LISA RENEE: “Blocking Human DNA Signals for Hybridization and Takeover”

“An entity who is not born on the planetary body, does not have the same planetary DNA template, nor a compatible human body DNA pattern, as a part of its own DNA signal. As such, we can understand why the planet has been plagued by extraterrestrial species writing their DNA code into the planetary body in order to produce a specific range of artificial electromagnetic signals in the human race. From their perspective, blocking natural electromagnetic signals that activate human DNA, would be beneficial for their hybridization and takeover agenda. Injecting humans with other DNA material, seen in certain vaccinations, medications and other chemicals, could effectively block same species communications and biological ascension that function inherently in our human DNA signal. Life is only created in the presence of Life, life does not arise from nonliving material, and life force cannot be simulated by Artificial intelligence to animate any thing. The DNA replication process technology is known and has been used to experiment with cloning, soul transfer, splicing human DNA with animals, and even in creating Supersoldiers. Replicating DNA through Artificial intelligence technology on future earth and on other planets, has met with extremely destructive impacts. This is observed with Biological Drones or Extraterrestrial Biological Entities created to be slave workers. The failure reveals itself through rapid cellular death, diseases, dysfunctions and how easily those bodies, are inhabited by lower spirits or extradimensional entities. Cell cloning results in inferior biology that cannot evolve, ascend or gain consciousness energy, it is an entropic structure doomed to parasitism. What current science does not know, is that without the unique soul DNA Signal that is key coded into communicating with the planetary DNA, the artificial bodies created through replicated human DNA, will continually fail.”

~Lisa Renee

All living organisms interact and interconnect with electromagnetic waves, and all of the earth’s inhabitants, have original earth based DNA, which is resonant to the low frequency waves emitted by the Schumann Resonances into the earth’s atmosphere. The Schumann resonances are a set of spectrum peaks in the Extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field. For this reason, most people will be extremely open to Electromagnetic Signaling that is stimulated by extremely low frequencies, such as 7.83 Hz, the fundamental range of these waves on earth. This range of low frequency is commonly produced by the human brain, when relaxed in alpha or theta states. Extremely low frequencies or Radio Waves that are artificially or naturally generated can phase with these same frequencies in the human body, having an array of impacts on human Electromagnetic Signals.

The DNA replication process technology is known and has been used to experiment with cloning, soul transfer, splicing human DNA with animals, and even in creating Supersoldiers. Replicating DNA through Artificial intelligence technology on future earth and on other planets, has met with extremely destructive impacts. What current science does not know, is that without the unique soul DNA Signal that is key coded into communicating with the planetary DNA, the artificial bodies created through replicated human DNA, will continually fail. This is observed with Biological Drones or Extraterrestrial Biological Entities created to be slave workers. The failure reveals itself through rapid cellular death, diseases, dysfunctions and how easily those bodies, are inhabited by lower spirits or extradimensional entities. Life is only created in the presence of Life, life does not arise from nonliving material, and life force cannot be simulated by Artificial intelligence to animate any thing. Cell cloning results in inferior biology that cannot evolve, ascend or gain consciousness energy, it is an entropic structure doomed to parasitism. [1]

An entity who is not born on the planetary body, does not have the same planetary DNA template, nor a compatible human body DNA pattern, as a part of its own DNA signal. That extraterrestrial will have different electromagnetic signaling that will not be in natural phase or harmony with the planet’s electromagnetic signals. As such, we can understand why the planet has been plagued by extraterrestrial species writing their DNA code into the planetary body in order to produce a specific range of artificial electromagnetic signals in the human race.

Injecting humans with other DNA material, seen in certain vaccinations, medications and other chemicals, could effectively block same species communications and biological ascension that function inherently in our human DNA signal. By blocking natural DNA signaling between same species, namely earthlings, it would be harder for humans to share exchanges of frequency and intelligent energy communication. This is also effective for maintaining collective consciousness memory wiping, and breaking down the human species light language by scrambling our DNA signals.

Human red blood cells contain DNA emitting signals. This is why it’s so important to not inject other DNA substances directly into our blood stream. When another species DNA is injected into the bloodstream, this interferes with the human DNA’s ability to recognize other human DNA signals, and blocks DNA communication with all members of the same species. From their perspective, blocking natural electromagnetic signals that activate human DNA, would be beneficial for their hybridization and takeover agenda. Injecting humans with other DNA material, seen in certain vaccinations, medications and other chemicals, could effectively block same species communications and biological ascension that function inherently in our human DNA signal. By blocking natural DNA signaling between same species, namely earthlings, it would be harder for humans to share exchanges of frequency and intelligent energy communication. This is also effective for maintaining collective consciousness memory wiping, and breaking down the human species light language by scrambling our DNA signals.

The Power Elite are a small group of people who conjure Black Magic through dark rituals that are used for maintaining contact with the NAA, in order to control the entire planet through the manipulation of the Collective Consciousness through fear based programming that is transmitted via Mind Control. From their perspective, blocking natural electromagnetic signals that activate human DNA, would be beneficial for their hybridization and takeover agenda. [2]

The end of World War II began the massive organizational efforts for setting up galactic conglomerate criminal enterprises hidden in some of the Secret Space Programs to administer to mass levels of Human Trafficking for slavery, supersoldiers, and sex, earth humans are used as a commodity for trade with off planet civilizations. The Power Elites refusal to reveal to the earth population the existence of extra-terrestrials, extra-dimensional entities and human off planet colonies and conglomerates hiding advanced technological abuses, while involved in committing serious genocidal crimes against the earth inhabitants, blocks access to Informed Consent of earth activities with intentional malice, deceiving every inhabitant on earth, thus, is harboring the Galactic Human Slave Trade. This allows these nonhuman and human criminal syndicates to continue to abduct multiple thousands to millions of human adults and children for secret military projects, sex slavery, food, play-pets, free labor, genetic modification and an assortment of NAA agendas designed to enslave and torture humanity.” [3]

