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~via The Healthy American Peggy Hall

GARY D. BARNETT on “Quit Giving Them The Power They Seek To Destroy You”

“Let us reflect on some of the atrocities that have befallen us, the fault of which certainly falls on the ruling class of oligarchs, politicians, and their brutal enforcers in the police, military, and hideous so-called ‘intelligence’ services. But it also falls on all those who make up the masses, who have allowed this to happen without active resistance. This indifference is more acute today on a global scale, than at any other time in history. This is not only disheartening, but completely pathetic. The former is all that makes sense, and this should be understood by any who still retain any ability to reason and think critically, which very sadly, is still only the very few. Yes, many have been fooled, but how can so many be fooled for so long; thousands of years in fact? Certainly, the masses have been purposely dumbed down and indoctrinated, so that less resistance is evident, but once again, this was voluntarily accepted by general populations, so honesty and logic would indicate that if only a minor majority dissented, said no to governing structures, no to aggression, and would not support any violent activity, aggression, or orders mandated by the State, the tyranny would end very quickly. Sadly, that has never happened, and therefore, we find ourselves in the worst possible situation, and one that guarantees the most deadly risk to our lives. Because evil has always been with us, because rulers have always chosen to lord over others, because war has been the health of the State since the beginning, it is necessary that we look only at recent times when tyranny on a worldwide scale advanced everywhere, and all at once, indicating a completely coordinated effort by the global governing cult. We have had multiple suspicious train derailments with horrific chemical spills, intentionally set fires (arson) or microwave-caused destruction worldwide, in places like California, Canada, Hawaii, Greece, Turkey, China, and many, many others. Metal and chemical spraying to supposedly ‘block sunlight’ is ongoing, and is in every corner of the planet. Weather engineering is rampant it seems, manipulating extreme events blamed on fake, manmade ‘climate change.’ Much happened before, and much will happen in the future, and this can only cause threat, terror, and death to millions if not billions of people. Has that been the plan all along, or is everything a consequence of ‘unexpected’ events? The State and those who control it, lies incessantly, cheats, steals, perverts, incarcerates, tortures, and murders any in its way. It has no use for any people, is evil to the core, and will use as fodder any and all of humanity in order to advance its nefarious globalist agendas. Evil should be squelched, it should be eliminated wherever it appears, and taking sides of States or governments in brutal war, is the antithesis of any advancement of freedom, sanity, and morality. Any reinforcement of government or the State, or its policies and wars, is condoning evil, and therefore is evil. Yes, there are always great causalities, mostly innocent, but by taking sides, support is being given to the monsters who perpetrate terror. Individuals should be on the side of self and other innocent individuals, and never with the State or nation-state. No political solution exists, and in fact, can only make things much worse. This is without question, as any viewing of history, past or present, will certainly bear out now as we live in a time of pure deceit, lies, manipulation, control, terror, and murder by the State; all States. Nothing but hell could come from such evil as this. Asking your master to save you, to reform, to lessen his power, to investigate himself, and to actually punish himself, is the mindset of a fool, so supporting any politician, any election, or any State, is the manifestation of a fallen and enslaved people. Trump, Biden, Netanyahu, or any other political trash, will never solve these problems, so quit giving them the power they seek to destroy you.”

~Gary D. Barnett

Read the full article here by Gary D. Barnett:

The Risks We Face in a World Gone Mad: State Narratives Are Always Lies

Copyright © 2023 Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

Related post:

CAITLIN JOHNSTONE on “You’re Not Supposed To Trust The Government”

GARY D. BARNETT: “The So-Called ‘Alternative’ Media Is Being Taken Over by Imposters, While the World Goes Insane”

