LISA RENEE on “Genetic Clearing of 9D Tibetan Master Teachings”

“Many people that have connected with the Ascended Master Teachings in the New Age Movement were and are under the harmful influence of mind control manipulation from fallen entities, yet many of those individuals were doing the best they could with what they knew at that particular stage of evolutionary development. Thus, there has been focus upon the previous timelines with luciferian enki infiltrations connected to the ancient wisdom sourced from the Tibetan and Kashmiri Masters of the eastern philosophies connected to esoteric Buddhism, who are revealing themselves as genuine rainbow guardians of the cosmic intelligence repository of founder records. Some Tibetan Masters have retained this specific spiritual knowledge by remaining in hiding, yet they still live in isolation in the Kunlun, Mount Kailash or Kashmir regions, as true bodhisattvas of compassion, quietly meditating on cosmic rainbow body consciousness for the liberation of humankind. These particular masters deposited their cosmic consciousness knowledge into the hologram of the planetary grid network in the form of Termas, which are mandalas, symbols, crystal keys and coded light imagery that is utilized to transmit or unlock intelligent consciousness information stored by that master for his particular lineage, adepts, and spiritual students. Termas transcend time and can happen in the current lifetime or previous lifetimes, depending on genetic relationships, personal Blueprint and spiritual mission, whereby the cosmic rainbow ascended master can relay hidden spiritual information and direct it to whom he chooses worthy or ready to receive such intelligence. As more of the Authentic Ascended Masters are returning and revealing themselves, it has catalyzed an intense purging of falsified ascension teachings and cloned holograms that are genetically connected and sourced from the authentic Tibetan Masters, who are the genuine source field of universal truth as the cosmic consciousness holders of those particular Ascension teachings. As discussed previously, Guardians were cleaning out the Daath World built as a black phantom heaven, and many AI brains of Fallen Ascended Masters were discovered to be interconnected into shared neural networks to generate an extremely powerful AI Hive mind, running the entire Daath system. The Chohan Tibetan Masters of the Theosophical movement and some that are popular in the new age material had cloned energetic signatures of their consciousness or rainbow body placed inside Black Cathedrals. This was an artificial construct for NAA forces to wear the Ascended Master body parts and appear as them, to manipulate channelers and others that have past lives connected to these particular masters’ lineages. Since this discovery, there has been a ‘all hands on deck’ level of interdimensional Guardian Christos teams working to locate and retrieve the fallen Melchizedek Ascended Master consciousness, and make corrections to the genetic keys; clearing out miasmatic impacts, ancestral records and corrupted timelines with red wave or other infiltrations. This event also brings rapid solar initiation in which those ascending groups connected to these same lineages are detoxifying miasmatic loads of artificial red wave spectrums and other artificial frequencies that carried false ascension or new age overlays. Additionally, the Triple Solar Goddess emanation of Merida-Guinevere-Brigid are preparing for the seating of King Arthur’s divine counterpart Queen Guinevere onto the earth, in which the building of her Krystal Cathedral networks to anchor the Eireayanas or Arayanas flowering sophianic plasma fields. These are designed to restore the Cosmic Amoraea Shield in the Emerald Crystal Heart networks which hold the Edenic Blueprints, transmitting through the Cosmic Spirit Suns of Eireayanas which are being reunited with the Ascended Master’s Yanas Aton God Body.”

~Lisa Renee

Photo: Ascension Avatar “God Egg” ~ 4/22/2019

~via Return of Authentic Ascended Masters

‘QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE’ ~ “Are Some People Here Just to Be Pathcutters for the Entire Earth?”


“Are some people here just to be Pathcutters for the entire earth?


“Yes. The Indigos and Star races came here specifically because they knew that we had an opportunity to bring this planet into Ascension timelines. We came here to be pathcutters for the earth by rehabilitating and healing the DNA imprints and its damaged architecture in the collective field. This group will sense and experience global energies moving through their consciousness, or parts of their own body. Many of them have specific expertise and are ‘sleepers’, meaning that they do not know who they are and why they incarnated until they are awakened by their Star family.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Return of Authentic Ascended Masters”

“There have been Guardian projects directing golden-silver eggs and golden-silver energetic current through the main Twinned Dragon Ouroboros Lines that run from Avebury linking throughout many mountain ranges across the globe. There are Starry Night Dark Firmament connector points from the Rasha Body linking into constellations of stars that form into a Cosmic Christos Sun-Star Network in Canopus and Sirius for unifying the Solar Rishi-Reisha template. The primary focus is building the Holy Mountain architecture for seating several Rainbow Bridge Arcs for returning Ascended Masters or Yanas. A type of Cosmic Christ Consciousness distribution center in which different star patterns that are connected to the Ascended Master Rishi-Reisha identities, can heal their light body and reunite with their spiritual sun-star home and divine counterparts. This is the architectural preparation for integration of Paliadorian Rishi-Reisha identities throughout the twelve evolutionary rounds, which collapses the Paliadorian Cell of Personal Christ identities in order to generate the Cosmic Starhuman-Starborn expression of authentic Ascended Master Templates. As when they are reconnected to the Cosmic Christos, and fully healed when rejoined with their divine counterpart, the hierogamic union extends their perfected rainbow aura of ascension to nourish and heal the lands and the tribes of humanity under their energetic stewardship. Many people that have connected with the Ascended Master Teachings in the New Age Movement were and are under the harmful influence of mind control manipulation from fallen entities, yet many of those individuals were doing the best they could with what they knew at that particular stage of evolutionary development. This event also brings rapid solar initiation in which those ascending groups connected to these same lineages are detoxifying miasmatic loads of artificial red wave spectrums and other artificial frequencies that carried false ascension or new age overlays. As more of the Authentic Ascended Masters are returning and revealing themselves, it has catalyzed an intense purging of falsified ascension teachings and cloned holograms that are genetically connected and sourced from the authentic Tibetan Masters, who are the genuine source field of universal truth as the cosmic consciousness holders of those particular Ascension teachings.”

~Lisa Renee

The Cosmic Mother Dragon appears in her Triple Solar Reisha Merida-Guinevere-Brigid form when encircling the planet with her silvery ouroboros line, emanating silver white flames from her Elaysa Sun consciousness streams, which appears to reconfigure the distortions of artificial holograms and reversal blueprints. As she ignited the Avebury Umbilicus with her massive Bethlehem Star of silvery white flames, the tri-waves of braided silver and gold pulsed through the dragon lines, which intersected with the floating bridge or Blue Rainbow Arc above Mount Kailash. This seems to be the primary focus of building the recent Holy Mountain architecture for seating several new Rainbow Arc Bridges uniting with the Universal Diamond Gateway. A type of Cosmic Christ Consciousness distribution center in which different star patterns that are connected to the returning Ascended Master Rishi-Reisha identities, can heal their light body and reunite with their spiritual sun-star home and divine counterparts.

White Queen Brigid

The Goddess of the Holy Swan, White Queen Brigid as a Mary Magdalene Grail Maiden Solar Dragon of Éire, is one section of the Cosmic Mother’s White Diamond Sun trinity that unites the Triple Solar Reisha’s Merida-Guinevere-Brigid. This is being retrieved for the seating of the Bride of Christ architecture throughout the Albion network, which includes the magnetic field restoration of her Holy White Swan consciousness body in Avebury Henge. Through restorations, it was revealed that Avebury Henge and Stonehenge were instrumental in supporting the NAA death cult worship of assorted Black Dragon Archon Imposter Spirits forming the lunar force hierarchies running inverted magnetic force patterns of the Dark Mother global network. Through Guardian Host projects, the return of the Bride of Christ includes the restoration of Solar Dragon Queen Merida’s White Rainbow Peach Solar Dragon, seating into the 11th dimensional Stonehenge Stargate.

The symbolism of the Holy White Swan in oriental philosophy also represents the sound tone in the Sanskrit word AUM or OM, which is the symbol of the entire process of creation in the Cosmos.

During Guardian Hosted grid projects, the Holy Risen Cosmic Bethlehem Lady assisted by Brigid’s Holy White Swan in Cosmic Mother’s Solar Dragon started to appear in through Cygnus Constellation and the Cassiopeia reclamations during the 2021 Electrical Peak cycle.

