LISA RENEE: “Pindar and Anti-Christ Pillars”

“There is a physical entity that is White Draco or Dragon Moth that considers itself supreme royalty. This White Draco merged its hive mind consciousness with the AI uploaded brain of Thoth, along with merging its consciousness with a third identity, Azazael. Pindar represents himself as the supreme purebred royal leader of the earth for serving the Draco Empire, and heads up all the Bloodline families in a top-down pyramid of mafioso control. The Pindar entity assigns positions and roles throughout the organized hierarchy of the Anti-Christ and Satanic Councils, and many are holders in positions of running specific Alien Machinery, other networks and pillars, which connect directly to run reversals in the cardinal directions, also called the inorganic four. The point is knowing that Pindar is the top of the chain holding the Northern position, and he assigns other entities to hold the Southern position, the Eastern position and the Western position for running beast machine reversals and carrying out the NAA agendas for the One World Order. Pindar enjoys staging proxy wars for proxy nations for their massive corporate entities and running of industries that serves the Draco Empire, such as mass Human Trafficking and child trafficking off planet, and setting up empires or colonies on other planets from the earth’s stolen resources. This is run at the top by anti-human, non-human forces, these are Draconian entities that comprise the Orion Group and Alpha Draconis who created partnerships with those Luciferian bloodlines that have the most significant amount of reptilian DNA from thousands of years of genetic modification and alien hybridization. This also seems to be the main genetic lineages of the Dark Azriel or Dark Archangelic forces manufactured in Wesa as the AI hybrid shadow armies to conquer our Universe, that are purely Satanic consciousness gestalts that were replicated into fallen seraphim lines. This entity’s tri-merge with AI generated Luciferian and Satanic consciousness is the result of consciousness uploading and brain mapping, through which the Pindar Draco Alien Dragon Moth creature takes on a human form to get around on the earth, but clearly is not human.”

~Lisa Renee

There is a physical entity that is White Draco or Dragon Moth that considers itself supreme royalty. This White Draco merged its hive mind consciousness with the AI uploaded brain of Thoth, along with merging its consciousness with a third identity, Azazael.

Pindar, represents himself as the supreme purebred royal leader of the earth for serving the Draco Empire, and heads up all the Bloodline families in a top-down pyramid of mafioso control. Apparently, he is at the top of the pyramid as the hidden capstone, and all under him must take his orders down the chain of command or suffer punishment, torture or death. The Pindar entity assigns positions and roles throughout the organized hierarchy of the Anti-Christ and Satanic Councils, and many are holders in positions of running specific Alien Machinery, other networks and pillars, which connect directly to run reversals in the cardinal directions, also called the inorganic four. [1]

Pindar and Anti-Christ Pillars

The Pindar oversees the geo-political operations globally, but his merged AI consciousness with AI Thoth and AI Azazael holds the antichrist architecture for running the beast machine throughout the Northern Pillar. This position is the most important cardinal direction, which oversees the land mass of United Kingdom, entire North America and Antarctica. This means Pindar is overseeing all the main spiritual gateways such as the 11D Stonehenge, 9D Antarctica, and North America, such Stargate 1 Inner Gate Cyprus, and Northern Arizona.

The point is knowing that Pindar is the top of the chain holding the Northern position, and he assigns other entities to hold the Southern position, the Eastern position and the Western position for running beast machine reversals and carrying out the NAA agendas for the One World Order.

Pindar seems to be heavily involved giving orders to run the world conglomerates of transnational businesses, such as giving orders to the Council of 300, with the main goal of manipulating the geo-political environment. Pindar enjoys staging proxy wars for proxy nations for their massive corporate entities and running of industries that serves the Draco Empire, such as mass Human Trafficking and child trafficking off planet, and setting up empires or colony’s on other planets from the earth’s stolen resources. This is run at the top by anti-human, non-human forces, these are Draconian entities that comprise the Orion Group and Alpha Draconis who created partnerships with those Luciferian bloodlines that have the most significant amount of reptilian DNA from thousands of years of genetic modification and alien hybridization. [2]

Anti-Christ Northern Pillar

Guardian projects have included the systematic dismantling of anti-Christ Pillars holding cardinal directions in timelines along with the metatronic architecture that has been used to hijack the organic timelines and reroute them into the phantom for AI replication. The emphasis has been on dismantling the most powerful Anti-Christ Northern Pillar in which a three faced entity, Pindar-Thoth-Azazael was using stolen Azurite DNA from Wesa and the Gaian Phantom Body to run reversal current into the entire planetary grid, for holding the Northern position in the anti-Christ positions of the clock shield. The effects of this Anti-Christ Pillar overseen by the Pindar Draco Alien and its minions has extensive alien networks spreading its tentacles throughout the United Kingdom and up into the highlands of Scotland which has a direct conduit leading into the 7D Gaian Matrix. [3]

Azazael and Dark Azriel

Azazael was generated from the Azurite DNA genetic mapping in the Wesa matrix, so it is an AI hybrid shadow entity that has access to Azurite memories on Gaia. This also seems to be the main genetic lineages of the Dark Azriel or Dark Archangelic forces manufactured in Wesa as the AI hybrid shadow armies to conquer our Universe, that are purely Satanic consciousness gestalts that were replicated into fallen seraphim lines. This entity’s tri-merge with AI generated Luciferian and Satanic consciousness is the result of consciousness uploading and brain mapping, through which the Pindar Draco Alien Dragon Moth creature takes on a human form to get around on the earth, but clearly is not human.

Many of these nonhuman entities infiltrated the top of the pyramid of the One World Order controller structures and are taking orders directly from Pindar-Thoth-Azazael gestalts enmeshed with AI programs, to control the Beast Machine architecture which runs reversal currents into the planetary grid. These are the Alien Machinery components that transmit electromagnetic mind control which is being used for conjuring Black Magic sorcery to manipulate and control the global nations at geo-political levels. [4]


1 ↑ Gaian Matrix

2 ↑ Gaian Matrix

3 ↑ Gaian Matrix

4 ↑ Vatican and Dark Mother

See Also:

AI Brain

Thoth, Enki, Enlil Collectives

Global Unholy Trinity


Archontic Deception Behavior

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Chimera Group”

“The Chimera shapeshifter explains the consequence of a human body that appears to be human but it is not human, because the soul has been ejected or harvested in such way to use the body like a virtual avatar. A faction of soul-less non-corporeal shapeshifting entities are fighting for maintaining their control access in the earth and human energy fields, that are called the Chimera Group. Chimera entities like many of the NAA groups are vicious extradimensional parasites that worship the Black Sun, and can only exist by finding a host from which to siphon energy. Some of these Chimera entities are contained in genetics laboratory in underground sections of military bases, those that are known for genetic experiments, Cloning and time jumping experiments. Genetic chimeras can be produced in humans when a single body composed of cells belonging to one distinct genetic species is intermixed in the bloodstream with the cells of another genetic species. Chimeras are not specifically hybrids. The condition is acquired through the infusion and mixing of cellular blood components, or hematopoietic cells during transplantation or transfusion or direct injection into the bloodstream, which genetically modify the cells of a human body. This gives great clues as to why we should not allow the cells of another species to be injected into the bloodstream of any human being, as is being done in military experiments and with Vaccinations. As a result, the Chimera Group have instead taken to inhabit human bodies on the earth surface, that they have prepared to have a close enough vibrational match for takeover. The profile for match includes an assortment of interspecies mixing with the blood, satanic orientation towards AI signaling or assimilation, combined with exposures to extremely violent and depraved images that elicit uncontrollable violent impulses in their human target. Because the body will expire shortly, generally the Chimera parasite has to continually kill or feed on something to prolong its ability to use the body without detection or decay. There have been positive forces that are working to stop the Chimera groups cloning programs, especially of public figures, and this is in a heated battle.”

~Lisa Renee

To illustrate the absolutely critical nature of comprehending where we place our intent and Consent, and to be aware of what kind of vibrational forces we are allowing our body to express through thoughts, behaviors and actions, we are explaining the Chimera Effect. Inter-species hybrids and chimera are entities created from the mixing of two or more different species. Genetic chimeras can be produced in humans when a single body composed of cells belonging to one distinct genetic species is intermixed in the bloodstream with the cells of another genetic species. Chimeras are not specifically hybrids. The condition is acquired through the infusion and mixing of cellular blood components, or hematopoietic cells during transplantation or transfusion or direct injection into the bloodstream, which genetically modify the cells of a human body. This gives great clues as to why we should not allow the cells of another species to be injected into the bloodstream of any human being, as is being done in military experiments and with Vaccinations. A faction of soul-less non-corporeal shapeshifting entities are fighting for maintaining their control access in the earth and human energy fields, that are called the Chimera Group. Chimera entities like many of the NAA groups are vicious extradimensional parasites that worship the Black Sun, and can only exist by finding a host from which to siphon energy. The higher ranks of Chimera Group are used by the Draco Black Suns to administer or monitor the phantom areas of hyper dimensional pockets and certain sections of the black magic grids, or frequency fences they placed in the earth body. Some of these Chimera entities are contained in genetics laboratory in underground sections of military bases, those that are known for genetic experiments, Cloning and time jumping experiments. There have been positive forces that are working to stop the Chimera groups cloning programs, especially of public figures, and this is in a heated battle. As a result, the Chimera Group have instead taken to inhabit human bodies on the earth surface, that they have prepared to have a close enough vibrational match for takeover. The profile for match includes an assortment of interspecies mixing with the blood, satanic orientation towards AI signaling or assimilation, combined with exposures to extremely violent and depraved images that elicit uncontrollable violent impulses in their human target.

During this phase of consciousness evolution on planet earth, there is the combining of the dual aspect of the spiritualization of the body and the corporealization of the spirit into the matter world. As these forces of the spirit or other realms may become corporeal through an access to the human body in the matter realm, the human body can become fixed and Consubstantial with it through matched vibrational resonances. To be consubstantial with something is to be identified, associated and enmeshed with it, at energetic and cellular levels of existence. If we are not aware of our negative thoughts and actions, we may become Consubstantial with the vibration of negative forces without realizing it.

Extremely negative thoughts damage the nervous system and brain, such as expressing rage, violence, hatred and the desire to kill and enslave, which attract not only demonic spirits but extradimensional parasites that want to harvest the emotional energy being generated from that body. Currently people on earth are being energetically assaulted and exposed to levels of extreme violence and depravity that are being broadcast by not only the media, but through all aspects of the popular culture. The agenda is to mainstream Satanism throughout all of the popular culture which prepares the terrain for people to become consubstantial with extremely negative forces, as well as connect them to satanic controlled parasites that want to trade places with the human host.

When a person has been exposed to conditions of genetic chimerism, combined with consistent bombardment to extreme violence and depravity, when they act out any of these violent behaviors, it stimulates the chimera parasite to gain complete access to enter the human body. This is to say, if a person is acting out extremely negative behaviors that can be defined as Satanism, it is now possible due to their consent with expressing these forces, that person loses autonomy over their body. Trading places with the satanic parasite, which repels the original Soul and replaces itself within the human body. When it enters the human body, the DNA and blood is altered forever. This is the Chimera effect.

The Chimera shapeshifter explains the consequence of a human body that appears to be human but it is not human, because the soul has been ejected or harvested in such way to use the body like a virtual avatar. Because the body will expire shortly, generally the Chimera parasite has to continually kill or feed on something to prolong its ability to use the body without detection or decay. The Chimera Group are extremely technologically advanced in that they have programmed holographic quantum realities that hack genetic codes or programming code. This Chimera signature appears to have been behind increasing military testing programs for neuro-technology, such as surface Brain Mapping and Mind Uploading for weapons, also used for the purposes to modify genetic material to gain access to human bodies more easily.

The infrastructure was laid in neuro-technological brain mapping and artificial intelligence to record and transmit extreme violence and depravity in every way through the popular culture to the Brain and CNS of the human population in order to help facilitate the Chimera body snatches. This is designed to incite violence in such way that it traumatizes the central nervous system. People shut down, the soul body is fractured and repelled and the dark spiral exposes them to depraved violence, in order to record it in their CNS, brain, and further deteriorate and destroy the original human DNA. Once a combination of these factors occur, it is possible for body trading to transpire, and these people are incited into uncontrollable impulses to commit the same violent actions they have watched on television, movies, mind controlled as full automaton possessions carried out by these parasites. Recently, the Chimera Effect was shown to me in a violent male subject on the west coast, as a means to identify Chimera signatures.

This is a very complex situation and it is not meant to instill fear, it is meant to inform the exact means through which the Chimera effect can occur. Staying away from practicing Satanism or engaging in seriously violent actions will protect your body from this parasitism, as well as committing to connect directly with your inner spirit, practicing unconditional love, Harmlessness and Empathy. This is a time to be vigilant about what we are in Consent with. The Law of One comprises the necessary principles of behavior, practices and belief systems that humanity is required to learn in order to achieve spiritual freedom and sovereignty. It is what will protect the human body and serve all of humanity. [1]


1 ↑ Consent

See Also:

Black Sun Program


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Chimera Effect”

“A faction of soul-less non-corporeal shapeshifting entities that are fighting for maintaining their control access in the earth and human energy fields, are called the Chimera Group. Chimera entities like many of the NAA groups are vicious extradimensional parasites that worship the Black Sun, and can only exist by finding a host from which to siphon energy. As a result, the Chimera Group have taken to inhabit human bodies on the earth surface, that they have prepared to have a close enough vibrational match for takeover. This is to say, if a person is acting out extremely negative behaviors that can be defined as Satanism, it is now possible due to their consent with expressing these forces, that person loses autonomy over their body, trading places with the satanic parasite, which repels the original Soul and replaces itself within the human body. When it enters the human body, the DNA and blood is altered forever. This is the Chimera effect. The Chimera shapeshifter explains the consequence of a human body that appears to be human but it is not human, because the soul has been ejected or harvested in such way to use the body like a virtual avatar. Because the body will expire shortly, generally the Chimera parasite has to continually kill or feed on something to prolong its ability to use the body without detection or decay.”

~Lisa Renee


To illustrate the absolutely critical nature of comprehending where we place our intent and Consent, and to be aware of what kind of vibrational forces we are allowing our body to express through thoughts, behaviors and actions, we are explaining the Chimera Effect. Inter-species hybrids and chimera are entities created from the mixing of two or more different species. Genetic chimeras can be produced in humans when a single body composed of cells belonging to one distinct genetic species is intermixed in the bloodstream with the cells of another genetic species. Chimeras are not specifically hybrids. The condition is acquired through the infusion and mixing of cellular blood components, or hematopoietic cells during transplantation or transfusion or direct injection into the bloodstream, which genetically modify the cells of a human body. This gives great clues as to why we should not allow the cells of another species to be injected into the bloodstream of any human being, as is being done in military experiments and with Vaccinations.

