IGOR SHEPHERD: “Almost Every Leader in the World, Including President Donald Trump, Is Behind Implementing Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030”

“Almost every leader in the world, including President Donald Trump, is behind implementing Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 as a new way of life, or plainly put, as a new way of tyrannical life under their technocratic New World Order. Trump participated in the lockdowns and social distancing and civil rights violations by ignoring the Supreme law of our land. He instead followed Agenda 2030’s governing rules that puts more power of governance onto local jurisdictions. It was a brilliant scheme to dismantle our nation. More proof of Trump’s allegiance to the global order is that he has not done one thing to stop the illegal orders by any of these governors or mayors. Though we hear him rant about the unfairness, we will never see him stop the unfairness. This is because he is on board with the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab and other global leaders in pushing forward a New World Order (which includes enforcing unsafe vaccinations onto the population via military force). Vaccinating the population rapidly (Operation Warp Speed) is a brilliant tactic with which to take out hundreds of thousands of citizens without firing one shot. Injecting them with toxic or DNA-altering vaccinations would slowly paralyze the nation and allow for the completion of the New World Order’s Great Reset. I believe that these vaccines are biological weapons of mass destruction, and will be used to depopulate the world, as well as alter the human genome for other sinister reasons that will benefit their agenda. These COVID-19 vaccines are weapons for a soft kill, like the other numerous toxic drugs put on the market for decades, but much worse because they now have the technology to mess with our original human genome. They will get away with mass murder because if, in six months or a year, hundreds or thousands of deaths occur, it can be blamed on ‘other factors’ and not the COVID vaccine. This is the way silent biowarfare works. And yet, these madmen running our country are getting away with all of these civil rights violations because the citizens are allowing the travesty without a peep of defiance.”

~Igor Shepherd, Toxicologist (2020)


~via Henry Makow

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