The Return of Authentic Ascended Masters

There have been Guardian projects directing golden-silver eggs and golden-silver energetic current through the main Twinned Dragon Ouroboros Lines that run from Avebury linking throughout many mountain ranges across the globe. There are Starry Night Dark Firmament connector points from the Rasha Body linking into constellations of stars that form into a Cosmic Christos Sun-Star Network in Canopus and Sirius for unifying the Solar Rishi-Reisha template.

The primary focus is building the Holy Mountain architecture for seating several Rainbow Bridge Arcs for returning Ascended Masters or Yanas. A type of Cosmic Christ Consciousness distribution center in which different star patterns that are connected to the Ascended Master Rishi-Reisha identities, can heal their light body and reunite with their spiritual sun-star home and divine counterparts.

This is the architectural preparation for integration of Paliadorian Rishi-Reisha identities throughout the twelve evolutionary rounds, which collapses the Paliadorian Cell of Personal Christ identities in order to generate the Cosmic Starhuman-Starborn expression of authentic Ascended Master Templates.

Some of the Ascended Master embodiments began to surface earlier this year during the epiphany window of January 6th, when the Solar Rishic masters connected to the stars in Orion’s Belt began to make themselves known as the Three Wise Men, further explaining their connection to Fisher King divine masculine archetypes. The Fisher King archetype is the Maji Grail King Guardian who holds and protects the cosmic records of the creation, the High Melchizedek Priest that embodies and holds the spiritual knowledge of the soul’s evolutionary purpose throughout time, as connected to his land’s tribe or lineage.

Due to the severe wounds of the Fisher King, exacerbated by his inability to join in hierogamic union with his beloved solar female counterpart, he is effectively maimed with such grievous injury that he cannot fully heal himself. Therefore, as he suffers from deep spiritual injury, all that is living and natural in his kingdom along with the collective human tribe under his auric stewardship also suffer greatly, as the woundedness becomes like an increasingly painful disfigurement. The spiritual disfigurement leads to disease, which starts to take hold and become infiltrated by parasites and his worst enemies, as they stand on his shoulders and pretend to be him, but in the process are sucking him dry as spiritual imposters.

Thus, the returning Ascended Masters point to the fact the Fisher King’s profound spiritual woundedness is the reflection of not only what has happened to them during the Dark Aeon, but to all of the human race collective consciousness. The Fisher King is a creation archetype connected to the Celtic-Druids of the Arthurian Grail Lineages in the 11D Essene Tribe incarnated in the United Kingdom landmass.

The soul wounds we carry have closed down our true divine nature, and each of us must choose to place effort in order to heal ourselves from our personal Traumas and emotional injuries, to open our Sacred Crystal Hearts and reveal the true spiritual purpose and destiny in which we are serving the cosmic order. Last year, [2023] the planet entered the Cosmic Energy Cycle where we have been reconnected with the Sun-Star Network of the eternal Cosmic Christos Consciousness, and this is what the Ascended Masters and Fisher Kings desperately require to finally heal themselves from their terrible wounding. As when they are reconnected to the Cosmic Christos, and fully healed when rejoined with their divine counterpart, the hierogamic union extends their perfected rainbow aura of ascension to nourish and heal the lands and the tribes of humanity under their energetic stewardship.

Remember that in this context the Maji Grail King is not a tyrant ruler, but an embodied Ascended Master, Solar Dragon King; the Rich Fisher King who flows cosmic consciousness intelligence and an abundance of golden chalice frequencies of the rainbow krystal rivers and Azothian flows which nourish and heal all of life. Bestowing divine blessings held in the benevolent love and compassion in the emerald crystal heart of the Solar Rishic High Priest King who is at one (Aton Body) with God, and serves and protects his angelic human tribe and lands.

The Christos rainbow masters have been instrumental in the reclamation of Orion’s Belt, Alnilam star, and Pegasus constellation, and are currently working with Emerald Guardian Christos teams to rehabilitate planetary grid systems from assorted AI red wave damage. Whereby they express, as the Ascended Master-Fisher Kings are finally healed and reunited with their divine counterparts, that it is the time to reveal the imposters that have pretended to be them or have used their ancient wisdom teachings of the Law of One to abuse spiritual power in order to gain control over others.