“This is not a war for the defense of Israel, it is a plot of mass murder of innocent men, women, and mostly children, who are held captive behind guarded walls in Gaza. Most all the talking heads have this entire situation wrong, and are helping in the effort to assist an evil ruling class in Israel to ‘finish off,’ and slaughter innocent people who have been abused for decades. The victims will only be the people of Palestine and the people of Israel. The Israel government and its supporting U.S. government and military, will use this opportunity for war and murder, and possibly will seek and instigate a new world war; all to murder an occupied population that has no military of any kind, while the average age of its resident is just 17 years old. It is a land of enslaved children. The atrocities committed by the Hamas terrorists are evil, and the premeditated and plotted response by the Israeli government is also evil, as they knew what was happening all along, and allowed the carnage. We are witnessing complete lies, propaganda, and long-planned agenda completion, all at the expense of the innocent on both sides. The U.S. government and its military immediately took sides, and are in full support of more slaughter and murder in the Middle East. This atrocious U.S. government has an agenda as well, so beware the dire consequences of this intentionally manufactured war. Remember, all wars are against the people, and indifferent populations will always be the victims of horror. Those in power, are not threatened, as they will always hide from the terror they bring about. Governments never lose in war, but you, all of you, will lose everything; your assets, your lives, and the lives of your family. This is only about purposely creating war; nothing more. War is the health of the State, but never for the good of the people!”

~Gary D. Barnett

“It’s discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.” 

~ Noël Coward

Oh, where to begin? The world is changing continually, and what began as an alternative voice of truth as opposed to the mainstream propaganda and lies, is morphing into a big business, large audience, popularity contest, where money and fame are sought. Invariably, this serves to weaken the honest message in favor of rhetoric, biased personal opinion, and in some instances, is meant for purposeful opposition to the truth, although this is not always the case. There is a fine line in intentionally working against a particular element of truth, and taking sides without clear thought. When one immediately takes sides without consideration of the big picture, the whole truth as it were, is lost, as is all credibility. What is spewed in this state of plotted or emotional opinion, is at once in favor of, whether intentional or not, the real evil. This is happening in a very dangerous situation today, in the so-called “war against Hamas” by Zionist-controlled Israel.

Other than a few sane voices who look at the total picture with consideration of the past 75 years of history, and beyond, most take sides in support of one or the other political faction, and disregard all the real victims of these atrocities being committed. These atrocities by any and every standard and measure, are obviously long-planned, coordinated, allowed to take place, and therefore intentional, in order to advance particular agendas. All attacks and murder of civilians, regardless of so-called sides, are heinous and beyond evil, but not getting to the truth of the matter before allowing feigned emotions or political leanings to interfere with reality, is unacceptable. With mainstream media and now the more mainstream fake ‘alternative’ media, one is presented immediately with sides, reminiscent of the idiocy of; “You are either with us or with the terrorists.” With or against is the mantra, which is so completely wrong from both perspectives. A much deeper look is required in order for sanity to survive.

This essay is not relegated to only the Israeli/Palestinian situation, as this phenomenon of irresponsible reporting, has consumed most all ‘news’ on most of the important issues, whether mainstream or alternative, for many years. But this particular situation reeks of plotted, unintelligent, uninformed, propagandized, and biased news from most every angle. Given the very heated emotions, and unbelievably dangerous implications of this madness, the risk of this bogus media reporting could easily drive this pre-meditated false flag attack to escalate into regional or world war, where an untold number of innocents, mostly civilians, would face horrible deaths.

Already, lines have been drawn, and the murder of innocent civilians is assured, while the perpetrators of this fraud, the governing factions involved, Israeli and Hamas, criminals in fact, sit back in safety, and send others to kill and maim the innocent, without regard for their own or any others. It is incredibly obvious that the Israeli government and Hamas, the same Hamas created and intentionally put into power by the Israeli government and Mossad, are working together, or at least the Israeli ruling class allowed and is using Hamas, in this effort to bring about a major war of maiming, killing, and final destruction of the once Palestinian State. Civilians on both sides are the targets, and the innocent victims are most Israeli and Palestinian citizens, who do not want this, nor did they participate in this planned attack. They are simply the pawns and fodder of these evil governing entities bent on slaughter and control. Never forget the torture and abuse levied against the Israeli citizenry during the fake ‘covid’ scam, and the massive brutality foisted on them by the Israeli government. They were never considered once, but abused beyond imagination, and forced to comply, rendering them to slavery, not completely different than the fate of the Israeli government’s treatment of Palestinians. The normal people, the civilians, are always the main casualty of war and tyranny.

