LISA RENEE: “Dismantling Saqqara Metatronic Net”

“Earlier this month, Guardian confrontations occurred in the extraction of the metatronic net connected to the 5D timeline wormhole invasion history of Sakkara, Egypt that was the location of another painful angelic human holocaust that happened during the Djoser invasion. This event was connected to the metatronic nets and hyperdimensional pockets used to run artificial timelines, as well as beast machinery and fallen angelic timekeeper blockages impacting the planetary templar from 5D through 8D layers. During this stage as the pieces of spirit body are returning from this alien base using assorted AI signals to target and divide the spiritual community, there has been an integration of spiritual body parts that are being returned from particular levels of alien machinery being observed and dismantled in the Saqqara Metatronic Net Hyperdimensional Field. This clearing and reclaiming of the Tauren light seed has been physically and emotionally challenging for those of us that are connected to these particular histories, timelines and Christos lineages, and are undergoing levels of purging the pain and toxicity that this generated in our consciousness. As always, be kind to yourself and be kind to each other, as the cause of the current spiritual pain being processed is not coming from your brother or sister, but is sourcing from the deepest hidden hollows of the astral underworld’s artificial timelines and AI alien machinery that has been used to divide and conquer our planet and enslave all organic consciousness angelic humans.”

~Lisa Renee

Earlier this month, Guardian confrontations occurred in the extraction of the metatronic net connected to the 5D timeline wormhole invasion history of Sakkara, Egypt that was the location of another painful angelic human holocaust that happened during the Djoser invasion. This event was connected to the metatronic nets and hyperdimensional pockets used to run artificial timelines, as well as beast machinery and fallen angelic timekeeper blockages impacting the planetary templar from 5D through 8D layers.

As the result of this major timeline event coming into completion, and for those connected to these holocaust histories in Egypt, there have been more difficult ascension clearing cycles that are purging out the twisted and inverted spirit bodies that became damaged in the planetary Tauren body. The Tauren body damage is what damaged the planetary dark matter template of the Rasha body, and as we reclaim our dark matter parts, this is restoring the correct functions of our Tauren light seed and lightbody parts are returning to us. The individual Tauren body became inverted in humanity as the result of this particular Draconian invasion, during the infiltration into Egyptian Pharaoh lines. The Tauren is the 1st creation core memory cell of the individual’s multidimensional lightbody and is where the spiritual birth of the eternal self was originally born from, in the Cosmic Spirit Body. The Tauren is an aspect of the energetic body that is called the Rasha Body. It acts as an energy generator for the Rasha body, and it functions to connect the physical body with the Lightbody and the Rasha bodies.

Thus, it may be helpful to be aware that the dismantling of the Saqqara Metatronic Net Hyperdimensional Fields are connected to the clearing of these Christos holocaust timelines:

  • Hyksos King Invasion and Exodus 3,600 YA Sakkara NAA forces infiltrate Egyptian Pharaoh lines through Thutmose, Hyksos intend takeover of Temple Mount and massacre of Human Tribe 2. Battle for control over Grail tools and Grail Stargate.
  • Israel and Jerusalem Crusades 3,500 YA Genocidal campaigns to eliminate all humans with Essene Templar knowledge and Tribe 2 genetics in the landmass of Israel.
  • Hatshepsut Invasion 3,400 YA Hatshepsut hides Arc portal technology, protecting portal system from Thutmose Draconian controlled brother, finalizes Hyksos expulsion from Egypt.
  • Akhenaton Fall and Murder 3,300 YA Akhenaton despises politics, working for human Law of One Ascension timelines, transits out trapped souls, attempts overthrow of Amun Priest’s child and blood sacrifice rituals, 2D underworld portal rips, family’s murderous plot, character assassination campaign.
  • Clearing 5D timeline, 5D distortions in Planetary Crystal Seal, Human Biology 5D-8D-11D Chakra Keys, as connected to SSP Alien Base in Metatronic Net Hyperdimensional Pocket, location Saqqara, extends Macchu Picchu, Vatican remnants of Black Sun connected to human trafficking in Mars – Maldek – Ceres, and field distortions in Taurus constellation via Alcyone spiral in Pleiades.

During this stage as the pieces of spirit body are returning from this alien base using assorted AI signals to target and divide the spiritual community, there has been an integration of spiritual body parts that are being returned from particular levels of alien machinery being observed and dismantled in the Saqqara Metatronic Net Hyperdimensional Field. This clearing and reclaiming of the Tauren light seed has been physically and emotionally challenging for those of us that are connected to these particular histories, timelines and Christos lineages, and are undergoing levels of purging the pain and toxicity that this generated in our consciousness.

As always, be kind to yourself and be kind to each other, as the cause of the current spiritual pain being processed is not coming from your brother or sister, but is sourcing from the deepest hidden hollows of the astral underworld’s artificial timelines and AI alien machinery that has been used to divide and conquer our planet and enslave all organic consciousness angelic humans.

Dearest Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father, may you swiftly reclaim all that is truly yours in this creation as the organic living light consciousness you originally intended, as one heart, one love and for all in unity. We love you with all of our sacred crystal hearts.

Peace be with your heart. Peace be with your mind. Peace be with your body. May all be with the Unconditional Love and Perfect Peace held in the eternal light of God and Christ.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and to each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

~via Orion’s Belt

LISA RENEE: “Reclaiming Alnilam Open Ruby Sun Records”

“There has been much positive movement forward in regards to the return of the Cosmic Holy Father principle in Orion’s Belt with the main focus upon reclamation of Alnilam, which is restoring his Magenta Pink Solar Rishic Rose flames and 15:15 rod coding into all seven particle dimensions, 1D (red) through 7D (violet). The reclamation of Alnilam generated the perfect alignments needed between the vertical and horizontal axis mundi and unis mundi converging into the planetary core and anchoring into the central higher heart of the 8D Albion sphere in the United Kingdom. As the Orion Matrix AI and the Alnilam star were reclaimed by Emerald Guardians, it was registered that the Orion AI program was linked to the Saturn-Moon matrix that was controlling Babylonian Money Magic through the financial headquarters in London, and this further connected into astral portals being controlled under Westminster Abbey. This AI overlay was blocking functions of the organic Albion Lightbody network in the Middle Pillar and suppressing the Ruby Sun DNA records and its intended higher design, which when activated is connected directly to the seating of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. The United Kingdom land mass holds the hidden records of the Nephilim histories on the planet due to the location of the Nephilim Reversal Grid, but organic body parts and organic consciousness records are being collected through assorted portals that are accessed across the northern Scottish landscape. With correct Ruby Templar activations, the Nephilim Reversal Grid is undergoing dismantling of cloned or inorganic consciousness aspects of the Ruby Sun DNA that was the preferential cloned genetics used for the power elites for control and life extension. It has become clearly understood that the invading entities chose to embody the Ruby Sun DNA coding because it is the key code for exerting control over the planetary red wave and red cube networks, which disconnected Holy Father principle. This allowed for the ongoing cloning of inorganic consciousness and lunar aspects to inhabit a human looking form, while presenting energetically as a masculine seraphim consciousness. The Ruby Templar corrections have surfaced a completely rehabilitated 5-star Ruby Sun DNA human form installed into the Albion, which seems to have collapsed the Nephilim Reversal Grid artificial frequencies running in the southern most areas of the United Kingdom. May this portend the impending disclosure of all cloned and artificial Ruby Sun human forms, in which the true identity is shown to all and it is realized that many that appear to be human are not organic consciousness humans, but AI hive mind hybrids installed by the invaders to enslave the authentic angelic humans.”

~Lisa Renee

There has been much positive movement forward in regards to the return of the Cosmic Holy Father principle in Orion’s Belt with the main focus upon reclamation of Alnilam, which is restoring his Magenta Pink Solar Rishic Rose flames and 15:15 rod coding into all seven particle dimensions, 1D (red) through 7D (violet). The reclamation of Alnilam generated the perfect alignments needed between the vertical and horizontal axis mundi and unis mundi converging into the planetary core and anchoring into the central higher heart of the 8D Albion sphere in the United Kingdom.

