LISA RENEE on “Consequences from Engaging with AI-Driven Entities”

“There are consequences from engaging in multidimensional communication with AI-driven entities and their sophisticated mental holograms that are used as consciousness traps, as many traps use astral glamour to generate egoic programs of spiritual ambition and Hero-Savior-Messiah complexes to continue to loop and perpetuate the Victim-Victimizer software. As an individual intends to develop their consciousness and spiritual bodies, along with their unique DNA signature, it is possible to experience Consciousness Transport activities that include Remote Viewing and sensing a variety of energy phenomena that co-exist in the many different layers of dimensional fields. This can include an array of various entities of human or nonhuman origin and their energy structures, as well as machinery, implants, architecture, and entire realities which can be sensed as artificial or organic to this creation. The potentials of what can be sensed and explored energetically in the dimensional fields are indeed limitless. The caveat is that the mind must be incredibly strong and stable, fearless and anchored in the truth spirit, in order to withstand the immense pressure of knowing truth. What we fear controls us. Most of these technologies use symbol code programs that are targeted to the human subconscious in order to turn off or redirect genetic switches, that would naturally turn on multidimensional communication and higher sensory perception, such as the innate occurring skillset of Remote Viewing energy fields. Some of the common Holographic Inserts that are utilized during astral types of remote viewing and abduction scenarios are to separate the lightbody layers by running different particle rhythms in each layer. This rearranges the layers of lightbody to be sectioned into various timelines beyond the reach of the current station of time for that particular individual, so the offending parasitic entity can make use of that body. The purpose is to disconnect the lightbody layers so they will not integrate into their future aspects. Activated individuals using Remote Viewing or multidimensional communication will be required to reach spiritual adulthood quickly, by developing the emotional maturity to seek truth in these matters or suffer the consequences of succumbing to Archontic based deceptions. In some cases, awakening people become in consent with controlling entities, in which they receive enhancements in exchange for being monitored and experimented with. The Zeta and those entities that use grey alien technology are prolific in making these agreements with those in the new age groups. The consequence of AI entanglements instigates a lack of energetic coherence which increases mental fracturing, emotional fragility and a Lack of Empathy, as AI nano-encoded downloads will substantially weaken the mental body and lightbody functions into a downward spiral of erupting chaotic forces and erratic behaviors. Remote viewers and energy workers in the spiritual communities, are you adept at being able to discern what reality pictures you are perceiving that are sourcing from inserted Alien Machinery, Phantom Matrix, the Imposters themselves or organic creator code? Some people that remote view timelines will see reality pictures of cloned images and actual clones being used of famous or powerful people, those that have passed on or are currently celebrities that had gained massive social followings and fans.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

Photos provided by Ascension Avatar

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