JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Puppet-State North Korea Announces First Deaths Due to Non-Existing Covid”

“As they’re slowly starting up the fake pandemics again, the CIA puppet state of North Korea plays along with the theatre and recently announced an “explosive” Covid-19 outbreak. North Korea reported 18,000 new cases and six deaths this Thursday. 18 is 6+6+6. And 6 deaths? Damn, they sure love their sixes! The statement on May 12 comes 63 days after the anniversary of the announcement of the fake coronavirus pandemic on March 11, 2020. Remember, they said the ‘outbreak’ has killed six people. They say it’s due to Omicron… Omicron = 42. Kim Jong-un = 42. Freemason = 42. Puppet State = 42. Again, a fabricated story about a virus the does not exist and also in a Jesuit CIA-controlled puppet state that ‘magically’ has not been affected by the scam until now. The sheep will probably gulp it down and put on their diapers.”

~Joachim Bartoll

As they’re slowly starting up the fake pandemics again, the CIA puppet state of North Korea plays along with the theatre and recently announced an “explosive” Covid-19 outbreak. North Korea reported 18,000 new cases and six deaths this Thursday. 18 is 6+6+6. And 6 deaths? Damn, they sure love their sixes!

The statement on May 12 comes 63 days after the anniversary of the announcement of the fake coronavirus pandemic on March 11, 2020. Remember, they said the ‘outbreak’ has killed six people.

Covid-19 = 63
Six People Dead = 63
Killed Six People = 63

The media reported on this on the 13th of May, as in 13/5, like 135.

Six People Dead = 135

The puppet leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, was born on January 8, and this news report comes on May 13, 125 days after his birthday.

North Korea = 125

It is also a span of 241 days until Kim’s next birthday. 241 is the 53rd prime number.

Covid = 53
North Korea = 53, 53

The media reported this on May 13, which has a 40-date numerology.

North Korea = 40
Propaganda = 40
Arturo Sosa S.J. = 40 (Superior General of The Jesuit Order, The Black Pope)
Jesuit Order = 40

May 13 is the 133rd day of the year and they call this an “explosive Covid-19 Outbreak.”

Explosive Covid-19 Outbreak = 133

They say 350,000 are infected, as in 35 or ‘thirty-five.’ And there we have the ‘56’ pandemic hoax code.

Thirty-Five = 56
Coronavirus = 56
Covid Vaccine = 56 (what North Korea allegedly doesn’t have)
Planned Virus = 56
Virus Outbreak = 56
Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., The Jesuit Order)

Thirty-Five = 142, 56, 852
Coronavirus = 142, 56, 852

And for synchronicity…

Explosive Outbreak = 95, 95
Six People = 95, 95

Explosive Outbreak = 67
Major National Emergency = 67

They say it’s due to Omicron…

Omicron = 42
Kim Jong-un = 42
Freemason = 42
Puppet State = 42

Again, a fabricated story about a virus the does not exist and also in a Jesuit CIA-controlled puppet state that ‘magically’ has not been affected by the scam until now. The sheep will probably gulp it down and put on their diapers.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Putin Wants Ukraine Split in Two — A ‘Korean Scenario’”

“While this staged war between Russia and Ukraine is mostly fake green screens, CGI, crisis actors, props, and driven by a bigger New World Order agenda, the terror the people of eastern Ukraine have been exposed to by their own government and military has been very real. The anti-Russian propaganda has been going on in Ukraine for more than 8 years now to program people — and to make this war look more real. Of all the stories surrounding this staged and mostly fake war, this one could have been the most realistic. And that is probably why CNN let it ride the website’s main headline for so long, for mocking those believing that all this is real. They just love to mix in some grains of reality with their manipulative lies and deceit. Because if any of this was real, and if Russia was not 100% controlled as every other country in the world, they would have stopped Ukraine’s persecution of the eastern pro-Russia Ukrainians a long time ago and this war would actually be real.”

~Joachim Bartoll

This headline has been up for a long time over at the Jesuit-owned fake news propaganda machine CNN. It kind of circles back to the original plot, that the eastern part of Ukraine is pro-Russia and want to be part of that country again.

Eastern Ukraine has been in a state of war for a long time, which escalated 8 years ago, when the Ukrainian regime took away Russian Ukrainians their basic human rights. While this staged war between Russia and Ukraine is mostly fake green screens, CGI, crisis actors, props, and driven by a bigger New World Order agenda, the terror the people of eastern Ukraine have been exposed to by their own government and military has been very real. The anti-Russian propaganda has been going on in Ukraine for more than 8 years now to program people — and to make this war look more real.

As for this story, it broke on March 27, the 86th day of the year.

Korean Scenario = 86
Jesuits = 86

Remember, this staged war started in February, the same month as the year of the Tiger started.

And for that phrase, a “Korean scenario…”

Korean Scenario = 168
The Jesuits = 168

Tiger = 76
Korean Scenario = 76
Russia-Ukraine = 76

They say Putin wants to “carve Ukraine in two,” just like “North and South Korea.”

Carve Ukraine in two = 83, 225
North and South Korea = 83, 225

As told by some “Ukraine intel chief.”

That’s some pretty nice world magic right there.

And on the main article, the message of the headline reads as, “Putin eyeing ‘Korean scenario’ for Ukraine.”

Carve Ukraine in two = 62, 82
Ukraine intel chief = 62, 82

Using a phrase mentioning ‘North and South Korea’ have you thinking about the Korean War, which ended on July 27, 1953. This year marks the 69th anniversary of the end of the Korean war, making it a perfect fit for stories mentioning Korea and current events with the same numbers.

Putin eyeing “Korean scenario” for Ukraine = 201
The Jesuit Order
= 201

Vladimir Putin = 69
Russian Invasion = 69
World War III = 69
The Jesuit Order = 69

It is also 122-days until the anniversary of the end of the Korean war.

Korean scenario = 122 (there we go again!)

And March 27 has 72-numerology.
3/27/2022 = 3 + 27 + 20 + 22 = 72

Jesuit Order = 72
The Jesuit Order = 72

And 54-numerology.
3/27/2022 = 3 + 2+7 + (20) + (22) = 54

Jesuit Order = 54
The Jesuit Order = 54

Of all the stories surrounding this staged and mostly fake war, this one could have been the most realistic. And that is probably why CNN let it ride the website’s main headline for so long, for mocking those believing that all this is real. They just love to mix in some grains of reality with their manipulative lies and deceit. Because if any of this was real, and if Russia was not 100% controlled as every other country in the world, they would have stopped Ukraine’s persecution of the eastern pro-Russia Ukrainians a long time ago and this war would actually be real.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

TULSI GABBARD: “Say NO To Neocon/Neolibs Beating Their War Drums”

“Neocons/Neolibs and MSM all sing from the same song sheet: War war war!!! Trump never gets positive media unless he’s threatening war/carrying out military action. Today, Venezuela. Tomorrow, Iran? Cuba? Who will be next? No wonder North Korea won’t give up their nukes. 

Say NO to neocon/neolibs beating their war drums. As Commander-in-Chief, I’ll put American people first, END wasteful regime change wars, work to END new cold war/arms race, SERVE the people: healthcare, education, infrastructure & more. Will you join me?‬”

~Tulsi Gabbard


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