THE REALITY OF US ‘ELECTIONS’ ~ Caitlin Johnstone on “The Rigged, Unplugged Voting Game That Leads To Nowhere”

“In reality, the US political system is like the unplugged video game remote that kids give their baby brother so he stops whining that he wants a turn to play. The problem is not that the system is rigged against the people, the problem is that the system is rigged against the people and the people do not know it. If they were aware just how badly their interests were being actively sabotaged by the loose alliance of government agency leaders and the plutocrats who own the political/media class, they would immediately use the power of their numbers to force real change. But they don’t. Because the political/media class who are paid to protect the status quo upon which their employers have built their respective kingdoms keep assuring that this is all normal and fine. The more people wake up to the reality that everything they’ve been told about their nation and their government is a lie, the closer we get to the possibility of the people discovering the power of their numbers and shrugging off the mechanisms of control and exploitation like a heavy coat on a warm day. Which is all the ruling class has ever been afraid of. Not the Russians. Not the Chinese. Not Donald Trump. Not even Bernie Sanders. They’ve only ever been afraid of you. They’ve been afraid of a sleeping giant waking up from its media-induced coma and knocking down their little empire with a wave of its hand. The actual results of the fake election change nothing in the big picture, any more than it would help the little brother with the unplugged controller if he felt like he was winning at the game. If anything feeling like he’s in control keeps him from glancing down and seeing that the cord leads to nowhere. Electoral politics is not the real fight, waking the public up to reality is.”

~Caitlin Johnstone




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