“WHAT WAS THE Q CREW PLAN?” ~ Kim Goguen & Sunny Gault: World Situation Report Video Excerpt (2/24/2024)

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Secret Space Force Operatives final 50 discussions. We invite you to watch the full report here:



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~via United Network News

LISA RENEE: “Space Fence”

“The hidden interior of dark cabal, military complex and breakaway civilizations that actively oppose a full disclosure event, are in collusion with the NAA and lunar groups. They are being strategically manipulated through the artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies that are given to them by the negative entities, such as the Zeta groups that continue to skillfully exploit their greed for power. These dark groups are imbedded in a variety of divide and conquer agendas being targeted against human ascension and planetary freedom, and thus are rolling out their next generation of frequency blocking technologies. These include the securing of artificial networks and satellites for building a Skynet type of space fence. Skynet’s manifestation was that shown to the masses in the Terminator movie series, of predictive programming, which is an overarching, global, artificial intelligence hierarchy exclusively performed by servers, mobile devices, drones, military satellites, war-machines, androids and cyborgs, and a wide range of other computer systems. Looking Glass time travel technology, AI Quantum computers, frequency fences, consciousness sweeps, and holographic inserts are being used for scrambling human brain wave patterns, as well as achieving the brain mapping of the collective race consciousness in order to build a series of artificial neural networks. Ultimately, these artificial technologies have been gradually implemented to continue the NAA plan of full domination over global resources, by creating both an obedient and internally warring population that does not notice their personal freedoms and liberties are being stolen.”

~Lisa Renee


The hidden interior of dark cabal, military complex and breakaway civilizations that actively oppose a full disclosure event, are in collusion with the NAA and lunar groups. They are being strategically manipulated through the artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies that are given to them by the negative entities, such as the Zeta groups that continue to skillfully exploit their greed for power. These dark groups are imbedded in a variety of divide and conquer agendas being targeted against human ascension and planetary freedom, and thus are rolling out their next generation of frequency blocking technologies. These include the securing of artificial networks and satellites for building a Skynet type of space fence. Skynet’s manifestation was that shown to the masses in the Terminator movie series, of predictive programming, which is an overarching, global, artificial intelligence hierarchy exclusively performed by servers, mobile devices, drones, military satellites, war-machines, androids and cyborgs, and a wide range of other computer systems.

Looking Glass time travel technology, AI Quantum computers, frequency fences, consciousness sweeps, and holographic inserts are being used for scrambling human brain wave patterns, as well as achieving the brain mapping of the collective race consciousness in order to build a series of artificial neural networks.

Through the collection of massive amounts of data contained in the earth inhabitants’ mental matrices and consciousness imprints, this data is collected for uploading into artificial intelligence networks being used for the prediction and manipulation of future timelines. This technology is being used to forecast and manipulate timelines and is being used by both covert human groups and NAA groups. Ultimately, these artificial technologies have been gradually implemented to continue the NAA plan of full domination over global resources, by creating both an obedient and internally warring population that does not notice their personal freedoms and liberties are being stolen. [1]



  1. Solar Logos

See Also:

NET Static Fields

Reversal 55 Grid



~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Black Operations, Secret Space Programs, Space Colonies and Human Trafficking”

“Secret Space Programs that are involved with planet earth have been in existence for eons of time and have many different objectives and agendas, both human and non-human. They started to contact and negotiate treaties with the 3D world governments at the turn of the Century. There is no currency or financial system that is used between space faring civilizations so everything is based on bartering. Some ETs are interested in some of the Earth’s art, luxury Items like spices/chocolate, animal and plant life, while many others are interested in trading their technology and biological specimens they have obtained elsewhere for Human Beings. These Humans are used for many purposes including manual slave labor, sex trade and engineering/manufacturing. There are some ETs that use humans as food resources in various ways. The Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates discovered that a large amount of humans were being taken off the planet by various ETs so they decided to find a way to profit from it and have control over which people were being taken. In prior arrangements they were made promises of receiving technologies and biological specimens for allowing groups to abduct humans but the ETs rarely delivered on their promises. Once they had developed the advanced infrastructure in our Sol System along with advanced technologies and now had the ability to deter most unwelcome guests from entering Earth’s airspace, the Cabal then decided to use human trafficking as one of their resources in interstellar bartering.”

~Lisa Renee


Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: 75 YA, USA Government splinters off into assorted secret interest groups to research, study and hide alien contact and alien technology from the public. Galactic human slave trade becomes highly organized. [1]

Secret Space Programs

Secret Space Programs that are involved with planet earth have been in existence for eons of time and have many different objectives and agendas, both human and non-human. Since the Luciferian Rebellion and subsequent Atlantian Cataclysm, the Secret Space Programs were managed by off-planet earlier human civilizations, and the Annunaki and Nephilim hybrids who managed their negotiations with a variety of many other extraterrestrial and extra dimensional species. Some of the humans that were on the planet or Tara during the final Atlantian Cataclysm left the earth and went to other planets and became what is called the Solar Lords or the basis of the Solar Wardens. These offshoots also formed a variety of Galactic Confederations, and the Solar System was an outpost for many visiting races that would communicate with these Confederations that functioned as a type of United Nations Assembly for the Solar System. The centralized races of the Annunaki, along with their Nephilim hybrids, exist within and are gatekeepers of the 4th dimension which is the main dimensional access to our Sun (Sol). They started to contact and negotiate treaties with the 3D world governments at the turn of the Century.

Off-Planet Trade and Bartering

There is no currency or financial system that is used between space faring civilizations so everything is based on bartering. Some ETs are interested in some of the Earth’s art (again some of our most famous missing historical art pieces are in off-world collections), luxury Items like spices/chocolate, animal and plant life, while many others are interested in trading their technology and biological specimens they have obtained elsewhere for Human Beings. These Humans are used for many purposes including manual slave labor, sex trade and engineering/manufacturing. There are some ETs that use humans as food resources in various ways.

The Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates discovered that a large amount of humans were being taken off the planet by various ETs so they decided to find a way to profit from it and have control over which people were being taken. In prior arrangements they were made promises of receiving technologies and biological specimens for allowing groups to abduct humans but the ETs rarely delivered on their promises. Once they had developed the advanced infrastructure in our Sol System along with advanced technologies (that some of the thousands of ET groups traveling through our system were now interested in obtaining) and now had the ability to deter most unwelcome guests from entering Earth’s airspace, the Cabal then decided to use human trafficking as one of their resources in interstellar bartering. (See Human Trafficking) [2]



  1. Historical Timeline Triggers
  2. Corey Goode on Human Slave Trade

See Also:

Galactic Wars

Law of One


~via Ascension Glossary