LISA RENEE: “Secret Societies Hide Depravity, Fallen Anunnaki Shapeshifters”

“Not unlike what is occurring now, 5,500 years ago the NAA invaders began systematically destroying the existing historical records, cultures, artifacts and monuments of ancient builder structures in order to obliterate the existence of the angelic human past and the evidence of the Diamond Sun Solar Dragon bloodlines, as the genesis of the original Celtic Grail Kings from Hyperborea, Tiamat and Venus. This began a multiple species war raging over genetic material and timelines, the attempted genocide of the authentic Maji Grail bloodlines, and insertions of genetic modification and alien hybridization along with breeding programs with the intention to subvert the future evolutionary direction of the human species. These are falsified identities that are body snatched human forms which include the insertions of the highest Nephilim lines and other hybridized invaders. Thus, through gradual stages of alien invasion these nonhuman forces began to insert themselves as Babylonian Kings, Egyptian Pharaohs, future Monarchs and Captains of Industry, as these same bloodlines are highly venerated today in the pyramid of hierarchical control that has been weaponized against humanity by the power elite archontic group. For the shapeshifting lunar shadow body of an Anunnaki Fallen Angelic hybrid to inhabit the Ruby Sun DNA, which appears on the outer to be an angelic human body, they require blood drinking and cannibalism of human beings to consume the living essence in order to ensure their lifespan. Consuming white powder of monatomic gold and the adrenochrome harvest from the blood sacrifice of children were the anti-Christ tools used to prop up their energy bodies for attempted immortality as they descended into deeper criminality, perversions and psychopathy. In esoteric Luciferian Knights Templar tradition, blood sacrifice was justified as a stage of the ‘Great Work’ for consciousness evolution in which the initiate must massacre the innocents, in order to gain the energy mass from the harvested souls that would be necessary to become immortal and free of the earthly burdens of reincarnation. Upon this faulty and twisted theory introduced by Saturnian blood worship woven into the base 10 esoteric Kabbalah, the massacre of the innocents became a hidden mysterious principle encoded in the secret rituals of the developing power elite hierarchies. They formed a well-funded organized corporate machine that ran the many levels of the secret society from the top of the pyramid with inner, outer and intermediate compartmentalized groups. Those connected to every compartment learn a part of the knowledge while no one actually knows who is running the top of the pyramid until they start to see evidence of carrying out pedophilic rituals and blood sacrifice.”

~Lisa Renee

Not unlike what is occurring now, 5,500 years ago the NAA invaders began systematically destroying the existing historical records, cultures, artifacts and monuments of ancient builder structures in order to obliterate the existence of the angelic human past and the evidence of the Diamond Sun Solar Dragon bloodlines, as the genesis of the original Celtic Grail Kings from Hyperborea, Tiamat and Venus. This began a multiple species war raging over genetic material and timelines, the attempted genocide of the authentic Maji Grail bloodlines, and insertions of genetic modification and alien hybridization along with breeding programs with the intention to subvert the future evolutionary direction of the human species. These inversions and outright lies credit the Anunnaki as the supposed lines of the Red-Haired Kings, proclaiming themselves as the earthly based Gods and rightful Dragon Kings, with the right to divine rulership of earthly territory. These are falsified identities that are body snatched human forms which include the insertions of the highest Nephilim lines and other hybridized invaders. They are more accurately credited to be the lines of the abomination of Red-Haired Giants that were purposely sent to terrorize and conquer angelic humanity through the introduction of blood drinking and satanic ritual abuse.

The Anunnaki are hierarchical lunar AI hybrid entities that use rank to determine what level and type of body their extradimensional species are allowed to inhabit, which is based upon the discretion of their power elite overlords. They do not choose their body if they remain in the work force of the hierarchal organization, it is chosen for them. Most of the Anunnaki species are also referred to as Anunnaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics and they live as shadow shapeshifters that inhabit doll like bodies or biological drone bodies, that are designed for their particular job in the hive mind collective of their civilization. Their job and tasks serve the collective hive mind to which they have been directly assigned based on their recorded history and memory retention from multiple lifetimes. To call a human looking body snatched by an Anunnaki that refers to himself as royalty or King, such as those represented in Sumerian artifacts, is incorrect because this was not the body they were incarnated into, it is the body they performed an artificial genetic bond transfer into in a laboratory, which then requires consuming the essence of living human souls to maintain their lifespan. Only those considered royalty or King rulers at the top of their hierarchy are allowed to have a humanoid five-star body that is based upon the diamond sun DNA that they are able to reasonably re-create, which is a frankenstein level of hybridizing the Ruby Sun DNA. For the shapeshifting lunar shadow body of an Anunnaki Fallen Angelic hybrid to inhabit the Ruby Sun DNA, which appears on the outer to be an angelic human body, they require blood drinking and cannibalism of human beings to consume the living essence in order to ensure their lifespan.

Thus, through gradual stages of alien invasion these nonhuman forces began to insert themselves as Babylonian Kings, Egyptian Pharaohs, future Monarchs and Captains of Industry, as these same bloodlines are highly venerated today in the pyramid of hierarchical control that has been weaponized against humanity by the power elite archontic group. These groups aided by the invaders inserted themselves falsely as the declared rightful Kings and Rulers of contemporary times, believing themselves genetically elite in contrast to the majority of hybridized humans. Many in the power elite claim to be genetically connected to the Celtic-Druid grail lineages in which they pervert the knowledge to intentionally enslave and dehumanize the global population.

Instead, they are from the lineage of the Fallen Anunnaki invaders inhabiting human bodies and pretending to be the authentic royal bloodlines of the Maji Grail Kings from the Mother of Dragons. Thus, for eons in order to maintain their power and control as the great imposters, they defiled the feminine Christos-Sophia to hijack her immortality secrets through attempting to recreate and pervert the divine aether Azothian flows in satanic rituals. In the desperate quest to preserve physical health and longevity of life spans, they sought to cheat death and achieve immortality no matter how depraved the actions, gathering gnostic Essene knowledge and perverting it through the rewritten texts and inverted Mother Goddess Sophia rituals carried out by the Luciferian Knights Templar.

Consuming white powder of monatomic gold and the adrenochrome harvest from the blood sacrifice of children were the anti-Christ tools used to prop up their energy bodies for attempted immortality as they descended into deeper criminality, perversions and psychopathy. In esoteric Luciferian Knights Templar tradition, blood sacrifice was justified as a stage of the ‘Great Work’ for consciousness evolution in which the initiate must massacre the innocents, in order to gain the energy mass from the harvested souls that would be necessary to become immortal and free of the earthly burdens of reincarnation.

Upon this faulty and twisted theory introduced by Saturnian blood worship woven into the base 10 esoteric Kabbalah, the massacre of the innocents became a hidden mysterious principle encoded in the secret rituals of the developing power elite hierarchies. They formed a well-funded organized corporate machine that ran the many levels of the secret society from the top of the pyramid with inner, outer and intermediate compartmentalized groups. Those connected to every compartment learn a part of the knowledge while no one actually knows who is running the top of the pyramid until they start to see evidence of carrying out pedophilic rituals and blood sacrifice. The higher initiates in the approved bloodlines are educated to understand the religious symbolisms being used in their actual meanings, while the common masses are made purposely ignorant to the symbolism which is hidden in plain sight. Thus, the Vatican wears pedophilic insignia openly, has defiled the Notre Dame Cathedrals while the masses remain ignorant to the true meaning behind its child trafficking and blood sacrifice religion which requires massacre of the innocents as a blessed sacrament for anti-Christ forces.

~via Cathedral Activation Begins

LISA RENEE: “Adrenochrome”

“Satanics and Luciferians are well aware who controls the mind, controls the soul. By starting sexual trauma and Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) techniques as young as possible, they hope to fragment the mind as well as the soul. When a person is sexually traumatized it is the worst damage one can commit to the soul, and that act alone can fragment the personality into dissociative states, schizoid or extreme trauma based disorders. This is the NAA strategy with pedophilia and why its so rampant on the earth today. When this occurs the satanic entity can bind the person to negative entities through Parasitism or use the person/people involved much more easily, and so the goal of sexual torture is mental fragmentation, as well as Soul Fragmentation to program the mind and siphon the person’s Consciousness and Soul body. Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) and Adrenaline laden blood stolen from victims is the core organizing principle of SRA. SRA survivors, such as Kristy Allen, have made accounts claiming that Adrenochrome is the drug of choice for practicing Satanists, who remove the adrenals after preferably killing a child, in order to harvest the hormonal secretions.”

~Lisa Renee

Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine). The derivative carbazochrome is a hemostatic medication. Despite a similarity in chemical names, it is unrelated to chrome or chromium.

Adrenochrome is an oxidation product of adrenaline (ephinephrine, norepinephrine). The effects and classification of this drug is said to be controversial because it is debated whether is has any psychoactive or hallucinogenic effects, although some test subjects compared the adrenochrome experience to mild psilocybin and LSD experiences. Psychoactive effects of adrenochrome may include euphoria, confusion, a change in train of thought, lack of judgment, poor insight and inability to concentrate.

Author Hunter S. Thompson* mentions adrenochrome in his book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. In the book the drug comes from a living donor’s adrenal gland and therefore it is deemed exotic and intense. In the DVD commentary, director Terry Gilliam states that his and Thompson’s portrayal is fictional. [1]

• Note: a child male victim named Paul Bonacci that grew up in an orphanage home for boys, claimed that he was being prostituted in the Franklin Child Prostitution Ring to high level politicians and celebrities, specifically identified Hunter S. Thompson at Bohemian Grove, and said that he saw him participating in a game with a group of men that involved hunting down and killing children in the woods, with firearms. Circa 1990’s. Wikipedia reports this event as conspiracy theory. Paul Bonacci was one of the most important witnesses for the Franklin Cover-up and his testimony is detailed, yet controversial. [2]

Satanic Ritual Abuse

Satanics and Luciferians are well aware who controls the mind, controls the soul. By starting sexual trauma and SRA techniques as young as possible, they hope to fragment the mind as well as the soul. When a person is sexually traumatized it is the worst damage one can commit to the soul, and that act alone can fragment the personality into dissociative states, schizoid or extreme trauma based disorders. This is the NAA strategy with pedophilia and why its so rampant on the earth today. When this occurs the satanic entity can bind the person to negative entities through Parasitism or use the person/people involved much more easily, and so the goal of sexual torture is mental fragmentation, as well as Soul Fragmentation to program the mind and siphon the person’s Consciousness and Soul body.

