LISA RENEE: “Krystal Flower of Life”

“This cosmic heart pulse is that Love from the center point of all union which brought forth and seeded all creations, ultimately giving the gift of the eternal source and its sustenance, which is maintained through the crystal heart centered connection existing within the Christos blueprint. The Holy Trinity is the representative interconnection of all life being sourced from the eternal love of the Holy Mother, Holy Father and the Holy Christos-Sophia, the offspring creations that are the children of God. The original and organic Krystal Flower of Life geometry reflects the Krystal Spiral pattern and always retains a center point with the crystal heart of creation, which is moving in a spiral motion of outward expansion into infinity in every direction. Thus, in Christos architecture the crystal heart center of the inner being remains forever connected into the living life force energy and permanent seed atom that is supplied directly from the eternal God Source field.”

~Lisa Renee


The Krystal Flower of Life is used to describe creation mechanics in the ancient sacred sciences in which many awakening people will have a strong animation of cellular memory, in knowing that this geometric template indeed exists and was a part of our hidden history from another time matrix. The original Flower of Life contained the Krystic sacred geometric formulas of the 45 degree angles of the Krystal Spiral that perpetually source the tri-tone wave, from the continual phase pulsing of the feedback loop generated from the cosmic heart center of the God Source. This cosmic heart pulse is that Love from the center point of all union which brought forth and seeded all creations, ultimately giving the gift of the eternal source and its sustenance, which is maintained through the crystal heart centered connection existing within the Christos blueprint. The Holy Trinity is the representative interconnection of all life being sourced from the eternal love of the Holy Mother, Holy Father and the Holy Christos-Sophia, the offspring creations that are the children of God.

The original and organic Krystal Flower of Life geometry reflects the Krystal Spiral pattern and always retains a center point with the crystal heart of creation, which is moving in a spiral motion of outward expansion into infinity in every direction. Thus, in Christos architecture the crystal heart center of the inner being remains forever connected into the living life force energy and permanent seed atom that is supplied directly from the eternal God Source field. Building the Sacred Crystal Heart by intending to express pure loving kindness from our heart and exchanging this unconditional love with others, is the antidote to the Metatronic Reversals that propagate dark flowering. [1] [2]



  1. Krystal Spiral
  2. Metagalactic Core


~via Ascension Glossary