LISA RENEE on “Factual Evidence of Horrific Crimes Against Children Perpetrated with Appalling Levels by Those in the Top-Most Positions in High Governmental Offices”

“The entire global socio-economic-political systems are being run by a small group of criminal psychopaths that hijacked global governmental and intelligence organizations long ago in order to compartmentalize layers of corporate hierarchy that perpetuate these crimes, utilizing massively profitable multinational business models for perpetrating global Human Trafficking, Human Sexual Slavery and the Harvesting of Children. The global structure which supports human trafficking and protects the elite’s preferences for child sexual molestation and sacrifice, allows these incredibly damaging acts to continue which is designed to destroy the entire human race. These are some of the main practices and ongoing goals of the anti-human forces and those that support them, those entities that despise humanity and consider us slaves. The blackmail, bribery, hard factual evidence in communications along with compromising sex videos are more than adequate to convict the most violent and sick of these criminal psychopaths, if this information was given open source access across the intelligence and law enforcement communities, and if these criminals were not being protected by those in the highest governmental positions and courts of law. As a gentle reminder, the refusal to research or see that these depraved actions are rampant throughout our society is what allows the continuation of great harm to the earth’s children, by ignoring those who are raped, beaten and killed every day by their handlers and customers. This horrendous soul violation must be seen and understood in order to be corrected, this anti-human structure must be seen in order to be transformed and stopped. Currently we have all the surveillance technology we would ever need to gain the complete evidence of these crimes made against humanity, such as mass human trafficking and child sex rings, but the compartmentalization and bureaucracy is being implemented by those in power who are directly involved in the cover up of these crimes. And that will lead us to see with factual evidence on who has been covering up human trafficking and the sale of human beings across the globe, laundering trillions of dollars from having sex with children. Humanity will need to come together beyond personal beliefs in order to disseminate, authenticate and observe factual evidence that has been hidden in the shadows through compartmentalization by the top corporate cabal members; child trafficking, practices of child sex ritual, child hunting, harvesting adrenochrome and group blood sacrifice, by coordinating and helping to bring these hidden subjects and truths into the light of day. These horrific crimes against children are being perpetrated at appalling levels and with impunity. One of the things that is so hard for most people to comprehend, is that at the top of the Controller pyramid, there is no rule of law and no accountability, these crimes are being committed at multinational levels and hidden behind the money laundering markets on Wall Street, while cover-ups are made by those in the top most management level positions in high governmental offices.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Intelligence Community Whistleblowers

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