MUST SEE!!! ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “January 17, 2024 World Situation Report”

Ascension Avatar note: As a rule, I selectively provide links to site sources that have a track record of posting only TRUE news and updates; in that sense I regret having to use Nicole Morgan’s site for a link to this video, since I feel she basically posts whatever will be popular and generate viewership, whether it is truthful OR controlled-opposition propaganda. Fortunately for humanity and for the sake of our planet, planetary Guardian Alliance steward/host Kim gives us the TRUTH we all deserve to know!

On politicians:

“Again, I’m going to repeat myself — they are actors in a movie. They are actors in a movie. They may be arrogant, rude, disgusting humans in some cases as we’ve seen in some videos circulating around the internet — from politicians not only from the United States, but from China to Russia to the Middle East — we’ve seen it all, you know. We KNOW the rituals, we KNOW what happens. But right now — it’s gonna stop at the OPERATIVES level — because the OPERATIVES are the ones that provide them with the CHILDREN. The OPERATIVES are the ones that arrange for all the deals that are being made. Davos here is no exception. Operatives at Davos are in for a REAL TREAT today. And have BEEN in for a real treat. SO — there’s no backing down now. There’s no going backwards.”

~Kimberly Goguen ~ January 17, 2024

Comment from the thread:

“When will she release the Trump child birthday party sacrifice video? Look what Princess Diana missed… But Barron was there… He got to watch his dad eat-consume a little girl… along with all his elite globalist ghoul friends.”


(Kim’s report begins @ 41:00 mark)

~via United Network News

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