JOACHIM BARTOLL: “The Trump Theatre Trumps 34 Felony Counts for a Maximum of 136 Years in Prison”

“The big headline that ended April 4 was that Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts. Of course, the alleged cause for the indictment was the ‘hush money’ given to ‘Stormy’ Daniels. Stormy = 34. Hush Money = 34. Again, according to many, this was ‘The Storm’ that Trump talked about in 2017, and it reached its peak on April 4, like 4/4, or 44. Daniels = 44 (we already had ‘Stormy’ from the 34 felony counts). The Storm = 44. Of course, being April 4, like 44, the Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg accused Trump of using a ‘ catch and kill’ scheme to bury potentially damaging information ahead of the 2016 election. April 4 = 4/4 = 44. Catch and Kill = 44. And with that said, they still managed to sneak in their Freemasonic message in the disguise of the ‘34-count’ indictment, as well as in the maximum sentence for these 34 counts. As several headlines have told us, Trump could face ‘136 years‘ in prison. Well, the key phrases ’34-count’ and ‘136 years’ both equals ‘33’ in reduction and reverse gematria. Bam! 34-Count = 33. 136 Years = 33. Masonry = 33. The Masons = 33. And remember, the arraignment began at 2:15 p.m., a time that also equals ‘33’. In other words, the scripted theatre continues by the same numbers that we have seen all trough this ritual.”

~Joachim Bartoll

The big headline that ended April 4 was that Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts. Of course, the alleged cause for the indictment was the ‘hush money’ given to ‘Stormy’ Daniels.

Stormy = 34
Hush Money = 34

Again, according to many, this was ‘The Storm’ that Trump talked about in 2017, and it reached its peak on April 4, like 4/4, or 44.

Daniels = 44 (we already had ‘Stormy’ from the 34 felony counts)
The Storm = 44

Of course, being April 4, like 44, the Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg accused Trump of using a “catch and kill” scheme to bury potentially damaging information ahead of the 2016 election.

April 4 = 4/4 = 44

Catch and Kill = 44

Now, some of you might wonder why they didn’t go right for the Freemasonic ‘33’ with the count, considering that Trump is allegedly a 33-degree Freemason. Well, the Freemasons are already heavily coded into this story and the script, also, ‘34’ is symbolic for the mocking aspect of the ritual, the core of the silly story, that of paying a former porn actress ‘hush money’ to keep quiet. Freemasonic rituals always have a mocking aspect to them, as in being exposed, facing adversity and then being reborn free of your past and previous transgressions. Even the induction ritual to the order is based on this.

And with that said, they still managed to sneak in their Freemasonic message in the disguise of the ’34-count’ indictment, as well as in the maximum sentence for these 34 counts. As several headlines have told us, Trump could face ‘136 years‘ in prison. Well, the key phrases ’34-count’ and ‘136 years’ both equals ‘33’ in reduction and reverse gematria. Bam!

34-Count = 33
136 Years = 33
Masonry = 33
The Masons = 33

Also, 136, as in 136-years, is ’88’ in hexadecimal, and ’88’ is the ‘Trump-number’.

And remember, the arraignment began at 2:15 p.m., a time that also equals ‘33’.

2:15 p.m. = 33

And as for the ’34-count indictment,’ remember that Trump was in office playing the role of the President from January 20, 2017 to January 20, 2021.

From the presidency anniversary of January 20, to the April 4 court hearing and the 34-count indictment, is exactly 74-days. And if you count the time since he was sworn in as president, you get 74 months.

34-Count Indictment = 74

And, of course, counting from his last day of presidency on January 20, 2021, it is 115 weeks on the day, which ties back to the core of the Freemasonic mocking ritual, the hush money.

Hush Money = 115
Masonic = 115
Freemasons = 115

In other words, the scripted theatre continues by the same numbers that we have seen all trough this ritual. If you missed any of them, here are the links:

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Rubber-Faced ‘Joe’ Speaks with Forked Tongue of His Fellow ‘MAGA’ Satanists in Psyop Ritual”

“Here we go again, playing and reinforcing both sides of the illusion. Joe, the ‘president’ who is ‘Biden’ time while they act out Revelation, said in a clear ritual that Republicans and the right ‘thrive on chaos and that their attempts to undermine democracy could devolve into violence.’ He then added, ‘they live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.’ Now, while they tell you that ‘MAGA’ stands for ‘Make America Great Again,’ it is actually the fifth and highest degree within the Church of Satan, which fits Trump and this ritual perfectly. Keep in mind that ‘Trump,’ ‘MAGA,’ the ‘Far-Right Extremism’ and ‘Q’ simply is the old communist counter-intelligence ‘Operation Trust’ in new packaging; a fake, ‘New World Order’ agenda, running parallel with what is really going on. All made-up to keep the theatre of politics and the Left vs. Right going and to spur on hatred and division among the populace. This goes hand-in-hand with what might be the new script of ‘The Storm,’ that is, more division, people fighting each other, riots, civil unrest and civil war… In other words, this speech by Joe Biden simply fuels the hatred for ‘right-wing extremists’ among the dumbed down people on the left, the libtards and democrats — all while reinforcing and validating the illusion of a ‘MAGA’ movement with Trump and Q, and thus fueling the hatred on the ‘right’ for ‘feeling attacked.’ The never-ending loop of infinity. Repetition is the tool of brainwashing and making imaginary things seem like real. As for this ritual, it took place on September 1st, exactly 80 days before Joe Biden’s 80th birthday, which will fall on November 20. And, of course, as Donald Trump was allegedly born on June 14, September 1st was the 80th day after his birthday. So, we have this speech of division and hatred 80-days after Trump’s birthday and 80-days before Biden’s birthday. What’s the odds on that? Two perfectly synched puppets for the world stage. The number 80 is strongly connected to Satanism, as is easily proven by their language of gematria. Satan = 80. Sun God = 80 (Saturn, as in Lucifer the Light-Bearer). Baphomet = 80 (the symbol of Satanism, the goat with breasts). The Beast = 80 (aka., Satan). Synagogue of Satan = 80. The Morning Star = 80 (as in Lucifer). Satan Worship = 80.Societas Iesu = 80 (Society of Jesus, aka., The Jesuit Order). Skull and Bones Freemasonry = 80. Note that on September 1st, there was 121 days remaining in the year. And, as I’ve explained several times, they are acting out Revelation with the Antichrist coming back as the eight King… Revelation = 121. Antichrist = 121. They also call this fake movement “MAGA Extremism,” which is coded perfectly with Donald Trump. If you read my article that was linked above about August 16, the 888-date, and the new script, you know the importance of this. MAGA Extremism = 888. Donald J. Trump = 888. Satanic Ritual = 888 (what this is). The Freemasons = 888. The Greater Good = 888 (how they justify the lies and deception). Mar-a-Lago = 888 (the Trump estate that was raided and started the new script). Arturo Sosa S.J. = 888 (the founder of the Jesuit Order). The Holy See = 888 (the seat of power in the Vatican). The Synagogue of Satan = 888. The important thing to take home from this speech from puppet Joe Biden is that it was part of the new script — dividing the population and pinning people against people, to incite division, hatred, fear, and ultimately civil war.”

~Joachim Bartoll

Here we go again, playing and reinforcing both sides of the illusion. Joe, the “president” who is ‘Biden’ time while they act out Revelation, said in a clear ritual that Republicans and the right “thrive on chaos and that their attempts to undermine democracy could devolve into violence.” He then added, “they live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.”

Speaking of “light” in such a manner is of course a reference to the Freemasonic and Satanic beliefs, something we’ve seen in the very Satanic New Age religions that infiltrated gullible people who think that they are waking up and call themselves “lightworkers,” as in “workers of Satan, the light-bearer,” he who fell from heaven as lightning.

Or as 33rd degree Freemason Albert Pike put it:

“LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!”

Now, while they tell you that ‘MAGA’ stands for “Make America Great Again,” it is actually the fifth and highest degree within the Church of Satan, which fits Trump and this ritual perfectly.

Keep in mind that ‘Trump,’ ‘MAGA,’ the ‘Far-Right Extremism’ and ‘Q’ simply is the old communist counterintelligence ‘Operation Trust’ in new packaging: a fake, “New World Order” agenda, running parallel with what is really going on. An illusion of “powerful people” fighting the “Deep State,” killing politicians and replacing them with doubles, and “saving children from underground tunnels” (that is how stupid it is.) All made-up to keep the theatre of politics and the Left vs. Right going and to spur on hatred and division among the populace. This goes hand-in-hand with what might be the new script of “The Storm,” that is, more division, people fighting each other, riots, civil unrest and civil war.

