‘BATTLE OF TWO ANTICHRISTS’ ~ Joachim Bartoll: “Obama and Trump Back in the Headlines — 666 Days After Insurrection”

“On November 3, 2022, we had headlines such as ‘Obama and Trump bring dueling visions for America in return to campaign trail,” and much more. The theme was obvious, Democrats vs. Republicans, the left vs. the right, Obama vs. Trump. And, of course, as always, this is done by the numbers. The January 6 Capitol Attack in 2021, the Insurrection, was exactly 666 days ago. What a perfect date for some Satanic rituals exposing the Antichrist… or the Antichrists? If you have paid attention to the ongoing script of Revelations, you most likely know that Barack Obama have been coded as the Antichrist in thousands of events and news stories. With that being said, there is also plenty of evidence that Donald Trump is the Antichrist. However, we can’t have two different Antichrists now, can we? Well, considering that we have two obvious psychological operations currently running, as in two paths to the same destination, that idea of two Antichrists isn’t impossible at all. It’s actually likely. They might very well have planted two different Antichrists for two different paths. I’ve explained these two psy-ops and how they are simply two sides of the same coin, two different paths leading to the same outcome. So, with this in mind, why wouldn’t both of these poles have their own Antichrist? Both opposites were created, and is being controlled, by those in power as part of their Hegelian dialectic of problem -> reaction -> solution. Divide and conquer. In simple terms, we have the democrats and liberals openly welcoming The Great Reset; Agenda 2030, and the figurehead in the shadows, their Antichrist, is being played by Barack Obama the former president they all want back on the throne. Then we have the opposite end of the battle, the Right Wing and Republicans who want to fight this Great Reset with a ‘Great Awakening,’ and their figurehead is being played by Donald Trump, the Antichrist masquerading as light, as awareness. However, both are wings belonging to the same bird, both are paths leading to the same outcome. Both are satanic, both will lead to enslavement the Mark of the Beast.”

~Joachim Bartoll

Photo Credits:

Painting by Luca Signorelli – “The Deeds of the Antichrist” (1499-1502)

Photography by Ascension Avatar – “The Deeds the Antichrist” (4-13-2019

On November 3, 2022, we had headlines such as “DOJ mulling potential special counsel if Trump runs in 2024,” “Trump kicks off final campaign blitz to boost Republicans and himself,” “Obama and Trump bring dueling visions for America in return to campaign trail,” and much more. The theme was obvious, Democrats vs. Republicans, the left vs. the right, Obama vs. Trump.

And, of course, as always, this is done by the numbers. The January 6 Capitol Attack in 2021, the Insurrection, was exactly 666-days ago. What a perfect date for some Satanic rituals exposing the Antichrist… or the Antichrists?

If you have paid attention to the ongoing script of Revelations, you most likely know that Barack Obama have been coded as the Antichrist in thousands of events and news stories. The connections are overwhelming and undeniable.

With that being said, there is also plenty of evidence that Donald Trump is the Antichrist.

However, we can’t have two different Antichrists now, can we?

Well, considering that we have two obvious psychological operations currently running, as in two paths to the same destination, that idea of two Antichrists isn’t impossible at all. It’s actually likely. They might very well have planted two different Antichrists for two different paths.

In my post about The Great Reset vs. The Great Awakening, I explained that these two psy-ops are simply two opposite poles on the same axis. However, both sides are connected to the same axis, thus both sides are satanic! Only Lucifer plays opposites, while God stands above all that.

The Great Reset, as in Agenda 2030 promoted by the UN and WEF are out in the open, it’s simply Lucifer in plain sight. That is the left hand, or the left wing of the bird and is represented by Barack Obama. Now, the right hand, or the right wing on the same bird is ‘The Great Awakening,’ pushed by Q and the MAGA-movement and is of course represented by Donald Trump.

I’ve explained these two psy-ops and how they are simply two sides of the same coin, two different paths leading to the same outcome.

