LISA RENEE: “Eukachrist Winter Solstice Prayer”

Before we get started today is the Winter Solstice, which is an astronomical phenomenon marking the shortest day and longest night of the year. In the northern hemisphere this is the December Solstice and in the southern hemisphere this is the June Solstice. The Winter Solstice occurs when the sun is directly overhead the Tropic of Capricorn or about 23.5° south latitude.

As we recognize this spiritual body part as directly connected to our original Silicate Matrix, the Diamond Sun Body may we take a few moments to recognize the higher truth of the Eucharist on the Winter Solstice so that we can bring this template into Morphogenesis in the next cycle the true and accurate symmetry and body part that belongs directly to Christos/Sophia, which is the key that opens the door to the seven higher Heavens and the God Worlds. Let’s hold a space for the preparation of Eukachrist:


The grace of our Christ, the Love of God the Father and the direct communion of the Mother’s Holy Body and Spirit, may the Holy presence of Christ be with you all. Beloved God we consecrate the elements of material substance here and now in our body, minds and spirit to be made in your image and glory in such way that we may allow our body, we may allow our blood to be resurrected through the Holy Spirit to dwell forever in the Kingdoms of Christ. Christ invites all who love Him, who earnestly repent their transgressions and seek to live in peace with one another. All are free to communicate at the appropriate time when their heart chamber is opened to receive God’s blessings for all.


I am the Light that shines over all things. From me all came forth and to me all return. The Peace of God, which passes all understanding, may this peace be with you. There is an eternal consecration of God power that makes all things new. It lives and moves in those who know the Self as one with God and Christ. May that peace be with you, that power uplift you into the eternal and sustaining light. May it keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of God and of his children, the Cosmic Christ. May the Holy Blessings of God be with our heart, mind and spirit. All aspects of our body fully consecrated and dedicated to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of God, the reclamation of the order of Christ/Sophia on the Earth. May our brothers and sisters rejoice in the eternal light of God to restore the Divine Plan in perfect peace and love. Peace be with you. Peace be with your heart throughout eternity.


May we hold a silent space of loving kindness and empathy for all of us here now in connecting to the spiritual body of the Eukachrist extending it to the entire community and then the entire world.



~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “White Buffalo Calf Woman”

“White Buffalo Calf Woman is the Divine Feminine Principle returning sophianic consciousness or wisdom to the earth, is the Daughter of God made through the Christos-Sophia genetic bloodline through Aquaelle, and is the spiritual emanation of Perfect Peace. Her male counterpart or twin is White Navajo, the Divine Male Principle, the Son of God made through the Christos-Sophia genetic bloodline through Aquaelle, or the spiritual emanation of Perfect Peace.”

~Lisa Renee


White Buffalo Calf Woman is a sacred woman of supernatural origin, comparable to the divine feminine principle of Mother Mary and Quan Yin, that is central to the Native American spiritual belief system, primarily held in the Lakota tribes that was taken from the earlier Navajo-Apaches, as their primary cultural prophet. Oral tra­di­tions re­late that she brought the “Seven Sa­cred Rites” to the Native Americans. Buffalo are considered sacred to many of the Plains nations, who often consider them linked to creation, medicine and bringers of sacred messages from the ancestors. White Buffalo Woman is a story shared by different Indian tribes throughout many generations. Although the story has changed slightly depending on who is telling it the overall meaning remains the same, the white buffalo brings peace. [1]

Navajo Sacred Twins

White Buffalo Calf Woman is the Divine Feminine Principle returning sophianic consciousness or wisdom to the earth, is the Daughter of God made through the Christos-Sophia genetic bloodline through Aquaelle, and is the spiritual emanation of Perfect Peace. Her male counterpart or twin is White Navajo, the Divine Male Principle, the Son of God made through the Christos-Sophia genetic bloodline through Aquaelle, or the spiritual emanation of Perfect Peace.

Aquaelle Lineage

Aquaelle is directly related to the daughter of Christ bloodlines that incarnated on earth from Andromeda, and that this also an embodiment coding potential for bringing forth the Diamond Sun Body, it influences the potential of both male and female unification, Sacred Union. The progeny of Aquaelle was brought through the human tribes that became the male and female twins known as White Buffalo Calf Woman and White Navajo as the direct descendants.

Wohpe, Spirit of Peace

In Lakota mythology, Wóȟpe (less correctly spelled “Wohpe”) is a spirit of peace, the daughter of Wi and the Moon, Haŋhépi-Wi. She is the wife of the south wind. When she visited the Earth, she gave the Dakota people a pipe as a symbol of peace. Later, Wóȟpe became conflated with White Buffalo Calf Woman. An alternative name for Wóȟpe is Ptehíŋčalasaŋwiŋ. As a symbol of Wophe’s coming to earth she is often associated with falling stars. [2]

With the arrival of Roman Catholic missionaries, their bible stories of the Mother Mary and Jesus became associated with the legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman and White Navajo. The syncretic practice of identifying Mary with PtesanWi and Jesus with the čhaŋnúŋpa continues among Native American Christians to this day. The čhaŋnúŋpa is one means of conveying prayers to the Creator and the other sacred beings. White Buffalo Woman brought the čhaŋnúŋpa to the people, as one of the Seven Sacred Rites, to serve as a sacred bridge between this world and Wakan Tanka, the “Great Mystery’. [3]

Birth of White Buffalo Significance

The Native Americans see the birth of a white buffalo calf as the most significant of prophetic signs, equivalent to the weeping statues, bleeding icons, and crosses of light that are becoming prevalent within the Christian churches today. Where the Christian faithful who visit these signs see them as a renewal of God’s ongoing relationship with humanity, so do the Native Americans see the white buffalo calf as the sign to begin life’s sacred hoop.

“The arrival of the white buffalo is like the second coming of Christ,” says Floyd Hand Looks For Buffalo, an Oglala Medicine Man from Pine Ridge, South Dakota. “It will bring about purity of mind, body, and spirit and unify all nations— black, red, yellow, and white”.

White Buffalo Woman Teachings

Some of the things White Buffalo Calf Woman taught included instruction about the love of the Creator, and warnings of the traps of the Shadows. She explained by using analogies about how creation was temporarily infested with Shadows. She instructed them to walk close to the Creator to avoid the temptations of the Shadows, which were everywhere on Earth, and ever ready to pounce upon them. She warned that the Shadows are always trying to lure them away from the Creator. She taught them to be ever diligent and strive to live close to the Creator. White Buffalo Calf Woman said that Earth was encased by Shadows, but that one day the Creator would send her along with many “warriors”, including the seven special beings (that she called flying White Buffalos), to liberate the people from the clutches of Shadows. She warned them about the Watchers from the sky. She taught them to purify their spirits by not harbouring hatred, jealousy and deception. She taught them that many children of the Creator were trapped here on Earth by the Shadows, which were assisted by the children of the Shadows. She told them that the physical body is only temporary, but the spirit lives forever and will one day return to the Creator.

White Buffalo Calf Woman taught them that while the rainbow colours remind them of the beautiful Seven Powers and Seven Lights of their True Home, they should be wary of its outward appearance because rainbows that are seen on and about Earth were made by the Shadows. They are made from Matter (Shadows). Shadows have imitated the colours of Divine Brilliance and invented Its pseudo form to fool the children of Light into believing that rainbows contain the Seven Powers and the Seven Lights of the True Creation. Although Darkness has tried to steal the Ninth and the Twelfth Powers, It failed at these attempts. In every race and colour there are children of the Creator who are mingled with the children of the Shadows. There are good men and women in all tribes and nations who daily mix with bad ones. There are good trees and rocks in all forests and mountains that exist in the midst of the bad ones also.

