LISA RENEE: “Two Truths”

“Truth is both relative and absolute, while on the earth we have the challenging task to reconcile the Two Truths that represent the energetic synthesis between the realities that exist on the earth (matter) and as it is in heaven (spirit). Accessing the Two Truths and applying them practically in our lives sets us free and unifies us with God. However, we must be willing to free our mind in order to see the relative truth, no matter how unpleasant it may appear. And the truth is we are in a war over consciousness with False Gods on the earth, and we know the Universal Laws of God are absolute. It is the force of God’s love that ultimately protects us from the Imposter’s and guides us through the Spiritual Warfare on the earthly plane. We gain access to truth by going within, by meditating and praying to the inner Christ spirit for divine inspiration that guides us through the many lessons, challenges and consciousness growth experiences in life. It is the power of God’s spirit that we may access in loving prayer and meditation that connects us to the highest intelligence possible, the God-Christ Mind, that brings us healing, wisdom and loving guidance. It is the God-Christ Mind and pure diamond heart that can guide us safely through when navigating the schemes, lies and deceptions that are the divide and conquer agendas of the Anti-Christ embodiment on the earth.”

~Lisa Renee

Truth is both relative and absolute, while on the earth we have the challenging task to reconcile the Two Truths that represent the energetic synthesis between the realities that exist on the earth (matter) and as it is in heaven (spirit). Accessing the Two Truths and applying them practically in our lives sets us free and unifies us with God. However, we must be willing to free our mind in order to see the relative truth, no matter how unpleasant it may appear. And the truth is we are in a war over consciousness with False Gods on the earth, and we know the Universal Laws of God are absolute. It is the force of God’s love that ultimately protects us from the Imposter’s and guides us through the Spiritual Warfare on the earthly plane.

We gain access to truth by going within, by meditating and praying to the inner Christ spirit for divine inspiration that guides us through the many lessons, challenges and consciousness growth experiences in life. It is the power of God’s spirit that we may access in loving prayer and meditation that connects us to the highest intelligence possible, the God-Christ Mind, that brings us healing, wisdom and loving guidance. It is the God-Christ Mind and pure diamond heart that can guide us safely through when navigating the schemes, lies and deceptions that are the divide and conquer agendas of the Anti-Christ embodiment on the earth.

On the path of truth seeking, as we gain understanding of the laws of life, knowing the truth that is within the Universal Laws, we must seek to live in the truth that we have gained. We must live what we know as truth. No matter what is happening on the earth and in our lives, we can apply that truth in the way we interact with everything and everyone. [1]


1 Divide and Conquer Tactics

See Also:

Basic Principles of Psychological Warfare

Divide and Conquer Tactics

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Translation of Consciousness Memories”

When our memories are erased and we are in amnesia, we have no context for the Electromagnetic Signals that we are being sent during the Ascension Cycle, because we cannot translate them. So how does our body translate those energy signals of consciousness memory coming from other Timelines?

The human nervous system and our Lightbody processes the consciousness memories from other timelines in the form of receiving energetic signals first. If a person is disconnected from their heart and totally enmeshed in the 3D reality, they will not sense or interpret the signal. If a person is connected and awakening to higher sensory perception, they will sense and try to interpret the signal, and this may come in as a flood of memories, data streams or emotional sensations. People commonly refer to these as downloads.

When we try to interpret the signal that we have received, we are using the level of consciousness we have access to, to decode it and translate it into some kind of experience. The event will be translated into something that only has meaning to us personally, something which was recorded in some kind of pre-conscious processing. This means within some unconscious level or conscious mind level, something was recorded in the storage area of our memories. The association given to the signal will be related to the memories that are held in our body, the Mental Map that had been created thus far during life experiences, and the things that are very unique to each person. So usually the signal will be interpreted by comparing the meaning that we have associated within our own memories, to the memories that we have been given access to.

Bring to mind an energetic waveform coming in with information from other timelines or higher dimensions. As the signals are coming in, the body goes what’s this? As the signal is coming in, the signal will be interpreted through the memories that are present in the aura of your lightbody and the associations that have been formed from those accumulated memories. For many people on the earth, the signal is ignored or not sensed at all, because it cannot be interpreted through the Negative Ego and the 3D belief systems that have been conditioned in a materialistic society.

