JOACHIM BARTOLL on “The Trump Colorado and U.S. Supreme Court Theatre”

“So, on December 19, the day leaving a Skull and Bones Freemasonic 322 days until the US election on November 5, 2024, the Colorado Supreme Court disqualified Freemason Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot. And on December 20, the media ‘news’ headlines added that the U.S. Supreme Court may decide the 2024 election, as in deciding if Trump is even eligible to be on the ballot and whether he’s immune to prosecution. For anyone who is not in a complete dumbed down zombie-state like the big sleeping masses, this little ploy added to the election-script and the ongoing reenactment of Revelation should be obvious. Politics, the left and the right, the Democrats and the Republicans, are nothing more than an illusion — all belonging to the same body, working together to keep the majority of the population under their spell.”

~Joachim Bartoll

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

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