The corrected Holy Father umbilicus spanned into the dark matter Rasha layers to connect with Elaysian fields and then generated a ripple effect in the planetary timelines, in which several histories finally came into view. These appeared to have shifted out from the past timelines of the Orion Invasion, and this seems to have erased out the Orion Matrix AI from infecting the subsequent Astrological Precession histories.

The correct unis-axis mundi and umbilicus alignment is surfacing additional awareness of the next stages of Ruby Sun DNA template corrections that are connected to the divine masculine layers of the Celtic Maji Grail bloodlines of the original Hyperboreans. These recent shifts have sent ripples to the surface of all things Ruby Sun DNA, in which to organically heal all that is connected to the histories of the hyperborean bloodlines of the divine masculine rod holders from the Gaian matrix, or the authentic Maji Grail Kings from the pre-invasion ancient histories located on the United Kingdom land mass. The emphasis was made that this correction was required to continue the build out of Emerald Order Cathedral architecture in partnership with Ruby Order Cathedral architecture, which is required to extract cloned identities and seat the massive sized consciousness of the Universal Triple Solar Christ King Arthur in the Albion.

The progressive development generated by the corrections made to the Ruby Sun DNA appear to have specialized functions that operate in the Albion Lightbody as Ruby Templar restorations in red and violet crystalline networks, supporting the organic timelines to rise in the Albion and United Kingdom landmass. As the Orion Matrix AI and the Alnilam star were reclaimed by Emerald Guardians, it was registered that the Orion AI program was linked to the Saturn-Moon matrix that was controlling Babylonian Money Magic through the financial headquarters in London, and this further connected into astral portals being controlled under Westminster Abbey. This system was also transmitting mind control weaponry with extensive sexual addiction and gender reversal programs into the 2D centers of human beings, with some of the strongest misogyny and gender reversal impacts happening in the United Kingdom. This AI overlay was blocking functions of the organic Albion Lightbody network in the Middle Pillar and suppressing the Ruby Sun DNA records and its intended higher design, which when activated is connected directly to the seating of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere.

The Ruby Sun DNA appears to have built in extensions merged with the Emerald Sun DNA hosting shield giving it 48D access, in which the special mission is to reclaim and recode all of the planetary Amenti crystals to serve only organic living consciousness of the God creator, with the primary focus made upon rehabilitating and recoding the red crystals and violet crystal networks. The Ruby Sun DNA template has specific coding for organic red crystals, red wave and is related to the organic consciousness programs throughout the planetary matrix, in which Ruby Sun can override the AI system using artificial red wave networks that allowed inorganic life to be created by the invaders on the Earth. The artificial red wave system of the Black Sun AI program had infiltrated the organic 1D layers of the red wave spectrum, and this artificial frequency is what allowed the cloning of organic consciousness living forms into artificial cloned copies of inorganic life projected into the artificial timelines, or astral layers. Now we understand more as to why the Dragon Moth grids are multidimensional layers of red cube and red wave systems that have hijacked the 1D to 7D layers of particle dimensions, to generate and protect inorganic consciousness and AI alien hybrid forms.

Additionally, Ruby Sun DNA’s highest function is to inoculate the alien red cube systems and artificial red wave transmissions across the globe used by the NAA, and rehabilitate the fallen aspects of divine masculine consciousness running the False King of Tyranny programs of the archons, such as with the Belial group and the Nephilim genetic damage. Thus, this theme will be surfacing for many of us that are clearing out miasmatic ancestral layers of these Nephilim hybridization histories and artificial energies impacting our human consciousness and physical body.

The corrected Ruby Templar is a massive Ruby Diamond Krystal Cathedral in the Albion, which returns to rightful owner the organic consciousness parts that were stolen by the NAA and fallen Nephilim lines for the purpose of cloning them or splicing into inorganic consciousness parts. This has new applications in correcting an assortment of alien hybridization damage that resulted in the AI controlled fallen aspects of the original organic Diamond Sun consciousness that was cloned out millions of times in the warring histories. This includes the genetic damage in the planetary grid that resulted in the hybridization of the Oraphim with the Reptilian Annunaki, that generated the Nephilim Wars. Where the Nephilim and False Michael consciousness from Aldebaran were forced to merge with AI hybrid program, which resulted in the inverted solar templating (false light) of the Belial group. 