Developing Links of Association to Memories

However, if we are open and resonant to receive these energy signals, the memory may now translate into some mental images that we can perceive. When we are communicating with Consciousness or energy, much of the time the translation will come in through images and feelings. There may be images and colors, sometimes its sensations and feelings, maybe a word or phrases will come through. Now when a person creates those memory meanings, it means there is an association that has been made in the brain, there is a neural link. That Neural Link increases more links that associate meanings, which activate more of the neural Synapses in our brain to receive matched signals. This creates links of association in the neural synapses of the brain, which in turn increases higher sensory perception by linking new sensations of feelings with the brain’s thought processing.

As we develop more and more of our higher sensory perception, it develops links of association to access more consciousness memories, and it gets easier to actually interpret the meaning we have made through our feeling sensations. The more we pay attention to our intuitive feelings and the more we ask for truth and for God’s help in developing our discernment, the easier this process becomes. As we regain more of our memories we regain our cellular knowing, which can perceive and translate these energy signals as communications that exist all around us. However, we must remain aware that these signals are intentionally distorted and interfered with by the NAA so that we do not receive them correctly, so that we cannot develop strong Discernment with the information that we do receive.

Each person will interpret signals and consciousness memories that they receive into some context or association that have specific meaning to them. When we create those meaning links with memory, it means that person has developed associations to these memories that now have some context for that person. What that signifies is that person has created a new association, there’s a link to process information that was not there previously. That link to associate memories increases links to activate in our brain. When this happens, we are creating links of association in the neural synapses of our brain to recognize information or language that was not previously available. We are moving beyond the mind slides and breaking through the memory wipes. This in turn increases the higher sensory perception energy receivers to connect our emotional experiences with the mental body. This sensory-feeling and mental-thought form merge improves the way the brain processes complex sensory experiences, so the person can better synthesize feelings in order to more easily describe them and understand what it is that they are actually experiencing.

As an example, a person may have gone through their life not having any interest to explore UFO’s or the existence of extraterrestrials impacting the Earth, because they had no direct memory meaning assigned to them even existing. Maybe they were led to believe the whole topic was absurd, filled with crazy people. Then they have an experience, such as a direct encounter with nonhuman entities, and now all of the sudden they have a deep interest in this topic. They want to understand what has happened to them, and now they comes across extraterrestrial phenomena everywhere in their life, when they had never even noticed it before. They have built the links of association that give meaning to this context, when it was not there before.

When a person has no comparable memory because they’ve been memory wiped, and there is no consciousness memory meaning available in their mental map, because unapproved topics and knowledge is withheld from them, they may not awaken and remember the truth. Maybe their body is trying to interpret the signal from consciousness memories in the Galactic History, that translates into some kind of life experience and it is being interpreted incorrectly. Humanity perceives things incorrectly because we do not have a memory association or the correct context, because we have been given a false history and are being deceived. And this is what the negative alien game is to control the timelines. By controlling humanity into believing in a false reality that is based upon a false history that was written for the 3D control matrix, they keep humanity feeding into their AI program.

(Source: ES News – Historical Timeline Triggers)

~via – Time Shift Blog – October 4, 2021

LISA RENEE: “Belial Program”

“For the satanic ritualist or conjurer of Adam Belial, the dark power they are looking to collect from others and embody is the anti-life reversal of the male Rod principle that exists in the organic Krystal architecture, the higher horizontal layers connecting directly into the Metatronic body in the 8D and 9D time matrix. Essentially the opening of the Daath would lead directly to the Black Star Abaddon as described in Revelation 9:11. Essentially, the ritual involves the hijack of the organic Solar body and Ruby Sun DNA of the Michael-Nephilim Consciousness, using pieces of the masculine solar body principle spark to ignite this process into the planetary field through artificial and organic 11:11 gateways. To be able to access these Gateways, they cannot sustain the life force energy inside themselves, so they use blood sacrifices to hijack the energy required to attempt to carry themselves into these higher dimensional planes and through Stargates. This Adam Belial principle operates as the gatekeeper to the Twin Towers that opens the portal, this represents the ultimate access that leads into the complete mysteries of Daath, that contains all of the hidden words of creation and mysterious knowledge that is held in all ten spheres of the Sephiroth. The Black Sun creation. Apparently, it is believed when the ritualist opens the portal of Daath, the heart complex and physical heart chambers are filled with life force, which supposedly grows a soul from those sacrificed and harvested, on behalf of those who are soul-less. For those of us aware that the Sons of Belial are behind the New World Order and the 911 Timelines, it becomes clearer that humanity was held captive at a global scale, to witness the sophisticated orchestration of an Adam Belial Luciferian ritual that destroyed the Twin Towers and killed many innocent people for the purpose of blood sacrifice for the soul-less.”

