LISA RENEE: “Orphan Complex”

“Little Orphan Annie” (1924). Artist: Harold Gray

“Orphan Complex is a Victim-Victimizer software mind control that is used to target Starseeds that are spiritually developing during the Ascension Cycle. Most Star people suffer from memory wipe and are harassed by the NAA to discourage them from discovering their true mission and spiritual purpose. As a result, many of us suffer from an Orphan Complex, at various stages of our ancestral clearing and healing process. Orphan Complex is a common mental disorder that many Starseed and Indigos experience when they incarnate on the earth and do not realize their true origin and spiritual mission with the earth. Because many spiritually developing people experience isolation, depression and confusion about where we belong, many of us feel despair while being on the earth without spiritual direction. When we are confused about our identity the NAA will target Star people to feel suicidal and have dark depression as a result from the intense isolation many of us feel form the earth inhabitants and feeling disconnected from our Star families. Most Starseeds chose very challenging earth bloodlines to incarnate into during this cycle. Before we incarnated into 3D earth, we understood our responsibility to heal that bloodline, and that the support we would have to complete the Ascension Cycle would be available to us. When we consciously participate and inquire on this process, we can make miraculous healing available not only to ourselves, but to our extended family of origin and throughout our bloodline history. This is the secret of the master number code of 777. Seven generations of bloodlines will be impacted in the past and future, simultaneously, when the ascending vehicle consciously participates with Spiritual Ascension to Cosmic Christ Consciousness. The now self is initiated to heal the entire bloodlines of past and future timelines, from the present station of identity. This is the secret that the NAA is so desperate to hide from humanity.”

~Lisa Renee

Orphan Complex is a common mental disorder that many Starseed and Indigos experience when they incarnate on the earth and do not realize their true origin and spiritual mission with the earth. Most Star people suffer from memory wipe and are harassed by the NAA to discourage them from discovering their true mission and spiritual purpose.

Most Starseeds chose very challenging earth bloodlines to incarnate into during this cycle. Before we incarnated into 3D earth, we understood our responsibility to heal that bloodline, and that the support we would have to complete the Ascension Cycle would be available to us.

As a result, many of us suffer from an Orphan Complex, at various stages of our ancestral clearing and healing process. When we consciously participate and inquire on this process, we can make miraculous healing available not only to ourselves, but to our extended family of origin and throughout our bloodline history. This is the secret of the master number code of 777. Seven generations of bloodlines will be impacted in the past and future, simultaneously, when the ascending vehicle consciously participates with Spiritual Ascension to Cosmic Christ Consciousness. The now self is initiated to heal the entire bloodlines of past and future timelines, from the present station of identity. This is the secret that the NAA is so desperate to hide from humanity. [1]

Victimizer Archetypes

Orphan Complex is a Victim-Victimizer software mind control that is used to target Starseeds that are spiritually developing during the Ascension Cycle. Because many spiritually developing people experience isolation, depression and confusion about where we belong, many of us feel despair while being on the earth without spiritual direction. When we are confused about our identity the NAA will target Star people to feel suicidal and have dark depression as a result from the intense isolation many of us feel form the earth inhabitants and feeling disconnected from our Star families.


Single Soul Occupancy

See Also:

Imposter Spirit

Children (targets)

~via Ascension Glossary

Image courtesy of Ascension Avatar

LISA RENEE on “777”

777 is a special master code that has relevance in the consciousness principle governing the architecture of the planet which pertains to the physical embodiment of Christ Consciousness, and relevant connections that embody the Law of One principles of the Trinity Source of the Godhead. The sacred code of 777 can be applied in a multitude of ways to request clearing of ancestral lines, miasma, or inherited imbalances in the Christ Consciousness, through the Natural Laws which support moral virtue and spiritual ethics. Many of us suffer from an Orphan Complex, at various stages of our ancestral clearing and healing process. When we consciously participate and inquire on this process, we can make miraculous healing available not only to ourselves, but to our extended family of origin and throughout our bloodline history. This is the secret of the master number code of 777. Seven generations of bloodlines will be impacted in the past and future, simultaneously, when the ascending vehicle consciously participates with Spiritual Ascension to Cosmic Christ Consciousness. The now self is initiated to heal the entire bloodlines of past and future timelines, from the present station of identity. This is the secret that the NAA is so desperate to hide from humanity. We call upon the Dispensation of the Sacred 777 to release any ancestral patterns inherited in our genetic lineage that is contributing to any blockages preventing us from our true soul and authentic God realization. We claim in the truth of our being fully revealed as the Light! Our divine inheritance that is the Truth! Our Self Sovereign God Power and right!”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary