LISA RENEE: “Releasing Ego Attachments to 3D Paradigm”

“As we move into the next phases of crumbling 3D paradigms, a major task for each individual is to release or surrender the emotional energy that the ego-Personality has attached to material possessions and the necessity of living in the 3D social structures (Controller Pillars). The goal is not to create hardships or abandon everything in our lifestyle, but to examine personal belief systems and determine what is no longer necessary, to remove physical attachments so that you can be Observer Point whether you have something or do not have something. Paying attention to the things that the ego has generated strong attachments to is a gradual exercise of detaching mental and emotional dependence upon the 3D structures, cultural beliefs, As we set conscious intention to release 3D attachments, reflect on the things you need to clear from your life and that which your consciousness energy should stop supporting because its obsolete, wasteful or harmful. Basic tasks such as simplifying your lifestyle, refusing to engage with draining relationships, and clearing out clutter also supports releasing energy attachments connected to physical things. This is the time to give some deeper contemplation and reflection upon what 3D belief systems you may have and how that influences Personal Value Systems that inform how you orient yourself in the world. As you consider the belief systems connecting you to the 3D paradigm, think how you would feel if suddenly that 3D system or pillar of society just did not exist any longer. How you would feel about that? Are you able to get into neutral and let all of it go, as the divinity existing inside you would have it be? This will also be a helpful process which you can guide others through when their belief systems and lifestyle are being dismantled.”

~Lisa Renee

As we move into the next phases of crumbling 3D paradigms, a major task for each individual is to release or surrender the emotional energy that the ego-Personality has attached to material possessions and the necessity of living in the 3D social structures (Controller Pillars). Humanity will be moving towards an increase in true humanitarian objectives which include a conscious orientation towards being in Service to Others as a primary lifestyle. This begins with the inner consciousness shift in which we are willing to release and clear obsolete 3D patterns of thought and embrace a lifestyle in which we dedicate ourselves to be in Service to Others. The first practice of the natural law is Unity Consciousness and when we reflect on this law as a personal value system in our lifestyle, the miracles of God appear to help us achieve our objectives, which are the byproduct of our spiritual alignment.

The goal is not to create hardships or abandon everything in our lifestyle, but to examine personal belief systems and determine what is no longer necessary, to remove physical attachments so that you can be Observer Point whether you have something or do not have something. Paying attention to the things that the ego has generated strong attachments to is a gradual exercise of detaching mental and emotional dependence upon the 3D structures, cultural beliefs, Materialism and the obsolete way of doing things in the 3D paradigm.

As we set conscious intention to release 3D attachments, reflect on the things you need to clear from your life and that which your consciousness energy should stop supporting because its obsolete, wasteful or harmful. Be willing to identify and feel emotional connections made with egoic attachments and be willing to refocus and detach from the need to have those things, placing trust in your material needs being met and being grateful for what you do have in the moment. Basic tasks such as simplifying your lifestyle, refusing to engage with draining relationships, and clearing out clutter also supports releasing energy attachments connected to physical things.

This is the time to give some deeper contemplation and reflection upon what 3D belief systems you may have and how that influences Personal Value Systems that inform how you orient yourself in the world. This will also be a helpful process which you can guide others through when their belief systems and lifestyle are being dismantled.

As you consider the belief systems connecting you to the 3D paradigm, think how you would feel if suddenly that 3D system or pillar of society just did not exist any longer. How you would feel about that? Are you able to get into neutral and let all of it go, as the divinity existing inside you would have it be?

To more deeply meditate on releasing egoic attachments and resetting them back to neutral, we would hold the contrast of comprehending what it would feel like if you stopped a certain belief system or pattern in your lifestyle, by thinking about how much that would change your life. As you imagine your life and the world without that belief system or institution, feel how much energy you may have connected or attached to that belief system, the 3D cultural aspects and the organization it may represent. Such as what would life be like if my family and I did not go to the hospital or doctor any longer as a standard of medical or health care? Can I let that go knowing that I can be healthy with natural immunity and learn alternative methods to take good care of myself?

The goal on examining personal beliefs is to help your mental and emotional body release strong attachments based on fear or wrong thinking, and instead find inner spiritual connection and neutral association that allows a surrendering release to what it is to be without the need to exert control over anything. When you unplug from the 3D paradigm your personality no longer needs that belief system and the energy around that system ceases to have control over you.

The shifting architecture will continue to increase energetic support for building organizations for truly ethical humanitarian objectives and being in service to others, while systematically dismantling belief systems and the 3D institutions which generate division, inequality and rank based on elitism, fame, social status, physical attributes and classifications which infer superiority over others. Every individual has the right to exist and no person has the right to take the life of another, or force others to damage the energetic integrity of their physical being or damage their right to live as they see fit when it does not harm others.

Belief Systems and Cultural Energy Transference

Every individual human being transfers their consciousness energy to a given set of belief systems that have been formed from a learned part of their culture. Therefore, this means that each individual has assigned levels of significance and importance to those particular belief systems formed in the culture that they have been exposed to. Humanity has been groomed to accept the 3D controlled narratives being enforced by nonhuman entities, thus these negative beliefs have accumulated energetic distortions within the three levels of ego, with emphasis on dead energy blockages formed within the solar plexus area. Blockages in the consciousness layers are formed through negative energy transference and dark force manipulation, this means the individual is unaware of the damaging impacts that 3D beliefs and 3D attachments have upon the consciousness and lightbody functions. Cords and energy attachments form in the consciousness layers and physical body which are generated from the negative ego belief systems that have been groomed by any particular 3D culture, which has an assortment of anti-human or anti-soul belief systems.

Individuals are often manipulated by dark forces in the reality in order to constantly feed their consciousness energy into the controlled narrative 3D belief systems, which are the mind control programs running in the collective consciousness. The sum total of the collective consciousness energy that is being manipulated to power up those 3D belief systems is what keeps it active and working within that culture. When people refuse to assign importance or significance to a particular belief system, they withdraw their consciousness energy from the social conditions that feed into that particular belief system, then the belief system begins to wither and die out in that culture. The more that humanity begins to detach their consciousness energy from supporting harmful or negative belief systems, the less that belief system will remain rooted in that culture.

The 3D world structures hold a lower vibration that is energetically associated with the preoccupation and quest for all experiences related to maintaining power and control over others, including the perpetuation of consciousness enslavement. Assorted methods of Mind Control have been used against humanity to manipulate the Collective Consciousness towards Service to Self orientation, by driving unconscious desires and consciousness energy towards maintaining the 3D Death Culture and through implanting negative beliefs, emotions, and attitudes in order to form physical attachments. The Solar Plexus is the conscious mind, and so the personality ego’s unresolved fears and negative beliefs will form corded attachments to material things, as well as form into energy blockages within the Lightbody. These energy blockages and egoic 3D attachments are used to manipulate the individual’s shadow body and energy signature, so the uncleared negative ego parts along with attachments formed to 3D belief systems continue to manipulate our outer perceptions through subconscious blind spots and ego defense mechanisms.

The ego personality is preoccupied with selfishness and making decisions for personal gain, with the 3D belief system that money, status or self-interests are the main priority in life, while disregarding the genuine social and ethical concerns for the welfare of others. The 3D personality ego is the survival consciousness energy stream of humanity that has invested in the belief systems perpetuated by the 3D Controller structures that have formed into energetic exchanges of physical attachments. These attachments formed by 3D beliefs keep the consciousness and lightbody bound and enmeshed with an assortment of material and physical things, which hold significance or symbolism for that individual, such as the meaning of one’s personal security or warding off perceived threats. Attachments are energy cords that are vibrational in nature, and in order to awaken beyond the 3D reality each person must free themselves from these strong emotional attachments, which bind and block access from experiencing higher spiritual consciousness.

Attachments and bindings are generally formed from previous uncleared trauma or fear, which generally forms a strong energetic resistance to change or a refusal to adapt to a new lifestyle or thought process. The negative ego entraps the emotional body with the sensation that the individual cannot survive in the world without conditional attachments to those things that are found in the 3D landscape, material or otherwise, which ultimately stunt emotional and spiritual growth. During the spiritual ascension and awakening growth phases, every individual will be pushed to transform beyond attachments and fear-based belief systems, to remove and clear the attachments formed that keep that person bound to the 3D timelines and its low frequency lifestyle.