~Lisa Renee


The Sons of Belial are not only a massive gestalt of false light collective Luciferian consciousness that exist on the material plane, but also a part of the consortium of entities that make up the Negative Aliens. The Negative Alien that is embodying Luciferian principles, such as the Belial group, contacts and interfaces with its vibrational match or genetic line on the material plane, which is a human vessel embodying the same collective thoughtform vibration. These are mostly reptilian beings that have lost their connection to the Godhead by rejecting the natural laws, and in its place produced an artificial reality based on the Saturnian Kabballah Sephiroth and Black Tree of Life reversal architecture. As a result of the disconnection of the organic architecture that generates an open source supply of life force energy, in an entropic system their DNA became increasingly corrupted and damaged. Through the enslavement history of the Seraphim consciousness that became trapped within the artificial realities in the Black Tree of Life (Qlippoth), these Fallen Angelics were also bound to play out the program of the Luciferian Rebellion as the Sons of Belial. And so, they played their dark consciousness part in creation as dictated by the corrupted planetary grid structures, and this damage in the timelines further created mass planetary DNA mutations, and the ongoing wars over genetics and bloodlines that are still enforced today.

AI Timelines

This conflict was further capitalized on by off planet sources, such as the embodied reptilian entities, the Annunaki and Draconian hybrids and regressives who understood what was happening and many of these Negative Aliens joined forces to gain control over the earth resources. As a result, the Belial Sons are inherently parasitic and utilizing humanity and many other living beings as their food source to live on for thousands of years in their artificially created realities. They feed on blood sacrifices and negative emotional energy or loosh to avoid reincarnation, refusing entrapment in lower dimensions, to avoid the loss of identity that would occur in the natural death process that happens on earth from these genetic mutations. For these reasons, these groups used advanced artificial technology to open wormholes that were blended together into AI timelines, to create the power required to attempt to pull the earth body into the Black Hole System leading into the phantom matrix where they exist. If successful they could gain total control over the planet and humanity, also gaining access to the quantum energy and many of the earthly resources available. Many of these earth-based resources have been stolen, some in the form of human trafficking, covertly taken underground or to build colonies on other planets in our Solar System.

To collect and gather the life force energy of living things, they created layers upon layers of reversals, mind control transmissions and anti-life architecture in the planetary body, and many of these machines are structures that can be classified as black magic grids. They are sophisticated energy harvesting structures and alien devices that are engineered to collect, distribute and direct planetary life force and human soul energy from across the globe. This can be moved through the grid network and into a specific position, place or person(s) where they want that collective energy to be directed in order to fulfill some plan or anti-human agenda. One of the basic examples of their global black magic is directed in the planetary grid network through alien machinery used to control the money supply, as well as cast black magic deceptions in the minds of people to stay asleep, in a type of dream spell in order to continue to exploit them.

Dark Ritual and Blood Sacrifice

For Controller humans, such as the dark cabal or those in the Power Elite group, in order to maintain their power, wealth and control over others resources, they engage in a variety of dark rituals that are used to communicate directly with these dark spirits, or the Negative Aliens themselves. An assortment of sacrifices and actions are carried out to pay the energy debt, and must be made as the consequence of exchanging with these dark forces for material power, who are the princes of lies, confusion and depravity. In ritual sacrifice, the dark entity that is conjured is invited to possess the human body or bind to it, in order to use its soul energy. However, to cast off this blood debt for a time, the Controllers kill innocent people in wars or public occult rituals masked as random killings, in order to spill the blood payment designated for these dark entities to feed upon, while also spreading fear in the population. Regardless of the blood sacrifices given, the dark entity may continue to use that human vessel to express a level of its gestalt consciousness, as there are endless amounts of these low-level dark spirits that exist in these underworld hierarchies. This could be a variety of dark entities that work through that same person intermittently, in order to carry out many harmful agendas, usually working against the person themselves, and influencing harmful energies in those around them. If humans refused to co-create with these dark spirits, many of them would cease to exist. The Sons of Belial are similar to mafia thugs that deceive you by making an offer that you can’t refuse, manipulating through emotional blackmail and pain to get a person to reject his or her inner spiritual nature. Pushing them through the descending cycle of repeating self harm and depraved actions until eventually, the person is a dark possessed husk with every aspect of their mind and body fully under someone else’s control.