From any studied or sane point of view, this attack by Hamas terrorists, was completely allowed, as evidence not only suggests, but solidifies. Israeli defenses, considered the best in the world, fully control the Gaza Strip, which is walled off completely, but pretended to have no clue as to what was happening, and did not respond for extended periods of time. This is impossible, unless it was a planned attack allowed to take place in order to cause mass death of innocent Israelis in order to bring about a wanted war. (When has this happened before?– 9/11) According to many Israeli military and ex-military, they know every movement 100% of the time. The attackers were allowed to breach the Israeli defense lines, and the results I posit, were exactly what the Israeli ruling class desired.

Some recent quotes might be of great value in understanding the motives of those who take sides without thought, or intentionally, and cause gross harm in the process.

Ron DeSantis: “Israel, with the full support of the United States, should kill Hamas members and extinguish their entire infrastructure.” 

Nikki Haley: Urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “finish them” in an apparent reference to Hamas. “They should have hell to pay for what they’ve just done.”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: This ignominious, unprovoked, and barbaric attack on Israel must be met with world condemnation and unequivocal support for the Jewish state’s right to self-defense. We must provide Israel with whatever it needs to defend itself — now. As President, I’ll make sure that our policy is unambiguous so that the enemies of Israel will think long and hard before attempting aggression of any kind. I applaud the strong statements of support from the Biden White House for Israel in her hour of need. However, the scale of these attacks means it is likely that Israel will need to wage a sustained military campaign to protect its citizens. Statements of support are fine, but we must follow through with unwavering, resolute, and practical action. America must stand by our ally throughout this operation and beyond as it exercises its sovereign right to self-defense. 

Jordon Peterson: (Fraud and now close confidant to psychopath Benjamin Netanyahu) Tweeted to Netanyahu–“Give ’em hell. Enough is enough.”

There are literally hundreds of examples of politicians and media, including the alternative media, taking sides in this staged and plotted attack. All support should be for all the innocent civilians in Israel and Palestine, not for the nationalistic and murderous Israeli government or Hamas, its counterpart in Palestine.

This is not a war for the defense of Israel, it is a plot of mass murder of innocent men, women, and mostly children, who are held captive behind guarded walls in Gaza. Most all the talking heads have this entire situation wrong, and are helping in the effort to assist an evil ruling class in Israel to ‘finish off,’ and slaughter innocent people who have been abused for decades. The victims will only be the people of Palestine and the people of Israel. The Israel government and its supporting U.S. government and military, will use this opportunity for war and murder, and possibly will seek and instigate a new world war; all to murder an occupied population that has no military of any kind, while the average age of its resident is just 17 years old. It is a land of enslaved children.

The atrocities committed by the Hamas terrorists are evil, and the premeditated and plotted response by the Israeli government is also evil, as they knew what was happening all along, and allowed the carnage. We are witnessing complete lies, propaganda, and long-planned agenda completion, all at the expense of the innocent on both sides. The war against the people in Gaza is a murderous war crime, just as was the attack of Israel by Hamas, so should all the innocent people of Israel and Palestine face even more terror; terror purposely allowed by the Israeli government, and used as a false flag terror event to set up genocide in Palestine?

The U.S. government and its military immediately took sides, and are in full support of more slaughter and murder in the Middle East. This atrocious U.S. government has an agenda as well, so beware the dire consequences of this intentionally manufactured war. Beware the connections being pursued by this country and Israel to implicate Russia and Iran, as that could lead to an apocalyptic conclusion. Remember, all wars are against the people, and indifferent populations will always be the victims of horror. Those in power, are not threatened, as they will always hide from the terror they bring about. Governments never lose in war, but you, all of you, will lose everything; your assets, your lives, and the lives of your family.

This is only about purposely creating war; nothing more. War is the health of the State, but never for the good of the people!

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas.”

~ Benjamin Netanyahu – March 2019, as told to the Likud Party’s members of the Knesset

“False Flag operations by governments are the easiest and quickest way to persuade the population to sacrifice their own in order to achieve goals of the elite.”

~ James Thomas Kesterson, Jr

Reference Links:

What’s really happening in Israel

 Presidential candidate comments on Israeli attacks

Lindsey Graham comments on Hamas attack

Congress reactions to attacks–backing Israel and war

Jordon Peterson comments

Israel knew of Hamas attack in advance

Israeli lawmaker calls for doomsday weapons to flatten Gaza

Terror attack on Israel a joint intelligence operation


Copyright © 2023

Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given

GARY D. BARNETT: “Total World Connections and Actions Expose the Evil Agenda of the One World Governance Plot”

“Divide and rule–Divide and rule–Divide and rule. Are you beginning to see what is going on in this country and the world? Can you possibly understand that you are digging your own graves by allowing yourselves to be lied to, manipulated, and controlled en masse? Is your perception so narrowly focused that your only reality is sheer darkness? That certainly appears to be the case when discussing the plight of the masses today. In order to see, one must be willing to look and to find the truth, and then act on that truth. Anything less is cowardice in the face of tyranny. Once eyes are open, it becomes ridiculously obvious that everything going on today is a calculated plot; one that has been active for decades, but that has recently accelerated dramatically as the New World Order and its global government scheme is getting closer to fruition. Keep in mind, that this world is being run by the very few, while hundreds of millions here, and billions on earth, are supporting and accepting their own enslavement at the hands of a tiny minority of what is a ruling conspiratorial cabal. Consider just some of the atrocities happening, and how they are all tied together in what is referred to by the ruling class, governments, and the controlled media, as consequential. Consider that most of these horrendous events, and the response to these nefarious acts, are across many boundaries, geographical areas, nation-states, and continents; all acting in a similar manner at the same time. This of course is not possible, unless all this is coordinated among a ruling class of evil monsters, whose victims are all the common people on earth.”

~Gary D. Barnett

By: Gary D. Barnett

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years……It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

~ David Rockefeller

Divide and rule–Divide and rule–Divide and rule. Are you beginning to see what is going on in this country and the world? Can you possibly understand that you are digging your own graves by allowing yourselves to be lied to, manipulated, and controlled en masse? Is your perception so narrowly focused that your only reality is sheer darkness? That certainly appears to be the case when discussing the plight of the masses today. In order to see, one must be willing to look and to find the truth, and then act on that truth. Anything less is cowardice in the face of tyranny.

Once eyes are open, it becomes ridiculously obvious that everything going on today is a calculated plot; one that has been active for decades, but that has recently accelerated dramatically as the New World Order and its global government scheme is getting closer to fruition. Keep in mind, that this world is being run by the very few, while hundreds of millions here, and billions on earth, are supporting and accepting their own enslavement at the hands of a tiny minority of what is a ruling conspiratorial cabal.

Consider just some of the atrocities happening, and how they are all tied together in what is referred to by the ruling class, governments, and the controlled media, as consequential. Consider that most of these horrendous events, and the response to these nefarious acts, are across many boundaries, geographical areas, nation-states, and continents; all acting in a similar manner at the same time. This of course is not possible, unless all this is coordinated among a ruling class of evil monsters, whose victims are all the common people on earth.

For purposes here, the concentration can be limited just to the past four years, as the biggest push toward total globalism has occurred during this recent period of time. Beginning with the ‘fake ‘covid’ fraud, this false threat was accepted as real, treated as a one-world narrative, where virtually every single country in the world acted in concert simultaneously. All these countries prior to this manufactured ’emergency,’ were somewhat independent, sovereign in some regards, and many were enemies of one another, but they all came together as one to address this obvious bogus risk that had been telegraphed for years before it was foisted on us all. This is not feasible in any regard, unless coordinated worldwide in advance.

Consider the consequences of this fraud in its mandates, orders. new laws, and restrictions, and how they were universally accepted by every county on earth all at once. Lockdowns were universal, as was mask-wearing, fake testing, ‘social distancing,’ quarantines, stoppage to travel, and eventually the acceptance and mass-injection worldwide of completely untested, dangerous, and deadly poisons called ‘vaccines,’ which have caused massive sickness and death which continues to this day.

Consider the immigration plight and global governing push for mass migration, that has destroyed many countries and devastated economies everywhere. Again, this was widespread across all boundaries in the same time period. This is still happening every day, and is causing havoc worldwide.