In other words, this speech by Joe Biden simply fuels the hatred for “right-wing extremists” among the dumbed down people on the left, the libtards and democrats — all while reinforcing and validating the illusion of a ‘MAGA’ movement with Trump and Q, and thus fueling the hatred on the ‘right’ for ‘feeling attacked.’ The never-ending loop of infinity. Repetition is the tool of brainwashing and making imaginary things seem like real.

As for this ritual, it took place on September 1st, exactly 80 days before Joe Biden’s 80th birthday, which will fall on November 20.

And, of course, as Donald Trump was allegedly born on June 14, September 1st was the 80th day after his birthday. So, we have this speech of division and hatred 80-days after Trump’s birthday and 80-days before Biden’s birthday. What’s the odds on that? Two perfectly synched puppets for the world stage.

The number 80 is strongly connected to Satanism, as is easily proven by their language of gematria.

Satan = 80
Sun God = 80 (Saturn, as in Lucifer the Light-Bearer)
Baphomet = 80 (the symbol of Satanism, the goat with breasts)
The Beast = 80 (aka., Satan)
Synagogue of Satan = 80
The Morning Star = 80 (as in Lucifer)
Satan Worship = 80
Societas Iseu = 80 (Society of Jesus, aka., The Jesuit Order)
Skull and Bones Freemasonry = 80

Note that on September 1st, there was 121 days remaining in the year. And, as I’ve explained several times, they are acting out Revelation with the Antichrist coming back as the eight King

Revelation = 121
Antichrist = 121

They also call this fake movement “MAGA Extremism,” which is coded perfectly with Donald Trump. If you read my article that was linked above about August 16, the 888-date, and the new script, you know the importance of this.

MAGA Extremism = 888
Donald J. Trump = 888
Satanic Ritual = 888 (what this is)
The Freemasons = 888
The Greater Good = 888 (how they justify the lies and deception)
Mar-a-Lago = 888 (the Trump estate that was raided and started the new script)
Arturo Sosa S.J. = 888 (the founder of the Jesuit Order)
The Holy See = 888 (the seat of power in the Vatican)
The Synagogue of Satan = 888

I could go on, but I’m running out of time. The important thing to take home from this speech from puppet Joe Biden is that it was part of the new script — dividing the population and pinning people against people, to incite division, hatred, fear, and ultimately civil war.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Biden Calls for ‘Ban on Assault Weapons’ While Flanked by 56 Candles in Jesuit Ritual”

“And there we have it. All those staged and fake shootings of this year is fueling the agenda to disempower the people of the United States, to strip them of all rights and the little freedom that is still left. So, on June 2, the Jesuit puppet Joe Biden, or whomever is playing the role of him, addressed the United States on the topic of banning assault weapons, all while being flanked by ‘56’ lit and flickering candles. We know that ‘56’ is a very important number in their rituals, as it is the sum of ‘Society of Jesus’ in the purest reduction cipher, the original name for the Jesuit Order. It’s also the number for the word ‘Freemasons’ and ‘Masonic Ritual,’ and it has been prevalent throughout the whole staged and fake Corona pandemic, and may other hoaxes they have pulled off. Also, ‘light’ sums to 56, as in the lit candles, the 56 ‘lights’ that were present in the Cross Hall during his speech. Light as in Lucifer, the light-bearer. Actually, the word ‘light-bearer’ is 56 in Jewish Reduction Gematria, while it is ‘66’ in English Reverse Reduction, just as ‘Number of the Beast,’ is 66 in English Reduction. And going back to the speech, Biden kept on citing the number ‘17’, as in 17 dead, 17 injured, and so on. Now, 17 is also the triangular number of 153, and this speech was on June 2nd, the 153rd day of the year. And yes, ‘Jesuit Order’ is 153, as we decoded earlier. In other words, a perfect day for some programming of the masses. And it was delivered by “President Biden” (153), which makes for a great ritualistic connection. As you can see, everything is scripted and done by the numbers. Do not get fooled by all these false flag shootings. What you need to do is to expose them for what they are staged to further their gun control agenda.”