SRA Survivor

SRA survivors, such as Kristy Allen, have made accounts claiming that Adrenochrome is the drug of choice for practicing Satanists, who remove the adrenals after preferably killing a child, in order to harvest the hormonal secretions.

“Many of us have heard of the excretion Adrenochrome, the satanists remove the children’s adrenal glands right after they have been terrorized and when killed in rituals to extract this kool aid the elites use to sustain their youth and extend their lives.” – Statement made by Kristy Allen at the ITNJ seating, June 2018. [3]

Survivor Testimony

Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) and Adrenaline laden blood stolen from victims is the core organizing principle of SRA. Pedophilia serves multiple purposes for the NAA forces and their human Power Elite representatives:

• control through blackmail

• break the future generation in so they are fully controlled and are minions to the dark agenda

• create mind control automatons that are controlled their entire lifetime

• condition society to accept cover narrative

• normalize practices of child prostitution, human trafficking, human sacrifice and cannibalism, so they can openly feed on others. [4]


1 ↑ Adrenochrome

2 ↑ Kristy Allen ~ MK Ultra, SRA Survivor (ITNJ Seating)

3 ↑ Sara Ruth Ashcraft, SRA survivor

See Also:

Human Trafficking


Blood Sacrifice

~via Ascension Glossary

Disclaimer: Photo courtesy of blog editor, and does not reflect Lisa Renee or the source article.

LISA RENEE: “Aleister Crowley”

“It is little understood today that Aleister Crowley was an Negative Extraterrestrial Contactee and Abductee. Crowley’s archetype is synonymous with Black Magician as his massive Negative Ego and Sexual Misery programming was exploited from his previous incarnation as a Solar Templar Lord in Atlantis. He was groomed in the United Kingdom with the government heads, Reptilian central leaders such as Winston Churchill used to protect their interests. He was given the path to learn the Tunnels of Typhon which is the reverse Sephiroth path, or the Black Tree of Life called the Qlippoth. Crowley was manipulated through his own massive ego of patriarchal superiority, greed, genetic elitism, ego maniacal selfishness and sexual deviance to install a vast circulatory system of Ley Lines of control for NAA Thothian interests. This is synonymous in defining the structure of Satanic forces which run the reversal energies in Black Magic Grids. According to remote session intelligence collected and Guardian mentorship, Aleister Crowley is a key figure in cooperating with the NAA, starting from Grey Alien contact made in Cairo, Egypt in April 1904. This contact began a lifelong series of interactions and collaboration with NAA to bring into physical manifestation Satanic forces of the Black Sun Program under the guise of representing themselves as ‘Holy Guardian Angels’. They went on to introduce themselves to the World Governments, specifically in the UK where Winston Churchill was being simultaneously groomed for power corruption exploitation in the UK interests to serve the reptilian power base. The timeline sequence was Crowley meets Churchill who masterminds the World War II agenda to manipulate and mind control Hitler who then proceeds with his psychotic Atlantian Black League (Sons of Belial and Black Sun Program Agenda) with planned mass genocide and begins to target the depopulation of the Indigo or host race for the human DNA evolution in this last 30,000 year cycle, the Hibiru Tribes races otherwise known as the Hebrews. The Hebrews held a specific genetic Melchizedek code they wanted eliminated. Advancing the DNA through genetic evolution in the Ascension Cycle is the last thing they want to happen to those human beings they are attempting to imprison. According to the Guardians, Aleister Crowley grew to be more deviant in his later years, as he got increasingly desperate, as a child murderer who experimented with SRA rituals, therefore he sodomized and sacrificed children and animals in his quest for immortality and gaining power over others. Crowley was exploited as a sex and drug addict that predictably could be easily led by his alien handlers. A power hungry criminal mastermind that ultimately fragmented into the hell realms of insanity.”

~Lisa Renee


Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: Aleister Crowley, Black Magic Grids, Mainstream Satanism – 115 YA, NAA Alien Abductee cooperates with Zeta infiltration of Earth grid networks, sets up Satanic Black Magic, Blood Sacrifice and portals that become Human Energy harvesting networks. Enochian and Thoth-Annunaki Thelema Language, OTO. [1]