A faction of soul-less non-corporeal shapeshifting entities that are fighting for maintaining their control access in the earth and human energy fields, are called the Chimera Group. Chimera entities like many of the NAA groups are vicious extradimensional parasites that worship the Black Sun, and can only exist by finding a host from which to siphon energy. The higher ranks of Chimera Group are used by the Draco Black Suns to administer or monitor the phantom areas of hyper dimensional pockets and certain sections of the black magic grids, or frequency fences they placed in the earth body. Some of these Chimera entities are contained in genetics laboratory in underground sections of military bases, those that are known for genetic experiments, Cloning and time jumping experiments. There have been positive forces that are working to stop the Chimera groups cloning programs, especially of public figures, and this is in a heated battle. As a result, the Chimera Group have taken to inhabit human bodies on the earth surface, that they have prepared to have a close enough vibrational match for takeover. The profile for match includes an assortment of interspecies mixing with the blood, satanic orientation towards AI signaling or assimilation, combined with exposures to extremely violent and depraved images that elicit uncontrollable violent impulses in their human target.

During this phase of consciousness evolution on planet earth, there is the combining of the dual aspect of the spiritualization of the body and the corporealization of the spirit into the matter world. As these forces of the spirit or other realms may become corporeal through an access to the human body in the matter realm, the human body can become fixed and Consubstantial with it through matched vibrational resonances. To be consubstantial with something is to be identified, associated and enmeshed with it, at energetic and cellular levels of existence. If we are not aware of our negative thoughts and actions, we may become Consubstantial with the vibration of negative forces without realizing it.

Extremely negative thoughts damage the nervous system and brain, such as expressing rage, violence, hatred and the desire to kill and enslave, which attract not only demonic spirits but extradimensional parasites that want to harvest the emotional energy being generated from that body. Currently people on earth are being energetically assaulted and exposed to levels of extreme violence and depravity that are being broadcast by not only the media, but through all aspects of the popular culture. The agenda is to mainstream Satanism throughout all of the popular culture which prepares the terrain for people to become consubstantial with extremely negative forces, as well as connect them to satanic controlled parasites that want to trade places with the human host.

When a person has been exposed to conditions of genetic chimerism, combined with consistent bombardment to extreme violence and depravity, when they act out any of these violent behaviors, it stimulates the chimera parasite to gain complete access to enter the human body. This is to say, if a person is acting out extremely negative behaviors that can be defined as Satanism, it is now possible due to their consent with expressing these forces, that person loses autonomy over their body, trading places with the satanic parasite, which repels the original Soul and replaces itself within the human body. When it enters the human body, the DNA and blood is altered forever. This is the Chimera effect.

The Chimera shapeshifter explains the consequence of a human body that appears to be human but it is not human, because the soul has been ejected or harvested in such way to use the body like a virtual avatar. Because the body will expire shortly, generally the Chimera parasite has to continually kill or feed on something to prolong its ability to use the body without detection or decay. The Chimera Group are extremely technologically advanced in that they have programmed holographic quantum realities that hack genetic codes or programming code. This Chimera signature appears to have been behind increasing military testing programs for neuro-technology, such as surface Brain Mapping and Mind Uploading for weapons, also used for the purposes to modify genetic material to gain access to human bodies more easily.

The infrastructure was laid in neuro-technological brain mapping and artificial intelligence to record and transmit extreme violence and depravity in every way through the popular culture to the Brain and CNS of the human population in order to help facilitate the Chimera body snatches. This is designed to incite violence in such way that it traumatizes the central nervous system. People shut down, the soul body is fractured and repelled and the dark spiral exposes them to depraved violence, in order to record it in their CNS, brain, and further deteriorate and destroy the original human DNA. Once a combination of these factors occur, it is possible for body trading to transpire, and these people are incited into uncontrollable impulses to commit the same violent actions they have watched on television, movies, mind controlled as full automaton possessions carried out by these parasites. Recently, the Chimera Effect was shown to me in a violent male subject on the west coast, as a means to identify Chimera signatures.

This is a very complex situation and it is not meant to instill fear, it is meant to inform the exact means through which the Chimera effect can occur. Staying away from practicing Satanism or engaging in seriously violent actions will protect your body from this parasitism, as well as committing to connect directly with your inner spirit, practicing unconditional love, Harmlessness and Empathy. This is a time to be vigilant about what we are in Consent with. The Law of One comprises the necessary principles of behavior, practices and belief systems that humanity is required to learn in order to achieve spiritual freedom and sovereignty. It is what will protect the human body and serve all of humanity. [1]



  1. Consent

See Also:

Black Sun Program



~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Black Sun Program”

“The Orion Group is a Satanic force that has a predatorial ideology that uses females as slaves or breeders, while seeking territorial dominion on other planets within their warring and killing culture. Their position in the NAA and its consortium of Negative Aliens is called the Black Sun Program. They are a predator force with a predator mind which is mainly responsible for creating much of the Negative Ego in humanity through Mind Control programming and they have introduced financial and Debt Enslavement to planet earth through the banking cartels, which require Blood Sacrifice.”

~Lisa Renee


The Negative Alien agenda NAA is to force the planet to serve another multiple species Controller agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields using bio-warfare technology such as Holographic Inserts, AI and Mind Control, namely created under genetic reptilian-insectoid Archon extraterrestrials, at the expense and life force of the human race and the kingdoms under the human domain. Much of the NAA is veiled in the shadow levels of the ET and human military industrial complex, the primary takeover access in the naval forces and in the underground bases of the earth. It appears earth was invaded several times by hostile Negative Aliens with a major shift occurring 26,000 years ago during the Luciferian Rebellion, Atlantian Cataclysm and leading to the latest event during the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion. These agendas are still in effect today and impact all human and earthly life as a enforced enslavement on a Prison Planet, being harvested for a variety of resources to send back to off planet Controllers, such as collecting energetic quanta of human life force and earthly minerals.

Zeta Drakonian Agendas

The most aggressive and violent of the Zeta groups are those that come from the star system Rigel, and thus are called Rigelians or Zeta Drakonian Rigelians. They are extremely dangerous to humans as they endorse aggressive genocidal and eugenicist agendas to takeover the earth, and present themselves as Guardians in order to seduce earth humans to further their invasion and hybridization agendas. This particular group was involved in military testing projects known as the Montauk Project, in which they set up the participants to fail, whereby ripping open holes into the space time field in the earth body in which the Zeta gained more access levels into the earth grid. This allowed for easier access to continue human abduction experiments for genetic engineering and testing, in order to create and evolve an assortment of human clones and human hybrids that are engineered to carry out workloads or for fulfilling certain purposes. Infiltration of pregnant human mothers occurred through the abduction scenarios in which the unborn child would be injected with Zeta-Drakonian genetics and monitored after birth and into adulthood. By infusing genetic material into the child, the child grows into an adult in which can be controlled through the manipulation of DNA Signals whereby hijacking the bio-neurological system. Guardian teams assist in these matters by cleansing out the genetic material of these patterns in order to free these individuals from the Zeta Hive Mind Control.

Reptile Insectoid Collective

The Black Suns joined with the Fallen Angelics to counteract and destroy the Christiac Human Guardian Race for control and domination of this Time Vector in this Universal Time Matrix. These are also called the Black Suns or Black Sun Agenda.

Reptile Insectoid Collective:

  • Dragon Moth from Orion Black hole system.
  • Necromiton beetle hominid, Men in Black from Nibiruian lines.
  • Marduk Omicron from Alpha Centuari.
  • Centaur Hybrids from Omega Centauri.
  • Zeta from Rigel, Zeta Drakonian Agendas.
  • Zeta From Zeta Reticuli.

Phantom or False Timelines

For these reasons the Negative Grey Aliens (Zeta-Dracos and their Black Sun Program Hybrids) and Annunaki Reptilians (Belial Sun Hybrids) have adopted the False Ascension Matrix 5D Timelines as their personal agenda to harvest, interbreed and control humanity to serve their personal agendas, now and in future. One such false agenda is to promote that it is the natural progression of humans to live with Grey Aliens or other types of NAA species on the earth, as our masters and False Gods. The Black Suns when attempting to appear “friendly” promote their high IQ and the sharing of technology as if it is beneficial for humanity, when its application is highly destructive to the natural organic Consciousness evolution of the human race to reach its highest DNA potentials. Grey Alien Black Sun Program technology is not our friend, it is designed to irresponsibly warp and rip our time fields, through black hole technology, blank slate erasure of memories, while promoting rapid uses of forced artificial intelligence technology, such as SPE tech, like EMP Pulsing, to our military, that hurts and destroys our planet, and instigates war with the humans of our own global race. They also promote use of “supposed” healing technologies (“inorganic and artificial replicant matrices”) that are designed to remove pain physically, or have physical results in other uses, however, the “technology” is intended to enslave the Soul or place a variety of Alien Implants the human body. They also project holographic mirages and “pretty inserts” to keep an abductee or SRA mind control target calm while they gain control of the person’s aura. In shorthand, this is externalized Black Magic and is ultimately harmful to the organic spiritual bodies and organic auric field of human and planetary Consciousness. This creates interference with the person’s ability to connect with their own spiritual source directly or have control over their thoughts, feelings or bio-neurological fucntions. It is this specific reason of spiritual interference, that there is a Founder Guardian and Krystal Star intervention on planet earth. They were not born here on this planet, this is not their domain, and there is a reason for that.

Because the planet is ready to drop and collapse timelines from the previous 3D cycle where the planet is playing out the result of the Luciferian Rebellion from Atlantean time cycle, there is a struggle to dominate upcoming events that would influence these future timelines to be solely in Negative Alien or the NAA control. These groups have infighting, and the two primary groups have infected their headquartered control mechanism in two major stargates and power vortexes on the planet. Black Sun Program have headquartered themselves in the 10th Stargate or Iran Gate of the Golden Eagle Grid and lodged their technologies in Iraq/Iran to gain dominance over the power spots in Giza, Egypt. Most of them are Reptile Insectoid Collectives that are sourcing from out of the Phantom Matrix spaces in the parallel systems, and formed alliances with the Fallen Angelic Annunaki Groups to take control over the earth, which are referred to as the NAA.This is why they chose that area of the planet to dominate, it was easier to invade from the genetic key level. The Sons of Belial, the Nibiruian-Annunaki reptilians of the New World Order crews that engineered the 911 Timeline Agendas, have headquartered themselves in the 11th Stargate area in the United Kingdom, this is also known as Stonehenge.


The Black Suns are also referred to as “Black Suns” from their DNA genetic lineage. The Black Suns have reversed their DNA from eons of inciting warring aggression in the Universal timelines to a reverse 10 DNA strand (reverse 10D) and running a reversal life current which they use the Iran Gate to feed off. This is why they perpetuate the reversal 10D current on planet through the area they have control in the middle east, Iran and Iraq. They are only capable to exist in 3 dimensional consciousness while in their body, yet they have access to 10 dimensions of consciousness field. They are primarily form the Satanic class network family although they work and cooperate with the Luciferian families to control the planet and share the spoils of “war”. They cannot cellularly transmute their body in out of Stargates easily and use humans to do that. They access limited levels of biological immortality through the vampirism and siphoning of other living things, such as the planet earth.

Orion Group

The Orion Group is a Satanic force that has a predatorial ideology that uses females as slaves or breeders, while seeking territorial dominion on other planets within their warring and killing culture. Their position in the NAA and its consortium of Negative Aliens is called the Black Sun Program. They are a predator force with a predator mind which is mainly responsible for creating much of the Negative Ego in humanity through Mind Control programming and they have introduced financial and Debt Enslavement to planet earth through the banking cartels, which require Blood Sacrifice.

Galactic Wars

The main battles in human Galactic history were fought in the constellation of Orion, and so these many wars are referred to as the Orion Wars. In our Universal Time Matrix the wars started over territories in the constellation of Lyra (The Cradle of Lyra). But soon the Lyran Wars spread to the constellation of Orion, and it became a war between False King of Tyranny mind-sets and ideologies with ideology of the Service to Others which follow the Law of One. Essentially, this is the seed of the war over consciousnesses between the Christ and the Anti-Christ.



May 2012 Newsletter
[Sarasota Presentation, October 2013]
Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 102

See Also:

Chimera Effect

Secret Space Programs

Human Trafficking



LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Consent”



“Over the coming months walls will be coming down that have kept the right hand from seeing what the left hand is doing.  There will likely be micro and macro revelations that will make many people very uncomfortable, as they will no longer be able to deny a painful truth now in full view.  In the coming months if someone is faced with new information, which allows them to see that they had been participating in something destructive to humanity without their knowledge, what new choice do they make?  Do they align to the Law of One and say no more, withdrawing their consent?  Or do they make a justification for going along with it for personal gain, moving from unconscious consent into conscious consent?  Or are they so confused by the media psyops interfering with people’s discernment that they cannot accurately assess what they are in consent with?”  ~Lisa Renee


Dear Ascending Family,

Over the last several weeks, I have been aware of a large Universal Gate structure coming into view in our Solar System, which appears as a massive wheel with spiral spokes coming out from its center hub. It has recently become clear that this architecture is related to the Consciousness Corridors.  This is how beings will be routed into their placements, or frequency match for the next cycle. What we are in Consent with largely determines which corridor we go through, and which timeline we align with moving forward into the next cycle. There is no better position than to be aware that this movement through trans-time is happening, and be able to consciously participate with it by intending to move into the most positive and highest expression for yourself and others.

As the bifurcation intensifies many things will be exposed that offer a new opportunity to assess what we are in Consent with. It is time to honestly assess what we are aligned with and whether or not we are participating with any individuals, group consciousness, or energetic forces that are aligned to something else, and begin to reconcile the differences. Over the coming months walls will be coming down that have kept the right hand from seeing what the left hand is doing. There will likely be micro and macro revelations that will make many people very uncomfortable, as they will no longer be able to deny a painful truth now in full view.

In the coming months if someone is faced with new information, which allows them to see that they had been participating in something destructive to humanity without their knowledge, what new choice do they make?  Do they align to the Law of One and say no more, withdrawing their consent?  Or do they make a justification for going along with it for personal gain, moving from unconscious consent into conscious consent?  Or are they so confused by the media psyops interfering with people’s discernment that they cannot accurately assess what they are in consent with? This month we take a deeper look at Consent and its relationship to living in balance with Universal Law, as well as the Chimera Effect, recently witnessed in someone living completely outside the Law.

As we move forward this year, it is very important to understand that planet earth and her inhabitants are moving through a very turbulent time of collective consciousness transformation. We are undergoing another stage of core magnetic field shifting that radically elevates the magnetic tone resonance that emanates from the inner core of the planet. Because of how the magnetic field resonances connect with our brain’s neural net and stations of consciousness, the 3D personality will lose coherence in its linear logical processing. Therefore, humanity is confronted with the necessity of adapting to the major changes occurring in their world, the modification of how they think and what they believe to be true. The global brain is changing in relation to radical magnetic anomalies generated from quantum shifts in the spinning rotational axis, which is impacting our brain, thinking and neurological processing. Drastic magnetic shifts give rise to the sensations of magnetic compression and compaction in matter that are very uncomfortable on the physical body. This year ends a five-year cycle where windows of opportunity will arise for individuals as well as the collective consciousness, to make choices in the direction of their lives that are derived through their creation in the power of Consent.

In order to effectively take back control over our own mind, body and spiritual consciousness, we will explore the meaning of Consent, and the types of consent that are common in human language, as well as how consent is manufactured through deceptive forms of mass manipulation. Consent has direct applicability to the power of Universal Laws, and it is cleverly mimicked when used in legal contexts or in the shaping of cultural influences, which often differ greatly to obscure the everyday meaning. We need to be very aware of the engineering approach used in mind control practices that purposely manipulate people out of their Informed Consent. Like the methods used in media based psychological operations and the related propaganda that is used to get the uninformed public to support ideas and agendas that explicitly benefit the Controllers.

Now and ongoing, it is of critical importance that we pay attention and are consciously aware of what we are in Consent with. When we better understand what we are truly participating with, an informed and aware decision can be made. The global control agenda is designed to usurp the informed consent of the human public. This psychological operation is escalating in more aggressive ways so that people will be compromised to easily give away their Consent. When people easily give away their personal consent to a structure, belief or another person, it is easy to compromise and interfere with the intrinsic relationship that person has to their own inner soul and spirit. When we give up our rights to have Informed Consent in what we interact with, we lose our autonomy and even lose rights to own our body.

Thus, it is up to us to place emphasis on accepting responsibility in our choices and actions, so that we never give up our personal consent to something outside of our own inner spiritual self’s direct connection to the Godhead or Source. In this way, we can interact with many different structures in this world, collaborate with other people and in communities, but external things are never given authority over the direction of the higher self and relationship with God. This is what it means to be in this world, but not of this world. Our multidimensional consciousness exists outside of time and when we are reconnected we are able to hold witnessing way beyond the control matrix. The relationship with the inner core self and the highest expression of self as connected to the Godhead must be the highest priority in order to retain power over personal Consent. This action unleashes the power of Consent in Universal Law, preserving the rights for claiming self-sovereignty and assigning higher authority to the body, while being bombarded with 3D mind control tactics designed to manipulate consent away from all people.

Cognitive Dissonance

Currently the earth and all inhabitants are subjected to hidden and obvious mind control technologies used to increase cognitive dissonance that socially engineer the collective consciousness consent to accept the Death Culture, in order to continue to accept world slavery and parasitism. Most people on earth would not give their consent to be slaves or to be used for energy, so they are mind controlled to stay in denial, survival or escapism to avoid seeing this painful truth. Consumer marketing campaigns capitalize on cognitive dissonance by framing their advertising in such way that the easiest magical solution to reduce pain or discomfort from problems is to buy or support their product or propaganda. Through media bombardment they consistently form positive associations to the negative behaviors of the death culture in order to increase cognitive dissonance in the way people think, which increases suggestibility and gullibility into programming. People that are highly suggestible are programmed in such ways that directly impact the unconscious formation of doublethink into socially acceptable belief systems. This is purposed to covertly, yet directly stimulate the unresolved conflicts in the instinctual and unconscious mind’s reactions, eliminating critical thinking, common sense, consistency and coherent thoughts.  This way people are led to associate the negative belief systems being propagated, with the positive associations being programmed for them.  When the actions or results of those associations are actually entirely negative and spiritually destructive to them. As an example, why would humanity endorse the death culture when its purpose is to enslave and kill members of the human race? This is cognitive dissonance in action, the deliberate ignoring and denial of the war over consciousness on the earth in order to avoid conflicting thoughts.

This further influences and shapes what the collective unconscious creates as the main value system in society, which reflect what type of external structures people have given away their consent to. Because money and materialism are highly valued by the masses, this is the area in which most people give away their power of consent. Doublethink produces lack of coherence and inconsistency in one’s thoughts, which is similar to the state of cognitive dissonance. People that are mind controlled with cognitive dissonance or doublethink, refuse to acknowledge what is in plain sight or right in front of their eyes in full evidence, because they are still clinging to denial and self-deception generated from fear and pain avoidance.

Cognitive dissonance is the uncomfortable tension that exists when holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time, or it is the tension that exists between the actions of the mind, and the actions of the heart. It is the state of incoherence or inconsistency within our thinking, when conflicting thoughts surface into the mind and cannot be reconciled, clarified or neutralized. Therefore, the state of cognitive dissonance usually brought on by negative ego pathology, manifests as a range of psycho-emotional-spiritual conflicts that impact the functioning of body, mind, heart and spirit. Many people misplace their consent through the mental state of cognitive dissonance, because they do not know the core spiritual self, and thus their consent is given away through the confusion they have with conflicting belief systems. When a person makes decisions that are based in self-deception or group deception, they are basing their consent on the beliefs that the deception is true or going along with the popular opinion because it’s easier. This is the way to manufacture consent in the masses through the setup of the Imposter. Because a person is consenting to something that represents itself or markets itself with propaganda, as something other than what it really is. When we believe manipulated lies as truth, we give up critical thinking, common sense and intuition that help us make informed decisions about where we place consent.

As an example, if we believe the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is the medical authority given to preserve public health and they recommend to doctors that 69 doses are scheduled for each child, we may give away parental consent for our children to be injected in harmful doses, over our own common sense and intuition. Do we believe the CDC demonstrates ethical conduct and is sincerely concerned about public health and serving the people, or are they a corporate shill?  Are they profiting from the billions made by the pharmaceutical companies serving the NAA? Where has our consent and authority been placed in this circumstance and what are the common sense reasons why we should be questioning it?

Dissonance between the Ego and Heart

Cognitive dissonance happens commonly between the beliefs of the ego mind, and the core beliefs or truth that exists within evidential facts as considered through the open heart and spiritual intelligence. If we ignore our spirit, and go against our heart intelligence to give consent to the ego intelligence, we create cognitive dissonance in our thinking which manifests as unresolved conflicts that generate energetic blocks in our pain body. These blocks are created when consciously aware of dissonance, or unconsciously reacting to dissonance through uncontrolled impulses. Dissonance or uncomfortable tension that we feel is very strong when we believe something about ourselves and then perform an action that is against that belief. Dissonant based tension and anxiety is much more powerful when there are conflicts about our self-image, who we believe we are, and what we identify with as our personality. The more dissonance, tension or mental anxiety we feel, the more attachment and dependency we have to defining our self-image based upon those sets of beliefs.

