LISA RENEE on “Law of Transformation”

“As our consciousness moves through the energy matrix of time, the results of our experiences are transforming us on multiple planes simultaneously, passing from one stage into another in an eternal cycle. In these cycles, there is no real death only transformation of the energy form into another form, as Consciousness moves throughout the timelines in a perpetual state of death and rebirth. For the purposes of spiritual growth, we will encounter many situations and events that will constantly evolve and change, and as these situations end, transformation occurs in which new situations will take their place. All of the experiences we have, the change and transformation that we have endured, is intelligent consciousness information, acquired knowledge that we will take with us wherever we go. The Ego Death occurs when the false identity and old way of thinking dies and an aspect of ourselves is reborn, this also encompasses the consciousness principle of the Law of Transformation. To achieve the inner alchemy of synthesizing the polarity of the energies that we are exposed to, we are constantly transforming the energies, transforming ourselves, transforming the Timelines. Through every transformative event, we are elevating ourselves towards achieving spiritual liberation and transcendence. We move through various portals of change and transformation throughout our life, or we move entirely into another dimension of reality.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Law of Transformation

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