Thus, through their gentle nudge, they have been pointing to the first Ascended Master Teachings that were introduced to the world in recent times, through the books that formed the Theosophical Society by H.P. Blavatsky, along with many offshoot branches such as Guy Ballard’s I AM Movement. These teachings became the precursor of several new age religions, some tragically developing into harmful Mind Control cults, and thus were aggressively targeted and hijacked by NAA forces in order to derail, attack, confuse and discredit many golden nuggets of truth contained in the wisdom teachings.

Please be made aware that this is not to demonize or accuse anyone, as this fact has been expressed with deep loving Compassion and understanding for the plight of humanity under targeted spiritual attack by anti-human entities. Many people that have connected with the Ascended Master Teachings in the New Age Movement were and are under the harmful influence of mind control manipulation from fallen entities, yet many of those individuals were doing the best they could with what they knew at that particular stage of evolutionary development.

Thus, there has been focus upon the previous timelines with luciferian enki infiltrations connected to the ancient wisdom sourced from the Tibetan and Kashmiri Masters of the eastern philosophies connected to esoteric Buddhism, who are revealing themselves as genuine rainbow guardians of the cosmic intelligence repository of founder records. These particular masters deposited their cosmic consciousness knowledge into the hologram of the planetary grid network in the form of Termas, which are mandalas, symbols, crystal keys and coded light imagery that is utilized to transmit or unlock intelligent consciousness information stored by that master for his particular lineage, adepts, and spiritual students. Termas transcend time and can happen in the current lifetime or previous lifetimes, depending on genetic relationships, personal Blueprint and spiritual mission, whereby the cosmic rainbow ascended master can relay hidden spiritual information and direct it to whom he chooses worthy or ready to receive such intelligence.

These particular histories surfacing now are directly connected to the genetic records of Essene Tribes 8 and 9, who were tasked for DNA embodiment assembly of Paliadorian Starseed imprints from Sirius B, going back to the Orion Wars. Thus, many of the Indigo grail lineage are sourced from Blue Flame Melchizedeks and Sirius B Maharaji lineages that were protecting inner earth portals and Sirian Crystal Temples from the time of 8D Orion Invasion approximately 208,000 years ago. The grail lines of Essene Tribes 8 and 9 were the ancient builders of advanced civilizations in the east that have been long forgotten, their genetic histories are translated and connected to the earliest forms of Buddhism that originated in the regions of China and Tibet. These Essene Tribes practiced an extension of Law of One in the purest form of what is considered to be contemporary Buddhist philosophy, that which radically predates the Bon religion, Tibetan Buddhism or Tantric Vajrayana (hierogamic diamond body) Buddhism and appears to exceed beyond the Ascension Timeline Rebellion of 22,000 years ago. Some Tibetan Masters have retained this specific spiritual knowledge by remaining in hiding, yet they still live in isolation in the Kunlun, Mount Kailash or Kashmir regions, as true bodhisattvas of compassion, quietly meditating on cosmic rainbow body consciousness for the liberation of humankind.

Genetic Clearing of 9D Tibetan Master Teachings

As more of the Authentic Ascended Masters are returning and revealing themselves, it has catalyzed an intense purging of falsified ascension teachings and cloned holograms that are genetically connected and sourced from the authentic Tibetan Masters, who are the genuine source field of universal truth as the cosmic consciousness holders of those particular Ascension teachings. As discussed previously, Guardians were cleaning out the Daath World built as a black phantom heaven, and many AI brains of Fallen Ascended Masters were discovered to be interconnected into shared neural networks to generate an extremely powerful AI Hive mind, running the entire Daath system. The Chohan Tibetan Masters of the Theosophical movement and some that are popular in the new age material had cloned energetic signatures of their consciousness or rainbow body placed inside Black Cathedrals. This was an artificial construct for NAA forces to wear the Ascended Master body parts and appear as them, to manipulate channelers and others that have past lives connected to these particular masters’ lineages. Since this discovery, there has been a ‘all hands on deck’ level of interdimensional Guardian Christos teams working to locate and retrieve the fallen Melchizedek Ascended Master consciousness, and make corrections to the genetic keys; clearing out miasmatic impacts, ancestral records and corrupted timelines with red wave or other infiltrations.