According to remote session intelligence collected and Guardian mentorship, Aleister Crowley is a key figure in cooperating with the NAA, starting from Grey Alien contact made in Cairo, Egypt in April 1904. They scribed and implanted him with “Book of the Law” which is the central sacred text of Thelema, written down from dictation mostly by Aleister Crowley, although his wife, Rose Edith Crowley and the entities themselves are known to have written phrases into the manuscript of the Book after its dictation. [2] This contact began a lifelong series of interactions and collaboration with NAA to bring into physical manifestation Satanic forces of the Black Sun Program under the guise of representing themselves as “Holy Guardian Angels”. They collaborated with Crowley, sent him to various key locations of the earth’s power vortexes to open closed portals and assist in their patriarchal domination hijack of power grids of the earth. This allowed the NAA another form of entry into the earth through Black Magic Grids through the consent and cooperation of a human body, namely Crowley himself. It is little understood today that Aleister Crowley was an Negative Extraterrestrial Contactee and Abductee. In ES Ascension terms, we refer to these power grids as the Thoth Grids or Phoenix Grid as well as Black Magic Grids, and that Crowley is the alien contactee that served the Armageddon Software timelines and was manipulated to enforce the Black Magician archetype for Satanic forces to increase SRA on the earth. Crowley’s archetype is synonymous with Black Magician as his massive Negative Ego and Sexual Misery programming was exploited from his previous incarnation as a Solar Templar Lord in Atlantis. He was given the path to learn the Tunnels of Typhon which is the reverse Sephiroth path, or the Black Tree of Life called the Qlippoth. The NAA was interested to control the middle east completely, and used the area of original NAA invasion to manipulate Crowley into becoming their poster boy for activating their replicated creation code, the Baphomet and its feedlines into the many layers of the parasitic Imposter Spirit. According to the Guardians, Aleister Crowley grew to be more deviant in his later years, as he got increasingly desperate, as a child murderer who experimented with SRA rituals, therefore he sodomized and sacrificed children and animals in his quest for immortality and gaining power over others.

Below are Crowley’s direct interpretations recorded of Baphomet and what he thought he was interacting with. It is clear that he was unable to discern the forces he was interacting with, as his Houses of Ego and Pain Body was exploded into uncontrollable addictions and accumulating aberrant energies from his own impulses and base desires that these dark entities used to exploit and take complete control over him. These are the predator minds, the Satanic forces of the Imposter Spirits and the Negative Aliens representing themselves as truth spirits when they were deceiving his Ego/Personality mind in order to exploit him further for the NAA.

Grey Aliens

Many people that are direct Abductee-Experiencers have reported differently appearing types of Grey Aliens, in similar appearing bodies of different sizes for over the past 100 years. Aleister Crowley is a key figure in cooperating with the NAA, starting from Grey Alien contact made in Cairo, Egypt in April 1904. An Annunaki in a Grey Alien body named Aiwass, transmitted and implanted him with “Book of the Law” which is the central sacred text of Thelema, that was written down from dictation given from the entity. The Greys have skin colors ranging from light gray to dark gray; dark bluish gray to steel gray; as well as skin tones in the tan to brown range. Despite their different skin tones, with the exception of their heights, their overall physiology is similar and they are normally categorized according to their height and observed hierarchical status relating to their behavior, and the tasks they are seen performing during the procedural processes that are carried out on Abductee-Experiencers. Greys are telepathic and use mind to mind melding techniques through strong thought projection made through the eyes to connect an optic nerve communication method. This form of mental telepathy and psychic power directed via thought is called Psionics. [3]

Typhonian Tradition

The Typhonian tradition is sometimes defined as a current that flows through the cosmology of the Order Templi Orientis (O. T. O.). Typhon was the god in Greek mythology who when appearing before the other gods was so ugly he changed into a fire-eating monster; he waged a terrible war and was eventually killed by one of Zeus’ thunderbolts. Thus, Typhonian is synonymous with fire and force, also means the Opposer. Typhon’s Egyptian counterpart is Set or Seth. Excerpt from Bill Schoebelen: “most Witches, myself included, find it necessary to study his material and “plug themselves into” the magical current of Crowley’s demon spirit guide, a mysterious being named Aiwass. Aiwass is another name for Set, an Egyptian god. Sodomy is especially “sacred” to Set. It opens what are called the “Typhonion” tunnels, channels through which extremely powerful demons, like the horrible Choronzon, can travel from the “alternate reality” and emerge into this universe and enter the sex partner’s body”. [4]

Hitler and Occult

Following the rise of Adolf Hitler, who discovered the Society after he had been ordered to spy on them, Serbottendorff’s newspaper was bought out by Dietrich Eckart, a Bavarian Catholic who had helped form the German Worker’s Party – and thus the newspaper was now under German rule, for obvious reasons. It was Eckart who introduced Hitler to the more esoteric ways of the world, and it was Eckart who transcribed Mein Kampf. When they came to power, Hitler set up the SS, a secret Order of the Silver Star who went out initiating people into the esoteric mysteries. Close ties to Turkey were still in place, as the mass exterminations of both countries show.