Thus, all Controller Pillars of Society that are pre-occupied with 3D egoic concepts of power and control over others driven by Materialism, domination and greed, will begin to dismantle throughout the societal systems and cease to exist in the same way. It is helpful to prepare yourself now to know what it means to examine belief systems and clear out energy attachments to the 3D reality, as this preparation will make the transition to the Disclosure timeline much easier to handle. [1]


  1. Examining Beliefs

See Also:

Ending the Death Culture

Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe

Bifurcation of Time

Planetary Chakra Reconfiguration

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “12D Purification and Calibration Set Code for Crucifixion Implant Removal”


Beloved Holy Presence of God: Please open all channels of light, clear all light fibers to be fully connected and resonant with the Living Light Code.

From this Still Point of my Wholeness in manifest decision, I Decree in Sovereign Knowing, here expressed at my Command the Divine Will and Intention of the One Self-God Self. 

Set Space:

I call Upon my Group Avatar Christ, The Guardians and Aurora Races, aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of God’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.

Quick connect to 12D Hub:

North, South, East, West, and in the Earth, Sky and  into my Heart: I ask to direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Wholeness. I AM Impenetrable and Invincible. I ask the Krystal Guardian Forces to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which I Serve.

I ask my Christos Avatar to return all codes, fire letters, and the jewels, wings, energies and parts of bodies that have been misdirected and return them now to the Rightful Owner in the name of Self Sovereignty herein stated and commanded into presence now.  We invalidate the beings by commanding a full dissolution and dissolve into the One Source God Source Light through Forgiveness and Forgetfulness. Completely Heal and Seal the personal Auric Field from any further intrusion. Return all energies and essences that were in divine right order now. I call back all that is my self sovereign god power and right. I call in my personal Genetic Technicians and Ascension teams to support me in fulfilling this command.

I ask now God Force and Guardians, Higher Self Councils to administer the CORE SOUL PROTECTION PACKAGE to the Multidimensional Identities, Ancestral Identities and those Attached seeking the Release of this Dispensation at this Moment of self, Fully, Completely and totally, through all Parallel Realities and existences. Through the order of Mother Arc, open the portal to establish the passage to escort all ancestral identities, all fragments to their proper time and space vector, cleansed in the Cosmic Christos Light Source.

In the Zero Point Field and Unity Consciousness: I Command my Presence of Perfection in One Source Light. Cleanse all of the Ancestral or Miasmatic Record through my human Holographic record, through my Families of Origin and throughout the planetary interface records of cellular memory. Reinstate my Divine blueprint record to all layers of my Family of Origin to be Unified in the truth vibration, liberated, sovereign and free now. I request the complete removal of all lower formed energies or misqualified vibrations from my individual and group identities present. Terminate and Remove All imbalanced matrices, devices or structures all At once. Transmute all manipulation energies into Neutral Association through the Zero Point.

As the 12D Avatar and the Light of God that I am, I cancel all contracts and/or agreements I have made with any entity, Guide, or ___________, in this timeline or in any reality, that were not in my highest alignment and expression of my Light Source in the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. I terminate all false matrices or illusions that may have obscured my highest soul purpose and soul mission, in past, present and future timelines. I terminate redemptive vehicle and crucifixion contracts and their related phantom systems from impacting my consciousness and all of my 12 bodies. I further declare that the cancellation of all such contracts is to be irrevocable and permanent in all time frames and realities. I choose my perfection to stand in the Light and represent my full sovereignty and freedom for all human beings on this planet. I receive this Gift now as I will Share this Gift with all. All is One with the Light. I AM UNITY.

Universal Harmonics Alignment (Crucifixion Removal):

Beloveds Bring in the Universal Harmonics in an Oscillating Wave Format from the point 3 Feet above my head entirely saturating my Left Side, from top to bottom and releasing from my feet anything unneeded or unnecessary. Bring Waves from Top through the Bottom. I request the Removal of All Crucifixion patterns and their implants to be removed from my bodies in all areas, in the sequence necessary to support my optimization and Ascension. Terminate all inorganic and alien influences from this impacting my being in all of my bodies.