The United Kingdom land mass holds the hidden records of the Nephilim histories on the planet due to the location of the Nephilim Reversal Grid, but organic body parts and organic consciousness records are being collected through assorted portals that are accessed across the northern Scottish landscape. With correct Ruby Templar activations, the Nephilim Reversal Grid is undergoing dismantling of cloned or inorganic consciousness aspects of the Ruby Sun DNA that was the preferential cloned genetics used for the power elites for control and life extension. It has become clearly understood that the invading entities chose to embody the Ruby Sun DNA coding because it is the key code for exerting control over the planetary red wave and red cube networks, which disconnected Holy Father principle. This allowed for the ongoing cloning of inorganic consciousness and lunar aspects to inhabit a human looking form, while presenting energetically as a masculine seraphim consciousness. The Ruby Templar corrections have surfaced a completely rehabilitated 5-star Ruby Sun DNA human form installed into the Albion, which seems to have collapsed the Nephilim Reversal Grid artificial frequencies running in the southern most areas of the United Kingdom. May this portend the impending disclosure of all cloned and artificial Ruby Sun human forms, in which the true identity is shown to all and it is realized that many that appear to be human are not organic consciousness humans, but AI hive mind hybrids installed by the invaders to enslave the authentic angelic humans.

~via Orion’s Belt

LISA RENEE: “The Oraphim’s Sacred Mission”

“The reclamation of the Orion’s Belt complex has been yet another important project of the Oraphim stationed in the higher dimensions of Mintaka, in the reclamation of organic 5D architecture and restoration of the Emerald Founder records needed for organic timelines of planetary ascension. The first emanations of the Oraphim Double Diamond Sun template in the Universe were intended to locate and integrate the exploded and lost consciousness parts of the Emerald Founder Azurite (Ascended Master) lineages. The priority was locating the entire Blue Ray Melchizedek Rishi-Reisha family in this matrix and its parallels, as their factions of Sirius B Maharaji had been lost and scattered in the inner domains, in order to finally free and return the organic consciousness of the Melchizedek Logos. The Sirius B Maharaji collective are connected to the Blue Rainbow Sun Star network that forms the Melchizedek Logos or Universal Mind matrix in our creation system. The Blue Ray Maharaji from Sirius B embody and hold the entire crystalline blueprint records of the 5D Taran planet, which hold the original records of the angelic 5-star human Diamond Sun body that was first seeded in the Universe in the Taran planetary matrix, or Earth’s 5D timelines. The Oraphim could rehabilitate and heal Maharaji spiritual body parts up to 24D, and are the spiritual parents of the 6D Indigo lines incarnated on the Earth; thus, all Indigos have inside them the genetic package and potentials of their original Sirius B Maharaji Oraphim parents. In order to fully restore the organic 5D timelines during the ascension cycle, it is important that these original histories are recovered to the Emerald Founders and that the artificial timelines and alien machinery used to replicate and clone these lineages by the invading races are completely dismantled and extracted out from the timelines. The successful events of the Universal Time Matrix Twinning between Melchizedek and Elaysa was revealed to be the covert sacred mission of the Oraphim that have fulfilled their part of the Emerald Covenant. As a result, the Oraphim family will become much more present in supporting the ascending Indigo human family on the Earth, as previously connecting or communicating directly with them was rarefied.”