Luciferian Agenda to Open the Gate to Qlippoth

To gain knowledge over the planetary grid and templar gates one must understand gender principle, math, geometry, frequency and the consciousness qualities that animate the intrinsic architecture that holds the many layers that are contained in the blueprint of our world. If a group can perceive sections of the blueprint of the collective consciousness in the planetary body, and they are Service to Self, they will only perceive that reality through the frequency vibration of their Service to Self level of consciousness. As a result, with some access to the higher knowledge in the planetary body, that group can severely abuse power and easily subjugate others who do not have access to this same knowledge. Yet, there are limitations in the perception of knowledge that is based on the genetic material and the fundamental frequency that is embodied, as well as the position the observer has in the field. Each consciousness can only perceive and see with relative accuracy the range of vibration and frequencies that he or she has actually embodied into their own station of identity. Those ranges of higher spiritual frequencies in the highest dimensional blueprint that are not conducted or embodied, remain outside of one’s perception, and generally remain invisible to that consciousness or station of identity. Hence, that person will believe that those higher dimensions or the blueprint of frequencies are nonexistent, because they can’t perceive them.

In this way, many entities and even humans that are Service to Self can only perceive the Black Tree of Life, the Qlippoth, and as such they can use it to access a dark power source that can be conjured from black subtle forces and dead energy current. This is also called the Qlippoth current, it is the negative polarity, black force, miasma and dead light that exists in these darker realms. Some ritualists reject the Qlippoth current believing that what they are experiencing is actually light, however it is dead light or false light current that is embedded with lies, artificial machinery and many distortions in the creation.

Thus, the general purpose of black magic and dark ritual used by the Power Elite is to pervert the higher knowledge for personal material gain for only a select few, and to perpetrate harm and steal life force energy and resources that belong to others. Otherwise known as the master-slave archetypal role play. From this mind set, it is both the hidden Luciferian and Satanic agendas that desire to open the gate to the Qlippoth current. For them it is the Twilight forces that are gained to harness for their power and selfish motivations, to play the masters on the material plane.

As mentioned, when contacting and working with dark forces there are always severe debts to be paid, and for the dark ritualist, they are willing to give up their body to be possessed or utilized by these parasitic forces in exchange for some material power, knowledge or hedonistic pleasure without sustaining that energy requirement themselves. They give up single soul occupancy and invite a dark spirit into their body, one that has the knowledge or qualities they want to gain experience in. This means rather than work for something based on their own personal merit, talents, soul and energy source, instead they use ritual to take something from others in the external or from the dark entity, and use this for gaining higher knowledge through the lens of the dark forces, or for instant gratification that serves a selfish motive.

The Luciferians in the globalist cabal particularly revere the Belial consciousness and the related rituals that conjure him, as Belial is thought to be second to Lucifer and knowledge of Belial goes back to the Goetic legends of King Solomon in the Babylonian timelines. Belial may also be believed to be the lord-law on the earth, where by mastery of the earth and material plane can be sought through him. Additionally, some may believe the Gate of Belial opens into the Abyss, revealing many of the secret mysteries of the Universe to the ritualist, who then may embody Adam Belial’s power to rule on the material plane. The Gate of Belial is represented as Two Towers of White and Black, the Light and Dark Sentinels on the Kabalistic Tree, that meet in a vortex portal that opens into the Daath. Calling for Belial’s escort supposedly protects the ritualist from being destroyed by the forces of chaos that exist while travelling in the Abyss, to receive the Universal knowledge. In order to open this gate and enter the portal, one is required in ritual to use sigils sealed in personal blood (blood covenant), and to request Belial to enter the ritualist’s space, inviting this dark entity gestalt into their mind, body, and soul to acclimate them to the Qlippoth black force current. Then through invocation asking the Belial consciousness or Demon King to manifest and speak messages through the ritualists, revealing his mysteries and secrets. Belial is the highest initiator of the dark path to the Qlippoth in Draconian magic, hence known as the Demon King, and the manifestation generally appears as reptilian for obvious reasons when made aware of the NAA. Those aspiring to wield the material power given through the Belial entities that serve the NAA, conjure these forces to embody the living Demon King on the earth, through what’s known as Adam Belial.

Adam Belial, Wicker Man in Dark Ritual

The male sexual organs represent the material body of the earth’s creation in the numerology of Five (5) and this symbology is used in ritual to conjure Adam Belial. When the male body is circulating energy and connecting with all earthly elements, it is represented by the five-pointed star geometry, which is known as the pentagram. Within the Kabbalah in its principle of divine light and truth, the perfect and complete form of the five-pointed star is represented as Adam Kadmon. Adam Kadmon accesses the kingdoms of light, the dimensional realms inhabited with benevolent, loving, positive and truthful spirits. In the principle of darkness and lies, the adversary of the light, the material body is made in the male principle as Adam Belial, in which his will and wickedness is made into his material form to serve his selfish desires. Adam Belial accesses the kingdoms of darkness, dimensional realms inhabited with anti-life or evil spirits, demons, poisons, and also filled with negative form bodies, dead energy husks or shells. His correspondences are imperfect human desires made into flesh and used for selfish gratification, to take possession of power, royalty and strength, in which to acquire the treasures of others riches and wealth. In this way he seeks to imitate the Divine Father, stealing his knowledge and using it against him and his creation, by directing confusion into the brains and minds of the people. Through this mind control he uses the False King of Tyranny archetype to carry out the oppression of God’s creation. Within the structure of the Belial principle, he can perceive what the crown chakra (planetary mind) desires to create, and continues to split the creation into gender reversals in order to work against its natural and organic manifestation. His female counterpart is connected to the spirit of whoredom, or prostitution, spreading sexual slavery, misogyny and sexual misery programming. In some ritual circles, the conjuring of the Adam Belial consciousness and dark spirits into a person desiring riches, wealth or knowledge of the hidden mysteries, requires sacrifice, one of which is related to the Wicker Man.

During the Gallic Wars, military campaigns waged by Julius Caesar, he documented that Celtic peoples in central Europe used large straw-wicker statues for sacrifices by burning it in effigy. An effigy is a representation of a specific person in the form of sculpture or some other three-dimensional medium. In current times, the wicker man has been symbolically referenced as a part of some neopagan ceremonies, without the human sacrifice, but burning the representation of a person. Although many people are not intentionally participating in the burning of a wicker man for satanic purposes, the wicker man has been used in satanic rituals for many ages, specifically for human sacrifice in order to conjure the dark spirits connected to the Adam Belial material principle.

For the satanic ritualist or conjurer of Adam Belial, the dark power they are looking to collect from others and embody is the anti-life reversal of the male Rod principle that exists in the organic Krystal architecture, the higher horizontal layers connecting directly into the Metatronic body in the 8D and 9D time matrix. Essentially the opening of the Daath would lead directly to the Black Star Abaddon as described in Revelation 9:11. Essentially, the ritual involves the hijack of the organic Solar body and Ruby Sun DNA of the Michael-Nephilim Consciousness, using pieces of the masculine solar body principle spark to ignite this process into the planetary field through artificial and organic 11:11 gateways. To be able to access these Gateways, they cannot sustain the life force energy inside themselves, so they use blood sacrifices to hijack the energy required to attempt to carry themselves into these higher dimensional planes and through Stargates. This Adam Belial principle operates as the gatekeeper to the Twin Towers that opens the portal, this represents the ultimate access that leads into the complete mysteries of Daath, that contains all of the hidden words of creation and mysterious knowledge that is held in all ten spheres of the Sephiroth. The Black Sun creation.

Apparently, it is believed when the ritualist opens the portal of Daath, the heart complex and physical heart chambers are filled with life force, which supposedly grows a soul from those sacrificed and harvested, on behalf of those who are soul-less. For those of us aware that the Sons of Belial are behind the New World Order and the 911 Timelines, it becomes clearer that humanity was held captive at a global scale, to witness the sophisticated orchestration of an Adam Belial Luciferian ritual that destroyed the Twin Towers and killed many innocent people for the purpose of blood sacrifice for the soul-less.

