KIM RUSSO (The Happy Medium): “This Will Be The Unveiling Of Hidden Illusions That May Make Your Head Spin”

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“This is not one party over another.  It is about how we are going to grow into our highest spiritual being.  The bigger picture is why this will happen.  No fears.  It must go down this way.  I feel it will be for the highest good.  It will open our eyes to many truths.  I feel it will teach us once and for all to trust in a higher power in the Universe.  And that power is not left or right.  THAT POWER IS UP.  GET READY FOR THE PLOT TWIST PEOPLE.  Not just for the United States but for the betterment of humanity and to raise the consciousness of our world to a higher vibration.”

~Kim Russo (“The Happy Medium”)


Ascension Avatar note: I first published this November 1, 2016 right before the election… and am re-posting it now. I believe the “final outcome” Kim sees here (as many outcomes psychics see are ‘timeless’) resonates with what Lisa Renee has been revealing as of late, with the Amethyst Order taking over 5D Councils, the clean-up and removal of ‘bad actors’ and the ‘interdimensional tribunals’ she’s mentioned regarding many ‘UP’grades in government and humanity in the NOW timeline…


November 1, 2016

As a Medium I am often asked who will win this upcoming election.  Okay so I have dropped some hints here and there on Twitter, as I do not wish to start a political debate and I do not wish for anyone to post anything negative here about either candidate.  Please be mature adults.  I respect your opinions.  All of you.  This post is not about anyone’s opinion.  It’s about what I’ve seen and been told by the other side regarding this election.  Now everyone has their favourite candidate and everyone has a reason to back it up.  I am here to tell you that what you think you know — YOU DON’T.  Whether you are a republican or democrat, what I see is not about either party.  The structure of government as we think we know, it will no longer exist.  The election may have one winner over the other but then the outcome will quickly change.

This election is not cut and dry as you know elections to be.  One winner right?  Wrong. Wrong wrong.  There is going to be a plot twist like you’ve never seen before.  It will change everything in our system.  I say system because that is what it is.  It’s a system that we were programmed to buy into.  A system that does our thinking for us.  A system that allows us to believe that if one has more paper money over another then they are affluent and the other is a failure.  A sure way of segregating humans into categories.  Okay back to my vision.  You will say omg how didn’t I see this before.  You will scratch your head in amazement.  You will think it’s the biggest show on earth.  Bigger than any drama that you can ever watch in the media.  If you think it’s what’s been shown on the news already?  Well, it’s more involved and has not yet been revealed.  I say between the election and the new year we will know.  I RARELY give world predictions.  In fact, I never do.  I usually keep them to myself.

Spirit told me to let you know to let go of what you think you know.  Do not assume it will be an outcome that the media has you so brainwashed to believe or that your personal opinion is based on what you think you know.  This will be the unveiling of hidden illusions that may make your head spin.  Don’t ask me what it is.  I only have some glimpses.  If you know me and how I receive my information, you know my Guides typically show me the final outcome which is what I just wrote.  This is not one party over another.  It is about how we are going to grow into our highest spiritual being.  The bigger picture is why this will happen.  No fears.  It must go down this way.  I feel it will be for the highest good.  It will open our eyes to many truths.  I feel it will teach us once and for all to trust in a higher power in the Universe.  And that power is not left or right.  THAT POWER IS UP.  GET READY FOR THE PLOT TWIST PEOPLE.  Not just for the United States — but for the betterment of humanity and to raise the consciousness of our world to a higher vibration.


~via The Happy Medium

ELVA THOMPSON: “The Awakening of the Spirit and the Journey to Authenticity”

We live in the Information Age — a fast digital reality of gloss and glitter — a stage show with plot and purpose specifically designed to keep us in a constant state of physical stimulation — lots of things are on offer in this electrical paradigm from toothpicks to silicone sex dolls and everything imaginable in between.

The wrong direction

Locked up in our cities of concrete and glass we have become fast ‘everything’ junkies living our lives through facebook, twitter, phones and ipads. We have traded the natural world for a digital copy and given our minds away to computerized numbers and codes.