~Joachim Bartoll

And there we have it. All those staged and fake shootings of this year is fueling the agenda to disempower the people of the United States, to strip them of all rights and the little freedom that is still left.

So, on June 2, the Jesuit puppet Joe Biden, or whomever is playing the role of him, addressed the United States on the topic of banning assault weapons, all while being flanked by ‘56’ lit and flickering candles. We know that ‘56’ is a very important number in their rituals, as it is the sum of ‘Society of Jesus’ in the purest reduction cipher, the original name for the Jesuit Order. It’s also the number for the word ‘Freemasons’ and ‘Masonic Ritual,’ and it has been prevalent throughout the whole staged and fake Corona pandemic, and may other hoaxes they have pulled off.

Also, ‘light’ sums to 56, as in the lit candles, the 56 ‘lights’ that were present in the Cross Hall during his speech. Light as in Lucifer, the light-bearer. Actually, the word ‘light-bearer’ is 56 in Jewish Reduction Gematria, while it is ‘66’ in English Reverse Reduction, just as ‘Number of the Beast,’ is 66 in English Reduction.

To see how 56 connects to this ritual, let’s look at some of the keywords…

Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., The Jesuit Order, who controls almost everything)

Church of Satan = 56 (all the puppets being used on the world stage are Satanists)

Washington D.C. = 56 (the fake seat of power in the US)

All Seeing Eye = 56 (the symbol of power, and the purpose is to capture the mind’s eye of the masses)

Mind Control = 56 (again, TV and Media are used to capture the mind’s eye of the masses)

Masonic Ritual = 56 (what everything is when delivered by the puppets on the stage)

Freemasons = 56 (the order created by the Jesuits to do their bidding)

Light Bearer = 56 (Lucifer, symbolic of the 56 lit candles)

Light = 56 (the 56 lights, as in the lit candles)

Staged = 56 (again, everything is staged and done by the numbers)

With this in mind, we also know that the highest degree within the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is ’33.’ It’s also one of the Freemasons ‘calling cards’ they leave behind in all the false flag operations they perform – same as they often use the color orange, which is 33 in English reduction gematria, same as the word ‘Masonry.’

56 Candles = 33
Masonry = 33

And in Freemasonry, the numbers 47 and 74 are also of high importance.

56 Lit Candles = 47, 74, 56 (and it’s 56 as well!)

Now, this speech was on June 2nd, the 153rd day of the year.

Jesuit Order = 153

In other words, a perfect day for some programming of the masses. And it was delivered by “President Biden” (153) which makes for a great ritualistic connection.

President Biden = 144, 72
Jesuit Order = 144, 72

June 2nd also comes with 50-date numerology, which fits the narrative.
6/2/2022 = 6 + 2 + 20 + 22 = 50

Gun Control = 50

Jesuits = 50

Light Bearer = 50 (the 56 lights, the lit candles)

And notice that the emphasis is on “Assault Weapons,” which fit with the theme of this ritual.

Assault Weapons = 84

The Jesuit Order = 84

Freemason = 84

President Joe Biden = 84

And, of course…

Assault Weapons = 192, 111, 1152

Light Bearer = 192, 111, 1152

Biden choose to give his speech in ‘Cross Hall’ to address the ‘shootings…’

Cross Hall = 107, 53, 642

Shooting = 107, 53, 642

And the phrase that all News Outlets quoted was, “How much more carnage are we willing to accept?”

How much more carnage are we willing to accept? = 187

Society of Jesus = 187

Washington D.C. = 187

Brotherhood of Death = 187 (aka., Skull and Bones Freemasonry)

George Washington = 187

And going back to the speech, Biden kept on citing the number ‘17’, as in 17 dead, 17 injured, and so on. Here’s the address:

For example:

12:52 “17 dead, 17 injured…”
13:10 “in Uvalde, the shooter was 17…”
18:40 “over the next 17 days the families in Uvalde…”
19:03 “the people of Uvalde morn as they do over the next 17 days…”

Mason = 17 (as in Freemason)

Now, 17 is also the triangular number of 153, and this speech was on June 2nd, the 153rd day of the year. And yes, ‘Jesuit Order’ is 153, as we decoded earlier.

As you can see, everything is scripted and done by the numbers. Do not get fooled by all these false flag shootings. What you need to do is to expose them for what they are — staged to further their gun control agenda.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official