LISA RENEE: “Keepers of the Blue Flame”

“Subsequent to the Atlantian Cataclysm, the Keepers of the Blue Flame and the females with original Staff Holder genetic codes underwent a series of genetic digressions, breeding programs and deliberate targeting to disrupt the solar female principle, by connecting the female principle and the human Lightbody into the Lunar Matrix. By destroying the Solar Logos architecture and inserting a Lunar Matrix to hold the energetic placement of the planetary female principle, this lunar distortion would prevent the natural Rod and Staff Gender Principles from activating in the human DNA. The Lemurian Holocaust was a direct planned assault on the matriarchal society and Solar feminine, in which many of the inhabitants were direct descendants of the original seeding of the Paliadorian races, and were tasked with the important job as Keepers of the Blue Flame. These main groups were Solar Feminine Melchizedeks, and they were protectors of the crystalline network of Mother’s Sophianic template and Guardians of the North and South ley lines. Starseeds with this lineage as the Keepers of the Blue Flame may have undergone deep emotional processing with the sensations of being tracked and hunted down, feeling the hatred directed to the divine mother principle, and the waves of grief and sadness from this particular event. Through this event, the earth came to know Misogyny and extreme levels of hatred directed towards the divine feminine, as carried out by the NAA invaders. Sophianic Template contains sequential stages of reassembling the Solar Feminine Christ architecture that is designed to repair the lunar distortion imprints, which include the magnetic reversals embedded within the female principle structures on the planet earth. The potential resurrection of the Solar Feminine Christ is made possible through the recent activations and anchoring of several Cosmic Diamond Sun body structures, such as the Holy Mother’s God seed code (the perfect proton) and the Krystallah matrix within the earth’s main grail point and Stargate system. The instruction sets for the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ have begun to spiral through the energetic current traveling throughout the planetary grid network. As the female biology is able to pick up these transmissions, they begin to naturally repair the magnetic imprints of the lunar woman distortions in her physical matrix.”

~Lisa Renee

Subsequent to the Atlantian Cataclysm, the Keepers of the Blue Flame and the females with original Staff Holder genetic codes underwent a series of genetic digressions, breeding programs and deliberate targeting to disrupt the solar female principle, by connecting the female principle and the human Lightbody into the Lunar Matrix. By destroying the Solar Logos architecture and inserting a Lunar Matrix to hold the energetic placement of the planetary female principle, this lunar distortion would prevent the natural Rod and Staff Gender Principles from activating in the human DNA.

Lemurian Holocaust

The Lemurian Holocaust was a direct planned assault on the matriarchal society and Solar feminine, in which many of the inhabitants were direct descendants of the original seeding of the Paliadorian races, and were tasked with the important job as Keepers of the Blue Flame. These main groups were Solar Feminine Melchizedeks, and they were protectors of the crystalline network of Mother’s Sophianic template and Guardians of the North and South ley lines.

Through the correction of the Lemurian timeline, many fragments in the 2D layers which represent the split body parts of the Mother known as the Achamoth, were reintegrated back into the Arc Zone. Starseeds with this lineage as the Keepers of the Blue Flame may have undergone deep emotional processing with the sensations of being tracked and hunted down, feeling the hatred directed to the divine mother principle, and the waves of grief and sadness from this particular event. Through this event, the earth came to know Misogyny and extreme levels of hatred directed towards the divine feminine, as carried out by the NAA invaders.

Sophianic Template

Sophianic Template contains sequential stages of reassembling the Solar Feminine Christ architecture that is designed to repair the lunar distortion imprints, which include the magnetic reversals embedded within the female principle structures on the planet earth. The potential resurrection of the Solar Feminine Christ is made possible through the recent activations and anchoring of several Cosmic Diamond Sun body structures, such as the Holy Mother’s God seed code (the perfect proton) and the Krystallah matrix within the earth’s main grail point and Stargate system. The instruction sets for the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ have begun to spiral through the energetic current traveling throughout the planetary grid network. As the female biology is able to pick up these transmissions, they begin to naturally repair the magnetic imprints of the lunar woman distortions in her physical matrix. The DNA-RNA imprint in a female biology is more suited magnetically to embody the Solar Flame codes first, that further ignite the inner vertical channels and this potentially ignites the Keeper of the Flame blueprint and thus, may further activate female Staff codes. [1]


  1. Solar Feminine Christ

See Also:


Krystal Star

Guardian Host

Natural Laws


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Christos-Sophia”