The White Buffalo was pure and beautiful. It always followed White Buffalo Calf Woman around during her stay with the people of the Navajo-Apache. All the people loved the White Buffalo and treated him with great love, respect and reverence. They regarded the White Buffalo as sacred. She explained to them that the White Buffalo represented Purity, and that he was as Pure a being as could exist in this land where Shadows have so much influence. She said that the White Buffalo would soon be threatened and that this threat would test the band’s love and devotion to the Creator. She explained that since the Creator’s children wear many different coloured skins and belong to many different tribes and races, she could return to any of them. She said she would come from the south when she returned to liberate them from the Shadows and that the sun would turn red and the Earth would be in chaos. She produced a pipe that she said should be kept in the stead of the Sacred Pipe, which represents the collective Soul of the Earth. She instructed them to treat the pipe with reverence until she returned to retrieve the Sacred Pipe from the womb of the Earth and liberate the essence of the planet from the Shadows. [4]

Daughter Codes from Andromeda

Beltaine, May 1st brought us into a month of drudgery level astral work with a variety of projects involving the Satanic forces, Dark Mother purging to the surface, so that we could get a new access level of the Cosmic Mother of God aspect to be linked into the 1D through 4D areas of this planet through the Grandmother Butterfly patterns. This aspect that is available to us through Guardian Host is called Aquaelle, the daughter coding from the Andromeda gate. (I feel this to also represent sophianic consciousness, the Daughter of God made through the Christ genetic bloodline). This is an ascension hosting platform that is also a dispensation to help retrieve, transit and heal bloodlines in this earth that had been marked with generational satanic insignias for binding, astral traps and SRA related traumas of Blood Sacrifice. So far it has been showing up primarily as Native Americans or Aboriginal peoples that had inhabited the land mass to be retrieved and transited, my particular awareness seems to be with the Navaho gates and the Navaho lines that connect into Central Mexico with a massive Crystal Cavern underneath it. We are connecting directly to Aquaelle coding through Aurora Platform, an ascension hosting area can be reached in through this 4D area now. My thoughts are now to deeper understanding why this was significant for Nefertiti and Hatshepsut clearings, going back to the Egyptian timelines in the 18th Dynasty, that allowed these new levels of transiting out.

Aquaelle connection to Aquilla eagle constellation has many meanings of which I am learning about (an override to Fallen areas of the Golden Eagle ?), one is that it is directly related to the daughter of Christ bloodlines that incarnated on earth, and that this also an embodiment coding potential for bringing forth the Diamond Sun Body, it influences the potential of both male and female unification, Sacred Union healing through the 777 ancestral clearing codes, even though it was described as Daughter Codes. Somehow this coding also has connection to the Egyptian timelines (See recent Nefertiti update) and that which was taken to the Ireland land mass after the Akhenaton Fall and Murder. My feeling is that the precursor to access this coding was to attune to the Aqualine Sun frequencies, and now this is the next stage of getting the plasma coding that heals the female-male unification onto the planet, along with addressing this insidious and horrific problem of the satanic beast marks, bindings and the related kinds of SRA that are perpetrated virtually in all of the Controller Pillars of Society. What I noticed about the Aquaelle is that it’s a code and a transit portal for the Mother, and it was able to clear generations of satanic bindings (777 Coding clearing ancestral lines to correct Violet Ray transmission without crucifixion overly) that had trapped bloodlines of the many aboriginal peoples or Native Americans on the earth that are connected to these certain tribes — 2nd and 4th tribe, as well as other indigenous peoples throughout the globe. [5]



  1. White Buffalo Woman
  2. Wohpe
  3. Chanunpa
  4. Psychic Well
  5. [ES Update: Wounded Goddess, Achamoth, Sedna and Satanic Force Forum]

See Also:

Mothers Code

Grandmother Turtle Codes




Photo by Ascension Avatar (7-25-2019)

“White Buffalo Calf Woman”