LISA RENEE: “Watchers”

“During the end of 2nd Seeding the Annunaki reptilian races started breeding with Humans on the earth and a race called NEPHILIM was created. Many of these Nephilim creations were from kidnap, rape and forced breeding with the human women of the earth. Many of the Nephilim were destroyed on the earth during the Nephilim Wars and their fragmented consciousness become enmeshed with the lower demonic spirits of the dense levels of earth matter. Some of these entities bound to the earth became known as the Watchers, and comprise of both combinations of Nephilim and Fallen Angelics fragments which descended to become ruled over by the hierarchies of the Belial and Baal entities in the earth. Over time these fragments evolved into many lower spirit hierarchies of entities, trapped within the earth fields unable to evolve, transit or heal.”

~Lisa Renee


During the end of 2nd Seeding the Annunaki reptilian races started breeding with Humans on the earth and a race called NEPHILIM was created. Many of these Nephilim creations were from kidnap, rape and forced breeding with the human women of the earth. This was not agreed upon to genetically tamper with the human race and the Elohim would not let this race continue to walk on or be on the Earth. This created a Conflict and another War broke out. This created the war with the Annunaki and other Annunaki sympathizers, such as the Dracs and reptilian groups of Sirian Annunaki Hybrids. The Nephilim Wars ended this seeding attempt and we reorganized for the next Evolutionary Round where the Luciferian Rebellion occurred in the Atlantian Cataclysm timelines.

Many of the Nephilim were destroyed on the earth during the Nephilim Wars and their fragmented consciousness become enmeshed with the lower demonic spirits of the dense levels of earth matter. Some of these entities bound to the earth became known as the Watchers, and comprise of both combinations of Nephilim and Fallen Angelics fragments which descended to become ruled over by the hierarchies of the Belial and Baal entities in the earth. Over time these fragments evolved into many lower spirit hierarchies of entities, trapped within the earth fields unable to evolve, transit or heal.


In the Book of Enoch, Samyaza is portrayed as the leader of a band of angels called the Watchers that are consumed with lust for mortal women and become Fallen Angelics.
And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: “I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.” And they all answered him and said: “Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.” Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. (Enoch 6:3-5)

A full listing of the leaders of the group can be found on the 1 Enoch page.[1] Semjâzâ convinced several other Grigori to join him in fornicating with women. As a result, he and the other sinful Grigori begot giant offspring (called Nephilim in Genesis) that dominated and feasted upon humans during the days of Enoch. The Watchers’ other sin was to teach humans various creative arts — especially Azazael’s, who taught the secrets of war, which brought down the wrath of God. [2]

Third Hierarchy Fallen

Includes Human Souls in the process of earthly reincarnation cycles that have digressed in to Geni or Jin which is a shadow creature, no longer human, it retains a counterbalance in the higher spirit realms of which it has been disconnected, from its Soul matrix. This includes the anti-christ seeds of Azazael which form the Watchers hierarchies, these are Nephilim consciousness fragments bound in the earth. See Fallen Angelics.

Achamoth Fallen Body Parts

During the destruction of Tiamat the planet, a portion of Christos-Sophia’s divine essence became trapped within the Phantom Matrix and material realms of creation, and she existed outside of the House of God. The Christos Sophia body was split into many Negative Forms of itself to which these forms were captured and used by the lower material forces of Satanism and Luciferianism. Her fallen body parts were used to impregnate her with grotesque creations, such as the Archon parasites for the use of these lower spirits, such as the Fallen Angelics and the Watchers. These anomalies were made as a part of her fragmented consciousness but to which she had no control over their use or direction. When these splits in her consciousness body occurred, she fragmented into the earth elemental matter, entwined with the lower spirit hierarchies and lost her Christos body. Hence, she was fallen and trapped in matter with these grotesque creations. [3]

Book Of Enoch

But now the giants Nephilim who are born from the union of the spirits and the flesh shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, because their dwelling shall be upon the earth and inside the earth. Evil spirits have come out of their bodies. Because from the day that they were created from the holy ones they became the Watchers; their first origin is the spiritual foundation. They will become evil upon the earth and shall be called evil spirits. The dwelling of the spiritual beings of heaven is heaven; but the dwelling of the spirits of the earth, which are born upon the earth, is in the earth. The spirits of the giants oppress each other, they will corrupt, fall, be excited, and fall upon the earth, and cause sorrow. They eat no food, nor become thirsty, nor find obstacles. And these spirits shall rise up against the children of the people and against the women, because they have proceeded forth (from them). – 1 Enoch 15 [4]

