JOACHIM BARTOLL: “The Attack on Information and People Exposing the Lies and Deceit Continues, Exactly as I Wrote Yesterday — Online Quarantine is Coming”

“Let’s us recap. A paid shill/crisis actor who posted regularly on Trump’s Truth Social site allegedly tried to breach the FBI’s Cincinnati field office in Ohio, armed with an AR-15 style rifle and a nail gun on August 12. After six hours he was shot and killed (conveniently) in a ‘cornfield’ near Wilmington. The fact that this actor called Ricky Shiffer, this paid shill operative, had been posting regularly on Trump’s social media platform tells us that the sole reason for that platform, Truth Social, is to further this agenda of labelling anyone who criticizes the government, anyone talking about New World Order agendas or any events as being staged or faked, to be considered as a right-wing extremist conspiracy theorist terrorist — a danger to him or herself and to society. And even more so, that these subjects are dangerous delusions from people with mental illness and must be censored and even banned, because they ‘infect people’ with their ‘disinformation’ and make weak-minded people do nonrational violent and dangerous things; such as trying to break in to FBI offices. They will point to Truth Social, which is said to be uncensored and a growing ground for right-wing extremists, and say, ‘this is what happens when these conspiracy theories are encouraged.’ As always, the people in power play both sides, and that is what Trump, Q/QAnon, and Truth Social is all about. Deceiving those waking up and trap them in this psychological operation, in this parallel Q reality where Trump, as Batman, is waging a war against a made-up Deep State cabal, while they can fuel the division and hatred between people, label them as extremists, and accelerate towards their goals of a Social Credit Score System and a totalitarian Surveillance State as in Agenda 2030 and Vision 2050. This operation and ongoing psyop is simply about information they can’t control, hence labelling anything that expose them and their actions as ‘conspiracy theories.’ This was one of the reasons for the whole staged and totally fake coronavirus pandemic.”

~Joachim Bartoll

And there you have it, a full confirmation of what I wrote about yesterday after FBI posted their bulletin to law enforcement agencies warning about threats and the possibility of civil war in the aftermath of their ‘raid’ on Trump’s Florida estate Mar-a-Lago.

Later that day, on August 15, ‘liberal’ (fake) news outlets such as MSNBC/NBC News posted about the staged and faked standoff between Ricky Shiffer and the FBI where Shiffer allegedly was killed after 6 hours of struggle. The headline did of course blame the faked death of this crisis actor on “disinformation, lies and conspiracy theories.”

Read about the aftermath of the raid here and the connection to this Ricky Shiffer HERE.

Let’s us recap. A paid shill/crisis actor who posted regularly on Trump’s Truth Social site allegedly tried to breach the FBI’s Cincinnati field office in Ohio, armed with an AR-15 style rifle and a nail gun on August 12. After six hours he was shot and killed (conveniently) in a ‘cornfield’ near Wilmington.

The fact that this actor called Ricky Shiffer, this paid shill operative, had been posting regularly on Trump’s social media platform tells us that the sole reason for that platform, Truth Social, is to further this agenda of labelling anyone who criticizes the government, anyone talking about New World Order agendas or any events as being staged or faked, to be considered as a right-wing extremist conspiracy theorist terrorist a danger to him or herself and to society. And even more so, that these subjects are dangerous delusions from people with mental illness and must be censored and even banned, because they “infect people” with their ‘disinformation’ and make weak-minded people do nonrational violent and dangerous things; such as trying to break in to FBI offices. They will point to Truth Social, which is said to be uncensored and a growing ground for right-wing extremists, and say, “this is what happens when these conspiracy theories are encouraged.”

As always, the people in power play both sides, and that is what Trump, Q/QAnon, and Truth Social is all about. Deceiving those waking up and trap them in this psychological operation, in this parallel Q reality where Trump, as Batman, is waging a war against a made-up Deep State cabal, while they can fuel the division and hatred between people, label them as extremists, and accelerate towards their goals of a Social Credit Score System and a totalitarian Surveillance State as in Agenda 2030 and Vision 2050.

This operation and ongoing psyop is simply about information they can’t control, hence labelling anything that expose them and their actions as ‘conspiracy theories.’ This was one of the reasons for the whole staged and totally fake coronavirus pandemic. To condition people to the idea of Digital ID’s (to always identify yourself,) 24/7 surveillance, restrictions (which will be up again with the social credit score system,) hating those who do not obey or follow the herd, and so on.

