witness. Just observe without judgement or reaction. Do not engage yet set appropriate boundaries. Before entering those places or exposing yourself to people whom you have a draining or vampiric sensation take a few minutes to fortify yourself and amplify your personal shield. Think of it as your inner energy space that will only allow love and positivity within it deflecting anything else. Focus on the Spirits of Christ as being inside your 12D Shield and this personal space protecting you and guiding you through your path in the day. See it and feel it as the force around you. Then recognize what action or non-action is required in order to responsibly maintain that peaceful inner space with healthy and appropriate boundaries.

(Source: ES News – Energetic Parasites, Ascension Glossary – Healthy Boundaries)


~via – Time Shift Blog – August 22, 2018

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Evolving Beyond Closed Source Systems”

“We are in the end times, the crossroads that define who on the earth is willing to evolve beyond the closed source systems of consciousness-energy enslavement that was administered through off planet Archontic Engineered Parasitism. Those who refuse to change their parasitic behaviors will have more dire consequences to their actions, individually and globally, and thus the fight for control over the access to others’ energy resources will appear to be greatly magnified on the earth surface as this transition occurs on the planet.”

~Lisa Renee


Some of us have been given new lessons in order to adjust our thought processes or daily activities into the next dimensional level of the Law of Structure, that governs the movement of energy towards open source energy systems within the Collective Consciousness fields.  Now to align with the field where we receive the most spiritual-energetic support, we must evolve into the next stage of spiritual development, which requires we learn how to evolve beyond closed systems and manifest in the material reality without using, manipulating or taking other people’s energy.  Thus, we begin a new cycle to gain more confidence in this process, similar as the baby bird being flung out of the nest and forced to learn how to fly.  For some, this may mean moving residence into a more supportive area or preparing for a major life style change.

We have to stand upon our own inner foundation, building core self and developing personal merit to support ourselves in the physical world by sourcing the energy we need to manifest from within us, rather than needing to take from other people’s energy in the external.  The more advanced the stages of manipulation that a person uses for parasitic means in order to take energy away from others for Service to Self motivations, the more difficult the repercussion will become in the future.  Many people are enduring this hard lesson of gaining more self-reliance and choosing self-sourcing in order to end co-dependent or parasitic relationships and stop engaging in harmful exchanges during this time.  Even if we are upset at the perceived transgressions of others, we must not have intent to harm anyone including ourselves.  In the final accounting, no one gets away with anything, all that has been hidden in this dark aeon will be revealed and seen in the longer term.

Rather than continue to behave in the co-dependent ways that we have been socially engineered through implanted thoughts by the NAA, we must learn to free ourselves from Energetic Parasites and the parasitic control that is commonly used within the microcosm and macrocosm.  This is the beginning cycle for phase transition that pushes us strongly forward to change these parasitic habits, whether known or unknown to us.  Simultaneously, as we take steps to end parasitic exchanges, we must learn how to generate balanced value exchanges in our personal and professional lives that are mutually beneficial, and not one sided drains based upon purely selfish motivations or with intent to harm.

To become freed of the consciousness prison on earth that is based on the principles of Predatorial Parasitism, we have to begin to evolve beyond it and learn new ways to sustain ourselves from our own internally generated spiritual energy.

One important lesson many people are learning now is that we must remove the concepts we had around money as the first directive to achieve in life and begin to see that the primary motivation for money lies in our darkest fears of survival that have been manipulated by the Controllers.  People should not pray for money, they should pray for their fear to be removed and their higher spiritual purpose to be revealed.  As with higher spiritual purpose in action, dedicated in Service to Others, comes everything that you will need to fulfill that higher purpose, which brings unconditional love and meaningful connection into your life.

Most people are unaware that satanic forces are actually hiding behind an astral mirage made up of a colossal field of ravenous energy parasites.  Satanic controlled systems are also closed source parasitic systems that a few people benefit from.  Taking the overall energy resources for their personal advantage at an extreme energetic cost to many others, generating severe imbalances that contribute to energy wars, poverty, disease and world suffering.  We are in the end times, the crossroads that define who on the earth is willing to evolve beyond the closed source systems of consciousness-energy enslavement that was administered through off planet Archontic Engineered Parasitism.  Those who refuse to change their parasitic behaviors will have more dire consequences to their actions, individually and globally, and thus the fight for control over the access to others’ energy resources will appear to be greatly magnified on the earth surface as this transition occurs on the planet.

Closed Source or Bi-Wave Systems

Closed Source systems of bi-wave, anti-life reversals and fragmented polarity consciousness within the planetary field are falling into descension spirals, and then being transmuted into smaller units and transited out.  Therefore, these systems are losing access to the same energy resources that were being harvested from the artificial networks or closed systems throughout the previous cycle.  Simultaneously, the open source systems of tri-wave consciousness architecture is pulling away from the dead energy spirals in the parasitic systems and gaining momentum through increased access to higher quality open source energetic resources.  These open source energy resources are being transferred into the earth body by circulating the higher frequency Krystal Spirals that help to build the blueprint foundation that is required to support planetary hosting for Ascension.

An Open Source system is able to receive new energy from within and outside of itself. This means that open source systems will be able to continue to run internal and external energy, in order to maintain energetic balance and homeostasis throughout its systems.  An open source system will be able to replenish lost energy and tend towards maintaining states of Negentropy, which keeps its overall functioning over time, balanced and stable.  With an open source system, time is on its side.  Eventually, time will reveal the truth of the source of energy it is circulating through its ability to maintain balance and stability of its overall functioning, without using parasitic means to accomplish its purpose.

To participate with the Ascension Cycle, requires our transformation away from serving the individualistic egocentric self.  It also requires finding our place within group consciousness, without losing the core of our real self or draining our energy.  When we are not being our true self, we are drained of energy, used for putting up an egoic facade.  While we are losing our negative ego identity, we are in the process of finding the real inner self and finding new ways to increase our personal energy.  This is how we learn to expand our ability to feel comfortable with ourselves while we are participating or observing a variety of roles or archetypes that may reveal themselves within a group consciousness.  Eventually, our goal is to become aware of the roles or archetypes that we play unconsciously, and to clear ourselves from hiding behind them as masks that we show the public.  Unconscious masks drain our energy and are created from; wounded ego, unresolved conflicts, ingrained fears of vulnerability and betrayals of misplaced trust in others.  Becoming authentic while in a group setting, requires us to shed our false identities and express ourselves transparently and authentically, without ever needing to defend who we are.  This takes practice to finally get it right.

Whatever group you may be connected to at this time, has a higher purpose for personal spiritual growth, completing karmic cycles, as well as learning how to maintain, conserve or increase personal energy.  Increasing our personal energy from extracting energy parasites leads to higher consciousness states and is what helps us to spiritually heal.  This experience while in a group helps us to develop into greater spiritual maturity, to gain the direct knowledge and experience of unity in diversity that is inherently present within group consciousness.  When we have self-realization of this fact, we experience the deep connection we have to others, which further increases our genuine feelings of empathy and compassion for the world.


(Source: ES Newsletters: Energetic Parasites, Entropy and Negentropy)

~via – Time Shift Blog – May 14, 2018