“Christos is the unified state of energetic balance between the masculine and feminine, and thus we refer to the completion of the three layers of sacred marriage merged as the Christos-Sophia to denote the state of energetic balance between the inner masculine and feminine principles that are manifested in either a male or female body. Generally the Soul is the female principle, and the Monad is the male. Christos-Sophia reflects the perfection of the Law of Gender inherent in the Solar Logos principle made manifest, it is reflected as the sacred masculine and sacred feminine unified and made whole, that which is made in the true image of the Godhead. Many religious organizations are filled with alien mind control transmissions that are designed to radically distort the gender principle, and have concealed all information that the Christ is a male and female, androgynous god human. The word Christ has been distorted in its use on the earth plane from being integrated into Violent Religions manufactured by the NAA to create harm and division in the human race. Androgyny has been purposely corrupted and is severely misunderstood. As a result, religious programming has severe consequences in harming inner gender balance, while promoting unhealthy sexual attitudes and intolerance. We endeavor to use the word Christ, Christos-Sophia, Krystal and Krystallah interchangeably to return the real meaning and use of the word to denote the unifying principles of the Law of One as they are intended by the Eternal God Source. Christos-Sophia reveals the true nature of sacred marriage and the presence of the feminine Sophianic consciousness that is unified with the state of Christdom. On the path of Christos-Sophia we consciously participate to transform and build our lightbody, and collaborate with the Spirits of Christ to serve the Law of One, which is fulfilling our spiritual purpose to achieve unconditional love, peace and to exist in harmony with all creation. We are moving to another level of experience within these Rod and Staff Sacred Unions, and many males are also feeling reconnected through these new patterns of heart-brain integration, as they are becoming available in the planetary architecture, to those who have harmonic resonance to the unity frequency and the Christos-Sophia. This is a wonderful development. When we are at one with God, we exist in the virtue-ethics of the Spirits of Christ, emanating the pure love and wisdom consciousness state of perfected sacred marriage or Hieros Gamos.”

~Lisa Renee

Christos-Sophia reflects the perfection of the Law of Gender inherent in the Solar Logos principle made manifest, it is reflected as the sacred masculine and sacred feminine unified and made whole, that which is made in the true image of the Godhead. Christos-Sophia is the path of spiritual Ascension that leads to the inner discovery of the spark of divinity that exists within the Sacred Crystal Heart, and is found within all creation. The inner path of Christos-Sophia is taken through gradual spiritual initiations that are designed to unite the polarities that exist between the inner and outer, in the world of forces, that alchemically shift our Lightbody into stages of increasing Energetic Balance and hierogamic union. The inner path of Christos-Sophia leads us to seek our own inner wisdom through divine Gnosis within our Soul, ultimately helping us to achieve spiritual freedom through attaining Unity with the Godhead. When we are at one with God, we exist in the virtue-ethics of the Spirits of Christ, emanating the pure love and wisdom consciousness state of perfected sacred marriage or Hieros Gamos.

The word Christ has been distorted in its use on the earth plane from being integrated into Violent Religions manufactured by the NAA to create harm and division in the human race. We endeavor to use the word Christ, Christos-Sophia, Krystal and Krystallah interchangeably to return the real meaning and use of the word to denote the unifying principles of the Law of One as they are intended by the Eternal God Source. Christos-Sophia reveals the true nature of sacred marriage and the presence of the feminine Sophianic consciousness that is unified with the state of Christdom.

The source code or Unity Field intelligence field is a Krystal Star (Christos Consciousness) hub accessed through the merging of manifested bodies holding trinity wave formats that connect directly into the Eternal Source light (Godhead). The three sound-wave-tone parts when merged into internal energetic balance become designed as one component that access directly into the feedback loop exchanging with the Eternal source supply. This exchange with the Threefold Founder Flame godhead is the principle of Christos, an inner sustained eternal source light which signals the end of vampirism or consumptive modeling on planet. This is what it means that the Godhead cannot be reached by anything but the Christos Consciousness Krystal Star Tones although this process of unifying consciousness with the Godhead is known by many different names.

The Krystal or Christos-Sophia architecture is that which allows the synchronic phasing of inner/outer/in-between currents of energy to be inhaled and exhaled circulating the eternal life spark of creation throughout the entire organism. Christos is the unified state of energetic balance between the masculine and feminine, and thus we refer to the completion of the three layers of sacred marriage merged as the Christos-Sophia to denote the state of energetic balance between the inner masculine and feminine principles that are manifested in either a male or female body. Generally the Soul is the female principle, and the Monad is the male. On the path of Christos-Sophia we consciously participate to transform and build our lightbody, and collaborate with the Spirits of Christ to serve the Law of One, which is fulfilling our spiritual purpose to achieve unconditional love, peace and to exist in harmony with all creation.

Base 12, Natural Order of Christos Blueprint

The divine blueprint which holds the original intention for the natural order of consciousness evolution within our Universal creation, is encoded in the base 12 mechanics of the Christos Blueprint. At a cosmic level this same open source architecture is referred to as Kryst-Krystallah, the unified masculine and feminine consciousness energy that exists in perfect harmony and balance within organic creation. The base 12 Universal Androgynous Merkaba fields of Christos-Sophia are also referred to as Kryst-Krystallah architecture, as they make up the instruction set for all merkaba fields within all the timelines and densities throughout the Universes.

