LISA RENEE on “Chapter of Revelations”

“The Chapter of Revelations in the Christian Bible contains zero content from the original Founder Records, the Yeshua Manuscripts or sacred transmissions from God. Thus, the original content of the earliest translations of the hand written Manuscripts and assortment of early Bibles were partially taken from the stolen Essene Manuscripts that were translated directly by Yeshua. The Manuscripts that were in possession of the Church, were embellished with an assortment of falsities, biases, and ongoing edits as transmitted to the human scribes by Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelic entities, primarily from the Jehovian collective. The Jehovian collective are the engineers of the Crucifixion Implants, and helped to design the Bible with Paltering techniques that would fit in with the Narrative of their Violent Religion based on Blood Sacrifice of the Christos. Over many hundreds of years these sacred Manuscripts from Yeshua’s team were further translated, studied and then falsified, edited, and omitted from revealing important spiritual concepts, as set forth by the decisions made by the powers behind the Council of Nicea and the Draconian leadership that had infiltrated the Church of Rome. However, this Council set into motion the ongoing basis for the dogma that would be used for human torture and Blood Sacrifice made in the name of God. The Bible would then be used for the political motivations of governments and Organized Religion to continue to enforce these partial truths and Patriarchal beliefs set forth by the Annunaki False Gods worldwide, under the guise of uniting the Christian Churches through the written doctrine ordained by God. The Four Living Creatures (Lion, Eagle, Ox, Man) are the most powerful Founder Guardian Consciousness Networks that are interconnected with the entire Planetary Grid and Stargate System. They are the Great White Lion, Sacred Blue Cow, Golden Eagle and the Four Pillars of Man. Through the intended gradual conquering and domination of these specific four Guardian Planetary Grid Network during the Dark Age, the intention was to slay and serve up these four beasts to be forced to worship at the Throne of Jehovah on their knees. There have been inexpressible amounts of edits, omissions and revisions made from the translations of these original Manuscripts that have been repeatedly copied from Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin and Greek into an assortment of languages and varied interpretations. Bible books and Church doctrines were frequently being commissioned by an assortment of Christian Bishops, Priests, Kings and Rulers throughout the ages since the Yeshua Christos Mission. Each translation being influenced and adopted to fit with their own personal beliefs, prejudices and one-sided interests reflected within the demographics, language and the culture active during that particular time. The content recorded in Revelations Bible text was never a part of the original Founder Records or the Essene Guardian translations. Instead it was used as an NAA Coded Bible passage for installing the Collective Consciousness overlays that instigate the manifestation of the Armageddon Software, to incite terrorism, cataclysm and Pestilence, implemented to wreak havoc on earth in order to fully control the end Timelines during the Ascension Cycle. This leaves the entire Planetary Stargate System under the complete domination of the NAA set-up, and is referred to as worshipping at the Throne of Jehovian Annunaki. The Four Beasts kneeling before the throne mentioned in Revelations pertain to the Founders’ original genetic records in the Planetary Grid Network that contains the reflection of their consciousness image on the earth, that links to them directly. The Chapter of Revelations in the Bible is a blueprint that outlines each step of the intended Negative Aliens completing their takeover Invasion of the earth surface, in which the Founder Records are fully destroyed and Organized Religions and Atheism are put in its place. The Chapter Revelations outlines the warped details of activating the pre-planned Armageddon Software at the end of the Ascension Cycle, in which assorted Negative Alien Technologies are sequentially implemented to wreak destruction upon the earth surface in order to serve the New World Order objectives of the Negative Alien Agenda.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Book of Revelation

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