COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Model Dies in Car Accident & Discovers Unconditional Love”

Shawna Ristic shares the story of her Near-Death Experience, occurring after being hospitalized from a horrific car accident. During her encounter on the Other Side, Shawna describes experiencing Unconditional Love after leaving her body and being embraced by six Light Beings. Shawna talks about how her Near-Death Experience helped her develop a new sense of Empathy towards others after seeing how all things are connected beyond what the conceptual mind often sees. After returning to her body, this new awareness has allowed her to see the Light that shines in the eyes eyes of everyone she encounters here on Earth.

“Something that really came out of this experience for me is a really acute awareness of the Me that’s beyond the mind and body.”

~Shawna Ristic

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~via Coming Home

COMING HOME ~ Lorna Byrne: “Living with the Angels”

In this podcast we talk with Lorna Byrne about her life and how she has seen angels physically since she was a child. She talks about her NDE, the messages she receives from the angels, the state of the world, and the role of Guardian Angels and how every person on the planet has one. We also talk about the Sanctuary, which is her retreat center in Ireland.

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~via Coming Come

COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Ice Climber Freezes to Death — Shown the Purpose of Life”

Peter Panagore shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, occurring while ice climbing in the Canadian Rocky Mountains on the Icefields Parkway. Peter and his friend went on a day ice climbing expedition in the mountains and were trapped unexpectedly overnight. Peter froze to death and experienced the Divine Light on the Other Side. He was then sent back into his body and was able to descend the mountain to tell his story.

“Know that you can still find a way out… and that’s In.”

~Peter Panagore

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~via Coming Home

COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Fire Captain Dies & Sees the Illusion of Life”

Bill Letson shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, occurring after becoming ill while on duty as a Fire Captain in Santa Barbara, California. During his encounter on the Other Side, Bill describes experiencing emotions of acceptance and overwhelming joy after leaving his body and traveling to a Heavenly Realm. Bill talks about how he has lost the fear of death and now embraces the power of Choice to navigate his life here on Earth.

“I think every second, every moment, every now is a new opportunity… how are you going to choose?”

~Bill Letson

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

~via Coming Home

COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Air Force Veteran Dies and Meets Jesus: Given the Power to Heal”

Chase DeMayo shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, occurring after he was discovered unconscious in his Air Force dorm room from unknown causes. During his encounter on the Other Side, he describes a feeling of love surrounding his body as he traveled to a beautiful garden where he met Jesus. Chase talks about how his Near-Death Experience was a reminder to reconnect with light, love, and laughter and how he gained a unique healing ability once he returned back into his body from the Other Side.

“Smiling and laughter and being close to people is what I think is the best medicine for us.”

~Chase DeMayo

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

~via Coming Home