If we wish to go into the future with any vestiges of humanity left… we’d better wake up to our Spiritual Self. Wake up to our multi-dimensional heritage and take back our minds from the imposter that rules our lives… the voice in our heads that whines and undermines.

Species in crisis

Estranged from nature, programmed by fear based religions and hijacked by technology, mankind and his planet have reached a tipping point. We are a species in a spiritual crisis. We can either stagnate with the hive mind — become a chipped matrix clone — or turn inward and explore spiritual reality.

In a Duality there are two kinds of awakening: Physical and Spiritual.

Physical awakening takes place when we realise we’ve been duped by the guys that run the stage-show — the educational, legal and political systems are all about controlling our minds, using our energy and taking our money — and the financial markets are just one gigantic ponzi scheme… and we are not invited to share in the profits.

Friendships go down the drain

Most of the time our new revelations of fact and fiction don’t sit well with our family and friends… and the hive mind is quick to react with denial and anger when its belief system is undermined or challenged. Years of friendship can quickly go down the drain into the gutter of the past, marriages break up and families get divided. But it is what it is, and when you know the truth about our world, there’s no turning back the page or pressing the mental delete button.

Awake is here to stay in a world of sleepwalkers, and even some of those people who have woken up to the physical lie are still spiritually asleep.

The Awakening of the Spirit

Spiritual awakening is far more complex that physical awakening because it deals with the unknown, unseen side of our nature. And, like all cultures, we get the inherited spiritual thought forms and fairy stories programmed into our consciousness: ghosts and monsters, witches and ghouls and things that go bump in the night. And, to top it all off, we get the religious programming of devils, demons and lakes of fiery brimstone to frighten us into mental submission.

A priest on our reservation asked one of the Lakota elders if he knew about the devil. The old boy replied. “You tell me. You brought him over.”

In all of ‘old time’ faerie stories there is a dark understanding of what awaits beyond the veil and in this climate of confusion and hate, we need to proceed on our journey into spiritual reality with caution.

Discernment in the search for meaningful connection

Waking up takes time, and in our eagerness and longing for a deeper, more meaningful connection with the spiritual side of our life, we are vulnerable to predators both physical and energetic. The internet is a cess pool full of dark magic and agendas… and most of the smooth glitzy sites pushing all things spiritual are traps for the unwary. We have to be on our guard and not give our minds away to some charismatic dude in his digital cloud castle who doesn’t practice what he preaches.

Did we make a quantum jump without knowing

We have all kinds of folk in our lives — family and friends, people we work with, our mates down the pub… and there comes a time when we suddenly realise how shallow and superficial their lives are… and how shallow and opinionated our lives were before we woke up.

Where we used to be in with the in crowd, we now find we have little in common with their status quo thinking. We become withdrawn… locked up in our minds with no one to talk to about the ‘stuff’ going on in our heads. This can lead to depression and despair… we wonder what is happening and may even doubt our sanity.

…But what has actually happened is our awareness has shifted — expanded… and the people around us have stayed in the same place of standing still.

It’s almost like we have taken a quantum jump without knowing it.

Are we standing quietly in the new life?

The experiences we have in life make us who we are and as rough as it can be… every dark cloud has a silver lining. Our dogma and conditioning fall away when we throw ourselves into life and live it… in all its darkness and light — its joy and sorrows — its ugliness and beauty…

Reflect and grow

Making mistakes in this world is all part of the learning process — a chain of events — cause and effect that has brought us by whatever road to the point of awakening Now… so cosmically it would seem there are no mistakes and our destiny awaits… however we try to avoid it.

The Journey to Authenticity

The journey into the world of the spirit is a voyage into authenticity — into a knowing born of experience and not some second-hand news. But spiritual reality doesn’t happen to us — we have to happen to it. We have to want it… not in some half-hearted manner but with all of our being. And, if we are going to catch the beyond visible light bus that’s going to take us out of here — we’d better be ready to board.

Until next time….


About the Author

Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, and Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @

