‘FAKE DEBATE BETWEEN TWO DEAD CANDIDATES’ ~ KIM GOGUEN: “Like a Scene from a B-Rated Movie…” ~ June 28, 2024 World Situation Report

Ascension Avatar note: I’ll provide this link to the video until it is available on United Network News’ YouTube channel, since this particular “Before It’s News site is littered with disinformation— EXCEPT possibly the only veritable contributions ever posted there— The World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian. Topics discussed: Debate via green screen, teleprompters, no public or press, scripted movie / Q clock 4th July lockdown? Fail / Deep State still hacking — Fail. / Visa/Mastercard takeover for crypto? Fail. / Old Nazis / Triple X / Elon Musk / Satellites-neurolink — Fail. / City of London / 7-year meetings / MI6 / GCHQ.

“It’s not every day that two dead people get on TV and start talking to each other for a prolonged period of time…. So, I thought it was kind of funny.”

Kimberly Goguen, June 28, 2024


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~via United Network News

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