LISA RENEE on “The U.S. Outrage Culture/Political Correctness Psyop”

Outrage Culture is depicted by dramatic outbursts in which people claim their moral superiority and crave public recognition. The western value system in the United States has been deeply mired in the effects of the Outrage Culture, building momentum through targeting the youngest minds to enforce classifications of Political Correctness for the purpose of censoring free speech and aggressively shaming people into submission. The orchestration of the Plandemic along with the economic devastation of Americans, the utter destruction and anarchy in major cities, informs us of the intended direction of the current Globalist Agenda. Which is to destroy the American Constitution through spreading hatred and continue to demoralize its citizens in any way that they can, in order to attempt to stage their coup d’état.”

~Lisa Renee, via Outrage Culture