Fallen Angelic Negative Form Bodies

Through the fall of our experience, the Seraphim also fell in their own experience and were polarized in their own Negative Form, of which, shadow elements of themselves came to be distorted creations of their perfection. This is what is known as the Fallen Angelics or even down into the Demonic Races and demonic spirits which become compacted deeply into the earth. What they are showing us here today is that the Fallen Angelics became distorted Negative Forms of the original perfection of the Seraphim. [5]

Baphomet Negative Form Body

Black Madonna, Fatima worship of Islam and all Catholic idols of Mary are gridded energetically to feed Satanic forces to impregnate the Sophianic Body to manifest miscreants through her Negative Form, Baphomet. This way the False King of Tyranny can control the power sources on the planet, as they access the satanic version of mother enslaved in the bowels of the earth, when needed. Baphomet is the satanic force replicant sigil which was created from what is referred to from Gnostics as the body of the Achamoth. This is Christos-Sophia’s negative form controlled and projected out into the world by the satanic forces. Through its worship and feeding, she is held hostage by its collective power in the world. The Baphomet symbol represents the enslavement and torture of the true Christos-Sophia and Mother Arc of God on this earth. Until the Mother of God and Sophia’s Holy Spirit are freed to be embodied in matter, women all over the earth remain enslaved through the Baphomet. How the Negative Form is “passively” manifested physically in human beings to feed the Sophianic Negative Form is to think of Muslim women covered in black sheets with their face/identity shrouded from head to toe. If they show a body part they may be killed, if they are raped by a man, they will be killed.

This is the physical symbol of Baphomet, the enslaved Black Madonna female in the earth impregnated without her choice to give birth to deformed or deviant creatures. To physically express that is to unconsciously feed hatred into the Black Madonna and Fatima network of which continually ensures Christos Sophia’s enslavement. [6]

666 Seal

For this violation seals were placed on the 6th and 7th dimensional access Wings in our DNA coding preventing physical ascension out of this realm. This became a curse on Humans 666 Seal as it was genetically inbred through the generations. When the human consciousness was no longer a threat to the Planets or Universal Security the Seals are lifted and assistance is given to release them.

Fallen Angels

The book of Enoch also lists leaders of the 200 fallen angels who married and commenced in unnatural union with human women, and who taught forbidden knowledge. Some are also listed in Book of Raziel (Sefer Raziel HaMalakh), the Zohar, and Jubilees. For more see Fallen Angelics.

Book of Raziel

Recently, a process of transiting began for multiple hierarchies buried in the lower astral and earth realms related to Fallen Angelic groups with its primary gatekeeper; Raziel-Rachab. There are deeper links to the planet Mercury logos and Raphael, of which the Laws governing Galactic principles are shifting its architecture. This is related to rehabilitation of planetary logos and the correction to the models of “Fallen Angels” and “Fallen Gods”. This process of transit has been hard on our physical body as the residue of the fields moving through are very toxic, like decay, decomposition of matter, with sensations of disease, infection and cancer. According to the Book of Raziel, God sent the highest of the Angels or Watchers, Raziel, to teach Adam the spiritual laws of nature and life on earth, including the knowledge of the planets, stars and the spiritual laws of creation. These books are known to Kabbalistic teachings as Sepher Ha-Razim and Sefer Raziel HaMalakh.

The Angel or a being from Watchers, Raziel also taught Adam the knowledge of the power of speech, the power of thoughts and the power of a person’s soul within the confines of the physical body and this physical world, basically teaching the knowledge with which one can harmonize physical and spiritual existence in this physical world. [7]

Mount Hermon

In the Book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is the place where the Watchers class of fallen angels descended to Earth. Its summit straddles the border between Syria and Lebanon and is the highest point in Syria. On the top there is “Hermon Hotel”, in the buffer zone between Syria and Israeli-occupied territory, the highest permanently manned UN position in the world. They swear upon the mountain that they would take wives among the daughters of men and take mutual imprecation for their sin (Enoch 6). The mountain or summit is referred to as Saphon in Ugaritic texts where the palace of Baal is located in a myth about Attar. The Book of Chronicles also mentions Mount Hermon as a place where Epher, Ishi, Eliel, Azriel, Jeremiah, Hodaviah and Jahdiel were the heads of their families. R.T. France, in his book on the Gospel of Matthew, noted that Mount Hermon was a possible location of the Transfiguration of Jesus. [8] (See Mount Hermon Session)



  1. Book Of Enoch
  2. Samyaza
  3. Song of Christos Sophia Newsletter February 2014
  4. Book of Enoch
  5. Quetzalcoatl & Seraphim Lineages August 2008
  6. Song of Christos Sophia Newsletter February 2014
  7. Sophianic Body Correction
  8. Mount Hermon


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Moon Children”

“A Moon Child ritual is to demonize the fetus and the general process of it is very arduous because there are lower spirits and lower hierarchies of demonic entities and then there are much more powerful ones that exist as Dark Avatars. It’s about bringing in to the matter realm entities that embody forces of extreme evil, the conjuring of the darkest of the dark, and bringing that into the planetary body via some kind of physicalization through these Moon Child rituals. The explanation of the rituals and how to perform them was brought through by none other than Aleister Crowley, who adapted many Gnostic rituals and inverted them. So for them maintaining control over Stonehenge is very important because it is the connector to 11D frequency that they need to maintain their 11D control to manipulate the base 10 architecture in matter. If they lose their stronghold at Stonehenge they’re going to lose their 11D DNA access. That means they will not have dimensional access at an 11D level. It’s over. So, for Stonehenge they’re going to fight very hard because for them that is the ground zero for the antichrist versus Christos conflict.”

~Lisa Renee


Question: We have beloved J asking a very difficult question. She’s is referring to the Moloch attachment generated through Satanic Ritual Abuse while the fetus is still in the womb, and that process is known to produce moon children. Also she asks is the term Watcher, Nephilim, Fallen Angelic, Djin and Genie are all the same type of this kind of binding or entity and the fallen 72? How does this apply to Stonehenge?

Answer: We have a lot of difficult questions being asked. Let’s try to bring this back down to basics. First of all I would take a big breath for this one. This can be a very emotional topic, when comprehending the purpose of the Moon Child. It’s very difficult to know this happens on the earth. I’m going to pre-warn you, that this topic may be deeply triggering. I find this topic of SRA rituals incredibly painful to witness in terms of the absolute havoc and trauma that has been wreaked on humanity with these hidden rituals. First it’s understanding that Moon Children are basically describing children that have been consecrated and bound to demonic forces and offered as a soul sacrifice. The mother when she was pregnant underwent an arduous process of Black Magic sorcery and sexual rituals for weeks on end to ensure that the baby she’s carrying is demonized for an assortment of purposes.

Essentially, the process of creating Moon Children is to essentially create a demonized fetus and in some cases, this would be to actually intend to create a version of antichrist entities to be born through this child’s body and/or a level of demonic attachment that will control this soul throughout its lifetime. If it is a certain level of which they’re trying to attract a powerful Dark Avatar or that which is believed to be a creator god being to come in to attempt to save this child’s soul, in so they can trap it in this realm. It’s essentially a ritual overall that’s being used to demonize the fetus so that when the child is born, this demonized child grows into adulthood that is the emanation of a full shadow demon seed embodiment. We could call this an antichrist soul being primed to have a black heart lightbody system, or we could call it a soul that has been chosen because of it’s perfected light that the dark forces desire to be tainted by the sickness and disease of the demonism. This is an intended mockery and disfigurement of the Christos, if you will. This is intended to mock the Christos child by perverting it with soul sickness, black shadows, a demon seed.

Apparently, there are factions of the Power Elite as well, the people that are chosen in their family lineages to be the primary rulers, presidents or in charge of governmental and global affairs, and some of them have been intricately co-created in order to become a part of this process of demonization or soul inversion. As an example, when George Bush senior died, it was confirmed to me that he was the holder of the Adam/Belial Fallen Angelic archetype and his role here was to actually embody and station that architecture in a physical form of which he could wield this dark avatar power to gain full control on the earth. So, this is like saying this is how this particular bloodline of the Bush family was able to accumulate massive wealth, power and help to control the narrative through black magic used to maintain the entire power elite structure. So if he was the embodiment of the Adam/Belial it seems likely members of the family have been involved in intergenerational blood covenants from some interaction with these satanic rituals as well.

A Moon Child ritual is to demonize the fetus and the general process of it is very arduous because there are lower spirits and lower hierarchies of demonic entities and then there are much more powerful ones that exist as Dark Avatars. So, the Moon Child ritual is no joke. It’s about bringing in to the matter realm entities that embody forces of extreme evil, the conjuring of the darkest of the dark, and bringing that into the planetary body via some kind of physicalization through these Moon Child rituals. The explanation of the rituals and how to perform them was brought through by none other than Aleister Crowley, who adapted many Gnostic rituals and inverted them. I am aware that he wrote a book on this ritual giving step by step instructions on how to create a Moon Child, although I’ve never read this. Unfortunately, much of this inverted information became the handbook for the power elites and many of them at some point have partook in these particular black magic rituals, such as consecration to the Moloch, and for the classic satanist families, this designation was taught to their offspring as something that is highly desirable.

So in understanding what that is J is asking, I want to say yes, this binding can be released. The issue is obviously going down that path to better understand what a Moon Child is designed for and what the actual intentions are behind performing the rituals. The type of entity that has been bound to the fetus or unborn child through the ritual, because usually it’s probably more the Moloch, which is a battery tank for the practising satanist to collect forces of energy to manifest their desires. It’s very similar to the Baphomet forces, but it is a source of dark energy binding of which can be used as an energy for manifesting things. Normally Moloch bindings first happen to children, unfortunately this results in such grotesque practices as baby cannibalism, baby sacrifice, baby circumcision or sexual mutilation. That soul energy generally goes to Moloch architecure used as battery tanks. So all of that could be dedicated to the entity known as Moloch, but what I’m feeling with this situation is that its also another particular ‘prince of hell’ level of dark entity that comes through this particular binding. Usually the entity that is being chosen in a ritual binding has some kind of expert quality, that is desirable for the family to have access to. As sick and twisted as this is, a lot of these elite families choose a particular demonic entity with the expertise that entity is going to give them, which is a type of super power, if you will. The entity usually has some kind of knowledge or power in that arena they are working within. So if you can find out what the arena is that the family was involved with or desired in terms of power, knowing that this ritual was conjuring entities to gain knowledge or power over others in a specific area. That particular demon will be connected to the binding, and then a Blood Covenant and a DNA bond is created that this knowledge and power is coming from this demon, who protects them as long as they give soul energy to feed him. The knowledge or power is to be given to the family who agreed to be in consent with this demon, so that they can do x, y, z or whatever that purpose is.

Speaking about this topic brings more deep recognition to the horrors of generating Moon Children, as there is so much trauma and suffering involved. During the shift, with the planetary hosting change, there is the shift from lunar to solar consciousness happening that is shifting architecture. Through the process of observation, we’re learning more about the Moon Chain in terms of Moon Chains that source from the Black Hole entities. We know that they are a variety of fallen entities, when we’re talking about off planet lunar forces. There are demonic and shadow entities that are a part of the Earth that make up these vast hierarchies of demonics. So this is very complex, when you’re asking about the hierarchies. That topic could be a lifelong study in itself. Let me share my own experience through field work and what I have understood. First recognizing that everything that is organized into something and that has a type of consciousness energy attached to it, will have as well dark entities and demonics that are connected to it. These forces act as a governor of that particular energy structure and what expresses through it.

As an example for myself, the Djin or Genies I’ve encountered act particularly as the guardians of the energy architecture that expresses Islam. A soul with Islamic lifetimes, will accumulate attachments of these Djin or Genies. There is a long history of moon chain forces that is connected to Muslim history, moreso the Saracen histories in the Middle East. Djin or Genie will show up when lunar architecture or Islamic architecure is interacted with, and that includes a certain demographic like the grids in the Middle East. Though it appears as very similar to a demonic kind of shadow entity, this is defining a particular shadow entity or demonic lower spirit that has knowledge of Islamic architecure and acts as its ritual guardian in some ways. It could be a particular section of the ritual or teaching or something that’s been connected to it. Maybe that particular energy or whatever it’s representing has been used for some kind of manifestation of reversals or anti-life, evil. If you look at what is going on in the mass media manipulation with Islam and the extremism, violence and poverty that is in the Middle East, there it is demonstrated actions of high levels of the population engaged with negativity, violence, hatred, misogyny, and holy war belief systems. That God wants the most pious to wage these wars against others in his name. Well, the Djin or Genie are in charge of that activity. This is a particular dark entity that holds a knowledge base in that arena.

A Watcher in my experience was that it revealed itself in the same way that it is connected to the Book of Enoch information. I recognize that some of the Watchers were connected to the earth during the time the Nephilim Wars happened on the planet about 75,000 years ago. Many Nephilim beings were killed and exploded and thus, became enmeshed in the terra forma and grid systems. This became a part of the fractured consciousness known as the Watchers. I’ve also known a part of the Watchers that formed another section of themselves called the Gregorie who tried to ascend themselves by actually creating and controlling humans through the constructs of Mormonism. Watchers are very connected to Mormonism and the Gregories are connected to the Nephilim histories because some of them are fragments of the spiritual bodies of those original Nephilim beings. This is not a human being or human soul. This is a fragment of Nephilim soul, it could be a fragment of the Nephilim negative form, the dark shadow body of a Nephilim entity that got stuck on the Earth, and these groups are called the Watchers. They too are seeking to be released from the time and space constructs of earth, and are reliant on humans to help them ascend out. This is another reason behind the Indigo 3 mission.