First – Left Side – Visualize the Gallbladder meridian filled up with Rainbow Rays of Aurora Pattern and releasing astral or gunky debris from the Temple to release all the way down the lateral side of my body and out of my small toe, or see the Waves moving through the 12 Tree Grid Lines on the Left side of my Female Aspect Body.

Second – Right Side – Visualize the Gallbladder meridian filled up with Rainbow Rays of Aurora Pattern and releasing astral or gunky debris from the Temple to release all the way down the lateral side of my body and out of my small toe, or see the Waves moving through the 12 Tree Grid Lines on the Right side of my Male Aspect Body.

Third – Center – The Sushumna or Hara line,Visualize a direct PERFECT Vertical Center Line in your Body. Correct the alignment of the vertical central column, align its axis perfectly calibrated to the main chakra cones and a diamond grid attunement. Phase Align into my Core Soul Being.

Last – Entire Body – Universal Harmonics in all Three Sections of vertical body as One large Wave Pattern. I spin and align the merge of my physical centers and layers to be perfectly synthesized into my highest spiritual bodies with harmony and perfection.

Open all Spiritual links and Cognition Upgrades in order and priority as God would have it be.

Reweave and reconnect, synchronize with light, open all pathways of communication between the template bodies and the 12th dimensional body that allow communication and direct cognition with my Christos spiritual family.

We call upon all Biological Encodements of the Christ Blueprint Body, The EUKA-KRIST, The Silicate matrix DNA Template activations to install the Transharmonic Pillars of Eternal Living Light Source.

Upgrade, Download, Recalibrate Etheric Nadis, Electro magnetic Battery Body and the KA Body to the new spiritual link communication download connections.

Activate all Energy receivers in our divine Lightbody, the Apparthi receivers to be activated as appropiate for our service mission.

Reconnect and axiatonally align all of my etheric axiatonal and meridian Channels to the New Earth Frequency Hubs Axiatonal lines, in order of priority as necessary for my ascension. Align and open the handshake to the Home Soul Frequency through my Starseed Identity matrices in the hubs. Recalibrate, Synchronize and Align my field to my Monadic Families and my Star Lineages.

I ask for any axiatonal line or etheric nadial upgrades needed now for the optimum functioning and comfort of my bio-energy field and for activating all spiritual links of communication that are outside the scope of my request or understanding. Download all cognitive upgrades needed for the clearest communication and comprehension or translation of language or light codes and that which serves our current spiritual mission.

Permanently, Totally & Completely.


I State my Intention of Sovereignty:

I harmonize and Hold this space in the name of One Self God Self. As witness to One, I seal my declaration into the Light of Union and Wholeness in Service to the One Self.

Please take my agreements into completion through the Outer Levels, Mind Grid, DNA, Karmic Contract, Core Soul Level and Beyond.

Take this and record it through the Morphogenetic Field and subtle energy systems, all levels and components of our Group Being. Fully, Completely, Totally and Permanently. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Hologram. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Time Matrix.

Beloved Family, I thank you for this Opportunity. I open to all processes required to Align Fully To my Highest Soul Purposes. It is with great joy and reverence I am home in the Light! 

And So it is. I Seal and End this Request and Prayer into the Light of Wholeness and Union with One God Source.

Thank you.


LISA RENEE: “Basic Energy Scan”

The Basic Energy Scan is a Technique to improve your HSP Skill and to retrieve impressions from Energy Signatures in people, places things and entities.

• Prepare with your 12D Shielding process.

• Bring into your inner vision a White Sphere or Ball of Energy and visualize or intend this White Sphere of your consciousness to rest in your 3rd Eye, your sixth Chakra.

• Breathe and focus on the White Ball in your Third Eye, focus on your sensation of it.

• With your mind focused on the White Sphere Symbol, program the White Sphere Energy Ball with the command “I intend this White Ball Symbol to be in Alignment, Wholeness and Purity with my Highest God Purpose. I AM GSF.”

• Now exhale and move the White Sphere of Energy down from your 3rd eye and into your Heart center or 4th Chakra. Breathe naturally while you connect with the symbol and sense this aspect of your conscious energy field residing in your heart complex.

• Now call to mind a person, place, event or object that you are intending to scan. Visualize or intend that the object of your scan is standing in front of you or within your view.

• Focusing on your heart center, exhale a small white cord thread to connect to the object of the scan and then send out your White Ball Symbol through the cord to overlay the object of your energy scan.

• As you inhale into your heart, allow yourself to receive some impressions of the object’s energy signature, as well as pay attention to what color your White Ball Sphere starts to turn.

• You may start to “feel” a range of perceptual feelings or emotion around the object.

• Does it feel in alignment or resonance with you? Notice the White Sphere of Energy and look at its color. If it remains white and feels strong it is in alignment with you. Depending on its shape or shade of gray to dark, will be its level of purity or resonance for your being.

Practice with this technique and it will become entrained in your neurological system. You will be able to begin to read basic energy signatures very quickly. This will give you another level of energy discernment when presented with choice or decision.

As you become more advanced you will start to see the color wave spectrum of the object and it will discern what frequency and dimension this “information” or energy is sourcing from. [1]


1 Personal Truth

See Also:

HSP Exercise

Service to Others

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Genetic Code Crasher”

“Genetic Code Crasher refers to circumstances between two people where there was malicious intent from dark forces to attach to the sexual energy of the targeted person in order to crash the genetic code or steal imprints of lightbody coding. This has been observed to occur in dark entity manipulated sexual relations. These also have been referred to as alien love bite relationships, as coined by Eve Lorgren. It has been observed in session work that Fallen Angelics and Negative Aliens can be involved in purposely manipulating astral abduction or implanted human beings to engage in destructive sexual relationships for the purpose of crashing DNA coding in a Starseed or Indigo person in order to distract them from their spiritual purpose and mission. As example, when someone has sex with someone they barely know in a one night stand, this is very common set up that the ‘energy vampire’ is being used to ‘read, decipher or steal’ the advanced coding in Indigo or Star people. People on planet earth are unaware of the sacred source of sexual energy, as well as the genital portal access that leads into the consciousness body that sexual intercourse can open. Energetic bonds occur through sexual intercourse. Therefore, sexual energy is heavily manipulated as a source of generating negative emotional energy, to keep humanity oppressed through negative beliefs around sexuality and gender.”

~Lisa Renee

Genetic Code Crasher refers to circumstances between two people where there was malicious intent from dark forces to attach to the sexual energy of the targeted person in order to crash the genetic code or steal imprints of lightbody coding. This has been observed to occur in dark entity manipulated sexual relations. These also have been referred to as alien love bite relationships, as coined by Eve Lorgren. It has been observed in session work that Fallen Angelics and Negative Aliens can be involved in purposely manipulating astral abduction or implanted human beings to engage in destructive sexual relationships for the purpose of crashing DNA coding in a Starseed or Indigo person in order to distract them from their spiritual purpose and mission. As example, when someone has sex with someone they barely know in a one night stand, this is very common set up that the ‘energy vampire’ is being used to ‘read, decipher or steal’ the advanced coding in Indigo or Star people.

People on planet earth are unaware of the sacred source of sexual energy, as well as the genital portal access that leads into the consciousness body that sexual intercourse can open. Energetic bonds occur through sexual intercourse. Therefore, sexual energy is heavily manipulated as a source of generating negative emotional energy, to keep humanity oppressed through negative beliefs around sexuality and gender. [1]

Sexual Misery

This is known as the Sexual Misery program propagated and controlled by the Moon Chain (lunar) lineages on the earth. These are lineages not indigenous to the earth but came through the process of invasion and deception. These are multiple layers of architecture and mind control that have been artificially created to control, deceive, separate, confuse, torture and steal human beings sexual life force, and this is a violation against the human Soul.

Seducer Archetype

A Seducer Archetype is very energetically profitable to siphon for an ego controlled by sexual addiction and hooked into the mass consciousness Sexual Misery program. When a human being is “choosing” to play out the game of seducer, they are in unconscious consent to be energetically implanted to feed the NRG network and spread its NRG Implants. If they continue to play the seducer game, the addiction matrix will become fused within their 2nd Chakra and energy body or Lightbody.


Persons that are identified with the Seducer Archetype can be aggressive manipulators of energy and in advanced stages function as a Succubus.