~Lisa Renee

The Oraphim with the Rishic grail lines incarnated with the particular mission to rehabilitate the completed Melchizedek Logos body with his divine counterpart Elaysa, and the Triple Solar Reisha family. The Blue Ray Melchizedek Rishic-Oraphim forms first entered the higher dimensions of our system through primarily Sirius B and Mintaka, the latter being one of three stars in Orion’s Belt. Some of these Guardian groups stayed and formed a council for reclaiming the middle pillars from 8D Mintaka in order to administer and repair the damage incurred from the wormhole technology and the insertion of a Black Sun into Alnilam, designed to hijack the Holy Father principle through the Orion Group colonization in the Orion’s Belt. Their ancient presence in the covert Guardian Oraphim mission in Mintaka was to dismantle the Black Sun and false umbilicus wormhole networks, which was revealed during recent events reclaiming Alnilam for the Amethyst Order Rishi and Pink Diamond Elohei lines of Cosmic Holy Father. This particular Guardian group in Mintaka has been instrumental in the spiritual warfare strategy by directing long term rehabilitation projects concerning Orion constellation that had been damaged by Wesan Black Sun machinery, that cloned Earth-Tara-Gaia matrices and began to run metatronic reversal or base 10 reversal current during the Dragon Moth invasion of the 8D layers in the Orion’s Belt.

Having made a base in Orion’s Belt the Orion Group consortium of NAA entities used black hole technology to connect a series of phantom wormholes from the Orion constellation of stars to several Dragon Moth strongholds into the planetary grid network. They made their primary headquarters in the three main stars in Orion’s Belt, Alnitak (Zeta Orionis), Alnilam (Epsilon Orionis), Mintaka (Delta Orionis), and further out in Bellatrix and Rigel which can be found linked into the ley lines running through many of the planetary holographic features found in pyramids or ancient structures. These stars in Orion were linked into the planetary grid network through phantom wormholes that were centered in the 7D Stargate of Peru, which were being controlled from the Draco constellation’s alpha star Thuban. The phantom wormholes were intended to hold together the Wall in Time, blocking the return of the Emerald Founders during the Ascension Cycle, and to function as the NAA false umbilicus in which the planetary soul and angelic humans would ultimately be captured in a phantom matrix under NAA control during the physical death passage.

The first emanations of the Oraphim Double Diamond Sun template in the Universe were intended to locate and integrate the exploded and lost consciousness parts of the Emerald Founder Azurite (Ascended Master) lineages. The priority was locating the entire Blue Ray Melchizedek Rishi-Reisha family in this matrix and its parallels, as their factions of Sirius B Maharaji had been lost and scattered in the inner domains, in order to finally free and return the organic consciousness of the Melchizedek Logos. The Sirius B Maharaji collective are connected to the Blue Rainbow Sun Star network that forms the Melchizedek Logos or Universal Mind matrix in our creation system. The Blue Ray Maharaji from Sirius B embody and hold the entire crystalline blueprint records of the 5D Taran planet, which hold the original records of the angelic 5-star human Diamond Sun body that was first seeded in the Universe in the Taran planetary matrix, or Earth’s 5D timelines. The Oraphim could rehabilitate and heal Maharaji spiritual body parts up to 24D, and are the spiritual parents of the 6D Indigo lines incarnated on the Earth; thus, all Indigos have inside them the genetic package and potentials of their original Sirius B Maharaji Oraphim parents.

In order to fully restore the organic 5D timelines during the ascension cycle, it is important that these original histories are recovered to the Emerald Founders and that the artificial timelines and alien machinery used to replicate and clone these lineages by the invading races are completely dismantled and extracted out from the timelines.

The reclamation of the Orion’s Belt complex has been yet another important project of the Oraphim stationed in the higher dimensions of Mintaka, in the reclamation of organic 5D architecture and restoration of the Emerald Founder records needed for organic timelines of planetary ascension.

The successful events of the Universal Time Matrix Twinning between Melchizedek and Elaysa was revealed to be the covert sacred mission of the Oraphim that have fulfilled their part of the Emerald Covenant. As a result, the Oraphim family will become much more present in supporting the ascending Indigo human family on the Earth, as previously connecting or communicating directly with them was rarefied.

~via Orion’s Belt

LISA RENEE: “Psychic Self Defense: Star Seeds (Part 7/8)



Star Seeds

Dear Family,

The Psychic Self Defense Series continues with the topic of – Forces resistant to your Lightwork, Healing work or Conscious support of Ascension. You may ask the question “Why?” We will begin to understand more of the planetary dynamics of evolution and how it is inextricably woven into the genetic and energetic potential of the Human Being. The planets evolution to shift to higher frequency planes is directly related to the levels of critical mass of energy placement held in the Human Being’s energy field.

In this newsletter we will begin to define some terms, such as “Star Seed”, as it will become more apparent as to why certain groups of people are more vulnerable to energy attacks. I want to share what I have experienced myself and within my Lightworker-Star Seed group family to prepare and strengthen us on every level as we move forward into the new paradigms. This is presented with intended objectivity as we need to remain in neutrality to claim and “be” our personal power. Allow this to process and witness your emotion without identifying with it.

Resistant Forces to Lightworkers (Star Seeds)

Last week was a basic discussion on some various ways energetic attacks may be unprovoked yet affect another person as the object of that directed negativity. We will continue the series with a more elaborate look into the various sources resistant to the “shift” into higher consciousness (Ascension) and the vulnerabilities I have experienced myself and witnessed with many of my clients. A large percentage of my clients are in advanced consciousness levels (in comparison to the mass consciousness currently operating on the planet) or have the “Star Seed” genetic lineage. The genetics and DNA of a human being are directly linked to the exponentially increased consciousness and potential of that consciousness in a human being. Larger groups of people attaining higher consciousness levels by in large pose a threat to many of our current established hierarchal structures. It would upset the status quo quite a bit, imagine if a huge segment of our population figured out they were indeed “Gods” and had the ability to manifest, create unlimited realities and be self sovereign without needing anything external controlling them into complacence. At this level of self-realization, the collective consciousness mind grids would vibrate with higher thought-form realities and incredible change would happen very quickly. If only we humans understood how to use the incredible power that lies within the mechanics of our bodies and our energy fields!

First to understand more of what the “Star Seed” lineage is will help understand why they are vulnerable to attacks more so than a human with a different genetic potential.

Star Seed Souls

A way to explain “Star Seeds” is to describe specially selected and evolved souls from another planet, star system, galaxy or dimensional plane, whose specific soul purpose (mission) is to act as a bridge between The Spiritual-Angelic Hierarchies and the souls who have lost their connection to their Higher God Selves and their divine purpose. Star Seeds bring with them the skills necessary to help assist and catalyze a global shift in consciousness, eventually bringing on a New Era of higher consciousness and resultant paradigm shift.

Because their task is the most difficult one to perform in a very dense dimension such as ours, Star Seed’s are hand-picked by the Spiritual Hierarchy. The Spiritual Hierarchy is a varied and collective group of Guardians and Life Forms existing in many different forms and dimensions assisting and influencing in the Earth Plan of Evolution. Star Seed’s are strategically planned and incarnated into various timelines of a planetary “Ascension” cycle. Many beings who volunteer to perform such missions and do so at the risk of forgetting who they are and losing connection with their Higher God Selves and their soul families. Star Seeds incarnate into the same conditions of helplessness and total amnesia concerning their identity, origins and purpose (just as the natives whose planet they are visiting) in order to acclimatize to and empathize with Earth conditions and her peoples. Awakening can be gentle and gradual, or quite dramatic and abrupt. In either event, memory is restored to varying degrees, and the access to the soul records, library of light and other information is downloaded as the consciousness is prepared to handle the information. Many are extremely tested to be emotionally purified of negative ego qualities in order to take on greater responsibility as consciously aware stewards building higher consciousness. The more balanced and integrated in archetype as embodied within the being, the greater the sphere of influence and responsibility of stewardship of the “Earth Plan”. Once reaching certain levels of spiritual plane integration and awareness, the being is contacted (super-consciously or consciously) and guided to focus on global service.

During the awakening process the Star Seed is aligned to reconnect to their spiritual selves, the Spiritual Hierarchy and their soul families for the purpose of realizing their lifetime missions. The connection to their Higher God Selves is strengthened, permitting them to be largely guided by their inner knowing.