Some of these Watchers became a part of the knowledge base of the Book of Enoch that was assimilated by Thoth. Enoch has a direct relationship with Thoth. And the Watchers have a relationship with Azazael. In our communty, we know that Azazael and Lillith were created dark entities from the black hole entities that were used to spawn antichrist creations by replacing the Law of Gender with gender reversals. Their covenant was made in the United Kingdom and this grid system is those entities’ residence, their demonic home is actually placed there in that section of the earth. I believe it’s there because it’s the ground zero of the original Nephilim Wars. There was a horrible holocaust event of Nephilim on this planet. So, it’s understanding when a consciousness, a being is exploded, tortured, and dies in a traumatic way, that consciousness doesn’t just go away. It doesn’t cease to exist. It has to transform into something else, into another energy form or put into another placement or pushed into another dimension.

This is the big issue on planet Earth. We have all this historical trauma that has happened on this planet, and we have a bunch of people living on it that cannot feel the trauma that was created here from past events. Until we can actually address this planetary trauma and help each other to clear, transit and transform these dark energies alchemically. This is a part of the purpose of transiting. Transiting helps to release this immense burden of pain and trauma from the Earth. It’s recognizing that Nephilim are basically very much connected to some of the Michael hybrids that are currenlty on this planet. Family of Michael Nephilim hybrids are connected to the Ruby Sun DNA of the 9D DNA that was used here to begin to reassemble the silicate matrix DNA. We’ve got all of this hidden history that’s very convoluted, but recognizing that these many worlds of forces are all connected to a section in time, or an energy like the Watchers that are connected to architecure that is included in the Book of Enoch, becasue they are made of whats called the Enochian language. The Nephilim are basically hybrids between the Annunaki and the Oraphim. Then we have the Fallen Angelics of which many are a part of the shadow forms of these Annunaki species that decided they were going to take on this Luciferian form in colloboration with Thoth and take control over everybody. Then we’ve got the Djin and Genies that are working with the Islam architecure in the earth, they adminster to this side of the conflicts for exerting control over earth territory.

Think of a type of shadow form that is holding a memory intelligence or has a connection to some kind of knowledge from previous historical timelines. This is very common with the world’s religion. There are also Catholic church entities, Christian church sects, every religion has some level of the hierarchy of entities attached to the architecure that creates it, and that are a part of the knowledge base of that particular organization. That’s also one way to understand this in terms of everything is consciousness energy. There is intelligent energy everywhere. Energy is conscious. Human beings have to decide how to quantify that energy, by discerning what we want to be in consent with, and noting that many dark forces want to take our power and consent away in so that they can gain total control over our consciousness and body.

When you ask about how does this apply to Stonehenge, Stonehenge is very important in the Fallen Angelic hierarchies control on planet, particularly the Thothian Luciferians and Belial groups that we know as the TEE groups, that control the Checkerboard Mutation and NRG Grid. There is a headquarters for the collection of planetary soul energy at the Stonehenge gate, and that is siphoned and harvested at global levels. Stonehenge has acted as a main collecting site, taking soul energy from across the globe sending it back to Stonehenge and then directing this off planet. Stonehenge is very important in terms of a stronghold for these NAA entities to maintain their control through black magic. This area is the 11D gate and so for them to maintain global control, it is very important because it’s connected to that 11D reversal DNA that they currently are existing in. So, remember the entities that became the antichrist said, “I’m not going to live in the natural laws. We’re going to create our own reality”. They made their own manifestation architecture and this is the Artificial Tree of Life which is visibly represented in the base 10 math and 10 tree system in the Kabbalah. This is a part of manifestation grids that they co-created down here and got humans to co-create with them so that they could run around and build their artificial realities in the ways that they want to take control over the planet. So for them maintaining control over Stonehenge is very important because it is the connector to 11D frequency that they need to maintain their 11D control to manipulate the base 10 architecture in matter. We’ve talked about these particular entities having 9, 10 and 11 DNA strands. If they lose their stronghold at Stonehenge they’re going to lose their 11D DNA access. That means they will not have dimensional access at an 11D level. It’s over. So, for Stonehenge they’re going to fight very hard because for them that is the ground zero for the antichrist versus Christos conflict. This is what they need to maintain control over this reality to maintain that particular funciton of their DNA, their consciousness being able to activate or participate at that 11D avatar level. Again, if they have 11D access and most of humanity doesn’t, you can see how this puts them at an massive advantage over the balance of humanity. Anyway J thank you for your question and I do hope that is helpful.

(Source: Transcript – Ascension Q&A, February 2019)


~via – Time Shift Blog – October 15, 2019