Thus, the term Christ or Christos used in this context is not denoting the individual being referred to as Jesus Christ, as taught through the world religions. Christos extends way beyond all meaning associated with planetary consciousness and actually describes the state of eternal Cosmic Consciousness, the title given to a free Cosmic Citizen[1]

Sophianic Body Correction Begins

The sacred Aeonic Pair of Cosmic Aurora Christos and his wife, the Mother Sophia, are reunited through their Heavenly Hierogamic union as it has been made possible through their combined consciousness in physical embodiments on the earth now. Their sacred marriage to the Eternal Living Spirit of God is As Above, So Below; which heralds the beginning of the material body restoration. 

The return of the Sophianic consciousness by recognizing the importance of the divine feminine is needed to the shift the consciousness of humanity and is essential if we are to effectively deal with the ominous problems facing the world today. In order for humanity to fulfill their evolutionary potential, we must learn how to fully actualize both the human and divine aspects of our spiritual nature.

The Restoration

The restoration is the animation of the Holy Spirit of God to inspirit throughout elemental matter and to collect its pieces to return them back into wholeness. Thus, we begin the spiritual correction of the Sophianic Body in this earth through the divine marriage made with her husband, the eternal consciousness of the Aurora Christos. Throughout many dimensional worlds, together, the Song of Christos Sophia may sound to play the Heavenly Music of their mutually twinned heart chord. The Song of Christos Sophia is a magnetic sonar sound field which generates organic Plasma Waves light from the female principle. It is the true Diamond Heart tone music of the Universal daughters of God. It is born from the sacred heart aspect of the Holy Mother Arc which embraces the Crystal Heart of wisdom for her daughters the Christos So|Phi|A.

Through this cycle of correction of the Sophianic Body in the earth, the spiritual essence of the Cosmic Triad God the Father, God the Mother, God the Children of the Sun, Christos, are unifying with their wives and genetic equal, the Solar Feminine or the Risen Christ Sophia.

We begin a phase of externalizing the esoteric mysteries through our own spiritual capabilities; through our enhanced capacity to feel, share and circulate genuine heart based love as human beings. As we circulate and know the feeling of the Love of God in our heart, we develop increasingly higher sensory perception HSP abilities. As we develop the heart language to deeply and profoundly “feel”, we sense way beyond this material reality, way beyond what our physical eyes see. As we listen to these inner subtle heart vibrations, we gain access to deeper and deeper vaults of spiritual knowledge through direct and personal cognition. As we consciously choose to fill our inner heart chambers with the Love of Holy Spirit and Virtues of Christos, we are flooded with the direct, personal and intimate relationship with the essence of God’s Holy Spirit.[2]

Reversal of Christos-Sophia

The reversal of the unification principle of Christos-Sophia has manifested in various levels on the earth body and these distortions have been passed into the thought-forms and belief systems of humanity since the invasion of the NAA happened 5,500 years ago. See Ages of Humanity and Anti-HG Technology.

The Anubian Black Heart networks, the Negative Form, the Baphomet network in 2D to promote Sexual Misery, the Dead Energy compacted from the NRGAddiction WebbingFalse UmbilicusAlien Machinery and Alien Implantsand Miasma have all resulted as a part of the anti-christos sentiment held by the Imposter Spirits of the Satanic and Luciferian races of the NAA since they began to deceive and manipulate humans on the planet. Their goal was to eliminate all the Indigo RacesOraphimand to destroy the capacity of humans to access and evolve into their inner Christos light potential and live as GSF beings throughout the Timelines.


Through the perfect union of the two forces, as an example of the Gender Principle with Adam and Eve in the waters of sex with chastity, the pillar of the hermai is perfected and made into the image of God through the hierogamic union of the inner Christos-Sophia. This is represented in Alchemy of unified polarities.

Explosion of Planet Tiamat

The planet Tiamat is related to the destruction of the Sophianic Body and the inability of the Christos-Sophia consciousness to incarnate in human forms on the 3D earth in Hieros Gamos. The female consciousness of the planet Tiamatwas Sophianic, so when she exploded, her consciousness descended into a collective form body which is known as the AchamothAchamoth is name for the the wounded goddess fragmented body parts which were collected and trapped by the NAA and Fallen Angelics in the 2D Underworld of the planetary body, which became the Qlippoth area of Negative Forms.

Refugee Races

Due to explosions or cataclysms that made certain planets uninhabitable in our Solar system, such as the planets’ Tiamat and Maldek, our planet has been used as a relocation destination for beings, referred to as Refugee Races that were beings that have been displaced from their own planet because of an event of destruction on their planet. This relocation of other races on the earth contributed to the hybridization of the original earth human bloodlines and damage to the original DNA Silicate Matrix, effectively making it impossible for higher consciousness embodiment of Christos-Sophia. Although, many of the refugees were genetically similar to the original humans, they were much more aggressive (Patriarchal Domination) and had destroyed their civilization through abuses of technology. The Refugee Races began to interbreed with the earth based humans and their higher ups organized  Breeding Programswhich are considered the mixed race of the hybridized humans upon the earth today.

