LISA RENEE on “Who Is Benefiting from Having Sex with Our Children?”

“We have to ask— ‘Who is benefiting from having sex with our Children?’ It’s not Human. This cannot be inoculated until people are willing to understand the Negative Alien Agenda. It is extremely important that any adult with a functioning brain that cares about the welfare of human children, be made aware of this most disturbing Archontic Deception Strategy, which is to specifically Target Human Children for a range of NAA related bio-warfare strategies, such as inflicting trauma based Mind Control, Vaccinations for genetic degradation, compromised immunity and Bio-Neurological hijack, to create life long pharma-drug dependencies and Addiction while in childhood, to culturally shape their minds to accept Anti-Soul and Anti-Life Agendas like Transhumanism, rampant sexualization and promiscuity in child to adulthood, mass Child Trafficking for Sexual Slavery, child sodomy/rape in group settings, and Satanic Ritual Abuse and Blood Sacrifice. One may see these patterns carry over with child sexual abuse, which is an Archontic NAA Strategy developed to traumatize humanity, while reinforcing these children to carry out these same agendas in their adulthood, in order to replay out the vicious cycle of Victim-Victimizer programming, Sexual Misery and slavery of the earth in every way imaginable. These people and entities actually value the killing of children and believe in the necessity of Child Abuse and Sacrifice killings if they can get away with it without prosecution. Their most sick mind believes that the blood of a child is the most pure, and can extract vital essence and power from the Blood Sacrifice. When they want ‘more power’ for material success or something to gain, or there is something to ‘cleanse’, they believe to cleanse it with a child’s blood. This is the most unbelievable to the sane mind and loving heart, yet, we must know this exists in huge numbers to begin to protect the children of the earth from this sickness. Child Genital Mutilation, child sex slavery, child porn, live sex with children on the internet is a billion dollar booming business. This is highly disturbing as we can see no one in government gives a care about this global issue. The only way this will stop is if people like us realize what is happening, are willing to face this pain and we build solidarity together in numbers to stop this, while recognizing it is directly sourcing from non human agendas. Disclosure is much needed to help people see how far this goes and how humongous it is. Any person that thinks a mere few humans will go to jail for this crime, and that these smaller groups are actually in power behind the global pedo rings, is not aware of the larger off planet agenda. The police force, the FBI, the government agencies WILL NOT PROTECT our children. We all must understand the larger agenda in order to be effective, as all of the news outlets and surface organizations will DO NOTHING. They all reach a threshold of no access/top secret compartmentalization to their pay grade. It is up to us to protect our children and to be aware of this heinous crime, and to not allow any person we do not trust near our kids or exert control over our kids, in every way you can. If you decide to have children, it is up to you to protect them, period. This planet is filled to the brim with sexual predators that get away with this many times, even if they are caught, nothing is done to rehab these people. A child who is sexually abused, grows into an adult who abuses children.”

LISA RENEE on “Factual Evidence of Horrific Crimes Against Children Perpetrated with Appalling Levels by Those in the Top-Most Positions in High Governmental Offices”

~via Child Sexual Abuse

LISA RENEE on “Red Cube Technology Spinning Out Artificial Cloned Identities”

“The Red Nile Cube is an advanced Wesa AI weapon with extensive programming used to continually clone and spin out false holograms of Christos Diamond Sun DNA families, Azurites and Ascended Master Christos lineages in this Universe and in Wesa. This AI weapon is cube technology that is used as a cloaking device for the NAA to parade false identities and generating phantom pockets, to hide the many layers of hierarchies that form into the Wesa shadow armies. The Red Nile or Red Cube AI programs are used by assorted Black Sun entities; Bourgha, Dragon Moth, Marduk Necromiton, Enlil Odedicron, Insectoids, Red Spider Arachnids, Black Dragon gestalts and assorted lunar female demons. The Red Nile Cube matrix from Wesa generates an internal feedback loop in the crown area running into the base root of the perineum through the microcosmic orbit circuitry in the spinal column. This inverted 7D based unholy union was generated from Saturn-Moon blood worship rituals, and was instrumental in powering up many of the Antichrist Obelisk Pillars used for marking cardinal directions in the Artificial Tree AI timelines and Thothian Leviathan Anti-Hierogamic Rod and Staff Trident architecture, which are impaled across the globe in the ley lines. This technology targets Starseed or Indigo groups that are embodying Sacred Marriage or Hierogamic Union, generally targeting spiritual couples that are motivated to serve the Christos Mission and support planetary liberation for Ascension. Anti-HG Technology is short for Anti-Hierogamic Technology which is a gender splitter weapon that has been identified by Gridworkers which note that it has impacts upon the Lightbody and is a form of targeting individuals with assorted Electronic Harassment designed for Mind Control. Additionally, it is used as a AI Red Wave global Electromagnetic Weapon for directing Psychological Warfare and Spiritual Warfare tactics in order to derail, confuse or insert Implanted Thoughts and Implants designed for Genetic Modification and Mind Control in order to target spiritually awakening groups, as well as the majority of humanity. This generates false timeline perception by altering the consciousness body north position to invert upon itself, so that the person perceives moving towards the future timeline, but they are actually facing into the past timeline, into an AI Phantom time loop. This includes the target believing that they are this special identity from an inserted digital twin of a cloned Ascended Master in their lightbody, in which this clone runs AI Red Wave, false feminine violet programming or other artificial frequencies, which is quite common in the new age circles without Negative Ego training and Victim-Victimizer clearing. The Red Cube technology capitalizes on painful emotional astral damage and mistaken identity, confusing identities, so that the target cannot tell who is who, what are the false timelines and imposters versus the authentic identity. We have noted that the targeting of the Red Nile Cube is especially prevalent with Ruby Sun DNA identities from the Egyptian Pharaonic Dynastic lineages, which appear to be the direct genetic template of the Serres-Egyptians on Tara, and thus heavily favored by the satanic cabal members. Thus, the true and accurate Egyptian history was replaced with the Black Sun agenda of inserting the AI Red Cube Tree of Life for representing the Egyptian Pantheon of Gods, along with their Black Magic rituals, and this cloned pantheon was to be enforced through worship by the installation of the Setian King lines, Hyksos and the Amun Snake Priesthood. These groups in the Middle East would eventually integrate into the Greek Mystery Schools and further evolve into the corrupted lineages of the secret societies that formed the Luciferian Knights Templars and Freemasons. These secret societies were initiated into the secrets of the Artificial Tree of Life through the Great Ennead, in which the Egyptian pantheon was cloned for use in Black Magic ritual being supported by the NAA to maintain their power, manipulating timelines and human consciousness since the Sumerian-Egyptian Invasion. During the Djoser Invasion from a 5D wormhole that was used to takeover operational portals in the region, the NAA infiltration of the Djoser regime began by murdering those that had access to Atlantian arc tools that were operating these portals. Draconian satanic controlled forces first invaded the region of Saqqara, which began the gradual infiltration of Lunar Consciousness black magic spells and Blood Ritual practices that were designed to override and reverse the Solar Consciousness practices of those following the Law of One. From this point of the Egyptian invasion during the 3rd Dynasty, the NAA introduced incantations, spells and lunar-satanic Blood Sacrifice philosophies which included the insertion of the Artificial Tree of Egyptian Gods where these cloned identities would be worshipped and manipulated through Black Magic rituals. The Djoser Invasion timeline is the trigger event in relationship to dismantling the Red Nile Cube cloned identities that are used in an artificial Egyptian Pantheon, in which these identities have been cloned and worshipped in Black Magic rituals within secret society pyramidal organizations used by the bloodlines, to gather mass amounts of energy from the NAA to carry out the One World Order of Satan. In this way, they set up the satanic alien religion in Egypt by introducing Black Magic spells and rituals to contact the NAA who use the Artificial Tree and AI cube system to manage the cloned false gods, and gather the energy exchanges between the humans on the Earth worshipping them in rituals. This Artificial Tree system exchanges in multiple timelines and involves a type of time travelling through different satanic portals that were set up for this purpose by these alien entities. In order for the Ruby Sun DNA to function as immortal bodies for the Black Sun entities on the earth that were incarnating their essence into the human DNA template, they required extensive Blood Sacrifice in order to continue to impersonate and appear as human beings to the public. Blood Sacrifice in large amounts generates a type of sorcery for Mind Control, so that authentic angelic ensouled humans would not know the difference of the impostor non-human entity having hijacked the human body, which is then placed in the top levels of positions of power. Some of the Controllers that appear to be human, actually are not human souls, but assorted NAA entities that have infiltrated human civilization in order to carry out the NAA agenda. These nonhuman entities are at the top power positions of global satanic control, such as the big pharmaceutical transnational corporations and medical mafioso. Thus, these same cloned identities are in use today along with their symbolism and Black Magic religion that is deeply entwined within the Controller Pillars of Society and enforces black magic Egyptian Curses on the global money supply. These Red Cube cloned identities are used to power up the Black Magic Money debt enslavement structures put in place by the Orion Group, and used by the Cabal Bankers to manipulate financial markets and maintain global wealth in the hands of their Satanic and Luciferian Bloodlines. Black Dragon AI hybrids and assorted demonic entities protect these black magic money systems and defend their servants, many of which appear to be well known politicians, CEOs and international bankers. Much of the Red Nile Cube technology has been and is in the process of being destroyed in the planetary field as the new Gaian Matrix and Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix help to override this extensive holographic damage spinning out artificial cloned identities.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Red Nile Cube / Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon / Red Cube Trident Architecture

Related articles:

LISA RENEE on “Artificial Imposter Identities Being Used as a Holographic Mask to Manipulate Groups of People”

LISA RENEE on “Getting Glamorized with Artificially Generated Famous Identities or Cloned Imposters”

LISA RENEE on “Cloning”

LISA RENEE on “Cloning Stations”


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