So, with this in mind, why wouldn’t both of these poles have their own Antichrist? Both opposites were created, and is being controlled, by those in power as part of their Hegelian dialectic of problem -> reaction -> solution. Divide and conquer.

In simple terms, we have the democrats and liberals openly welcoming The Great Reset; Agenda 2030, and the figurehead in the shadows, their Antichrist, is being played by Barack Obama the former president they all want back on the throne. Then we have the opposite end of the battle, the Right Wing and Republicans who want to fight this Great Reset with a “Great Awakening,” and their figurehead is being played by Donald Trump, the Antichrist masquerading as light, as awareness. However, both are wings belonging to the same bird, both are paths leading to the same outcome. Both are satanic, both will lead to enslavement the Mark of the Beast.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Rubber-Faced ‘Joe’ Speaks with Forked Tongue of His Fellow ‘MAGA’ Satanists in Psyop Ritual”

“Here we go again, playing and reinforcing both sides of the illusion. Joe, the ‘president’ who is ‘Biden’ time while they act out Revelation, said in a clear ritual that Republicans and the right ‘thrive on chaos and that their attempts to undermine democracy could devolve into violence.’ He then added, ‘they live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.’ Now, while they tell you that ‘MAGA’ stands for ‘Make America Great Again,’ it is actually the fifth and highest degree within the Church of Satan, which fits Trump and this ritual perfectly. Keep in mind that ‘Trump,’ ‘MAGA,’ the ‘Far-Right Extremism’ and ‘Q’ simply is the old communist counter-intelligence ‘Operation Trust’ in new packaging; a fake, ‘New World Order’ agenda, running parallel with what is really going on. All made-up to keep the theatre of politics and the Left vs. Right going and to spur on hatred and division among the populace. This goes hand-in-hand with what might be the new script of ‘The Storm,’ that is, more division, people fighting each other, riots, civil unrest and civil war… In other words, this speech by Joe Biden simply fuels the hatred for ‘right-wing extremists’ among the dumbed down people on the left, the libtards and democrats — all while reinforcing and validating the illusion of a ‘MAGA’ movement with Trump and Q, and thus fueling the hatred on the ‘right’ for ‘feeling attacked.’ The never-ending loop of infinity. Repetition is the tool of brainwashing and making imaginary things seem like real. As for this ritual, it took place on September 1st, exactly 80 days before Joe Biden’s 80th birthday, which will fall on November 20. And, of course, as Donald Trump was allegedly born on June 14, September 1st was the 80th day after his birthday. So, we have this speech of division and hatred 80-days after Trump’s birthday and 80-days before Biden’s birthday. What’s the odds on that? Two perfectly synched puppets for the world stage. The number 80 is strongly connected to Satanism, as is easily proven by their language of gematria. Satan = 80. Sun God = 80 (Saturn, as in Lucifer the Light-Bearer). Baphomet = 80 (the symbol of Satanism, the goat with breasts). The Beast = 80 (aka., Satan). Synagogue of Satan = 80. The Morning Star = 80 (as in Lucifer). Satan Worship = 80.Societas Iesu = 80 (Society of Jesus, aka., The Jesuit Order). Skull and Bones Freemasonry = 80. Note that on September 1st, there was 121 days remaining in the year. And, as I’ve explained several times, they are acting out Revelation with the Antichrist coming back as the eight King… Revelation = 121. Antichrist = 121. They also call this fake movement “MAGA Extremism,” which is coded perfectly with Donald Trump. If you read my article that was linked above about August 16, the 888-date, and the new script, you know the importance of this. MAGA Extremism = 888. Donald J. Trump = 888. Satanic Ritual = 888 (what this is). The Freemasons = 888. The Greater Good = 888 (how they justify the lies and deception). Mar-a-Lago = 888 (the Trump estate that was raided and started the new script). Arturo Sosa S.J. = 888 (the founder of the Jesuit Order). The Holy See = 888 (the seat of power in the Vatican). The Synagogue of Satan = 888. The important thing to take home from this speech from puppet Joe Biden is that it was part of the new script — dividing the population and pinning people against people, to incite division, hatred, fear, and ultimately civil war.”

~Joachim Bartoll

Here we go again, playing and reinforcing both sides of the illusion. Joe, the “president” who is ‘Biden’ time while they act out Revelation, said in a clear ritual that Republicans and the right “thrive on chaos and that their attempts to undermine democracy could devolve into violence.” He then added, “they live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.”

Speaking of “light” in such a manner is of course a reference to the Freemasonic and Satanic beliefs, something we’ve seen in the very Satanic New Age religions that infiltrated gullible people who think that they are waking up and call themselves “lightworkers,” as in “workers of Satan, the light-bearer,” he who fell from heaven as lightning.

Or as 33rd degree Freemason Albert Pike put it:

“LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!”

Now, while they tell you that ‘MAGA’ stands for “Make America Great Again,” it is actually the fifth and highest degree within the Church of Satan, which fits Trump and this ritual perfectly.

Keep in mind that ‘Trump,’ ‘MAGA,’ the ‘Far-Right Extremism’ and ‘Q’ simply is the old communist counterintelligence ‘Operation Trust’ in new packaging: a fake, “New World Order” agenda, running parallel with what is really going on. An illusion of “powerful people” fighting the “Deep State,” killing politicians and replacing them with doubles, and “saving children from underground tunnels” (that is how stupid it is.) All made-up to keep the theatre of politics and the Left vs. Right going and to spur on hatred and division among the populace. This goes hand-in-hand with what might be the new script of “The Storm,” that is, more division, people fighting each other, riots, civil unrest and civil war.

In other words, this speech by Joe Biden simply fuels the hatred for “right-wing extremists” among the dumbed down people on the left, the libtards and democrats — all while reinforcing and validating the illusion of a ‘MAGA’ movement with Trump and Q, and thus fueling the hatred on the ‘right’ for ‘feeling attacked.’ The never-ending loop of infinity. Repetition is the tool of brainwashing and making imaginary things seem like real.

As for this ritual, it took place on September 1st, exactly 80 days before Joe Biden’s 80th birthday, which will fall on November 20.

And, of course, as Donald Trump was allegedly born on June 14, September 1st was the 80th day after his birthday. So, we have this speech of division and hatred 80-days after Trump’s birthday and 80-days before Biden’s birthday. What’s the odds on that? Two perfectly synched puppets for the world stage.

The number 80 is strongly connected to Satanism, as is easily proven by their language of gematria.

Satan = 80
Sun God = 80 (Saturn, as in Lucifer the Light-Bearer)
Baphomet = 80 (the symbol of Satanism, the goat with breasts)
The Beast = 80 (aka., Satan)
Synagogue of Satan = 80
The Morning Star = 80 (as in Lucifer)
Satan Worship = 80
Societas Iseu = 80 (Society of Jesus, aka., The Jesuit Order)
Skull and Bones Freemasonry = 80

Note that on September 1st, there was 121 days remaining in the year. And, as I’ve explained several times, they are acting out Revelation with the Antichrist coming back as the eight King

Revelation = 121
Antichrist = 121

They also call this fake movement “MAGA Extremism,” which is coded perfectly with Donald Trump. If you read my article that was linked above about August 16, the 888-date, and the new script, you know the importance of this.

MAGA Extremism = 888
Donald J. Trump = 888
Satanic Ritual = 888 (what this is)
The Freemasons = 888
The Greater Good = 888 (how they justify the lies and deception)
Mar-a-Lago = 888 (the Trump estate that was raided and started the new script)
Arturo Sosa S.J. = 888 (the founder of the Jesuit Order)
The Holy See = 888 (the seat of power in the Vatican)
The Synagogue of Satan = 888

I could go on, but I’m running out of time. The important thing to take home from this speech from puppet Joe Biden is that it was part of the new script — dividing the population and pinning people against people, to incite division, hatred, fear, and ultimately civil war.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Nancy Pelosi, Senator Susan Collins, and Joe Biden’s Sister Test Positive for Unicorn-19”

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, GOP Senator Susan Collins of Maine, and President Joe Biden’s sister, Valerie, became the latest Washington figures to fake being positive for Covid-19. The press announcements came this Thursday, April 7. And the humor in the statements is just off the charts. What frickin’ protection? A frickin’ joke is what it is. If viruses were real and all this wasn’t just theatre, how the heck are they protective if she got the Unicorn-19 virus? What? And yes, we saw what you did there with the ‘close contact’ as in cc, as in ’33.’ You freemasons love close contact, and you just have to announce it on April 7 in 2022, a day with 33-numerology. Close contact as in Biden’s infamous sniffing, kissing, and groping inappropriate body parts? 4/7/22 = 4 + 7 + 22 = 33. They can’t even keep the charade somewhat believable. But the sleeping sheep just bleat and nod their heads. Anyway, what would a day with simple 47-numerology be without some propaganda from Washington D.C.? Again, another ritual and propaganda piece in one. All fabricated, all scripted.”

~Joachim Bartoll

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, GOP Senator Susan Collins of Maine, and President Joe Biden’s sister, Valerie, became the latest Washington figures to fake being positive for Covid-19. The press announcements came this Thursday, April 7.

And the humor in the statements is just off the charts. Take this quote for example:

“The speaker is fully vaccinated and boosted, and is thankful for the robust protection the vaccine has provided,” said spokesman Drew Hammill.

What frickin’ protection? If viruses were real and all this wasn’t just theatre, how the heck are they protective if she got the Unicorn-19 virus? A frickin’ joke is what it is. They can’t even keep the charade somewhat believable. But the sleeping sheep just bleat and nod their heads.

And the comedy continues…

“The White House said Biden’s interactions with Pelosi do not meet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s definition of being in close contact.”

What? Close contact as in Biden’s infamous sniffing, kissing, and groping inappropriate body parts? And yes, we saw what you did there with the ‘close contact’ as in cc, as in ’33.’ You freemasons love close contact, and you just have to announce it on April 7 in 2022, a day with 33-numerology.
4/7/22 = 4 + 7 + 22 = 33

Anyway, what would a day with simple 47-numerology be without some propaganda from Washington D.C.?

April 7 = 4/7 = 47

D.C. = 47
White House = 47
Government = 47
Democrat = 47

Nancy tested ‘positive’ and is allegedly ‘asymptomatic.’

Positive = 47
Asymptomatic = 47

Also, both Nancy Pelosi and the word ‘asymptomatic’ have values of the infamous coronavirus hoax code ’56.

Asymptomatic = 56
Nancy Pelosi = 56
Coronavirus = 56
Washington D.C. = 56
U.S. Government = 56
Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., The Jesuit Order, their masters)

On April 7, it was the 97th day of the year and apparently, Joe Biden’s sister Valerie Biden Owens tested positive for something that does not exist as well.

Valerie Biden Owens = 97

And 97 is the 25th prime number.

Biden = 25
Vatican = 25 (the seat of the Jesuit Order)

They are also connected by the numbers, making this ritual even more obvious.

Valerie Biden = 61
Nancy Pelosi = 61

Biden = 88
Pelosi = 88

And Gov. Susan Collins of Maine also tested positive, most likely because she just loves the coronavirus hoax. It’s all in the name, after all.

Susan Collins = 41, 43
Coronavirus = 41, 43

And to set the theme for the propaganda story, this announcement came on a day with 53-date numerology.
4/7/2022 = 4 + 7 + 20 + 22 = 53

Covid = 53
I have Covid = 53

Again, another ritual and propaganda piece in one. All fabricated, all scripted.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official