GARY D. BARNETT on “Quit Giving Them The Power They Seek To Destroy You”

“Let us reflect on some of the atrocities that have befallen us, the fault of which certainly falls on the ruling class of oligarchs, politicians, and their brutal enforcers in the police, military, and hideous so-called ‘intelligence’ services. But it also falls on all those who make up the masses, who have allowed this to happen without active resistance. This indifference is more acute today on a global scale, than at any other time in history. This is not only disheartening, but completely pathetic. The former is all that makes sense, and this should be understood by any who still retain any ability to reason and think critically, which very sadly, is still only the very few. Yes, many have been fooled, but how can so many be fooled for so long; thousands of years in fact? Certainly, the masses have been purposely dumbed down and indoctrinated, so that less resistance is evident, but once again, this was voluntarily accepted by general populations, so honesty and logic would indicate that if only a minor majority dissented, said no to governing structures, no to aggression, and would not support any violent activity, aggression, or orders mandated by the State, the tyranny would end very quickly. Sadly, that has never happened, and therefore, we find ourselves in the worst possible situation, and one that guarantees the most deadly risk to our lives. Because evil has always been with us, because rulers have always chosen to lord over others, because war has been the health of the State since the beginning, it is necessary that we look only at recent times when tyranny on a worldwide scale advanced everywhere, and all at once, indicating a completely coordinated effort by the global governing cult. We have had multiple suspicious train derailments with horrific chemical spills, intentionally set fires (arson) or microwave-caused destruction worldwide, in places like California, Canada, Hawaii, Greece, Turkey, China, and many, many others. Metal and chemical spraying to supposedly ‘block sunlight’ is ongoing, and is in every corner of the planet. Weather engineering is rampant it seems, manipulating extreme events blamed on fake, manmade ‘climate change.’ Much happened before, and much will happen in the future, and this can only cause threat, terror, and death to millions if not billions of people. Has that been the plan all along, or is everything a consequence of ‘unexpected’ events? The State and those who control it, lies incessantly, cheats, steals, perverts, incarcerates, tortures, and murders any in its way. It has no use for any people, is evil to the core, and will use as fodder any and all of humanity in order to advance its nefarious globalist agendas. Evil should be squelched, it should be eliminated wherever it appears, and taking sides of States or governments in brutal war, is the antithesis of any advancement of freedom, sanity, and morality. Any reinforcement of government or the State, or its policies and wars, is condoning evil, and therefore is evil. Yes, there are always great causalities, mostly innocent, but by taking sides, support is being given to the monsters who perpetrate terror. Individuals should be on the side of self and other innocent individuals, and never with the State or nation-state. No political solution exists, and in fact, can only make things much worse. This is without question, as any viewing of history, past or present, will certainly bear out now as we live in a time of pure deceit, lies, manipulation, control, terror, and murder by the State; all States. Nothing but hell could come from such evil as this. Asking your master to save you, to reform, to lessen his power, to investigate himself, and to actually punish himself, is the mindset of a fool, so supporting any politician, any election, or any State, is the manifestation of a fallen and enslaved people. Trump, Biden, Netanyahu, or any other political trash, will never solve these problems, so quit giving them the power they seek to destroy you.”

~Gary D. Barnett

Read the full article here by Gary D. Barnett:

The Risks We Face in a World Gone Mad: State Narratives Are Always Lies

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