LISA RENEE: “Be Very Careful When Interacting in Any 3D Structure as It Is Being Weaponized”

Okay, so we’re living in sci-fi land. It’s a very weird, weird world, but we have many spiritual supports and solutions that are available to us. So this is the stage we’re going into as the next level of the aggression is made against the population. And obviously, more people are awake now, but we have to live through this next stage of the agenda and see how far this will be taken. First of all, we understand that they’re going to attempt to roll out the next stage of lock downs again, and force or coerce a new set of injections, again, these are bio-weapons. In the propaganda they call it vaccines, but all vaccines have been designed as genetic modification bio-weapons. So we have two things, major things, in terms of the COVID ‘Plandemic’, which we have already seen their agenda and how it carries out. They’re going to be pushing this shortly, ever more aggressively. Now, in certain areas people will be more exposed to this agenda. Now, obviously, the more populated cities are higher risk with this aggression, because getting around and doing your day-to-day is harder when you’re in a high-density population area, which is where they’re going to try to enforce these types of lock down mechanisms. mandates, contact tracing, or other types of mechanisms to make it extremely difficult to navigate in society unless we follow their tyrannical rules, laws, whatever it may be. This is something to be aware of. They’re going to try to do it in a severe way and we don’t know how far it’s going to go as it depends on how the masses react to these tactics. With the increase of weather disasters, they are systematically going to say it’s ‘Climate Change’, but it is artificial and they’re doing land grabs and collecting loosh, as they did with Maui. Maui was the first line drawn in the sand. There are at least 14 other cities in the United States, and more growing globally, which have this same contract that Maui had, and now this weather or emergency situation will be enacted [Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming]. Maui was a blueprint for them to organize this agenda and carry it out in other major cities and locations. They’re going to duplicate this same agenda, and they’re going to take it all through North America and beyond. Where all of a sudden there is an emergency situation with disease pandemic accompanied with unexpected fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, weather wars of any type. Okay? And now, because they are much more desperate to gain control; they’re using microwave weapons, directed energy weapons, and as we know some areas do have operational the, ‘5G Internet of Things’ as carrier waves to send massive amounts of data through the airwaves in order to achieve their objectives. So it’s understanding, this is the time to be paying attention to your surroundings, your environment. This ‘Climate Change’ lie is used as the cover for emergency usage laws to perform land grabs, and institute other types of tyrannical laws. Things like this are happening in the United States. Again, please don’t be scared of this. It’s understanding, they’re desperate; they’re trying to grab resources everywhere they can. They’re trying to grab money. They’re trying to grab children. They’re trying to grab whatever they can grab. This is the smash and grab tactic, and they don’t care who sees them for what they are anymore. They’re not hiding it. They’re not trying to cover it. They just use the media as the propaganda tool, and they say it’s ‘Climate Change’, and basically whatever cockamamie story they come up with, because they don’t care if you know and can see them, they’re just telling the public those lies, right? I would suggest for our community, for those of us that live in the United States of America and beyond, look out for the ‘Smart Cities,’ because these are going to be the areas that are probably targeted with some form of a Maui-esque, kind of operation, a false flag with sudden and unexpected emergencies. This will accompany forms of lock downs and mandates. We can see what’s happening, let’s say with the Burning Man situation, another Wicker Man ritual, and all the sudden there are media reports there is an Ebola outbreak. Whether it’s true or not is a question; it’s probably just fear propaganda. But again, people are stuck in the mud, because of some unexpected mass flooding, and they can’t get out. Okay, this is a blueprint of their agenda. We need to be aware that they’re going to do this wherever they can. Okay, so we’re living in sci-fi land. It’s a very weird, weird world, but we have many spiritual supports and solutions that are available to us. But in order to find the solutions, we have to understand there is a problem to begin with and ask the right questions. If we do not understand what is happening, or we are ignoring what is happening, or we don’t want to look at what is happening, that means we cannot ask the right question in order to find the right solution. To be awake and aware means we must be brave and calm in order to see all the gory details, we must have comprehension of all of these pieces. And once we see that overview and we understand it, then our higher consciousness can guide us naturally to find the solutions we require, and guide us through the dark maze of this spiritual warfare that we are all undergoing at this particular time. We are all being exposed to this warfare, no one is exempt. We’re in this together. As always, my guidance and support for you is do not consent to any of the Cabal 3D controller structures in the most peaceful way possible. Stay away from these controller structures as much as you can. Do not engage with them. Do not try to be a hero and run in there and try to expose it for what it is. This stage is the heightened warfare of these times and to understand that we need to be safe, we need to take care of each other, and we need to understand what is happening in the larger movement of these particular agendas. You have the power to out-picture any of the problems that may appear to be impending, whether it looks tragic, or issues impacting your children, your family members, what have you. It means if and when, we have an action that we must take, we must listen to that guidance and act accordingly. Again, just be informed, wise, awake and aware to the fact that the 3D system is the control system and it is being heavily weaponized against us. Again, it’s very sad but that is what is happening, as the system in place must fall. That means, with certain 3D structures, we cannot rely on these structures to help us in most cases. But in general, what I’m expressing is that you do not want to run to or engage with the 3D control systems because they are being weaponized against humanity. You’re not rattling sabers or running into the criminal controller system because you think the legal system or medical system is going to save you, because right now it’s not. Be very careful when interacting in any 3D structure, as it is being weaponized. So that means no direct engagement to the best of your ability — and that you do your best to stay low on the radar.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Situational Awareness Update

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