Spiritual Marriage Mathematical Pattern

The Spiritual Marriage mathematical pattern of 13:13 Female Spin and 12:12 Male Spin.

On top of all of the exciting developments of God’s Consciousness Technology returning back to our planet through our Mother Archerself, we are getting ready to understand the Unity architecture in its Trinity Wave pattern and its direct relationship to manifesting true spiritual marriage on the planet. As Mother brings back the Krystal Star Frequencies, the Seven Sacred Suns, it is bringing the template of Sacred Spiritual Union between the Rod and Staff functions of our Lightbody‘s Merkabic Field. 

It is the spiritual mission of recently assigned Rod and Staff couplings to template the prototype blueprint to achieve spiritual marriage or Hieros Gamos, and work to bring this into a physically manifested accomplishment. This is happening at various octave levels (relationship assignments, Soul, Monad and Avatar Christos-Sophia dimensional levels) to eventually achieve a complete re-encryption of the masculine rod function to the spinning 12:12 electron pattern, that merges perfectly into the female monadic core, a 13:13 field. This is a template prototype that is called the KRYST HALA or the Krystallah Pattern, which is the Krystal Gene Gender Merge between genetic equals.

We are moving to another level of experience within these Rod and Staff Sacred Unions, and many males are also feeling reconnected through these new patterns of heart-brain integration, as they are becoming available in the planetary architecture, to those who have harmonic resonance to the unity frequency and the Christos-Sophia. This is a wonderful development. [3]

Personal Christ

From the Guardian Perspective, the Personal Christ is defined as the entirety of the Personal Christos identities reunited throughout the simultaneous 12 Planetary Time Cycles in the Triune of Universes

The Personal Christ identity is reintegrated and embodied within the Krystallah eternal lightbody template in which was reclaimed on planet earth in the cycle of Morphogenesis, or Rise of Paliadorians that began in 2018.


  1. Artificial Timeline Wars
  2. Song of Christos-Sophia
  3. Changing of the Guard

See Also:

Hieros Gamos

Spiritual Problems that Impact Gender

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Hieros Gamos”

“The term hieros gamos is used generally to refer to the sacred marriage between two divinities, or between a human being and Mother/Father God, or between two human beings (under certain special conditions); the ultimate alchemy of forces which harmonize polar opposites.”

~Lisa Renee


The Hieros Gamos is the Wedded Garment of God, wearing the White Robes of the One. Hieros Gamos refers to the Risen Christos-Sophia, as the embodiment of the inner hiero-gamic union between the human being and the divine. Hieros Gamos is the full resurrection of the body to the eternal light of Christos, Cosmic Christ Consciousness. In the bodies return to energetic balance, neutral in the Unity Field or Zero Point), the lightbody being is One with God, and the Christos body is glorified in its perfection as representative of God’s eternal light image.

In Hieros Gamos Couplings, the genetic equal of the Monad unites with its counterpart to embody the sacred marriage of Krystic equals, to merge into One spiritual body to hold the Spirits of Christ. A Krystic male and a Krystic Female unite in a Hieros Gamos or Rod and Staff Union as the Christos-Sophia, to be of service within God’s Eternal Light divine plan to correct the Sophianic Body and to restore liberation of Ascension upon the earth. Hieros Gamos is the embodiment of the new Cosmic Ray Frequencies of Mother Arc Aquamarine and Father Arc Emerald Green hues and their DNA Lens being introduced to this Universe. These frequency colors represent the Aurora Body Guardian consciousness of the United Krystic Forms embodied in the future sovereignty timeline of GSF. (Inter-dimensional Resonator, plus Base Tone, Overtone and Resonant Tone Amplifier).

Gender Principle in Creation

In Ascension context, the synthesizing of the pairs of energetic opposite into unity is also referred to as polarity integration, energetic synthesis or spiritual marriage. This also has the exact same meaning when applied togender unification which is the energetic balance between the masculine principle and feminine principle. To biologically evolve spiritually the energetic balance between the masculine and feminine energies within the self must be unified. The apex of that perfect unification is Hieros Gamos. The planet has reached that axis in time where the gender principle of creation in this world will be tested for energetic integrity on every level it exists. Essentially this is a planetary body merkaba shift between the counter rotating spirals of the masculine and feminine energies. What this means is that everything having to do with masculine and feminine principles of energy on this planet are undergoing some kind of transformation at the blueprint level which adjust Gender Principle. [1]

The New Relationship Paradigm

“The term hieros gamos is used generally to refer to the sacred marriage between two divinities, or between a human being and Mother/Father God, or between two human beings (under certain special conditions); the ultimate alchemy of forces which harmonize polar opposites.”

