LISA RENEE: “Be a Positive Role Model”

“In the current human culture, showing unconditional love and being able to have open, honest and compassionate communications in all levels of relationships are not generally emphasized. We live in a stressful world, yet it is critical to make time to have family communications and open dialogues that help educate our children of all ages to better deal with the challenges of life and have some basic tools to deal with emotional issues. When its age appropriate, make your expectations clear and when there are problems, explain it by expressing your feelings and invite your child to help you to problem solve so that they can also participate with the solution. At the age of six and under, the child and their lightbody is still attached to their parents lightbody, where the most present caregiver or maternal figure will usually hold the parental bond for the shared lightbody merge. The anti-Christ forces have many harmful strategies they use to target children and family units in order to interfere with the mother to child bond and the biological parental bond with their children’s souls, as this disrupts natural soul growth at the most important phase of a child’s soul acclimation into earthly life.  Due to the high probability of this shared lightbody resonance, the child will be especially connected to the most present caregiver or parent through positive transference. Positive transference means that they will receive the energetics and emotional frequencies that are being expressed as the fundamental frequency of their primary caregiver or parents and those energies and emotional states which are found in the family home.”

~Lisa Renee

As awake parents or as a guardian, you are the most important adult figures in teaching your children about consciousness energy and by modeling positive life affirming skill sets for them to emulate. By intending to live as the positive example for others and through the intention of holding higher frequencies through the expression of loving and kind behaviors in the family unit, your child is receiving the positive imprint upon their bio-neurology which includes accumulation of positive frequencies into their lightbody. In the early developmental phases of childhood, mirror neurons develop mirror properties through the child mimicking and imitating the repetitive behavior of their parents and the environment. A mirror neuron is a nerve cell that fires when the person observes an action being performed by another person. This means that a child watching the behavior of their parent or caretaker, is actually laying down tracks for the same neuronal pattern of action, via the information that is being carried in their neural impulses. Babies and children naturally have a much slower brain wave frequency than adults and thus the right brain functioning and sensory related abilities related to mirror neurons firing and feelings of empathy, develop first.

Babies and children are imprinted into belief systems and behaviors by watching their parents, they take their social cues from what their parents are doing. Be aware that as a parent, your children are observing you continually from subconscious and conscious levels and this will inform and shape their behavior. Children are naturally empathic and highly suggestible to the energy and behaviors in their environment. The most important formative years of their unique ego-personality shapes itself until approximately the age of six, with another layer of deepening soul integration occurring during the age of twelve.  Thus, it is suggested to model the positive characteristics you want to instill in your children, such as developing moral character and a personal value system based on reverence for life, practicing unconditional love, peace, compassion and empathy. The model of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One and the ethical virtues of the Spirits of Christos hold reverence for life and help them to develop spiritual strength as children, growing into adulthood aware of co-creating with others a peaceful culture of World Humanism.

In the current human culture, showing unconditional love and being able to have open, honest and compassionate communications in all levels of relationships are not generally emphasized. We live in a stressful world, yet it is critical to make time to have family communications and open dialogues that help educate our children of all ages to better deal with the challenges of life and have some basic tools to deal with emotional issues. When its age appropriate, make your expectations clear and when there are problems, explain it by expressing your feelings and invite your child to help you to problem solve so that they can also participate with the solution.

At the age of six and under, the child and their lightbody is still attached to their parents lightbody, where the most present caregiver or maternal figure will usually hold the parental bond for the shared lightbody merge. The anti-Christ forces have many harmful strategies they use to target children and family units in order to interfere with the mother to child bond and the biological parental bond with their children’s souls, as this disrupts natural soul growth at the most important phase of a child’s soul acclimation into earthly life.  Due to the high probability of this shared lightbody resonance, the child will be especially connected to the most present caregiver or parent through positive transference. Positive transference means that they will receive the energetics and emotional frequencies that are being expressed as the fundamental frequency of their primary caregiver or parents and those energies and emotional states which are found in the family home.

It is suggested to meditate and pray daily when pregnant, including your baby’s soul in your prayers and daily blessings. After the child is born, to practice meditation and include your child’s or children’s souls and higher selves to participate with you in cleansing and healing prayers or offered blessings. With babies or distressed children, it is very spiritually healing to regularly meditate and pray with the child being held in your arms near your heart chakra or placing the child when awake or asleep in close proximity to your lightbody field when you are clearing, shielding and praying. During this age, babies and children are highly responsive to the Law of Resonance which results in direct positive energy transference from the parent during any kind of ascension focused activity, such as holding loving prayers and clearing intentions that will increase the higher frequency vibrations in you and your children.

At this age, the teaching is by example and education about ascension concepts is not necessary unless they ask you directly for that information. As an awake parent, visualization exercises and using imagination for co-creation of positive energies is the most important tool to keep your child’s lightbody strong and protected. Repeating simple phrases like:  God or Christ Loves (their name), Mommy and Daddy Love (their name), The Beautiful Angels Love (their name), so they receive constant energetic imprints and positive affirmations that they are loved unconditionally by both sets of their Universal God parents and their biological parents or caregivers.  In ES community, the Christos 12D Shield is the base teaching to build spiritual connection and lightbody strength, in which the parent can do this visualization exercise for their children as their spiritual guardian from birth until the age of 21.

To help ourselves, our children and families prepare for planetary ascension and to heal our spiritual aspects we must know that human beings have a soul anatomy that is multidimensional. That includes the awareness that to give our families the best care, our children will need to be cared for in the context that they are multidimensional spiritual beings. To develop a lifestyle plan to help grow the consciousness of your children and family unit, two main approaches are suggested. To think upon implementing a holistic and integrative lifestyle strategy that is based upon addressing the Four Body System for children under six. For children over six years of age and with parental guidance it may be supportive to introduce the main chakra centers with activities that provide for the intentional healing and balancing of the seven main chakras as an ascension lifestyle that include brief meditation techniques.

~via For Parents Supporting Young Children