The next thing we will see as a result of all this is “online quarantine.” That is, new functions on social media to auto-block people and any content that they label as ‘disinformation’ based on their algorithms. That is the next step after programming the masses with “fact checkers” and silly pop-up windows linking to government approved websites. You will “auto-vax” or “auto-mask” against any information deemed as dangerous and infectious.
Twitter is already testing this, and with advanced AI, this will be implemented on all controlled platforms, as well as search engines. All we will have left if we want to communicate without being censored, blocked or shut down, are our own websites and communities, such as my And soon, the only way to find them will be by word of mouth, as they will be auto-blocked in any conversation on any non-privately owned platform. This is why I always talk about networking on such sites while internet is still somewhat available, and forming your own communities in your country and to keep in touch with like-minded and skilled people, so you can help each other out, trade and share resources. Remember, the people in power need us to run their perverted version of a society, but we do not need them. We can do it on our own by helping each other and working together.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “FBI Warns of ‘Dirty Bombs’ in the Aftermath of the Staged and Fake Mar-a-Lago Raid”

“According to the Jesuit and Freemasonic controlled Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS,) in the days since the warrant was executed to raid Trump’s Florida estate, there have been an increase in ‘violent threats’ against law enforcement, judiciary and government personnel, including a particular threat to ‘place a so-called Dirty Bomb in front of FBI headquarters.’ This started as predictive programming in the silly Joker movie from the DC Batman Universe released in 2019 and reproduced onto the world stage and your scripted reality with the staged and fully acted 2021 Capitol Insurrection where crisis actors took the capitol building in Washington D.C. People hating and fighting each other while being controlled as puppets from the shadows by the hidden hand that rules through their governments. The Joker represents the left, and Batman represents the right. And the movie is full of masked lunatics running around burning stuff down. Simple predictive programming and a script we’ve seen in many staged and faked psychological operations going back to the Boston Bombing. And remember, the right-wing actually identify Donald Trump as Batman. And the Q’tards, who love to attach fictional and mythical beings to their heroes, speak of Trump as he is Batman incarnated on the world stage. The common thread here is their puppet and actor Donald Trump, cleverly used to keep the fabricated division between the left and the right as wide and hateful as possible — fueling the hate and violence of the left and making anyone who is waking up and questioning ‘authority’ and the governments to be seen as a crazy conspiracy right-wing Nazi extremist. In other words, painting anyone who is questioning the narrative as a target, someone who is dangerous and must be taken down. I could go on as there is as always a ton of coding to these stories and agendas since they are all fabricated by the numbers, however the message should be clear. This is all about that motto, ‘Divide and Conquer.’ The division between left and right, the warfare of the classes. People against people and labelling those, who are awake and intelligent enough to question the narrative, as ‘extremists’ and ‘terrorists’. Now, as for this announcement from the FBI and DHS, that scripted nonsense made the headlines on the 14th of August, as in 14/8, like 148. The alleged warrant for raiding Mar-a-Lago was written on August 5, the day leaving 148-days in the year. And it all comes together as both ‘Mar-a-Lago’ and ‘Donald J. Trump’ sums to 148 in gematria. Mar-a-Lago = 148. Donald J. Trump = 148. The Freemasons = 148. Department of Homeland Security = 148. Dirty Bomb = 148. FBI Headquarters = 148. Try and calculate the odds for that!

~Joachim Bartoll

According to the Jesuit and Freemasonic controlled Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS,) in the days since the warrant was executed to raid Trump’s Florida estate, there have been an increase in “violent threats” against law enforcement, judiciary and government personnel, including a particular threat to “place a so-called Dirty Bomb in front of FBI headquarters.”

While there sure is some nutjobs and Q’tards capable of this out there, this storyline is all about the agenda to radicalize the right, labelling anyone who criticize the government and law enforcement as “right wing extremists” and terrorists. This started as predictive programming in the silly Joker movie from the DC Batman Universe released in 2019 and reproduced onto the world stage and your scripted reality with the staged and fully acted 2021 Capitol Insurrection where crisis actors took the capitol building in Washington D.C. The common thread here is their puppet and actor Donald Trump, cleverly used to keep the fabricated division between the left and the right as wide and hateful as possible fueling the hate and violence of the left and making anyone who is waking up and questioning ‘authority’ and the governments to be seen as a crazy conspiracy right-wing Nazi extremist. In other words, painting anyone who is questioning the narrative as a target, someone who is dangerous and must be taken down.