Spiritual Marriage in No Time

This Krystal Star template of which was previously referred to as “Spiritual Marriage in No Time” has returned to the Earth logos in 2012 through the alchemical restoration of the Hieros Gamos. Connected through the Unity Logos, a Guardian project to rebirth the Planetary Logos. Hieros Gamos or “Hierogamy” is the Sacred Marriage of a Human Being with Divinity (the Inner Spirit) and the Unification between all life expressions and its levels of opposite. From the Guardian perspective, Spiritual Ascension comprises the Science of the Spirit, encompassing the entire creational mechanics of how spirit and matter travel throughout time and space. At certain levels of frequency conjunction within the spiral of time, access is possible to new DNA templates and therefore embodiments. The planet has reached that axis in time.

Hieros Gamos is the sacrament that represents sacred marriage at the individual level, to the relationship level, to the group level as a part of spiritual ascension, moving through the spiraling staircase of time to experience unification with (or marry) all aspects of God. When we marry God through this sacrament, Christos-Sophia returns. [2]

Spiritual Marriage Mathematical Pattern

The Spiritual Marriage mathematical pattern of 13:13 Female Spin and 12:12 Male Spin

On top of all of the exciting developments of God’s Consciousness Technology returning back to our planet through our Mother Arc herself, we are getting ready to understand the Unity architecture in its Trinity Wave pattern and its direct relationship to manifesting true spiritual marriage on the planet. As Mother brings back the Krystal Star Frequencies, the Seven Sacred Suns, it is bringing the template of Sacred Spiritual Union between the Rod and Staff functions of our Lightbody’s Merkabic Field. [3]

Three Levels of Sacred Marriage

Level One of Sacred Marriage is “Building Wings”.

Level Two of Sacred Marriage is the building of the blue “Crystal Lotus Heart”

Level Three of Sacred Marriage is “Hieros Gamos”, the hydroplasmic liquid light of the Risen and Embodied Christos Principle.

Stages of Spiritual Development in Three Levels

There are distinct Stages of Spiritual Body development in relationship to the energetic merging of these polarity of forces that directly impact gender centers. The integration of these forces is that which result in the integration between the masculine and feminine counterparts existing within each triad. Currently the blueprint restoration of the trinity architecture that is necessary to unite spiritual marriage at all three evolving levels is being supported in the planetary logos.

This changes the nature of all gender based relationships to be brought into energetic reconciliation. All of these spiritual marriage stages of development may be held by an “extension”, “twin” or genetic equal incarnated or existing in another dimension. More humans will attract relationships from these future timelines (noted as stages) that are designed as levels of spiritual marriage to support the integration of gender polarities and end past timeline karmic patterns. With spiritual relationship awareness at certain stages, couples can travel through the spiritual marriage developments together consciously. Each gender may have a timeline (stage) that is the complement required for their gender opposite partner’s polarity integration. [4]

These are briefly described as a guideline for the following spiritual stages of development in the Ascension process of building the Lightbody:

Level One Triad: Building Wings

Level One of Sacred Marriage is “Building Wings”.

Stage 1 – Alchemical Union (2D-4D Astral Relationship, Ancestral miasma, Sexual amplification, Karmic issues, Past timeline memories, Phantom matrices, False Ascension Matrix, Black Magician trauma or Astral Dark Arts Training, Negative Forms or Clones, Egyptian Trauma, Lemurian Trauma, Inner Child trauma, Telepathic, Victim/Victimizer for healing, High Risk dark manipulation and Trickster, acts as the Catalyzer for Spiritual Ascension and Awakening).

Stage 2 – Soul Mate (5D, Future Earth lines, Pleiadian influence, 5D Ascension memories, Mayan Calendar influence, Shamanic studies, False Umbilicus reset, Soul Extension shared identity, Resolving Ego Archetypes in identity, Study of Archetypes and patterns (Tarot, Numerology, Astrology) and all of the Alchemical Union influencers).

Stage 3 – Twin Soul (6D, Sirian and Indigo Blue Ray Influence, Jesus/Magdalene influence, Other planet or future memories, Soul Extension shared identity, Geometric shapes or Crystal modalities, all of the Alchemical Union influencers, when Level One Triad is integrated the whole triad 4D-5D-6D merges to evolve to Rod and Staff Union) Level Two Triad: Sacred Union or Rod and Staff Union.

Level Two Triad: Crystal Lotus Heart

Level Two of Sacred Marriage is the building of the blue “Crystal Lotus Heart”.

Stage 1 – Karmic Monad (7D, Arcturian influence, Inner Christ Crucifixion Memories, Monadic extension, Ascended Masters, ET histories, Monad Dark Arts Training, Cathars, Human Family of Origin genetic clearing, Planet Gridwork and Stargates, Planetary Miasma).