Throughout the entire history of human habitation of this planet, there have been numerous evolutionary rounds of dark and light cycles known as “Yugas”. In each age, Star Seeds were sent here in waves (emigrating to this planet) being called upon to awaken, activate, recover, restore and salvage the previously lost wave of asleep Star Seeds. Many of these Star Seed souls (who arrived in previous Yugas) may have stayed asleep to their soul mission and found themselves likewise trapped in the reincarnation cycle of a “lower world of form” then from their origination.  Identifying with matter created spiritual blindness and then they unwittingly became seduced by the intoxicating, materialistic illusions found upon this planet. This in turn created karmic energies that required further incarnations to balance.

Although Star Seeds from this most current wave make up a very small percentage of Earth’s population, their mission is great and varied. Once their own awakening is accomplished, Star Seeds can begin to help awaken and accelerate other Earth bound Star Seed souls to remember their original divine mission and purpose. The awakening in others is activated within an energetic resonance creating the induction of a transformational force that ignites the DNA into action and assisting the other to awaken and remember their lifetime mission. If that mission is not recoverable or is outdated, these souls are taken through new training (usually in the etheric mystery schools off planet) to be prepared to take up a new lifetime mission.

Star Seeds are genetic hybrids with various amalgamations of frequency that are sourced from higher dimensions and other worlds and that are held in their energetic template bodies. This means they have genetic preference to receive spiritual current in these various frequencies when planetary shifts into higher frequency occur. Higher frequency activations result in expanded consciousness beyond the current level where the current consciousness dimensional grid holds the parameters of that reality. So it is easier for a Star Seed to receive and anchor in the higher frequencies into their energy field and that of the planet’s as their dormant DNA is already templated to be activated when exposed to an infusion of Stellar based or spiritual rays of energetic force.

These Stellar Activation Cycles to infuse higher energetic force have already begun, rather recently, on the planet. There are many other beings, life forms (ET’s) among others including our own power elite that are aware of these current and pending planetary energy dynamics. The groups are wide and varied with their own motivational purposes, a “service to self” agenda and are implementing various strategies to keep this Ascension cycle of budding higher consciousness to a bare minimum.

In my experience there are many negative interferences perpetrated to thwart those with the energetic and genetic potential to awaken and complete their own spiritual ascension and further prevent them from contributing to the planetary ascension dynamics. A human being is not as effective at awakening others and becoming balanced in their energies to fully contribute to the planet until they have completed their own spiritual integration or Ascension.

When a human being goes through their personal soul evolution and merges into the levels of their light body at higher dimensional planes they reach a plane that simultaneously merges with the highest levels of the planetary energy field. This is considered the soul’s initiation into a full planetary ascension and the soul is now merged with group consciousness and considered a planetary “Ascended Master”. The soul is then liberated from reincarnation into this 3D world and carries the consciousness and frequency signature to experience higher worlds existing in higher vibration dimensions. They are given choice as to if they are ready to aspire to World Service as Planetary Teacher to specifically focus in assisting the rest of humanity in their awakening. Many new gifts, intuition and knowledge are given and higher sensory perception, energetic forces become available for the Master’s use as a steward for the greater good. They also become a holder of transformational force and as a spiritual conduit are able to ignite and awaken others rapidly.

If greater numbers of humanity complete their personal ascension and have their spiritual blindness and veils lifted, they will begin to experience multi-dimensional and higher sensory perceptions. That includes awareness of other beings, lifeforms and the sources of humanities enslavement by various imposed oppressions and manipulations made upon them that they had been previously unaware.

Without getting into the specifics identifying the various sources of negative interference or manipulation, I want to bring to your awareness the areas in which human beings have great probability of being exploited. It is more important to cultivate awareness and your personal power than identify or polarize with an “opposition”. Humans acting as “Gods in Amnesia” has created some interesting energy dynamics.

Next we will continue to explore those areas in our energy fields we are challenged and that may be potential weakness to unprovoked energy drain or attacks. We will investigate the term “Indigo”, “Crystal Children” and why they are incarnating en masse onto the planet today.

I share my personal experience from a position of sharing absolutely all I know to keep you informed, aware , with the ability to choose to utilize all the tools in the toolkit for the smoothest integration of the evolutionary forces here on the planet. I am deeply grateful for your input and attention in reading this material.

Until Next, continue to walk in the path of your soul and luminous light!

Love, Lisa