COMING HOME: “Near-Death Experience ~ “Bodybuilder Dies and Is Given a Tour of the Afterlife”

Vincent Tolman shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, occurring after taking an overdose of an unsafe bodybuilding supplement. After showing no signs of life for 45 minutes, he was declared dead by the paramedics and put into a body bag. During his NDE, Vincent describes an encounter with a “guide” who takes him through various levels on the Other Side and teaches him that Love is the cornerstone of all Life and that our time here on Earth is a school in which our soul is here to learn and grow. After waking up from a medically induced coma, Vincent shares his journey of making sense of his Near-Death Experience and how he has integrated the lessons he learned into his everyday life.

“For the first time in my life, I felt like I had finally found my Home”

~Vincent Tolman

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~via Coming Come

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