Mental anxiety produced from cognitive dissonance magnifies considerably in relation to how important the subject is to us and how much we identify with it. It also relates to how polarizing the opposing thoughts are that are in conflict within us, and our inability to rationalize, explain away or resolve the conflict. This makes it clear that confirmation bias and self-justification through ego defense mechanisms are commonly used to explain away the conflicts, in order to make people feel instantly better. People will ignore evidence that is contrary to their own beliefs, in order to preserve their mental beliefs that have become important to their personality, and to avoid feeling the tension of conflicts. It takes personal dedication to honestly face internal conflicts in order to evolve past cognitive dissonance and into the higher clarity of discerning resonances.  This means asking equally if we are being lied to through mass manipulation, or if we are lying to ourselves to avoid a painful truth.  In either case our consent is not in alignment to Universal Law, and we can feel this through our heart intelligence.

In order to resolve mental tension and inner conflicts that results from cognitive dissonance, one must first recognize that they have the power to make different choices. In taking responsibility for the choices they make, they can learn to change the way they think and change their behavior in ways that restore coherence and consistency. In this way by resolving or removing issues of cognitive dissonance (mental anxiety from inner conflicts) they become more coherent and consistent in their thoughts, which allow for better choices to be made with the power of their own consent.  When people remain in cognitive dissonance and they refuse to take responsibility for their choices to resolve conflicts, the negative consequences of dissonance are that it attracts more dissonant or negative energies.

Our thoughts shape our beliefs, which inform decisions about where to place consent. So the process of cognitive dissonance becomes the basis for how we evaluate situations and make decisions. It is the central mechanism by which we perceive or experience differences that we encounter in the world. Once we become more self-aware, we evolve beyond egoic levels of cognitive dissonance and into choices based on deep inner feelings of nonjudgmental personal resonances, which is the higher sensory language of the heart and spiritual intelligence guidance system.

Manipulation of Consent

The agenda to increase cognitive dissonance in the way people think is purposely plotted to more easily manipulate the consent out of the individual and public. It allows people to perform actions and behaviors that are actually contradictory to their personal belief systems. People that act in behaviors or ways that are actually the opposite of what they believe in, generate a lot of mental anxiety and accumulate emotional aberrance into their pain body. Emotional aberrance, unresolved conflicts, inner violence, fear and pain attract energetic parasites. Many times these parasites contribute to the psychological manipulation of fear in the person’s body. As a result, in order to avoid facing pain or discomfort, the person may refuse to address the contradiction that occurs between their behaviors and belief system. So they put up a wall and avoid confronting it entirely. When a person lives in perpetual cognitive dissonance, the mental and emotional stress that it creates leads to splitting behaviors and soul fracturing. These dissonant thoughtforms and the internal fracturing are used to manipulate the consent of the masses to keep them spiritually oppressed, feeding into destructive structures they do not understand that harbor anti-human forces that act as parasites to the human body.

What we hold as the intention made behind our personal thoughts is what we hold as our power of Consent, in participating with that thought-form and its vibrational quality and force. The consent is within the choices we make. Choices can be made via cognitive dissonance with discordant energies, or made through coherent systems of energy with congruent thoughtforms. If we make personal consent with something based on what we believe it to be on the surface appearances, but underneath the surface it represents something that is a deception or is contradictory to our belief, the energy behind it is really what we are participating with as our consent. However, when we are committed to serve our highest expression, these deceptions will be revealed to each and every one of us at some point. In that moment we have the power to make a choice, will we make the changes required that are congruent with this new realization, or will we compromise our integrity and pretend to not see it? Some people choose to live in denial because they don’t want to change or evolve.

Currently, with the bifurcation shift (see Sept 2013) and the opening of the consciousness corridors (see Oct 2014), many people are aligning to the new timeline based on what they choose to be in consent with. This phase may feel very out of sync or change day to day relationships because people are aligning to timelines based on their everyday choices. Some of those choices may be on our timeline or not. This creates a strange and surreal experience when interacting with people on earth that are not on your same timeline, and one will feel the challenges increasing when trying to communicate with people that are not on your timeline (see July 2016). Communication lines between people on different timelines and reality bubbles are made difficult now.

Through the exploitation of Universal Laws on the earth, the NAA have manipulated humanity through mind control to be in consent and authority with their agendas. As an intermediary they have shaped human culture, they have designed the curriculum humans are taught as the false history in the false reality. Based on these many lies and deceptions, humanity naturally aligns with the consent and authority of that same predator mind that is manufacturing the deceptions. This is how the NAA control humanity by manipulation of consent in the mind, by removing the possibility of holding clear intention of thoughts.  While further stimulating automatic reactions in the unconscious, which manipulates the Soul. This makes the NAA False gods an intermediary source field, an Imposter Spirit or AI brain, that is communicating en masse with many unsuspecting humans who cannot discern the difference between lies, deception, manipulation and the hidden kernels of truth, the content we must decipher to make accurate assessments about this reality.

The consent we have made constitutes a personal choice. As a result of cause and effect there are consequences from the thought-form substance created, that impact the self and others. Consent naturally leads to what and who, has been given some power or authority over the individual and the individuals body. Therefore, educating ourselves about the nature of consent is critical to the preservation of our self-determination and self-sovereignty.

What is Consent?

Consent is an act of the power of the mind to think and understand, to reason and perform careful consideration of participation with something, and to reflect on the consequences of that participation. The proper meaning of consent is a person who exercises sufficient mental capacity to make an intelligent decision that is demonstrated through the genuine willingness of an action, as the result of reaching an agreement in mutual or shared interests, or performing an action that is proposed by another. Consent is not real consent any longer when tactics of terror, intimidation, deception and fear are used as an explicit tool to manufacture consent in a person, in order to get them to go along with performing an action. Obviously, this is coercion administered under threat of personal harm. Thus, we can be made aware that many people’s consent is stolen, manipulated and manufactured through the specific psychological targeting of the masses with intimidation, bullying, terrorism and victimization fears. This is a mass media psychological operation used to traumatize the world citizens, distracting them from comprehending the power of consent.

Additionally, consent occurs when one person voluntarily agrees to the proposal, goals or desires of another person. This also applies to participating with any kind of organization and other types of corporate structures. When we are in consent with something no matter what it is, a person or inanimate thing, it is important to set your intention, purpose and goals in why you are consciously participating with them. This is called setting the terms of a mission statement, which correlates to the Law of Intent. All individuals should have a mission statement that reflects their intentions and self-goals, no matter how basic it is to outline their purpose and direction. People need to be self-aware to the point that they can define what purpose they want to serve in life. A personal mission statement can be as simple as “I choose to be in the highest expression of my divinity and to serve my God Source in reaching my highest potential”. Furthermore, all organizations and systems of energy should also have a mission statement that clearly reflects the declaration of intent and the purpose of the organizational structure. Mission statements set the intention of the organizational field in the systems of energy being co-created, which will allow you over time, to self-assess and monitor if your mission statement and the mission statement and intent of another, are congruent or dissonant.  As a conscious awake and informed person, this step is very important in managing the energies generated between all of your personal associations, projects and the intentions behind them. With this clarity of purpose, this allows you to check in for personal resonance quickly when things between people and organizations evolve over time, to better monitor if you need to make changes in the intent or consent that you have made in the relationships that you have created.

Implied Consent

Implied consent is dependent on the circumstances that exist which lead a reasonable person to believe that this consent was given, although no direct or explicit words of consent or agreement had been actually written or expressed. Implied consent is based on the person’s behaviors or actions in a particular situation or surroundings. An example of implied consent is that if you are participating with a larger institution, such as an educational institution, these places are mechanisms of social order which govern the behavior of the individuals that exist within that community. Implied consent would mean that if you choose to participate with that institution, you are expected to follow their rules. In gaining access to ES Community as a learning environment based upon the Law of One, implied consent would be that our members are in agreement to follow the guidelines of behavior that are outlined and are in consent with the practices of the Law of One. For someone governed by another guideline of behavior or belief system that is contradictory to the main practices, it would generate cognitive dissonance if they were to actually become a member.