Eckart himself was highly influenced by the Eastern mysticism and was a follower of Aleister Crowley’s movement. In fact, some researchers have even claimed that Aleister Crowley influenced the Nazi occult movement to such a degree that it may have been through him that the “secret brotherhood” were working and thereby influencing Hitler and his motley crew. (See German Esoteric Societies)

Sexual Misery Exploitation

Seducer Archetype is very energetically profitable to siphon for an Negative Ego controlled by sexual addiction and hooked into the mass consciousness Sexual Misery program and belief systems. Aleister Crowley’s main form of Mind Control programming so that he would be hooked in to the Addiction Webbing and completed controlled like a NAA puppet, was to exploit his Seducer Archetype into Sexual Misery. Thus, he was developed into a sexual deviant, he was not engaged in any form of sexual magic. Crowley was exploited as a sex and drug addict that predictably could be easily led by his alien handlers.

This seducer method is very successful in controlling human beings into subservience to feed the predator mind agenda, it is used often to manipulate and control both men and women into addiction and then Soul Fragmentation.

When a human being is “choosing” to play out the game of seducer, they are in unconscious consent to be energetically implanted to feed the NRG network and spread its NRG Implants. The NRG and the Michael-Mary Reversal are systems of which are designed to split apart male and female energies in so that internal balance is not capable of being achieved through the consistent abuse of one’s sexual energies or gender energies. The Seducer Archetype is enmeshed with the Baphomet reversal mother or Satanic fields in the earth layers at the 2nd Chakra and 2nd dimensional layers. Crowley’s misconception was the Baphomet represented union of opposites, when it was actually a deviant collective field that fed upon the hijack of human sexual energies through “unholy” unions. An unholy union is the sexual act with forces of Negative Ego, such as lust, hate, selfishness. Whatever consciousness one has while in the sexual act, one of love and kindness for their partner, or its opposing force of hatred or lust, is what is created by the combination of forces made in the gender-sexual relations.

Crowley, Churchill and Hitler

The Atlantian Overlord Conspiracy was revealed through contemporary times with Three key members based in the UK that laid the blueprint and were utilized and participated willingly in this painstakingly precise process of the Illuminati NWO Agenda or activating the Armageddon Software. Aleister Crowley is the first in the sequence of the timeline, and it was revealed he was an incarnated Solar Temple Lord that was one of the abusers of the Power from the Atlantian Time Cycle. He was quite vengeful and spiteful, believing first …..personal Will over the “ Law” and that he would indeed make his mark. It is interesting to note that he despised and hated his Mother, which is an easy recipe for Satanic infiltration. He was a Master Alchemist, Manipulator, Sexual Deviant and Blood Ritualist, Misogynist and was able to command the elemental forces and several kingdoms, such as elemental and devic (with NAA support). He was cultivated and grown to become who he was responsible to be, by the Grey Aliens, (Zeta Factions), and these NAA Zeta Forces shortly after picked him as a point person on earth. They went on to introduce themselves to the World Governments, specifically in the UK where Winston Churchill was being simultaneously groomed for power corruption exploitation in the UK interests to serve the reptilian power base. The timeline sequence was Crowley meets Churchill who masterminds the World War II agenda to manipulate and mind control Hitler who then proceeds with his psychotic Atlantian Black League (Sons of Belial and Black Sun Program Agenda) with planned mass genocide and begins to target the depopulation of the Indigo or host race for the human DNA evolution in this last 30,000 year cycle, the Hibiru Tribes races otherwise known as the Hebrews. The Hebrews held a specific genetic Melchizedek code they wanted eliminated. The Grays also wanted to decimate the Hebrew population. Advancing the DNA through genetic evolution in the Ascension Cycle is the last thing they want to happen to those human beings they are attempting to imprison. To the ranks in use of Occult/Consciousness technology, the deeper and amplified is the fall down from grace, the corruption becomes extremely amplified, and Aleister Crowley is a real example of that. A power hungry criminal mastermind that ultimately fragmented into the hell realms of insanity. See Sessions Hitler, Crowley, Churchill Timeline.

Thothian Language, Thelema

Thothian-Annunaki language (based on usurped enochian language of the Original Creational God Code – The Law of One) was given to Aleister Crowley at the turn of the century in order for him to be the human embodiment that was necessary to bring this “Black Magic” language into the physical realms – which continued the Atlantian brotherhood war and its Atlantian Conspiracy in this reality system. Crowley was manipulated through his own massive ego of patriarchal superiority, greed, genetic elitism, ego maniacal selfishness and sexual deviance to install a vast circulatory system of Ley Lines of control for NAA Thothian interests. This is synonymous in defining the structure of Satanic forces which run the reversal energies in Black Magic Grids. He was groomed in the United Kingdom with the government heads, reptilian central leaders, such as Winston Churchill used to protect their interests. [5]


1 ↑ Historical Timeline Triggers

2 ↑ Book of the Law

3 ↑ Grey ALiens

4 ↑ Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie, 1990 AD ed., see pp. 192, 197-200, Bill Schnoebelen

5 ↑ Crowley, Churchill Hitler Timeline in Forum,

See Also:

Sexual Misery

Essenes, Christos Templars

Black Magic/Thoth/Crowley Grid

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Leviathan”

