‘SCIENCE BOYS PLAYING WITH TOYS’ ~ Lisa Renee on “Mad Scientists Ripping Black Holes”

(From HGS Session Transcript):

“Basic summation of today’s content around CERN, Large Hadron Collider: The session had energy signature of ‘Science Boys Playing with Toys’ that have been financed by the occultist Illuminati bankers, and incredible waste of human resources, earth resources and crystal prisms, apparently, at the mainstream Science Delusion level. This project will lead nowhere, as it is really designed to gain control over AI Quantum levels of forces. Meaning this is a Scientific Indoctrination model of future Scientists to be Mind Controlled by the bankers, the bigger claim to fame is the creation of the world wide web internet. They already discovered the ‘Higgs boson’ and God particle. This was not designed to prove that. It was designed to rip Black Holes and Wormholes in the fabric of space time, which allows many more dark entities to access this timeline. When you rip holes you destroy memories and morphogenetic fields in the planetary body, it also lets in a bunch of debris and opening into other dimensions, which is removing layers of protection around the earth. This allows more extradimensional access to entities NAA to get into the earth density, that previously was more difficult. Ripping Black Holes in black matter is a repeat of the Atlantian timeline and is held in the Alpha Omega Agenda and Armageddon Software memories in the planet, and reintroducing them now is about attempts to trigger events of Cataclysm fears in the general public. It is a replay of Atlantian Cataclysm scientists timelines in underground labs, recreating the previous event in current time, now. Please do not let me offend anyone, this just came up today, I have no opinion. The purpose is using Quantum technologies as a globalized computerized weapon to threaten the earth inhabitants into absolute submission and enslavement on the earth surface. Black Hole Technology used to damage the planetary grid by off planet NAA is called Gravitron. Krystal Star Guardians say this technology is contained in higher dimensions, however, it wreaks havoc, chaos, for this timeline on the 3D timelines in lower densities of matter— from their point of view in the corridors, the Plasma architecture has been created in higher dimensions— they are not concerned in terms of 3D surface cataclysms, although there will be isolated areas of the planet that are subjected to earthquakes, weather anomalies, volcanoes, etc. It is not a priority now. Other things take priority for Guardian projects at this current time. The black matter fields is where the NAA manipulate the Morphogenetic Field, and place Artificial Machinery to create synthetic AI Timelines. They have the idea to open the cap on Wormholes through guiding the mad scientists at CERN. This is that wall in time bridge they try to open up like Phoenix Wormholes in Bermuda and upper east coast. Not going to happen. Because this is connecting to Artificial Intelligence, the Guardians say its too late for that. The governance of the Plasma transmission changes the way the molecules and molecular structures behave and move in this reality.”

~Lisa Renee, March 13, 2015

~via Ascension Glossary

ILLUMINATI ‘LUMINARIES’ ~ Lisa Renee on “Science Boys Playing with Toys”

“Black hole technology used to damage the planetary grid by off planet NAA is called Gravitron. The black matter fields is where the NAA manipulate the Morphogenetic Field, and place Artificial Machinery to create synthetic AI timelines. They have the idea to open the cap on Wormhole through guiding the mad scientists at CERN. The Hadron Collider or CERN has discovered particles that move faster than the speed of light. And some kind of discovery which then puts into question certain solid understandings of Einstein’s theory, which are now up for debate. They already discovered the ‘Higgs boson’ and God particle, this was not designed to prove that, it was designed to rip Black Holes and Wormholes in the fabric of space time, which allows many more dark entities to access this timeline. When you rip holes you destroy memories and morphogenetic fields in the planetary body, it also lets in a bunch of debris and openings into other dimensions, which is removing layers of protection around the earth. This allows more extradimensional access for NAA entities to get into the earth density, that previously was more difficult. It is a replay of Atlantian scientists timelines in underground labs, recreating the previous event in current time, now ‘science boys playing with toys’ that have been financed by the occultist Illuminati bankers, an incredible waste of human resources, earth resources and crystal prisms, apparently at the main stream science level, this project will lead no where, as it is really designed to gain control over quantum level of forces. The purpose is using quantum technologies as a globalized computerized weapon to threaten the earth inhabitants into absolute submission and enslavement on the earth surface. Because this is connecting to artificial intelligence, the Guardians say it’s too late for that, the governance of the Plasma Transmission changes the way the molecules (molecular structures) behave and move in this reality.”

~Lisa Renee



CERN, Large Hadron Collider

Embodying Solar Feminine, Sons of Fire and Sons of Clay


~via Ascension Glossary

ATHENA MELCHIZEDEK: “About Presence, Embodiment And Personal Process”

So much has been written about Presence and Embodiment but very little around the actual personal process that is required to become a fully Present and Embodied being.

In this case when I speak of Presence I am speaking of the integration of the True and Higher SELF that we always ARE without the distortions of wounds, traumas, masks and defenses of the egoic nature that all obscure this from being fully realized.

Presence is not found in the stories of yesterday nor in the “what ifs” of tomorrow.

Presence is the NOW!  Life is happening NOW.  Transmutation is happening right here in the NOW moment.

And what of Embodiment — what does this really mean?

Embodiment is bringing to your conscious awareness every thought, feeling, and sensation — awareness of every energy stream that runs through this miraculous physical body — from moment to moment.

It is having a full awareness and experience of the full Self in the moment while remaining in relationship and having full conscious awareness and contact with another.