Stage 2 – Reversal Monad (8D, Orion and Lyran influence, Nephilim and Atlantean Overlays, Lord Michael Overlays, Patriarchal-King Reversal or Matriarchal-Queen Reversal healing, Reverse Electrons (Metatronic Reversal), Genetic Hybrid healing, Etheric Surgery, NRG architecture dismantling, Black Heart re-encryption, Orion wars, Solar Cross, Alien Implants, Galactic Miasma, all of the previous influencers).

Stage 3 – Monadic Twin (9D, Andromedan Influence, Aquarion influence, Genetic Equal, Rod and Staff, Galactic Stargates, all of the previous influencers, when Level Two Triad is integrated the whole triad 7D-8D-9D merges to evolve to Hieros Gamos).

Level Three Triad: Hieros Gamos

Level Three of Sacred Marriage is “Hieros Gamos”, the hydroplasmic liquid light of the Risen and Embodied Christos-Sophianic Principle. Level Three Triad: Hieros Gamos Union or the Risen Christos-Sophia.

Stage 1 – Solar Egg (10D, Monad Twin or Genetic Equals integrate Solar Illuminated Light).

Stage 2 – Buddhic Egg (11D, Monad Twin or Genetic Equals integrate Lunar Reflected Light).

Stage 3 – Cosmic Egg – Christos Embodied (12D, Monad Twin or Genetic Equal synthesizes the Solar and Lunar Light which when integrated Embodies the Cosmic Christos Avatar of Liquid Aurora Light. Together the androgynous pair share One merged Double Diamond Sun Body and One HG Crown. [5]

Perfect Balance = Hierogamic Union

Men and women of this earth, you are both genders and influenced by these forces and archetypes through the Law of Gender. By seeking inner balance through the perfect union made between the masculine and feminine forces, the consciousness is made into the image of God through the hierogamic union of the inner Christos-Sophia. This is represented in the spiritual alchemy of unified polarities, the hierogamic union of a god and goddess, a perfected being. The perfect balance and union between masculine and feminine principles, united as One is our true destiny. [6]


Through the perfect union of the Universal Mother and Universal Father, as an example of the Gender Principle with Adam and Eve in the waters of sex with chastity, the pillar of the hermai is perfected and made into the image of God through the hierogamic union of the inner Christos-Sophia. This is represented in perfected Alchemy of unified polarities, as the Magnum Opus of cosmic consciousness. In this term hermaphrodite, we see Mercury (Hermes) uniting with the goddess of love. Her name is Venus or Aphrodite. When Hermes and Aphrodite unite they form Hermaphrodite, the perfect balance of unified male and female principle or the Aeonic Pair, Christos-Sophia. A hermaphrodite really, truly has nothing to do with what people currently think that it is. The mystical understanding of a hermaphrodite, is the etymology of the word comes from the union between Mercury and Venus (hermes-aphrodite), and is the hierogamic union of a god and goddess, a perfected being, the perfect balance and union between masculine and feminine, united as one.

Krystallah Eternal Light Body

In this activation for higher embodiment, the resonance points for the main energy centers in the physical body have shifted higher, slightly changing their position and adding more lightbody architecture to the skull, head and crown. With the diamond sun body activation for the eternal light body in 5D, all separated electromagnetic fields in the lightbody release their polarization membranes and electromagnetic barriers, merging the male-female counter rotation spirals into a large orb of light surrounding the body. There are three main orb bodies nested within each other that are built on a trinity of triangles that align in the central vertical channel as the new position for the 3rd Sphere, 6th Sphere, 9th Sphere, and then the Personal Christ at the 12th Sphere. These main energy spheres are located on the central column and are merged into a tri-wave neutral charge, or non-polarized energy centers.

Each of the 3-6-9-12 positions connect to a trinity in one built for the Conscious Identity, Soul Triad, Oversoul Triad and the Personal Christ respectively. Also, the lightbody is no longer connected to the earth core in the same way, and hovers upon the base shield built underneath the feet. The base shield connects into the feedback loop of the 360 degrees of the zero point field or Godhead that runs from within the internal diamond pillar. This current runs from the top of the crown to under the feet, returning back to the zero point feedback loop made through the 12th Sphere Personal Christ consciousness. The 12:12 Electrical Christ Male pattern runs the zero point into a feedback loop between the top position of the 12th Sphere from the Paliadorian Cell, down through the central vertical channel into the base shield under the feet.

On either side of the capstone of the Personal Christ, is the Cosmic Mother Aquamarine Ray on the left and the Cosmic Father Emerald Ray on the right, uniting a trinity of triangles that surrounds the body with a shower of oceanic waves of aquamarine and emerald rays. Many loving waves of celebration for our Krystallah families for achieving their new embodiment configuration during the Paliadorian activation for the diamond sun body in the second harmonic universe. This lightbody configuration is ongoing. It allows more of the human earth family to reclaim their Personal Christ, to build their eternal diamond sun orb body and to continue to have this choice available to them in the future. [7]



  1. Clarifying Gender Principle
  2. Hieros Gamos
  3. Changing of the Guard
  4. Clarifying Gender Principle
  5. The Masculine Wound
  6. Law of Gender
  7. Page 164, HGS Manual

See Also:


Zero Point Fields

Law of Polarity

Gender Principles

Term found: Page 30/65, HGS Manual


~via Ascension Glossary


Photo by Ascension Avatar (July 23, 2019)

“Hieros Gamos”

LISA RENEE: “White Buffalo Calf Woman”

“White Buffalo Calf Woman is the Divine Feminine Principle returning sophianic consciousness or wisdom to the earth, is the Daughter of God made through the Christos-Sophia genetic bloodline through Aquaelle, and is the spiritual emanation of Perfect Peace. Her male counterpart or twin is White Navajo, the Divine Male Principle, the Son of God made through the Christos-Sophia genetic bloodline through Aquaelle, or the spiritual emanation of Perfect Peace.”

~Lisa Renee


White Buffalo Calf Woman is a sacred woman of supernatural origin, comparable to the divine feminine principle of Mother Mary and Quan Yin, that is central to the Native American spiritual belief system, primarily held in the Lakota tribes that was taken from the earlier Navajo-Apaches, as their primary cultural prophet. Oral tra­di­tions re­late that she brought the “Seven Sa­cred Rites” to the Native Americans. Buffalo are considered sacred to many of the Plains nations, who often consider them linked to creation, medicine and bringers of sacred messages from the ancestors. White Buffalo Woman is a story shared by different Indian tribes throughout many generations. Although the story has changed slightly depending on who is telling it the overall meaning remains the same, the white buffalo brings peace. [1]

Navajo Sacred Twins

White Buffalo Calf Woman is the Divine Feminine Principle returning sophianic consciousness or wisdom to the earth, is the Daughter of God made through the Christos-Sophia genetic bloodline through Aquaelle, and is the spiritual emanation of Perfect Peace. Her male counterpart or twin is White Navajo, the Divine Male Principle, the Son of God made through the Christos-Sophia genetic bloodline through Aquaelle, or the spiritual emanation of Perfect Peace.

Aquaelle Lineage

Aquaelle is directly related to the daughter of Christ bloodlines that incarnated on earth from Andromeda, and that this also an embodiment coding potential for bringing forth the Diamond Sun Body, it influences the potential of both male and female unification, Sacred Union. The progeny of Aquaelle was brought through the human tribes that became the male and female twins known as White Buffalo Calf Woman and White Navajo as the direct descendants.

Wohpe, Spirit of Peace

In Lakota mythology, Wóȟpe (less correctly spelled “Wohpe”) is a spirit of peace, the daughter of Wi and the Moon, Haŋhépi-Wi. She is the wife of the south wind. When she visited the Earth, she gave the Dakota people a pipe as a symbol of peace. Later, Wóȟpe became conflated with White Buffalo Calf Woman. An alternative name for Wóȟpe is Ptehíŋčalasaŋwiŋ. As a symbol of Wophe’s coming to earth she is often associated with falling stars. [2]

With the arrival of Roman Catholic missionaries, their bible stories of the Mother Mary and Jesus became associated with the legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman and White Navajo. The syncretic practice of identifying Mary with PtesanWi and Jesus with the čhaŋnúŋpa continues among Native American Christians to this day. The čhaŋnúŋpa is one means of conveying prayers to the Creator and the other sacred beings. White Buffalo Woman brought the čhaŋnúŋpa to the people, as one of the Seven Sacred Rites, to serve as a sacred bridge between this world and Wakan Tanka, the “Great Mystery’. [3]

Birth of White Buffalo Significance

The Native Americans see the birth of a white buffalo calf as the most significant of prophetic signs, equivalent to the weeping statues, bleeding icons, and crosses of light that are becoming prevalent within the Christian churches today. Where the Christian faithful who visit these signs see them as a renewal of God’s ongoing relationship with humanity, so do the Native Americans see the white buffalo calf as the sign to begin life’s sacred hoop.

“The arrival of the white buffalo is like the second coming of Christ,” says Floyd Hand Looks For Buffalo, an Oglala Medicine Man from Pine Ridge, South Dakota. “It will bring about purity of mind, body, and spirit and unify all nations— black, red, yellow, and white”.

White Buffalo Woman Teachings

Some of the things White Buffalo Calf Woman taught included instruction about the love of the Creator, and warnings of the traps of the Shadows. She explained by using analogies about how creation was temporarily infested with Shadows. She instructed them to walk close to the Creator to avoid the temptations of the Shadows, which were everywhere on Earth, and ever ready to pounce upon them. She warned that the Shadows are always trying to lure them away from the Creator. She taught them to be ever diligent and strive to live close to the Creator. White Buffalo Calf Woman said that Earth was encased by Shadows, but that one day the Creator would send her along with many “warriors”, including the seven special beings (that she called flying White Buffalos), to liberate the people from the clutches of Shadows. She warned them about the Watchers from the sky. She taught them to purify their spirits by not harbouring hatred, jealousy and deception. She taught them that many children of the Creator were trapped here on Earth by the Shadows, which were assisted by the children of the Shadows. She told them that the physical body is only temporary, but the spirit lives forever and will one day return to the Creator.

White Buffalo Calf Woman taught them that while the rainbow colours remind them of the beautiful Seven Powers and Seven Lights of their True Home, they should be wary of its outward appearance because rainbows that are seen on and about Earth were made by the Shadows. They are made from Matter (Shadows). Shadows have imitated the colours of Divine Brilliance and invented Its pseudo form to fool the children of Light into believing that rainbows contain the Seven Powers and the Seven Lights of the True Creation. Although Darkness has tried to steal the Ninth and the Twelfth Powers, It failed at these attempts. In every race and colour there are children of the Creator who are mingled with the children of the Shadows. There are good men and women in all tribes and nations who daily mix with bad ones. There are good trees and rocks in all forests and mountains that exist in the midst of the bad ones also.

The White Buffalo was pure and beautiful. It always followed White Buffalo Calf Woman around during her stay with the people of the Navajo-Apache. All the people loved the White Buffalo and treated him with great love, respect and reverence. They regarded the White Buffalo as sacred. She explained to them that the White Buffalo represented Purity, and that he was as Pure a being as could exist in this land where Shadows have so much influence. She said that the White Buffalo would soon be threatened and that this threat would test the band’s love and devotion to the Creator. She explained that since the Creator’s children wear many different coloured skins and belong to many different tribes and races, she could return to any of them. She said she would come from the south when she returned to liberate them from the Shadows and that the sun would turn red and the Earth would be in chaos. She produced a pipe that she said should be kept in the stead of the Sacred Pipe, which represents the collective Soul of the Earth. She instructed them to treat the pipe with reverence until she returned to retrieve the Sacred Pipe from the womb of the Earth and liberate the essence of the planet from the Shadows. [4]

Daughter Codes from Andromeda

Beltaine, May 1st brought us into a month of drudgery level astral work with a variety of projects involving the Satanic forces, Dark Mother purging to the surface, so that we could get a new access level of the Cosmic Mother of God aspect to be linked into the 1D through 4D areas of this planet through the Grandmother Butterfly patterns. This aspect that is available to us through Guardian Host is called Aquaelle, the daughter coding from the Andromeda gate. (I feel this to also represent sophianic consciousness, the Daughter of God made through the Christ genetic bloodline). This is an ascension hosting platform that is also a dispensation to help retrieve, transit and heal bloodlines in this earth that had been marked with generational satanic insignias for binding, astral traps and SRA related traumas of Blood Sacrifice. So far it has been showing up primarily as Native Americans or Aboriginal peoples that had inhabited the land mass to be retrieved and transited, my particular awareness seems to be with the Navaho gates and the Navaho lines that connect into Central Mexico with a massive Crystal Cavern underneath it. We are connecting directly to Aquaelle coding through Aurora Platform, an ascension hosting area can be reached in through this 4D area now. My thoughts are now to deeper understanding why this was significant for Nefertiti and Hatshepsut clearings, going back to the Egyptian timelines in the 18th Dynasty, that allowed these new levels of transiting out.

Aquaelle connection to Aquilla eagle constellation has many meanings of which I am learning about (an override to Fallen areas of the Golden Eagle ?), one is that it is directly related to the daughter of Christ bloodlines that incarnated on earth, and that this also an embodiment coding potential for bringing forth the Diamond Sun Body, it influences the potential of both male and female unification, Sacred Union healing through the 777 ancestral clearing codes, even though it was described as Daughter Codes. Somehow this coding also has connection to the Egyptian timelines (See recent Nefertiti update) and that which was taken to the Ireland land mass after the Akhenaton Fall and Murder. My feeling is that the precursor to access this coding was to attune to the Aqualine Sun frequencies, and now this is the next stage of getting the plasma coding that heals the female-male unification onto the planet, along with addressing this insidious and horrific problem of the satanic beast marks, bindings and the related kinds of SRA that are perpetrated virtually in all of the Controller Pillars of Society. What I noticed about the Aquaelle is that it’s a code and a transit portal for the Mother, and it was able to clear generations of satanic bindings (777 Coding clearing ancestral lines to correct Violet Ray transmission without crucifixion overly) that had trapped bloodlines of the many aboriginal peoples or Native Americans on the earth that are connected to these certain tribes — 2nd and 4th tribe, as well as other indigenous peoples throughout the globe. [5]



  1. White Buffalo Woman
  2. Wohpe
  3. Chanunpa
  4. Psychic Well
  5. [ES Update: Wounded Goddess, Achamoth, Sedna and Satanic Force Forum]

See Also:

Mothers Code

Grandmother Turtle Codes




Photo by Ascension Avatar (7-25-2019)

“White Buffalo Calf Woman”