JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Charlatan Anthony Fauci ‘Tests Positive for COVID’ in 666 ‘Mark of the Beast’ Ritual”

“Anthony Fauci was born on December 24, so this ritual on June 15 comes at a the 174th day of his age. And in all the articles he is referred to as ‘Dr. Anthony Fauci’. Dr. Anthony Fauci = 174. Covid Vaccine = 174. Six Six Six = 174. Number of the Beast = 174. Illuminati = 174. And more importantly, it is exactly 6 months and 9 days, as in 69, until Fauci’s next birthday. So, we have 174 and 69, which both matched ‘Dr. Anthony Fauci,’ but it’s also a perfect match for what it is all about in the end… New World Order = 174, 69 (what all their agendas are about). And since this ritual is about the fake Coronavirus, we need to look at that timeline as well. And look and behold, this ritual comes 96-days after the anniversary of the declaration of the fake pandemic on March 11, 2020. 96 as in the earlier 69 in reverse, or up-side-down, like the Freemasonic hanging man. They just love to invert the numbers in their rituals. Corona = 96 (most important keyword for fake Covid stories). Freemason = 96 (Fauci is a Catholic-Jesuit educated Freemason).
Six Sixty-Six = 96 (again!!).
Number of the Beast = 96 (again!!). Do you notice the pattern? Getting the sixes and the phrase ‘Number of the Beast’ from the most important dates has impossible odds. This is very staged and very scripted! June 15 was the perfect day for a 666-ritual involving Anthony Fauci! And we know that 666 is tied to the fake pandemic and the vaccines, the ‘Mark of the Beast’.
And that takes us to the core of this riddle, what Anthony Fauci’s purpose is, what he is all about!”

Anthony Fauci was born on December 24, so this ritual on June 15 comes at a the 174th day of his age. And in all the articles he is referred to as “Dr. Anthony Fauci”.

Dr. Anthony Fauci = 174
Covid Vaccine = 174
Six Six Six = 174
Number of the Beast = 174
Illuminati = 174 (created by Jesuit-priest Adam Weishaupt)

And more importantly, it is exactly 6 months and 9 days, as in 69, until Fauci’s next birthday. And 69 is a very important number.

Dr. Anthony Fauci = 69, 69
Catholic Church = 69, 69
The Jesuit Order = 69
Arturo Sosa = 69, 69, 69, 69 (the Superior General or the Jesuits)
Six, Sixty-Six = 69, 69, 69, 69
Illuminati = 69, 69, 69, 69
Vaccination = 69, 69, 69, 69

So, we have 174 and 69, which both matched ‘Dr. Anthony Fauci,’ but it’s also a perfect match for what it is all about in the end…

New World Order = 174, 69 (what all their agendas are about)

And since this ritual is about the fake Coronavirus, we need to look at that timeline as well. And look and behold, this ritual comes 96-days after the anniversary of the declaration of the fake pandemic on March 11, 2020. 96 as in the earlier 69 in reverse, or up-side-down, like the Freemasonic hanging man. They just love to invert the numbers in their rituals.

Corona = 96 (most important keyword for fake covid stories)
Freemason = 96 (Fauci is a Catholic-Jesuit educated Freemason)
Six Sixty-Six = 96 (again!!)
Number of the Beast = 96 (again!!)

Do you notice the pattern? Getting the sixes and the phrase ‘Number of the Beast’ from the most important dates has impossible odds. This is very staged and very scripted! June 15 was the perfect day for a 666-ritual involving Anthony Fauci! And we know that 666 is tied to the fake pandemic and the vaccines, the ‘Mark of the Beast.’ And speaking of which, do not forget that Fauci is 81-years old.

Mark of the Beast = 81
Ritual = 81, 81
The Illuminati = 81

So, now we have 69 from earlier and a ‘Number of the Beast’ ritual, and the most important number in the phrase ‘Number of the Beast’ is ’66.’

Protect the Lie = 66, 69

And that lie is about transmittable diseases and viruses, the biggest ‘medical’ fraud in our history.

And we know from his taken name where his allegiance lies, who he serves.

Anthony Stephen Fauci = 224, 98, 91, 154, 1344
The Society of Jesus = 224, 98, 91, 154, 1344 (aka., The Jesuit Order)

Anthony Fauci = 56, 187, 1122
Society of Jesus = 56, 187, 1122 (aka., The Jesuit Order)

Such a perfect match for his name and full name is impossible to achieve by accident. His name was clearly made-up and coded for his purpose, to be a puppet on the world stage for his masters.

And he’s allegedly being “treated” with ‘Paxlovid…’

Paxlovid = 103
Jesuits = 103
Six Hundred Sixty-Six = 103

And that takes us to the core of this riddle, what Anthony Fauci’s purpose is, what he is all about!

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Anything-But-‘Pro-Life’ Oklahoma Governor Signs 6-Week Ritual Abortion Law”

“The ‘Oklahoma Heartbeat Act’, Senate Bill 1503, prohibits abortions at the time when a physician can detect early cardiac activity in an embryo or fetus, which can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy. It also allow private citizens to bring a civil lawsuit against a person who performs or induces an abortion, intends to perform an abortion, or knowingly aids or abets an abortion. The bill was signed by governor Kevin Stitt who afterwards tweeted, ‘I want Oklahoma to be the most pro-life state in the country because I represent all four million Oklahomans who overwhelmingly want to protect the unborn.’ And in there lies the riddle and the mockery. As for the ritual, this bill was sent to the governor on May 2, 2022, the 122-day of the year. Abortion = 122. IHS, the Jesuit logo = 122. Republican = 153
Jesuit Order = 153. Kevin Stitt is a Republican and as all politicians he takes orders from the Jesuit Order. And the media made it sure to point out that Kevin was a ‘GOP Governor’ as in the Republican Grand Old Party. They are anything but pro-life. And by finally making some progress to protect life, it simply means that they know that birth-rates will go down anyways, due to sterilizing and maiming vaccines and brainwashed people continuing consuming an extremely toxic diet of mostly plant-based sludge, sugar and deadly vegetable oils. And this law will only affect people who have no clue about life, people that are lost and looking for quick fixes.”

~Joachim Bartoll

The “Oklahoma Heartbeat Act,” Senate Bill 1503, prohibits abortions at the time when a physician can detect early cardiac activity in an embryo or fetus, which can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy. It also allow private citizens to bring a civil lawsuit against a person who performs or induces an abortion, intends to perform an abortion, or knowingly aids or abets an abortion.

The bill was signed by governor Kevin Stitt who afterwards tweeted, “I want Oklahoma to be the most pro-life state in the country because I represent all four million Oklahomans who overwhelmingly want to protect the unborn.”

And in there lies the riddle and the mockery. They are anything but pro-life. And by finally making some progress to protect life, it simply means that they know that birth-rates will go down anyways, due to sterilizing and maiming vaccines and brainwashed people continuing consuming an extremely toxic diet of mostly plant-based sludge, sugar and deadly vegetable oils. And this law will only affect people who have no clue about life, people that are lost and looking for quick fixes. On the other hand of the spectrum, you have the few percent of enlightened people, and they are much more self-sufficient and actually plan their parenthood and when to have a child.

As for the ritual, this bill was sent to the governor on May 2, 2022, the 122-day of the year.

Abortion = 122
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 122 (IHS, the Jesuit logo)

The bill was called Senate Bill 1503, as in 153. Kevin Stitt is a Republican and as all politicians he takes orders from the Jesuit Order.

Republican = 153
Jesuit Order = 153

And when Senate Bill 1503 was signed into law, they called it the ‘Oklahoma Heartbeat Act.’

Oklahoma Heartbeat Act = 72, 72
Senate Bill 1503 = 72, 72
Jesuit Order = 72, 72

Keep in mind that Oklahoma is often referred to as the heart of the country.

It was signed by Kevin Stitt on May 3, 2022.
5/3/2022 = 5 + 3 + 20 + 22 = 50

Kevin Stitt = 50
Abortion = 50
Oklahoma = 50
Jesuits = 50

Kevin Stitt was born on December 28, this signing of the bill on May 3rd comes exactly 4 months and 5 days, as in 45, after his birthday.

Senate Bill 1503 = 45
Pro-Life = 45

It is also 18 weeks to the day.

IHS = 18, 18, 18 (again, Iesus Hominum Salvator, the Jesuit logo)

And on May 3, there were 242-days remaining in the year.

Oklahoma Governor = 242

And to weave it all together, we have the most important keywords matching each other.

Oklahoma = 41
Pregnancy = 41
Kevin Stitt = 41
Arturo Sosa S.J. = 41 (the Superior General of the Jesuit Order)
Pro-Life = 41
Jesuits = 41

And the media made it sure to point out that Kevin was a ‘GOP Governor’ as in the Republican Grand Old Party.

GOP Governor = 71
The Society of Jesus = 71 (aka., The Jesuit Order)

GOP Governor = 143
Jesuit Order = 143

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Putin Appoints New ‘Theater Commander’ for the Staged War in Ukraine”

“The world is a stage and 95% of what you see in the media from the alleged war in Ukraine is fake CGI mixed with archive footage and bad crisis actors playing out ridiculous scenes at propped-up corners in a few selected cities. All pure theatre and all of it has been debunked so many times it feels silly even mentioning it at this stage. But how appropriate that Putin appoints a new commander, as what they call ‘theatre commander,’ in Army General Alexander Dvornikov. The definition is of course that a ‘theater’ is an important military area, but in reality, most military operations are nothing more than theater, a stage, a play… And sorry, no my dear coincidence theorist, that is neither a coincidence nor organic. Everything they do is scripted by the numbers. All acting on the world stage. And who writes the script, who pulls the strings of these puppets? The Jesuit Order.”

~Joachim Bartoll

The world is a stage and 95% of what you see in the media from the alleged war in Ukraine is fake CGI mixed with archive footage and bad crisis actors playing out ridiculous scenes at propped-up corners in a few selected cities. All pure theatre and all of it has been debunked so many times it feels silly even mentioning it at this stage. But how appropriate that Putin appoints a new commander, as what they call ‘theatre commander,’ in Army General Alexander Dvornikov. The definition is of course that a “theater” is an important military area, but in reality, most military operations are nothing more than theater, a stage, a play…

Alexander Dvornikov = 59
Theater Commander = 59

And the headlines call him ‘commander for Ukraine.’

Gen. Alexander Dvornikov = 111
Commander for Ukraine = 111

And his original Russian name is spelled without the ‘e.’

Aleksandr Dvornikov = 85
Commander for Ukraine = 85

Quite the feat that with the coding.

And who writes the script, who pulls the strings of these puppets?

Alexander Dvornikov = 71
The Society of Jesus = 71 (aka., The Jesuit Order)

Army General Alexander Dvornikov = 144
Jesuit Order = 144

General Alexander Dvornikov = 138
The Jesuit Order = 138

Commander for Ukraine = 258
The Society of Jesus = 258

And for his full Russian name…

Aleksandr Vladimirovich Dvornikov = 153
Jesuit Order = 153

Alexander Dvornikov was born on August 22, and this new assignment comes at a span of exactly the Freemasonic ‘33’ weeks after his birthday. It is also exactly 231 days, and 231 is the 21st triangular number.

Jesuit = 33, 21

It’s also 135 days until his next birthday.

Army Gen. Alexander Dvornikov = 135

And the news broke on April 9, as in 4/9, like 49.

Dvornikov = 49
Commander = 49
New General = 49

And as for CNN’s headline, remember that Putin was born on October 7, and this announcement comes 184-days after his birthday.

‘Putin appoints new commander for Ukraine’ = 184

184-days is the same as 6 months and 2 days, as in 62.

The Jesuits = 62

And sorry, no my dear coincidence theorist, that is neither a coincidence nor organic. Everything they do is scripted by the numbers. All acting on the world stage.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Jesuit Puppets Trump and Putin Reschedule their ‘Interview’ on Truth Social”

“Here we go with the theatre once again. Due to ‘technical difficulties’ Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin has rescheduled their talk, interview, or whatever on the new shitty CIA-platform called ‘Truth Social.’ Again, all done by the numbers. And they just love to play the CIA ‘Q’ narrative of ‘trusting the plan’ as absolutely nothing is happening. Just as this ‘interview’ being rescheduled. Just sit tight and wait. Trust the plan.”

~Joachim Bartoll

Here we go with the theatre once again. Due to “technical difficulties” Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin has rescheduled their talk, interview, or whatever on the new shitty CIA-platform called “Truth Social.”

Please read my first article about this ‘interview’ and why they talk about it:

Latest from the Q’tards and Truth Social: Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin Going Live on March 18

This rubbish showed up in my social media feed from well-known controlled opposition as they try to hype the new Jesuit/Freemason, as in CIA-controlled, ‘Truth Social.’ You know, the Social Media platform allegedly created by Donald Trump. Yes, the Q’tards actually buy into that, thinking it will be their salvation, a wet dream, when in reality it will be an information collecting platform ten times worse than Facebook and Instagram combined. As for this … Continue reading

Latest from the Q’tards and Truth Social: Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin Going Live on March 18

The new date is March 20th, the 79th day of the year.

‘Live Interview’ = 79

Truth Social = 79

Society of Jesus = 79 (aka., The Jesuit Order)

Of course, the time is set at 18:00. 18 is symbolic for 666, as 6 + 6 + 6 = 18. Remember, Putin is refereed to as the Beast, as Satan by the media.

Six Hundred Sixty-Six = 211 (the number of the beast)

March Twentieth = 211

It’s also a span of 87 days until Trumps birthday on June 14.

Number of the Beast = 87

And it will be exactly a span of 40 weeks since Trump’s last birthday.

March Twenty = 40

Jesuit Order = 40

Freemason = 40

Donald J. Trump = 40

And, of course, 201-days before Putin’s birthday on October 7.

The Jesuit Order = 201

Or, if you count and include the whole last day, it’s a span of 202 days.

Vladimir Putin = 202

And it will be 164 days after Putin’s last birthday.

Vladimir Putin = 164

March 20 is a day with the Freemasonic 47-numerology.

3/20/2022 = 3 + 2+0 + (20) + (22) = 47

Truth Social = 47

Trump = 47

Twentieth = 47 (rescheduled to the 20th)

And remember that Sunday reverse reduces to the Freemasonic 33.

Finally, the excuse with “Technical Difficulties” is 369 in reverse. As in Tesla’s 369, the keys to the universe. Such mockery!

Again, all done by the numbers. And they just love to play the CIA ‘Q’ narrative of ‘trusting the plan’ as absolutely nothing is happening. Just as this ‘interview’ being rescheduled. Just sit tight and wait. Trust the plan.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

“Our civilization has serious problems connected to artificial intelligence networks and their complex systems are being run to war game strategic moves with multiple military factions from those Controller groups that give them orders to serve their personal interests. The best option at this time is to compassionately witness and observe these outer agendas as they all have a bigger role to play in the war game strategy playing out, but realize that most people would be severely disheartened to know of the corruption involved even in those that claim to be the white hats-good guys. Be discerning, be careful and do not give your trust to those who have not earned it. Be cautious and do not over rely on those white hat groups that have groomed popular pundits to persist in giving disinformation to their loyal public audiences in order to string them along. Patriots should demand more from their group movement leaders and demand that they should be told the truth and not continually deceived and groomed with misinformation, being paid by sponsorships or agreements made with certain factions. That means human beings have to be ready to know the actual truth and be ready to commit to truth seeking about our reality which has difficult otherworldly histories and can be extremely unpleasant to uncover. Nonetheless we cannot evolve out of this satanic generated mess leading us to co-create hell realms by perpetuating the ball of lies by persisting in propping up the 3D controlled narrative which is filled with horrific deceptions designed to enslave humanity. More humans are required to stand up for truth by demanding they are being told the truth by their leaders and stop allowing pundits or other figureheads to manipulate many good-hearted humans with continual use of funded disinformation tactics. We do not approve of deliberate disinformation and propaganda lies being used to deceive the public in any form, as in order for humanity to heal they need and require someone in leadership to tell them the truth.”

~Lisa Renee – March 20, 2022

~via 3D Breakdown and Enlightened Contact

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Arnold Schwarzenegger Shills About the Staged and Fake War — All by the Numbers”

Arnold made an Instagram video about the fake war in Ukraine on March 17, exactly three weeks, or 21 days, after it began on February 24. Why wait three weeks? Because he’s a freemason and a shill for the Jesuits and it’s all about the numbers and their rituals.

Arnold was born on July 30, 1947. This video he made was posted on March 17, which was 231 days after his last birthday. 231 is the 21st Triangular number. 21 as in ‘War’ and ‘Jesuit.’

Jesuit = 21

War = 21 (what this is about)

As for exactly ‘three’ weeks, ‘three’ spelled out is of high importance, as it sums to their beloved hoax code of ’56.’  

Three = 56 (as in three weeks)

Society of Jesus = 56 (The Jesuit Order, the order writing the scripts)

And, of course, 231 days is exactly 33 weeks on the day. 33, as in the number of degrees within Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the most telling number of all Freemasonic codes. And March 17, 2022 can be written as 3/17/22, which is 3 + 1 + 7 + (22) = 33. Also, fittingly ‘Hollywood’ is ’33.’

Also, ‘33’ is ‘21’ in the Hexadecimal system. Such beautiful synchronicity. Also, 231 is the Octal value of 153, and when using the Reverse Ordinal cipher, ‘Jesuit Order’ sums to 153.

But that is not all. They are very clever when it comes to these dates. On March 17th, it was also exactly 4 months and 2 weeks to Arnold’s upcoming birthday!

42 is the second most important number in this staged and fake war together with its reflection 24! Incredible smart coding.

War = 42 (what this is about, also coded with ‘21’)

World War = 42 (what media is calling the fake war)

Zionism = 42 (Jewish supremacy out of fake Israel, Arnold is an Israel lover)

Freemason = 42 (Arnold is a Freemason)

February = 42 (when it started, February 24, the reflection of 42)

#StopPutin = 42 (previous viral hashtag)

Hollywood = 42 (the war is a ‘Hollywood’ production and Arnold is a Hollywood actor)

Jesuit = 42 (also coded with ‘21’)

March 17, 2022 = 3/17/22 = 3 + 17 + 22 = 42

And guess what? 4 months and 2 weeks is 136 days.

The Jesuits = 136

And speaking of 42 and the reflection 24, the date this begun, February 24. One of the ‘disinformation’ bits Arnold is addressing, is ‘Nazis,’ a common theme with Arnold.

Nazis = 24

Also, Arnold was the governor of California, which the media abbreviates to “California Gov.,” in the coverage of this story.

California Gov. = 69

Russian Invasion = 69 (what it was about)

The Jesuit Order = 69

Nazis = 69

Also, another thing that makes Arnold such a perfect propaganda tool for this fake war is the fact that between the start of this staged war on February 24 and until his birthday, is a span of 5 months and 6 days, as in their big hoax code ’56,’ as we decoded at the start of this article.

Another big reason is his name, as it sums to 223, which you should be familiar with at this point.

Arnold Schwarzenegger = 223

223 is the 48th prime number. The number ‘48’ has been all over this staged and fake war. So, of course they will use Arnold to play both sides and strengthen the illusion of a real war going on.

Russia = 48 (the ‘villain’ in this scripted production)

World War = 48 (again!)

Propaganda = 48 (what Arnold is used for)

Hollywood = 48 (again!)

March 17th was the 76th day of the year, and Arnold’s message was about “disinformation,” which was funny because that was what he delivered, just pure propaganda, trying to make the war look real.

Disinformation = 76

Arnold Schwarzenegger = 76

His message above the video reads, “I love the Russian people. That is why I have to tell you the truth. Please watch and share.”

That is exactly 71 letters.

The Society of Jesus = 71 (original name of the Jesuit Order)

The Jesuits = 71

March 17, as written in the US, is 3/17, or 317.

Arnold Schwarzenegger = 317

Another perfect match for Arnold doing an appearance on this day. And also, 317 is the 66th prime number!

Number of the Beast = 66

Remember, Vladimir Putin has been called ‘The Beast’ and ‘Satan’ in the media during this staged and fake war. See my full post about Putin and 66 here. But this also goes back to it being a Freemasonic ritual, as ‘Thirty-Three’ is also ‘66’ in Full Reduction gematria.

Also, notice the abbreviation of Attention, ie., “attn” at the top of his video. ‘Attn’ sums to ’55’ same as ‘Satan.’

Thirty-Three = 66

And speaking of ‘33’ and using Instagram as a platform for this video.

Instagram = 141, 60

Thirty-Three = 141, 60

And in Arnold’s video, he mentions Russian weight-lifter Yuri Vlasov as his teenage hero. Yuri Vlasov reduces to the Freemasonic 47, just as Arnold was born on July 30, the 211th day of the year, which is the 47th prime number. And Yuri Vlaslov share the gematric value of 106 and 61 with Arnold’s full name. Also, Arnold said, “and he smiled at me,” which also reduces to 61. Most of his speech in this video was coded as well. Totally scripted. Once an actor…

Damn, Arnold. Your Jesuit handlers really thought this one through. And it’s a shame to see you constantly bend your knee to these powers. The price to pay for being a ‘star’ and part of the brotherhood and the Kennedy’s, one of the 13 families. And for the rest of us, learn symbolism, numerology and gematria and you can spot these shills and their lies miles away.

The truth about the war:

Reality Check – The Staged Pandemic and Russia-Ukraine War

Although I’ve touched on this in several articles, I see the need for a short and simple summary, as the sheep are totally unaware and even diet-woke and lukewarm truthers are falling into disinformation traps set by controlled opposition and shills. The world we live in has always been controlled by the same lineage of people. Today they are known as the 13 families. They are tightly connected, trough marriage and business, with most … Continue reading

Reality Check – The Staged Pandemic and Russia-Ukraine War

And all my decodes showing it’s all by the numbers:

via Joachim Bartoll Official