This also ties in with the staged and fake lawsuit against their puppet Alex Jones who, during the trial, retracted his previous statements about the fake shooting in Sandy Hook and said that it was real. The perfect psyop and ammunition for the sleeping dumbed down masses who now will think that all these staged and fake shootings have been proven as real in the court of law even the right-wing extremist “truther” Alex Jones said so.

As for the Joker movie, I wrote about that on social media when the capitol attack happened and also in this article, and it’s very simple. In the movie, The Joker was starting riots and killing rich people, and not because of money, but because he saw himself as a “better class of criminal.” And that is what it has always been about; class warfare. Division. People hating and fighting each other while being controlled as puppets from the shadows by the hidden hand that rules through their governments. The Joker represents the left, and Batman represents the right. And the movie is full of masked lunatics running around burning stuff down. Simple predictive programming and a script we’ve seen in many staged and faked psychological operations going back to the Boston Bombing.

And remember, the right-wing actually identify Donald Trump as Batman. And the Q’tards, who love to attach fictional and mythical beings to their heroes, speak of Trump as he is Batman incarnated on the world stage.

Now, as for this announcement from the FBI and DHS, that scripted nonsense made the headlines on the 14th of August, as in 14/8, like 148. The alleged warrant for raiding Mar-a-Lago was written on August 5, the day leaving 148-days in the year. And it all comes together as both ‘Mar-a-Lago’ and ‘Donald J. Trump’ sums to 148 in gematria. Try and calculate the odds for that!

Mar-a-Lago = 148
Donald J. Trump = 148
The Freemasons = 148
Arturo Sosa S.J. = 148 (the Superior General of the Jesuit Order, aka., The Black Pope)
Department of Homeland Security = 148
Dirty Bomb = 148
FBI Headquarters = 148

Even the ‘dirty bomb’ threat goes hand-in-hand to where it was allegedly supposed to be; the FBI headquarters.

This FBI bulletin was sent to ‘law enforcement’ agencies on August 14, a day with 64-date numerology.

8/14/2022 = 8 + 14 + 20 + 22 = 64

FBI = 64
Law Enforcement = 64

The article also mentioned the staged and fake standoff between the FBI and the crisis actor called Ricky Shiffer Jr. who allegedly tried to forcibly enter the FBI headquarters and was shot and killed during the standoff that lasted six hours (!) Yes, 6 as in the Capitol Insurrection that took place on January 6. And speaking of which, this bulletin on August 14 was released exactly 220 days after the anniversary of the Capitol Insurrection, an event that was all about Donald Trump and ‘right-wing’ extremists.

Donald John Trump = 220

And August 14 is 8 weeks and 5 days, like 85, after Trumps June 14th birthday.

Donald John Trump = 85
Arturo Sosa S.J. = 85 (the Superior General of the Jesuit Order)

And speaking of the staged standoff and Ricky Shiffer Jr….

That fabricated name reduces to 84, which is very telling.

Ricky Shiffer Jr. = 84
The Jesuit Order = 84
The Catholic Church = 84
United States of America = 84
Freemason = 84
Masonry = 84
Jesuit = 84

That name is also quite telling in who runs the show and whom they worship and the tactic they use to rise to power.

Ricky Shiffer Jr. = 165, 84, 87, 990
The Catholic Church = 165, 84, 87, 990
Satan is the Lord = 165, 87, 990
Divide and Conquer = 165, 87, 990 (their motto)

I could go on as there is as always a ton of coding to these stories and agendas since they are all fabricated by the numbers, however the message should be clear. This is all about that motto, ‘Divide and Conquer.’ The division between left and right, the warfare of the classes. People against people and labelling those, who are awake and intelligent enough to question the narrative, as “extremists” and “terrorists”.

Further reading on the subject of the fake raid:

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Residence Allegedly Raided and under Siege by the FBI – And a Journey into Numerology, Mysticism, and Trump’s 888 Connection

More on the Staged Mar-a-Lago FBI Raid, Trump’s new Campaign, Trump as the Seventh King, The Looming August 16, and Trump Taking the Fifth

~via Joachim Bartoll Official