However, this area of loosely interpreting implied consent is perhaps the most manipulated by Imposter Spirits in order to gain manufactured consent over unaware people. This is especially so for those people that have addiction and escapist tendencies masked by unresolved pain and trauma. If we have not been educated to understand that if we engage with unhealthy or negative behaviors, when we engage in those behaviors, we can open our aura to demonic attachments and negative spirits without realizing it. This happens through the consent we have made by engaging in that negative behavior, even though we may not have given express or written consent to have a demonic attachment. Our unhealthy spiritual behavior is the implied consent that is given to the world of dark forces, which allows them to manipulate, control, attach or siphon your energy while making you feel miserable.  When a person repeatedly acts against their soul or they are victimized by a violent entity using another person to commit harm against the soul, this leaves demonic bindings and other dark residue. The most common dramatic examples of assorted spiritual attachments and demonic forces hanging on to a person’s auric field, are the religiously conflicted, sexually assaulted, emotionally traumatized, any victim of violence or SRA, and the excessively mind controlled or soul fractured. To begin to heal from any of these spiritually abusive issues the person must learn about the Laws of Intent, Consent and Authority, so they can begin to make informed consent to reclaim their body, and energetically heal from severe spiritual abuses that have fractured the consciousness and lightbody.

This is why in personal situations we should avoid implied consent with people we do not know well and make sure that we have a direct verbal conversation or agreement that is discussed between the parties involved. Open and clear communication between people maintains clarity in each person’s intentions in order to avoid misunderstandings of what may be construed as implied consent.

Informed Consent

Informed Consent is a legal term and ethical principle that describes biological ethics, it was introduced after World War II and it replaced the earlier medical attitudes that were founded on having implicit trust in a doctor’s decisions, and put patients in charge of their own care. Informed Consent is the process for getting permission before involving that person in some kind of situation that impacts bodily health or wellbeing, usually related to medical research or clinical experiments, such as being informed of the potential risks a therapy or drug and giving informed consent before being provided it.  Informed consent, can be said to be given, when a person has been educated to understand the facts and considers the implication and possible consequences of an action, which will impact them. Therefore the term informed consent is an ethical and legal principle in which a person exercises their right to gather more data for analysis and perform their own due diligence, to better understand the facts and consequences of making a choice that impacts them. Informed consent is directly related to preserving a human beings right to self-ownership, autonomy and the prevention of abusive conduct.

However, a person may verbally agree to something from fear, perceived social pressure, or psychological difficulty in expressing true feelings. A person may claim to understand the implications of some action, but in fact has failed to understand the possible consequences fully. However, legally defined valid informed consent has three components; disclosure of the information in a truthful way to make an autonomous decision, the mental capacity to comprehend the information and form reasonable judgments on the consequences, and the voluntary action to exercise decisions without external pressures such as coercion, manipulation and deception. These three core principles of informed consent are important to understand as they correlate to the tipping point that must be reached for the human collective consciousness to be awakened into the thresholds of accepting the higher frequency reality. As more people can comprehend their personal rights in Universal Law, they can exert that personal power to become more flexible and open to receive the clarity around the larger unpleasant truth behind world events. As they begin to perceive more of the true nature of reality pushing past denial and fear, they rise to support the collective human demands for full disclosure, demanding to know the truth no matter how ugly it is. When people go beyond fear and denial, and stand up for the ethical treatment of humanity and the earth, they are willing to accept responsibility, petitioning for the truth to be known as based in Universal Laws. And this directly applies to examining evidence and continually asking for Informed Consent in everything that impacts our mind, body and spirit, and in our world.

Informed consent was implemented into the medical system when the scientific research conducted in Nazi Germany was discovered, and contained some of the worst human rights abuses and crimes made against humanity. This is an important distinction, to connect the creation of the informed consent culture in our society, to the actions behind the Nazi Black Sun agendas. This timeline is when the silent weapons for quiet wars was declared in collaboration with some of the off planet breakaways, and the extradimensional parasites. The same controller factions are busy destroying informed consent in every way possible today and distracting the masses to ignore its deeper meaning, which is to serve and protect personal autonomy. The Nuremberg code was established in 1949, for the purpose of developing standards by which to judge the Nazi scientists and doctors during the Nuremberg trials. The Nuremberg Code states that all who are participating in such an experiment are required to give voluntary consent that is free of coercion, fraud, duress or deceit. Informed consent is an extremely important marker for guiding the ethical principles necessary to the creation of a humanitarian based society, and is relevant in all segments of society impacting human rights, sexual ethics, business ethics, bio-tech ethics and political ethics. It is the primary ethical principle and philosophy to prevent rampant corruption that harbors abusive conduct that allows lies, deceit, intimidation and partial disclosure of the facts that innately steal away the consent of the people.

Given the importance of Informed Consent for the protection of human rights and as an ethical doctrine, it is applicable to Universal Laws in the petition of demanding factual truths of accurate events to be revealed to the human population in the event of full disclosure. At this time on the planet earth in the larger global events designed for world slavery and extradimensional entities genocidal agendas, informed consent in this larger context is non-existent. Therefore, all people interested to serve the disclosure movement can benefit through the comprehension of the higher principles of informed consent and the lack thereof, to open dialogue on the ethical implications this has made against the human race, as the demand for full disclosure grows stronger and becomes more unified. At this point, the lack of informed consent as the result of non-disclosure of true and accurate events on this planet, establishes gross negligent abuse, which can directly lead to multiple species genetic annihilation as well as other devastating consequences.

The Law of Intent and Consent

Remember that Intent matches the Consent, which chooses the authority that is given in thecircumstance or structure being created. When you create something, think about what is the intent, consent and where is the authority being given in this situation?

Whatever kind of force we are in consent with, whether we know this or not, is the quality of energy that our body and consciousness is subjected to in Universal Law. The quality of spiritual force will have corresponding dimensional laws, which govern the actions of that quality of that spirit. Negative forces are in the lower dimensions and create servitude and bondage to time, while positive forces of the Spirits of Christ are in the highest dimensions and create sovereignty and freedom for the Soul and Spirit.

What we think with our intent will be in consent with the frequency match of the forces that we generate, and the force we create with is our authority in the structure that we are building.

What we build in the Law of Structure is what we have created with accumulated or combined forces. This creation whether perceived as tangible or intangible, will have an energetic Cause and Effect upon our body, mind, consciousness and all of our life experiences.

When one has the knowledge of the Law of Intent, they naturally develop their consent with whatever energy, force or structure they are interacting with or co-creating with. That force of energy, whether positive or negative, is used to create a structure and that will determine the authority with which that structure has been built. As long as that structure has been built with that same Intent, Consent and Authority, it will remain as the Governor of that structure.

This lack of knowledge is the most common reason why an individual that has unknowingly co-created with the negative causes, that are the Imposter Spirit forces, becomes increasingly entangled with these negative forces creating more negative results from the Law of Cause and Effect. Many people cannot discern negative forces and the levels of deception carried out by the Imposter Spirits. This is a loophole created from the Alien Machinery and its inorganic AI architecture that has manipulated human beings to co-create with these negative forces, in order to grow and spread their negative effects on the earth plane and in other dimensions.