Given the importance of Informed Consent for the protection of Human Rights and as an ethical doctrine, it is applicable to Universal Laws in the petition of demanding factual truths of accurate events to be revealed to the human population in the event of full disclosure. At this time on the planet earth in the larger global events designed for world slavery and extradimensional entities genocidal agendas, informed consent in this larger context is non-existent. Therefore, all people interested to serve the disclosure movement can benefit through the comprehension of the higher principles of informed consent and the lack thereof, to open dialogue on the ethical implications this has made against the human race, as the demand for full disclosure grows stronger and becomes more unified. At this point, the lack of informed consent as the result of non-disclosure of true and accurate events on this planet, establishes gross negligent abuse, which can directly lead to multiple species genetic annihilation as well as other devastating consequences.

Sadly, the heavy burden most Awakening people carry is the difficult realization that the majority of intelligent people around them will only glance superficially at some enormous Disclosure event of great importance, disregarding any semblance of Critical Thinking, common sense and reason.

As the result of full spectrum Mind Control programming exposure, many still don’t seem to care to inquire any further into the crimes made against humanity. Instead, their situational awareness is compromised as they continue to ignore blaring red flags and reinforce the mainstream Propaganda of Satanic based ideological subversion and their Controlled Narrative. Rather than dig deeper to question what has happened to our civilization through an open dialogue or be willing to review critically important information that is available to those willing to look at it, they just shut down and ignore that situation entirely. Many of those awake and aware to current anti-human genocidal agendas see that many people around them insist on avoiding addressing anything that would disrupt their reality bubble or personal comfort zone. Those awakening to the Controller deceptions and atrocious crimes of Genocide will be facing more of these social and relational difficulties this year, as the 3D Breakdown continues to crumble the main pillars of society from within.

As we dedicate ourselves to serve our highest spiritual expression as a lifestyle, we will constantly be exposed to a variety of energetic exchanges of higher frequencies and light symbol codes sourcing from our monad, Avatar Christos and higher spiritual identities. Light symbol codes activate the Crystal Body to function in higher ways directing consciousness energy, light and sound codes into new arrangements of musical DNA tones. Light symbol codes can appear as platonic solids or light language, in which they are grouped together to form a complex mathematical pattern that holds an instruction set. Light symbol codes program and direct the consciousness energy within the fabric of light and sound grids that create the structures for manifestation.

The new arrangements of DNA musical tones start to activate higher potentials of the manifested DNA to come online and begin to make frequency alterations and adjustments to the physical body. Musical DNA tones are DNA Signals that arrange the pattern of the raw material substance of the DNA, such as the nucleotides and the protein chains. Human red blood cells contain DNA emitting signals. This is why it’s so important to not inject other species or foreign DNA substances directly into our blood stream. When another species DNA or an artificially generated genetic modified organism is injected into the bloodstream, this interferes with the human DNA’s ability to recognize other human DNA signals, and blocks DNA communication with all members of the same species.

It is important to know that the Controllers also use light symbol codes in mind control transmissions to stop or prevent organic light symbol code transmissions from activating the Crystal Body in humanity, which keeps human DNA potentials dormant. Light symbol codes can be used with high frequencies to program the body towards health, wellbeing and spiritual healing, and with negative intent they can be used with low frequencies to attack the subconscious with fear, disease and deterioration programs. Once we understand that it is possible to program disease or deterioration of human DNA by blocking the physical body’s ability to send an organic human DNA signal transmission, then the current toxic nanotech injection agenda can no longer be passed off as anything other than spiritual warfare.

Without our personal DNA signal being in perfect alignment to the harmonic phasing of the Earth body, it prevents most earthlings from accessing accurate species memory or ascension codes that are being recorded in the instruction sets of the Earth. It also means that an individual’s DNA is unable to recognize another member of their same species, as it confuses the DNA Signals and energetic communications made between humans. This is a major issue with humanity that has been involved with alien hybridization and that now require specific bio-regenesis and spiritual rehabilitation of their DNA Signal. This is one reason the human race does not recognize the return of the Christ Consciousness DNA Signal, and does not acknowledge or know of the Krystal DNA pattern existing in the Earth body.

To control the perception of the conscious mind of humanity to automatically believe in the plandemic, the Controller groups program a series of pestilence and fear programs into the 1D-2D frequency areas of the subconscious layers so that they can direct the lowest frequencies targeting the dimensions above it. In the April 2021 newsletter the GOAT mind was discussed as a mind control program being used to control the human brain’s limbic system in order to gain compliance in the Controller agenda. The fabric of light and sound, or the grid is programmed from the dimension above where the symbol codes or mathematical programs are being placed and directed. If the Controller desires to target the 3D consciousness parameter with a series of programming codes sent via extremely low frequencies, the program is inserted in the 1D-2D spectrum in order to run the program in 3D. This is how the NAA capture human consciousness into 3D by running mind control programs throughout the planetary grid, by targeting each dimension by constructing an artificial machine or alien program in the dimensional grid that exists beneath the targeted area.

Full Disclosure is necessary to reveal the full scope of human slavery, which extends off planet and into many other civilizations of which earth humans, many that are children, are used for sex and trafficked. In most all reasons behind the massive profits for human slavery, sexual slavery and free labor for the NAA is involved. [4]


  1. Electromagnetic Signals
  2. DNA Signals
  3. Galactic Human Slavery
  4. Full Disclosure Event

~via Ascension Glossary

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