“The Behemoth and Leviathan make up the antichrist male and female counterparts that are written into the Armageddon Software and black magic grids to technologically incite destruction on the surface, as per the NAA religious programming. In actuality, Behemoth and Leviathan are black hole technologies that were orchestrated on purpose by these fallen forces of NAA in order to imprison this planet. One may note the consistent mainstream movie releases portraying violent dystopian futures and Armageddon scenarios that annihilate the earth, combined with the urgent messages to save the human species from certain extinction. But in actuality this is not real, it’s the AI program running holographic movies in these timeline loops, to project the Armageddon Monsters of Chaos that are reversal elementals coming from out of the AI technology and the black magic grid. In the twisted and psychopathic mind of the NAA, this violent narrative was the set up for human martyrdom and blood sacrifice at the end of the astrological precession and Ascension Cycle. Leviathan is also a negative alien race, put here to guard the Tiamat wormhole ripped open between Sarasota, Florida and the Temple Mount. However, it is more commonly used as an image of Satan endangering God’s creatures, by attempting to eat them and by threatening God’s creation with an upheaval in the waters of chaos. The Church of Satan uses the Hebrew letters at each of the points of the Sigil of Baphomet to represent Leviathan in their Black Magic rituals. This means Satanists that conjure or evoke Baphomet fields to power up Leviathan entities for service-to-self rituals, are actually contributing to the feeding of the Beast Machine and its AI technology for maintaining the electromagnetic harness. The Power Elite believe they are the chosen ones to fulfill this end of times prophecy and direct the AI programs in order to wake up and agitate these Monsters of Chaos, which they have co-created from the shadow fragments and reversal elementals on the surface. This is another example of why Satanism is a natural segue into the Transhumanism agendas, as many materialists are very pro-artificial intelligence.”

~Lisa Renee

The Alien Machinery known as the Beast Machine is held in place on the planetary body through massive levels of reversal AI programmed consciousness. This infects the black subtle forces in the earth elemental field and dark matter, and that substance is also referred to as Behemoth. The alien machinery known as the Gravitron is a part of the Beast Machine that acts as the electromagnetic harness field. This makes up the structure called the NET, which produces gravitational and astral corruption and this is also referred to as Leviathan. The Behemoth and Leviathan make up the antichrist male and female counterparts that are written into the Armageddon Software and black magic grids to technologically incite destruction on the surface, as per the NAA religious programming. In actuality, Behemoth and Leviathan are black hole technologies that were orchestrated on purpose by these fallen forces of NAA in order to imprison this planet.

As the Amnesiac Barrier dissolves in the subconscious areas of the human being, this is revealing more of the hidden history of the Electric Wars, and this history is in the AI to push forward the Transhumanism and Transgenderism agenda that we can observe in the current global landscape. The NAA are attempting to capitalize on repeating the Electric Wars timeline trigger event on the earth surface, through the recent push towards the WW3 rhetoric and the transhumanism agenda. This has become aggressive now in order to focus the collective consciousness to power up the Behemoth and Leviathan. The Electric Wars event has been recorded in the corrupted elementals of earth and its form of artificial intelligence is buried in the black goo that connects directly into the AI fields of the phantom earth timeline. This historical trigger event in the 8th Stargate has been brought into an intersection with the current collective consciousness time cycles on the earth, as the organic position of the Planetary Staff is being repaired in the earth body. [1]

Monsters of Chaos

In the lower dimensional fields there is a chaotic war struggle occurring in order to regain control over the dark matter, as this is a massive power source for the AI, as well as for the Black Magic Grids. From the epicenter of the Atlantian timelines in the United Kingdom, it may appear to some on the black magic grids that the forces of chaos generated in the phantom world, will eminently come to the surface via Behemoth and Leviathan to destroy the earth realm. One may note the consistent mainstream movie releases portraying violent dystopian futures and Armageddon scenarios that annihilate the earth, combined with the urgent messages to save the human species from certain extinction. But in actuality this is not real, it’s the AI program running holographic movies in these timeline loops, to project the Armageddon Monsters of Chaos that are reversal elementals coming from out of the AI technology and the black magic grid.

The Armageddon Software captures the book of revelation and Enoch prophecies, as the female and male anti-Christ, the Leviathan and Behemoth monsters that are unleashed against humanity in the end times, for the massive war which supposedly brings forth the true messiah of this world. In the twisted and psychopathic mind of the NAA, this violent narrative was the set up for human martyrdom and blood sacrifice at the end of the astrological precession and Ascension Cycle. The Power Elite believe they are the chosen ones to fulfill this end of times prophecy and direct the AI programs in order to wake up and agitate these Monsters of Chaos, which they have co-created from the shadow fragments and reversal elementals on the surface.

