ASCENSION AVATAR: “Strange Things In The Sky On The 4th Of July…”

These photos were taken from my front yard July 4th using my iPhone and posted the same day on Ascension Avatar (over a span of 8 hours since the local tourists greatly diminished the cellular signals!). Since I couldn’t get many pics loaded onto Circle of the Dolphins I gave up and took down the whole post… feeling it wasn’t very interesting anyway. So… today I took a look at the pics again and decided to auto-enhance them for more definition… and I now feel they’re totally interesting… kind of bizarre too! Enjoy… 🙂


ARIA BELLA: “You Are The Fireworks”

You know when everyone is oohing and aghing over the beauty and wonder of fireworks.

Watching the pretty shapes and wondrous colours?

That is how we feel about you! You are a wonder beyond all comparison, you truly are. Allow us to hold a mirror up to you, so you can see the magic that we see.

The beauty, the uniqueness that is all you.

Today allow yourself to be reminded that you are like those amazing fireworks.

No you ARE the fireworks… So go out there and shine and dazzle your way through your day.

“I am a firework, shining and dazzling my way through life. I am a wonder!”

But unlike a firework— your brilliance does not fade out, instead the more you believe, the more you razzle and dazzle! Here’s to razzling and dazzling our way through life today. Burning ever so bright. Till next time… keep walking your spiritual path xx



~via Aria-Bella Rises @