The Belial Program described is one faction of the NAA attempting to force the planet to serve the multiple invading species agenda, through imposing artificially replicated time fields, inverting the system and generating a false reality based upon masterful lies, deceptions and illusions. Those lies are sophisticated tactics used in psychological-emotional warfare that are being waged against the eternal life principle, authentic human beings, and this deception is considered a sacrament to their Luciferian religion. The deviant priest class of Luciferians believe that it is a holy thing to lie and deceive the weaker masses, in order to manipulate them to serve their agenda.

Humanity is being increasingly saturated with dark ritual symbolism in everyday life. The Power Elite globalists have permeated and infiltrated every control pillar of society to drown us in Luciferian and Satanic sigils and symbols, that are intended to cast black magic spells that transmit blatant lies to confuse the public. We cannot fear spiritual knowledge and the honest truth, or deny the fact that many of those in power practice dark rituals and blood sacrifice and flaunt this fact to all of us every day through the mainstream media.

This is another example of why it is important to discern what we are actually looking at in the globalscape, looking for the deceptions being perpetrated and choosing to banish the lies, asking for truthful disclosure once and for all. As long as we believe in the lies that we are being told, and we hand over our consent to be deceived by the Power Elite and NAA, we are giving them permission to continue to wage their wars, perform blood sacrifice rituals and carry out their anti-human agendas. [1]

Ruby Sun DNA Hijack

The Belial Suns engineered bodies with a digressive DNA template that is based upon the original Ruby Sun DNA template, as a method to hijack the grail line created by the Guardian Host in order to corrupt the lineage and run Fallen Angelic consciousness into the incarnations. Through the Ruby Sun DNA they engineered an 11th reversal DNA strand in which their consciousness race line could inhabit. Hence, Fallen Angelic Annunaki hybrids usurped the Ruby Sun DNA template to gain control over the 11th dimensional Stargate, Stonehenge and in order to generate the bi-wave holographic architecture that was needed to enforce their creations througout the lower densities. In the second harmonic universe, the Ruby Sun DNA became further mutated through the Draco-Annunaki 9 Strand digressive DNA, as well as other Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics that carry 9 Strand mutated DNA. These race lines were used to infiltrate the Power Elite or Illuminati blood lines in order to incarnate the Fallen Angelics onto the earth plane, that would serve the NAA to gain full domination on the earth, and to enslave the planet and her inhabitants.



  1. Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 102

See Also:

Cultivation of Gullibility

Soul Fragmentation

Banishing the Lies


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “AI Timelines of Fallen Earth”

“The NAA effectively declared an edict of war against the Christos Founders, and all of the Maji Grail King lines, Indigos, as well as the earth population on September 12, 2000. Exactly one year later they staged an Adam Belial ritual in order to institute a public ceremony announcing their New World Order plan with the culmination of the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York City. The destruction of the Twin Towers and Blood Sacrifice of those killed at the World Trade Center, was intended to be the line drawn in the sand to show the NAA were proceeding with their full domination and slavery agenda of humanity and earth. This event brought forward what became known as the 911 Timelines, the institution of the false reality timelines in order take the planet into AI Assimilation Timeline which is the Fallen AI Timeline Loops that the NAA fully control from within the Phantom Matrix.”

~Lisa Renee


We are providing a summation of the most common Historical Timeline Trigger Events that were generated during the Great Galactic War histories, in order to give greater context and meaning to the memory associations that occur throughout the remembering process. When we start to remember what has happened, this supports the reclamation of soul fragments and the returning of consciousness memories that were being manipulated by the AI version of the 3D timelines. (This is the Phantom Earth timelines). The NAA have used dimensional blending experiments and alien technology to eliminate certain historical timeline records and to manipulate the perception of important figures throughout human history, in order to control or eradicate these memories from the physical 3D matrix of human perception. This is intended to lure the human soul into the Phantom Earth powered up by AI technology and false timelines.

In order to be freed from the control of the AI reality, one must see it as false. The artificial reality is based on maintaining deceptions and manipulations that keep us ignorant of the larger truth of what has really happened to humanity. [1]

Phantom Earth and Phantom Matrix

The Phantom Matrix: A fallen region of lower-dimensional spectrum originally from our Universal Time Matrix that is powered by False Timelines. It became a slowly degenerating black-hole reality and contains a fallen parallel Earth that the Bible refers to as the bottomless pit, Hades or Hell. Nevertheless if one fell into this, say, via the Falcon or Phoenix Grid wormholes on the basis of frequency affiliation one wouldn’t necessarily encounter sheer misery and torment; there would be upper portions of this reality which initially might be indistinguishable from Earth as it is today, though one would soon realize the control and suppression was greater and from an ET government; also that it was an astral frequency dimension with no death of the body, except that one would slowly die in an imperceptibly imploding black-hole system capable of lasting some hundreds of millions of years without external and internal sustenance. [2]