This event also brings rapid solar initiation in which those ascending groups connected to these same lineages are detoxifying miasmatic loads of artificial red wave spectrums and other artificial frequencies that carried false ascension or new age overlays.

Guinevere’s Arayanas Plasmas

Additionally, the Triple Solar Goddess emanation of Merida-Guinevere-Brigid are preparing for the seating of King Arthur’s divine counterpart Queen Guinevere onto the earth, in which the building of her Krystal Cathedral networks to anchor the Eireayanas or Arayanas flowering sophianic plasma fields. These are designed to restore the Cosmic Amoraea Shield in the Emerald Crystal Heart networks which hold the Edenic Blueprints, transmitting through the Cosmic Spirit Suns of Eireayanas which are being reunited with the Ascended Master’s Yanas Aton God Body. See Solar Dragon Queen Merida and White Queen Brigid.

~via Energetic Synthesis – Time Shift Blog – January 9, 2024

LISA RENEE: “Merida-Guinevere-Brigid”

White Queen Merida, Lily of the Valley (art by Elizabeth)

“In the sacred Krystal Tree of Life, the Trinity of Krystallah Sun-Stars emerged from Aquaelle matrix in the 4D-7D-10D spheres of Solar Symbiosis activations that united the Triple Solar Christ Mary collective consciousness with their correct star constellation origins. The Awakening Albion and Rise of Arthur to find his beloved counterpart, the Triple Solar Goddess Queen Guinevere, Merida-Guinevere-Brigid, Solar Dragon Queen Meritaten and Mary Sophia, informs us how humanity was seeded here from the stars in twin aspects, and why the divine mind of God has chosen to express in this manner. Thus, the risen Triple Solar Sister Sophia Stars, Sisters of Avalon, were reunited and crowned White Diamond Solar Dragon Queens; as Mary Magdalene Sophia, Meritaten and Merida-Guinevere-Brigid were resurrected into Hierogamic Union with their Christos Triple Solar Masculine counterparts, and further were merged into the Emerald Order’s Cosmic White Diamond Sun of the Cosmic Mother Dragon. Ankhulasa sun star network holds the Lily of the Valley as the second coming of the Solar Female Christ-Melchizedek, and this appears as the spiritual family of the triple peach diamond suns with golden rose solar fires. The solar frequency transmission is that of a creamy peachsicle color wave that begins building within the sacral center for lunar to solar Transfiguration, as a part of the embodiment of the Solar Feminine Christ. This is heavily involved in the ongoing gridwork to prepare for the complete anchoring of King Arthur’s divine counterpart Merida-Guinevere-Brigid, as a type of cosmic celebration is transpiring already in some of the higher dimensions that herald the return of Universal Rod and Staff holder, to reunite the Universal Rose lines and end the War over the Roses. The Cosmic Elohei Rose Grail lines are joyous in the coming sacred marriage crowning of King Arthur and Merida-Guinevere-Brigid, which brings on the restoration of universal knowledge that can be transmitted to the matter realm.”

~Lisa Renee

The Blue Rainbow Bridge is akin to a floating bridge of the Seven Higher Heavens, in which the Cosmic Christos intelligence is generating higher dimensional platforms into the Cosmic Hall of Records, for the purpose of recreating or terraforming the planet through the creation of natural features such as lands, rivers, trees, angelic creatures, and aurora elementals which are filled with the cosmic life force. This spiritual creation connects with the Cosmic Mother’s Silver White Flames, which generates a silvery white mist that blankets the Morphogenetic Fields of instruction sets, and appear to be related to the embodiment sequence of Merida-Guinevere-Brigid’s Triple Solar Reisha Flames and Solar Dragon rings throughout the planet. [1]