Consider the ‘racism’ ploy that has been manufactured, manipulated, lied about, and created and stoked, by all the same players who control the world. This new illegitimate racism is a complete fraud meant only to divide, but any inspection of the motives destroy the entire basis of this fraudulent plot to cause unrest. In essence, this has become real racism against all white people, especially white males, but the entire ruling class and its media whores who perpetuate this lie, are mostly white males. Does this make any sense whatsoever if real racism is the problem? Of course not, as this is just another way to cause hatred and panic, It is in no way valid, but is being used as a weapon in many areas of the world concurrently.

Consider that unnatural fires, fires of such extreme heat and devastation, that entire towns, cities, natural treasures, timber lands, sought-after geographic locations, and human fodder are being targeted. Once again, these are not isolated terror attacks, it is happening worldwide, and in concert. The devastation is occurring in California, Hawaii, New York, most of the western U.S., Canada, Greece, Spain, Turkey, many other parts of Europe, China, Australia; this just to name a few. Most all these fires are much hotter and more deadly than any natural wildfire could be, and again, this is widespread around the world at the same time.

The main blame for much of this terroristic devastation is based on the lie and fraud called ‘man-made climate change,’ and that in my opinion is the lynchpin of all efforts to destroy this planet, economies, and the bulk of people who make up the masses at large. Again, this is an agenda that is being pursued worldwide, and in a concerted effort together as one.

Also, there seems to be a gigantic push, fake of course, toward this insane transgender idiocy, and again this is happening in many different countries around the world together. Transgenders make up only a fraction of 1% of populations, but the exposure given this fraud is again universal. If one were to watch television, sporting events, advertising, and staged events, he would think that ‘transgenders’ made up the bulk of populations. Schools across this entire country, and others as well, are being inundated with this transgender nonsense. It is completely immoral, and to allow children to be exposed to this madness is evil exemplified. But then, control the children, and control the world. It is just a waiting game. Brainwashing and indoctrinating the young will guarantee that when the old no longer inhabit this world, the rulers will have won by default; having a totally dumbed down, compliant, and ignorant population accepting of a supreme authority to manage and control their lives.

Is all of this, and obviously so much more, coincidental? Is it all accidental? Can everything going on in this world happen most everywhere, and all simultaneously, by all different types of people and cultures, and still be considered natural? Or is it ordained by some grand cabal that has a plan for the rest of humanity that only leads to total rule? If most all these atrocities are happening at once, and universally in many cases, is it not obvious that all this is orchestrated, and therefore a pre-determined plot against freedom and individuality? I suggest, that this is exactly what is happening, and the saddest part of it, is that most all of you are blinded by your own desire to hide from truth and reality, by your ‘beliefs’ fed to you by government, and by accepting kings and rulers who you have voluntarily chosen to be your masters.

Our world today is one of secret societies, of NGOs, of governments, of hidden oligarchs, of technocrats, of  ‘health masters’ called pharmaceuticals, of the media, and of central banks and corporate heads, all who are collaborating, and working toward the same exact agenda, while the lowly masses stand by and watch without lifting a finger. This is our real problem.

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Copyright © 2023

Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given

DEJA VU ‘BLAST’ FROM THE PAST: UNQUOTABLE QUOTES ~ Benjamin Netanyahu on “Destroying America”

“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s God’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

~Benjamin Netanyahu – 1990, via The Khazarian Mafia: You Don’t Know, What You Don’t Know!

Ascension Avatar warning dated 3/6/2020:

Ascension Avatar note: And now under Trump’s Zionist administration — America IS a slave to Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (whose leader IS Netanyahu) — Is the U.S. better off than in 1990? Naught! Remember, no nation can simply “coexist” with fascist religious supremacists on a hell-bent mission to kill everyone in the world except the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalists! Does any sane person actually believe this is GOD’S WILL? If you are still seduced, charmed and enchanted by Donald Trump, then you’re basically parading with the NWO Anti-Christ movement… because THAT is where this is ALL heading… FAST. Lisa Renee has been warning us about Kabbalists for a while but so few are actually getting it… Please awaken…🙏

—From the March 6, 2020 Ascension Avatar article:

UNQUOTABLE QUOTES ~ Benjamin Netanyahu on “Destroying America”

~via Ascension Avatar