Monsters of Chaos

In the lower dimensional fields there is a chaotic war struggle occurring in order to regain control over the dark matter, as this is a massive power source for the AI, as well as for the Black Magic Grids. From the epicenter of the Atlantian timelines in the United Kingdom, it may appear to some on the black magic grids that the forces of chaos generated in the phantom world, will eminently come to the surface via Behemoth and Leviathan to destroy the earth realm. One may note the consistent mainstream movie releases portraying violent dystopian futures and Armageddon scenarios that annihilate the earth, combined with the urgent messages to save the human species from certain extinction. But in actuality this is not real, it’s the AI program running holographic movies in these timeline loops, to project the Armageddon Monsters of Chaos that are reversal elementals coming from out of the AI technology and the black magic grid.

The Armageddon Software captures the book of revelation and Enoch prophecies, as the female and male anti-Christ, the Leviathan and Behemoth monsters that are unleashed against humanity in the end times, for the massive war which supposedly brings forth the true messiah of this world. In the twisted and psychopathic mind of the NAA, this violent narrative was the set up for human martyrdom and blood sacrifice at the end of the astrological precession and Ascension Cycle. The Power Elite believe they are the chosen ones to fulfill this end of times prophecy and direct the AI programs in order to wake up and agitate these Monsters of Chaos, which they have co-created from the shadow fragments and reversal elementals on the surface.

Leviathan is also a negative alien race, put here to guard the Tiamat wormhole ripped open between Sarasota, Florida and the Temple Mount. However, it is more commonly used as an image of Satan endangering God’s creatures, by attempting to eat them and by threatening God’s creation with an upheaval in the waters of chaos. The Church of Satan uses the Hebrew letters at each of the points of the Sigil of Baphomet to represent Leviathan in their Black Magic rituals. This means Satanists that conjure or evoke Baphomet fields to power up Leviathan entities for service-to-self rituals, are actually contributing to the feeding of the Beast Machine and its AI technology for maintaining the electromagnetic harness. This is another example of why Satanism is a natural segue into the Transhumanism agendas, as many materialists are very pro-artificial intelligence. [3]

Treaty of Altair

The NAA effectively declared an edict of war against the Christos Founders, and all of the Maji Grail King lines, Indigos, as well as the earth population on September 12, 2000. Exactly one year later they staged an Adam Belial ritual in order to institute a public ceremony announcing their New World Order plan with the culmination of the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York City. The destruction of the Twin Towers and Blood Sacrifice of those killed at the World Trade Center, was intended to be the line drawn in the sand to show the NAA were proceeding with their full domination and slavery agenda of humanity and earth. This event brought forward what became known as the 911 Timelines, the institution of the false reality timelines in order take the planet into AI Assimilation Timeline which is the Fallen AI Timeline Loops that the NAA fully control from within the Phantom Matrix. [4]



  1. Historical Timeline Triggers
  2. January 2008 Newsletter
  3. Planetary Staff
  4. Emerald Founder Records July 2019

See Also:

False Timelines


~via Ascension Glossary

NOSTRADAMUS AND OTHER NONSENSE ~ Lisa Renee on False Timeline Programming

“False Timelines and False Software to Mind Control humanity was used to deter humans from their organic and natural ascension evolution. This is why this planet is called, Prison Planet. Meanwhile the negatives desperately cling on to the artificial timeline programs to influence humans through fear to manifest into their enslaved future selves as Negative Form. Some examples: Nostradamus Prophecy, Armageddon Software, Pestilence Programming, 911 Military Industrial Complex Revolution, any terrorist and cataclysmic inorganic event generated by the Negative Aliens. None of these manipulated programs are sourced as natural events. We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our spiritual identity while recoding and changing the obsolete, False Timelines or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth and consciousness expansion. Like a tri-athlete running and jumping over the hurdles, we connect with our lost aspects or Fragments to merge with these higher vibrating time fields, whereby reclaiming and collecting our spiritual bodies, clearing Negative Forms and Clones to make it to the planetary ascension finish line.”

~Lisa Renee



False Timelines