This allows a spaciousness to arise in the relational field that can enable the deepening of the process of another.

As we work through our own issues by slowing down our process and becoming aware of the movement of energies within our own bodies, we become aware that our body holds all the answers to all our questions.

It is an infinite fountain of wisdom and knowledge and if we can slow down our process and quiet the mind long enough it will reveal these precious gifts.

In our personal process we are continuously dissolving old paradigms, old images, thoughts and beliefs that have been hardwired into oursystems at the cellular level by our early environmental conditioning, childhood wounds, and misperceptions of reality.

As we dissolve the old belief patterns we are doing nothing less than reforming our neural pathways, literally.

We are creating new ways of being, new ways of seeing, and new ways of perceiving as we undertake the process of allowing more of our Presence to shine through.

This is what “to process” means in this context.

The importance and value of group energy as a reflective mirror should not be underestimated.  It really amplifies and accelerates every piece of work.

Undeniably, groups enable an experience of far wider transferential issues than one-to-one integration work can offer and allow us to experience the possibility of different outcomes immediately thus breaking habitual patterns.

This is because in any group we are attracted to join we will find the exact configuration that represents our next level of refinement.  This will happen whether we are in a formal process group or whether we are just living our lives.  For our energy field will attract in like energy.  This is physics.

When we do this work consciously i.e. we are aware of what is being presented to us and can now see this in our self, we begin the rewiring of the neural pathways of the brain as we are called to a new response to the thought, action, or word that created our original wounding or trauma.

When we do this work in ourselves, it opens up the possibility for others in the group, as we are all connected in the oneness of all life.

Through harmonic resonance and a new conscious awareness, as we raise our frequency, we automatically create the opportunity for others to rise as they see them selves and, particularly their shadow, in the group mirror.

Our very being and presence can present them with a new possibility and opportunity to experience the perceived self differently.  As we transform, so can they.

The implications of this work for the world at large become much greater when we realize that our presence and embodiment affects not only our self but all those with whom we are in contact: friends, family, colleagues, strangers.  We do not have to DO anything.  We simply have to BE.  This is enough.

Once we have cleared and purified the vessel, our very BEING becomes a profound transformative Presence in the world.




~via ConsciousReminder.com

JANE MEGGITT: “Ways Cats Understand Physics”

Flying or jumping kitten cat isolated on white

Of course, if you play with your cat, you already know he understands string theory…

The Kyoko University study may win an award for the most adorable science project ever, as much of it consists of videotaped cat reactions. While the study proved that cats have an elemental understanding of physics and cause and effect, it also showed that cats score well in the common sense department. It’s not easy to fool a cat… unless you’re using a laser toy.

The experiment

Researchers showed 30 cats “either an object dropping out of an opaque container” or nothing dropping out when the containers were turned over. First, scientists shook the containers with objects to produce a rattling sound, but also shook the empty containers which didn’t produce noise. The felines then were allowed to roam around and explore the area where the experiment was conducted. Fifteen — or half — of the cats “actively explored” containers with an object that made noise in them. Just 10 cats explored the “no object and no sound” containers.

The results showed that cats looked at the container longer when there was noise than when there wasn’t — an action known as “preferential looking.” They also peered longer when an “incongruent” event occurred — such as an object dropping out of a container that didn’t make a noise, or no object dropping out of one that did rattle.

The researchers concluded the result “suggests that cats inferred the existence (or absence) of the object based on the rattling sound (or no sound) and predicted the appearance of the object (or not), applying a physical rule.” They surmised this reflects natural feline hunting ability, as they must often discover the location of prey solely by sound. Since cats are basically nocturnal — although as any cat lover knows, they sleep day and night — their primary hunting hours are spent in the dark. The study shows cats use cause and logic regarding noise to determine the presence of invisible objects.

Feline hearing

Dogs have a fantastic sense of smell, but felines possess exceptional hearing ability and beat the canines in the aural department. Although cats have good vision, hearing is their sharper sense. A typical feline’s audible range is 79 kilohertz, or about 10.5 octaves. Human hearing is in the 20 kilohertz range. That means a cat can distinguish the very high-pitched sounds made by rodents, inaudible to the human ear. He can tell the difference between similar ultrasonic sounds several yards away.

Feline ears have 22 muscles in the outer ear, or pinna. Consisting of cartilage and covered with hair, the pinna is designed to catch sound waves, sending them down the ear canal to the eardrum. You’ve certainly noticed that your cat can move his ears separately, and often communicates his emotional state via the ears.


Does this mean a deaf or hard-of-hearing cat can’t hunt? Not necessarily, although he’s unlikely to perform this task well. In an area where prey is abundant, the deaf cat may still catch mice or other animals. It also depends on prey drive — there are some cats that really enjoy hunting and will pursue it enthusiastically even if they aren’t particularly successful. Of course, deaf cats really belong indoors, as the outside world is too dangerous for them.

Do try this at home

The Kyoto University experiment is one that you can try to replicate at home with your own kitties. The Kyoto University team used metal balls as items in the opaque containers. You can use anything that rattles, but consider expanding the experiment. Along with ordinary rattling items, switch to toy mice or similar objects resembling prey.  See if your cats show more interest in prey-like pieces than other noisy articles.

In simple terms, cats understand an action leads to a reaction. Researchers still don’t know “what cats see in their mind’s eye when they pick up noises,” so further study is necessary.

—Jane Meggitt






~via TheAlternativeDaily.com