Holy Mountain Architecture

The Cosmic Mother Dragon appears in her Triple Solar Reisha Merida-Guinevere-Brigid form when encircling the planet with her silvery ouroboros line, emanating silver white flames from her Elaysa Sun consciousness streams, which appears to reconfigure the distortions of artificial holograms and reversal blueprints. As she ignited the Avebury Umbilicus with her massive Bethlehem Star of silvery white flames during the Summer Solstice, the tri-waves of braided silver and gold pulsed through the dragon lines, which intersected with the floating bridge or Blue Rainbow Arc above Mount Kailash. This seems to be the primary focus of building the recent Holy Mountain architecture for seating the Blue Rainbow Bridge. A type of Cosmic Christ Consciousness distribution center in which different star patterns that are connected to the returning Ascended Master Rishi-Reisha identities, can heal their light body and reunite with their spiritual sun-star home and divine counterparts. [2]

Lost Civilization of Triple Solar Goddess

Malta is an extremely powerful spiritual source of the Triple Solar Feminine Christ or Triple Solar Goddess energies that was purposely exploited, inverted and hijacked by several aspiring rulers and their burgeoning ancient empires. More importantly, it was being currently controlled by the Black Nobility of the Vatican Black Sun network and several of their orders of the Maltese Cross, linked into the United Kingdom monarchy for the purpose of waging timeline wars and global domination. In the sacred Krystal Tree of Life, the Trinity of Krystallah Sun-Stars emerged from Aquaelle matrix in the 4D-7D-10D spheres of Solar Symbiosis activations that united the Triple Solar Christ Mary collective consciousness with their correct star constellation origins. Thus, the risen Triple Solar Sister Sophia Stars, Sisters of Avalon, were reunited and crowned White Diamond Solar Dragon Queens; as Mary Magdalene Sophia, Meritaten and Merida-Guinevere-Brigid were resurrected into Hierogamic Union with their Christos Triple Solar Masculine counterparts, and further were merged into the Emerald Order’s Cosmic White Diamond Sun of the Cosmic Mother Dragon.

Confrontation in Malta

To reseat the Emerald Order Holy Father King Arthur with his beloved counterpart White Sun Dragon Queens Merida-Guinevere-Brigid in the Albion, the 11D dragon templar controls located in Thuban and underneath the island of Malta would need to be returned to the Emerald Founders. These temple structures were revealed to be sourced from the Hyperborean Celtic Essene Azurites from 7D Gaia that originally built them for alignment with Thuban’s Dragon Templar, the timekeeper architecture in the Draco constellation. Their Christos Avatar consciousness was embodying the organic krystal architecture of Emerald Dragon Timekeepers in the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons that was covertly hidden throughout the Albion Lightbody network within many holographic features, such as Malta, to be discovered and reclaimed for the current final conflict timeline of the Christos Mission. Thus, the Guardian confrontation in Malta began eight days of harrowing spiritual battles for the Templar controls with an assortment of Black Dragon AI hybrid creatures, black magicians and Black Scorpion Queen entities at the top of the satanic hierarchy of lunar female demons, along with many giant shadow chimeric creatures that existed in the underground catacombs and portals. [3]

Merida Rebirths through Ankhulasa

Ankhulasa sun star network holds the Lily of the Valley as the second coming of the Solar Female Christ-Melchizedek, and this appears as the spiritual family of the triple peach diamond suns with golden rose solar fires. The solar frequency transmission is that of a creamy peachsicle color wave that begins building within the sacral center for lunar to solar Transfiguration, as a part of the embodiment of the Solar Feminine Christ.

These structures are necessary for the triple solar embodiment of King Arthur’s wife, as Solar Dragon Queen Merida-Guinevere-Brigid in their complete Mahara Reisha triple peachsicle solar suns spirit body, which is specific to her triple solar feminine embodiment as a cosmological principle. [4]