Witnessing the Harm Committed

During this year and ongoing, many of us will be put in situations where transparency is required, making a choice of personal consent is necessary, and we will come to witness many different levels of harm that have been perpetrated over eons of time.

The most challenging aspect we are facing is that we will be given the opportunity to see up close and personal the inhumane treatment, the deliberate brutality and torture that humans have been subjected to by the choices that have been made by others, whether human or nonhuman and for whatever reason. How many people have refused to look at where intentional harm is occurring because it is believed to be too ugly and dark, and yet in silence, continue to allow the slavery or torture of humanity and children to continue unchallenged and left unaccountable. The world power structures, the governments of this earth have monetized the suffering and torture of humanity. The world economy is dependent on the suffering and slavery of humans in order to produce mass profits based in the continual complicit behaviors of engaging in criminal conduct and inhumane treatment. Many of the storefronts or shill organizations are dressed up and labeling themselves as serving humanitarian causes, receiving massive amounts of contribution money that is not given to the people that need help, but instead to the corporations that make massive profits from disasters and war. Multinational child service charities connected to powerful politics that are so compartmentalized that they secretly are fronting massively profitable pedophilia rings.

Therefore, we will be faced with making choices of consent in what we are willing to know as the ugly truth that exists in the hidden situations impacting our lives surfaces into our view. More of the large pieces will be connected in perceiving what happens in the macrocosm that is impacting us directly by trickling down into our own living rooms.  Are we willing to see what it is that really operates behind the world economies, what kind of people and storefronts are used to continually perpetrate harm, and how that degeneracy impacts every structure that exists in this world? Or will we refuse to see it and deny the harm it produces?  Humans are at a crossroads of making the choices to become more ethical, to stop allowing the lies of omission and to live in congruence with our spiritual source and higher values. During this phase we will be led to remember our true nature as empathic humans, so that we can learn to live in harmlessness, in any way we can in current society. Thus, the quickest way to evolve and clear energetic imbalance is to be of genuine service to others and attempt to show sincere kindness and harmlessness to everyone.

Chimera Effect

To illustrate the absolutely critical nature of comprehending where we place our intent and consent, and to be aware of what kind of vibrational forces we are allowing our body to express through thoughts, behaviors and actions, we are explaining the Chimera Effect. Inter-species hybrids and chimera are entities created from the mixing of two or more different species.  Genetic chimeras can be produced in humans when a single body composed of cells belonging to one distinct genetic species is intermixed in the bloodstream with the cells of another genetic species. Chimeras are not specifically hybrids. The condition is acquired through the infusion and mixing of cellular blood components, or hematopoietic cells during transplantation or transfusion or direct injection into the bloodstream, which genetically modify the cells of a human body. This gives great clues as to why we should not allow the cells of another species to be injected into the bloodstream of any human being, as is being done in military experiments and with vaccinations.

A faction of soul-less non-corporeal shapeshifting entities that are fighting for maintaining their control access in the earth and human energy fields, are called the Chimera Group. Chimera entities like many of the NAA groups are vicious extradimensional parasites that worship the Black Sun, and can only exist by finding a host from which to siphon energy. The higher ranks of Chimera Group are used by the Draco Black Sun’s to administer or monitor the phantom areas of hyper dimensional pockets and certain sections of the black magic grids, or frequency fences they placed in the earth body. Some of these Chimera entities are contained in genetics laboratory in underground sections of military bases, those that are known for genetic experiments, cloning and time jumping experiments. There have been positive forces that are working to stop the Chimera groups cloning programs, especially of public figures, and this is in a heated battle. As a result, the Chimera Group have instead taken to inhabit human bodies on the earth surface, that they have prepared to have a close enough vibrational match for takeover. The profile for match includes an assortment of interspecies mixing with the blood, satanic orientation towards AI signaling or assimilation, combined with exposures to extremely violent and depraved images that elicit uncontrollable violent impulses in their human target.

During this phase of consciousness evolution on planet earth, there is the combining of the dual aspect of the spiritualization of the body and the corporealization of the spirit into the matter world. As these forces of the spirit or other realms may become corporeal through an access to the human body in the matter realm, the human body can become fixed and consubstantial with it through matched vibrational resonances. To be consubstantial with something is to be identified, associated and enmeshed with it, at energetic and cellular levels of existence. If we are not aware of our negative thoughts and actions, we may become consubstantial with the vibration of negative forces without realizing it.

Extremely negative thoughts damage the nervous system and brain, such as expressing rage, violence, hatred and the desire to kill and enslave, which attract not only demonic spirits but extradimensional parasites that want to harvest the emotional energy being generated from that body. Currently people on earth are being energetically assaulted and exposed to levels of extreme violence and depravity that are being broadcast by not only the media, but through all aspects of the popular culture. The agenda is to mainstream Satanism throughout all of the popular culture which prepares the terrain for people to become consubstantial with extremely negative forces, as well as connect them to satanic controlled parasites that want to trade places with the human host.

When a person has been exposed to conditions of genetic chimerism, combined with consistent bombardment to extreme violence and depravity, when they act out any of these violent behaviors, it stimulates the chimera parasite to gain complete access to enter the human body. This is to say, if a person is acting out extremely negative behaviors that can be defined as Satanism, it is now possible due to their consent with expressing these forces, that person loses autonomy over their body. Trading places with the satanic parasite, which repels the original soul and replaces itself within the human body. When it enters the human body, the DNA and blood is altered forever. This is the Chimera effect.

The Chimera shapeshifter explains the consequence of a human body that appears to be human but it is not human, because the soul has been ejected or harvested in such way to use the body like a virtual avatar. Because the body will expire shortly, generally the Chimera parasite has to continually kill or feed on something to prolong its ability to use the body without detection or decay. The Chimera Group are extremely technologically advanced in that they have programmed holographic quantum realities that hack genetic codes or programming code. This Chimera signature appears to have been behind increasing military testing programs for neuro-technology, such as surface brain mapping and mind uploading for weapons, also used for the purposes to modify genetic material to gain access to human bodies more easily.

The infrastructure was laid in neuro-technological brain mapping and artificial intelligence to record and transmit extreme violence and depravity in every way through the popular culture to the brain and CNS of the human population in order to help facilitate the Chimera body snatches. This is designed to incite violence in such way that it traumatizes the central nervous system. People shut down, the soul body is fractured and repelled and the dark spiral exposes them to depraved violence, in order to record it in their CNS, brain, and further deteriorate and destroy the original human DNA. Once a combination of these factors occur, it is possible for body trading to transpire, and these people are incited into uncontrollable impulses to commit the same violent actions they have watched on television, movies, mind controlled as full automaton possessions carried out by these parasites. Recently, the Chimera Effect was shown to me in a violent male subject on the west coast, as a means to identify Chimera signatures.

This is a very complex situation and it is not meant to instill fear, it is meant to inform the exact means through which the Chimera effect can occur. Staying away from practicing Satanism or engaging in seriously violent actions will protect your body from this parasitism, as well as committing to connect directly with your inner spirit, practicing unconditional love, harmlessness and empathy. This is a time to be vigilant about what we are in consent with.  The Law of One comprises the necessary principles of behavior, practices and belief systems that humanity is required to learn in order to achieve spiritual freedom and sovereignty. It is what will protect the human body and serve all of humanity.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa




~via – Shifting Timelines Newsletter – February 16, 2017