Leviathan is also a negative alien race, put here to guard the Tiamat wormhole ripped open between Sarasota, Florida and the Temple Mount. However, it is more commonly used as an image of Satan endangering God’s creatures, by attempting to eat them and by threatening God’s creation with an upheaval in the waters of chaos. The Church of Satan uses the Hebrew letters at each of the points of the Sigil of Baphomet to represent Leviathan in their Black Magic rituals. This means Satanists that conjure or evoke Baphomet fields to power up Leviathan entities for service-to-self rituals, are actually contributing to the feeding of the Beast Machine and its AI technology for maintaining the electromagnetic harness. This is another example of why Satanism is a natural segue into the Transhumanism agendas, as many materialists are very pro-artificial intelligence. [2]


1 Planetary Staff

2 Planetary Staff

See Also:

Planetary Staff

Orion Group

Leviathan Races

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Leviathan Races and Demon Seed”

“Recently, with the powerful Summer Solstice activation that included the transmission of the Emerald Father Son coding which holds the power source for the return of the Solar King Christos archetype for the divine masculine, Guardian projects in the planetary field have included the review and release of blood covenants and bindings made to the Leviathan demon seed through satanic ritual abuse (SRA) methods. The Leviathan demon seed is the spiritual record held in the occult bloodline that is propagated throughout the main 13 Luciferian Cult families. As a result of these recent revelations with the main Luciferian bloodlines perpetuating SRA with the Leviathan races in these death cults, the following information about the Leviathan races is included for gaining more awareness about their history and how they came into power on the earth after the Atlantian Cataclysm. These Fallen entities are connected to the NAA’s long range plan to inhabit the earth through these Luciferian genetic lineages for the purpose of fulfilling the manifestation of the anti-Christ forces to be embodied in the masses, in order to completely control and enslave humanity through the dark Archontic overlords. As it has been said previously, the earth is enduring a time of massive spiritual warfare, and we are all being impacted by this battle now. Pray for all of humanity, open your heart and connect with God and Christos to guide you forward, in every way that you can. GSF Blessings to all.”

~Lisa Renee


Leviathan Races

Through the histories of the Fallen Angelics there have been many stellar races that have sought to seed their consciousness, their DNA genetic mutations to impact the earth and humanity with their influence. Some of this was to attempt to resolve karmic burdens through hybridization by playing them out in physical matter based upon the hidden galactic histories on other planets, such as the explosion and destruction of Tiamat. Obviously some extradimensional races took advantage of these hidden memories and vastly abused their power as becoming the invisible Tyrants of the NAA over humanity to pay for these transgressions from multiple Galactic Wars. Many planetary schemes impact the currently earthly dynamics, based upon histories with other races in different timelines and playing out in multidimensional planes of Consciousness. One of these races created by the NAA to inhabit the earth to be used to control humanity through their dark Archontic overlords is the Leviathan Races.

Demon Seed

Saturn is also the Solar 7th Gate, so it’s been used to pump out reversal violet ray plasma light, and this is the distortion that generates reversal plasmas and reversal violet light on our planet. These reversal plasmas are designed to ignite and feed the Demon Seed that exists in the shadow selves or negative forms of the masses. Additionally, this alien construct was used to impale the Crucifixion Implants on the vertical axiatonal lines in the planetary body, which also devastated the vertical channel alignment of the Planetary Staff.

Annunaki Hybrid

The Annunaki seeded hybrid, the Leviathan Races, is one such result from the disastrous implication of exploding a planet in another timeline, and further destroying with intended malice other races ability to evolve. The Leviathan is the Demon Seed of karmic miasma of extreme hatred and envy of the human race. They represent the accumulation of pre-existent forces of chaos unleashed upon the earth which resulted from the past destructive histories as Fallen Angelics, one primarily between Marduk and Tiamat. These Leviathan Races came into power during the Atlantian Cataclysm cycle through the use of black magicians and promotion of the False King of Tyranny archetype, seething with jealousy at the capacity to be an incarnated human being. They are a part of the history which manifested the black magic grids that were installed on the earth during the Atlantian Cataclysm cycle. These entities hold ancient hatred towards earth as they believe their homeless state (the exploding planet Maldek remains in the Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter) and being forced to work in the phantom realms was at the unjustified cost to their race. They wanted revenge and to rule.

They ripped through the wall of time and constructed a wormhole that connected to the exploded Tiamat through a phantom black hole. This interfered with the original Stargate function with the primary stronghold in the last Atlantian colony remnant of Bermuda, the Sarasota Stargate and within the inorganic structure burrowed underground in Egypt which is called the Phoenix Grid.

The stellar vibration which emanated from within the Great Bear constellation as a part of the collective mind of this Leviathan race thoughtform, came to exist as the karmic energy retribution of this event in the galactic history cycle. This race thoughtform was circulating in the planetary mind as a part of the human unconscious. The unhealed memory in a human energy field could be used to attach and even possess a human’s spiritual body by Leviathan. This piece of the constellation influence was inherently a part of the Annunaki’s Leviathan architecture and its transmissions were being sent to the planetary brain which reflected this painful history since the time of the Atlantian Cataclysm. Specifically this thoughtform was the seed of the Annunaki races anti-Christ sentiment, to kill, conquer and crucify the Christos humans on the earth plane. Groups of humans with this memory record are undergoing spiritual exorcism and energetic clearing from the impacts of the Leviathan Races on the earth.

Through the Sarasota area the Guardian Host has taken control of this wormhole and evicted the Leviathan races from its burrow located within the Phantom Matrix body of Tiamat. This has removed the mental vibration transmission of the Leviathan race thought form out of our planetary logos which further potentially clears it from the human auric body. This collective clearing has implication to the 5D timelines. In a sense these races were brought into the custody of the Guardian Host. These races can be resurrected through the ashes of the Phoenix if they return home to the Solar Temple of the true Spiritual Sun. The choice remains with them to forgive.

Behemoth and Leviathan

The Alien Machinery known as the Beast Machine is held in place on the planetary body through massive levels of reversal AI programmed consciousness. This infects the black subtle forces in the earth elemental field and dark matter, and that substance is also referred to as Behemoth. The alien machinery known as the Gravitron is a part of the Beast Machine that acts as the electromagnetic harness field. This makes up the structure called the NET, which produces gravitational and astral corruption and this is also referred to as Leviathan. The Behemoth and Leviathan make up the antichrist male and female counterparts that are written into the Armageddon Software and black magic grids to technologically incite destruction on the surface, as per the NAA religious programming. In actuality, Behemoth and Leviathan are black hole technologies that were orchestrated on purpose by these fallen forces of NAA in order to imprison this planet.

As the Amnesiac Barrier dissolves in the subconscious areas of the human being, this is revealing more of the hidden history of the Electric Wars, and this history is in the AI to push forward the Transhumanism and Transgenderism agenda that we can observe in the current global landscape. The NAA are attempting to capitalize on repeating the Electric Wars timeline trigger event on the earth surface, through the recent push towards the WW3 rhetoric and the transhumanism agenda. This has become aggressive now in order to focus the collective consciousness to power up the Behemoth and Leviathan. The Electric Wars event has been recorded in the corrupted elementals of earth and its form of artificial intelligence is buried in the black goo that connects directly into the AI fields of the phantom earth timeline. This historical trigger event in the 8th Stargate has been brought into an intersection with the current collective consciousness time cycles on the earth, as the organic position of the Planetary Staff is being repaired in the earth body.

Sea Serpent

Sea serpents such as the so-called ‘Loch Ness Monster’. Loch Ness has been the site of much occult or paranormal activity including UFO activity. Aleister Crowley, the Satanist-Illuminist founder of the O.T.O. or Ordo Templi Orientis, claimed to be in contact with ’The Beast’ of the Loch. He owned a mansion on the shores of the Loch and this same mansion later became the residence of the British occultist Jimmy Page, of the rock group Led Zeppelin but also owned a large bookstore dealing with witchcraft and the occult. Being aquatic in nature and having lost the use of their limbs via atrophication and mutation, this branch of the “serpent race” used for long-range Psycho-Spiritual Warfare and occult manipulation of the human race. See Baphomet.

Typhonian Tradition

The Typhonian tradition is sometimes defined as a current that flows through the cosmology of the Order Templi Orientis (O. T. O.). Typhon was the god in Greek mythology who when appearing before the other gods was so ugly he changed into a fire-eating monster; he waged a terrible war and was eventually killed by one of Zeus’ thunderbolts. Thus, Typhonian is synonymous with fire and force, also means the Opposer. Typhon’s Egyptian counterpart is Set or Seth. Excerpt from Bill Schoebelen: “Most Witches, myself included, find it necessary to study his material and plug themselves into the magical current of Crowley’s demon spirit guide, a mysterious being named Aiwass. Aiwass is another name for Set, an Egyptian god. Sodomy is especially sacred to Set. It opens what are called the Typhonion Tunnels, channels through which extremely powerful demons, like the horrible Choronzon, can travel from the alternate reality and emerge into this universe and enter the sex partner’s body.”


The Baphomet of Lévi was to become an important figure within the cosmology of Thelema, the mystical system established by Aleister Crowley in the early twentieth century. Baphomet features in the Creed of the Gnostic Catholic Church recited by the congregation in The Gnostic Mass, in the sentence: “And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His name BAPHOMET. The Sigils of Baphomet are used in Satanic ritual to call upon the Leviathan Races.

Achamoth Fallen Body Parts

During the destruction of Tiamat the planet, a portion of Christos-Sophia’s divine essence became trapped within the Phantom Matrix and material realms of creation, and she existed outside of the House of God. The Christos Sophia body was split into many Negative Forms of itself to which these forms were captured by Leviathan Races and used by the lower material forces of Satanism and Luciferianism. Her fallen body parts were used to impregnate her with grotesque creations, such as the Archon parasites for the use of these lower spirits (such as the Fallen Angelics and the Watchers). These anomalies were made as a part of her fragmented consciousness but to which she had no control over their use or direction. When these splits in her consciousness body occurred, she fragmented into the earth elemental matter, entwined with the lower spirit hierarchies and lost her Christos body. Hence, she was fallen and trapped in matter with these grotesque creations.

Annunaki Hybrid Races

The Annunaki seeded hybrid, the Leviathan Races, is one such result from the disastrous implication of exploding a planet in another timeline Tiamat, and further destroying with intended malice other races ability to evolve. The Leviathan Races evolved into the demon seed of karmic Miasma holding extreme hatred and envy of the human race.

(Source: Ascension Glossary – Leviathan Races)


~via – Time Shift Blog – June 30, 2020