Starry Night Dark Matter Activation

The Cosmic Emerald Elohei Guardian showdown in the United Kingdom 11D gates continue, as this area is critical for anchoring corrected 5D timelines in the planetary body. There has been a major exodus occurring in many of the dimensional fields impacted by astral reconstruction, as massive amounts of souls are being moved, and this has involved a lot of activity of negotiating, transiting, and clearing of assorted karmic-miasmatic debris in the Collective Consciousness. The 11th dimensional instruction set gives the perfect morphogenetic field instruction set pattern of our double, our true self organic spirit self in 5D, and the 11th dimensional instruction set applies to the correct fifth dimensional blue ray pattern in our body. This is heavily involved in the ongoing gridwork to prepare for the complete anchoring of King Arthur’s divine counterpart Merida-Guinevere-Brigid, as a type of cosmic celebration is transpiring already in some of the higher dimensions that herald the return of Universal Rod and Staff holder, to reunite the Universal Rose lines and end the War over the Roses. The Cosmic Elohei Rose Grail lines are joyous in the coming sacred marriage crowning of King Arthur and Merida-Guinevere-Brigid, which brings on the restoration of universal knowledge that can be transmitted to the matter realm. This event is deeply related to the starry night dark matter initiation, as the corrected dark matter allows infusion of the organic Emerald Founder Records directly into the planetary grid system, purging out the distorted AI-Red Cube Emerald Order records used by the NAA, as Cosmic Emerald Guardian confrontations continue within the epicenter of Stonehenge. [5]

Awakening Albion

Return of Cosmic Christos Emerald Dragons, King Arthur and Queen Guinevere (art by Sequoia)

The Albion holds the most important key in comprehending the purpose of human consciousness evolution and spiritual Ascension in order to become an initiated Cosmic Christ, anointed by the Holy Father and Holy Mother in order to express their divine will and be embodied as God-Sovereign-Free. The knowledge and alchemy held within the Albion’s alembic chamber to co-create the Cosmic Christos intelligence via Rainbow Rounds of liquid plasma light, is the key in understanding humanity’s divine purpose and ultimate mission upon the Earth. The Awakening Albion and Rise of Arthur to find his beloved counterpart, the Triple Solar Goddess Queen Guinevere, Merida-Guinevere-Brigid, Solar Dragon Queen Meritaten and Mary Sophia, informs us how humanity was seeded here from the stars in twin aspects, and why the divine mind of God has chosen to express in this manner. [6]

Krystal Cathedral Activations

Pendragon is the Fey Grail Bloodline of King Arthur that originates from the Christos Diamond Sun lines from Andromeda, thus we call this the Solar Dragon breath of the Aquafey, the source of original Holy Father to Christos Son source codes. Thus, King Arthur was a living man that was assigned to be the guardian protectorate and Pendragon of the original Nazarene Teachings being hidden by the original Celtic Church that went underground around 22,000 years ago. In previous articles we have already established that there were a few previous timeline embodiments of Arthur the Aquafey that had incarnated in service to the Christos Mission, and that King Arthur had finally returned into his embodiment to begin grid work for returning the Triple Solar Goddess emanations, recovering the body parts for his genetic equal Merida-Guinevere-Brigid earlier this year. Thus, the Solar Dragon breath of Aquafey transmits the Holy Father‘s Emerald Ray prisms through Father Sun Codes to reunite the Christos-Sophia in corrected Triple Solar Masculine Christ coding throughout the Universal Time Matrix. [7]

Guinevere’s Arayanas Plasmas

The Triple Solar Goddess emanation of Merida-Guinevere-Brigid are preparing for the seating of King Arthur’s divine counterpart Queen Guinevere onto the earth, in which the building of her Krystal Cathedral networks to anchor the Eireayanas or Arayanas flowering sophianic plasma fields, are designed to restore the Cosmic Amoraea Shield in the Emerald Crystal Heart networks which hold the Edenic Blueprints, transmitting through the Cosmic Spirit Suns of Eireayanas which are being reunited with the Ascended Master’s Yanas Aton God Body. See Solar Dragon Queen Merida.


  1. Blue Rainbow Bridge
  2. Blue Rainbow Bridge
  3. Confrontation in Malta
  4. Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida
  5. Starry Night
  6. Rise of Arthur
  7. Cathedral Activation Begins

See also:

Fall of Solar Dragon Queens

Triple Solar Marys

Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines

Mother of Dragons

Axis Mundi

Yana Codes

Releasing Feminine Wound of Eieyani Massacre


~via Ascension Glossary