Sharing Fluids

One interesting factor to note is the energetic and physical act of sexuality and its implications on the energy field. The sharing of fluids between two people creates a spiritual bond or cord of energy that cannot be broken energetically, unless made aware of, cleared of conflict and transmuted. So psychological bonds may be broken once a serious relationship has ended, however the spiritual energetic cord still continues to exist. These cords are like electrical wires with energy passing back and forth through them, the power based on the depth and intensity of the connection. It is also important to understand that the thoughts and emotions held or the state of consciousness you are holding when you are having sex is what you are implanting into your partner. Naturally being in love, holding loving thoughts with the desire to serve your partner is the goal when you are energetically blending at this level with another being. The incredible emotional impact of love as a force shared and blended in a soul union can burn off karma and even contribute an amazing force of transformation for others. Understanding these karmic bonds you create with people every time you have a sexual interaction surely creates more discernment in one’s choices for a partner. [2]


  1. ES Public Library: Mission Briefing on NRG
  1. [PSD 4 Cords Transcription]

See Also:

Sexual Cording

Sexual Violence

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Alien Love Bite”

“Because most of us are not aware of this distortion existing in our astral layers, the NAA forces have used many tricks to continually confuse us through the use of alien implants and attaching negative form shadow bodies through Alien Love Bite or other dark manipulations. The negative form is a series of artificial dead light or AI projected shadow bodies that are used to recreate negative timelines or to steal our genetic material and consciousness energy through many methods of dark astral manipulation. The damage from the 2D-4D schism generated a weakness in our lightbody for the NAA to exploit, hijacking unintegrated shadow aspects or soul memories and then attaching false memories, false identities or Clones through which our consciousness could be manipulated or misled. That is why this unhealed Lightbody damage is commonly exploited for alien love bite situations, as many people can be easily manipulated in their emotional layers to play out unhealthy behaviors in the twin flame new age mind set. The negative form is a duplicate Shadow Self that is attached to the soul layers like nesting dolls that are made in our genetic image. Sometimes they connect these images to other people that they are attempting to confuse and derail in their Ascension progress. These are designed to spin out interference, artificial realities and Alien Love Bite scenarios where the NAA attempts to fully control the future timeline of that person, by derailing them or placing superimposed miasmatic interference in their field for the purpose of ongoing technological sabotage of that Awakening person.”

~Lisa Renee


  • Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: 25 YA, Produce anti-hierogamic spawn in Peru Stargate to destroy Genetic Equal and Twin Flame Sacred Unions during the Ascension, and put AI reversals and clones in its place. This is known as the Alien Love Bite. [1]


Origins of 2D-4D Split

Due to the DNA damage our species suffered after the Fall of Tara, the 4D astral body that made up our heart center was fractured, and the lower portion of the soul matrix astral layer became inverted upon itself and became lodged in our 2D sacral center. These schisms in the lightbody layers also greatly contributed to the production of Shadow Selves, shadow personality alters, shadow elementals and fragments in the Soul matrix, which further proliferated personal Miasma and Planetary Miasma.

When the astral layers were split into 2D aspects and 4D aspects, this generated a dual identity and this was how the first Shadow Self and its unconscious aspects in the Pain Body were generated. This lower astral distortion tends to be exploited with anti-hierogamic targeting technologies for inserting alien love bite scenarios, where an individual feels inappropriately bonded to another individual at the sexual (2D) or heart (4D) level, which is very confusing and emotionally disturbing. To begin to heal from Alien Love Bite and Anti-Hierogamic Technology targeting, this section of the astral layers and soul matrix must undergo Emotional Healing, which will release the inorganic bindings.

Because most of us are not aware of this distortion existing in our astral layers, the NAA forces have used many tricks to continually confuse us through the use of alien implants and attaching negative form shadow bodies through Alien Love Bite or other dark manipulations. The negative form is a series of artificial dead light or AI projected shadow bodies that are used to recreate negative timelines or to steal our genetic material and consciousness energy through many methods of dark astral manipulation. The damage from the 2D-4D schism generated a weakness in our lightbody for the NAA to exploit, hijacking unintegrated shadow aspects or soul memories and then attaching false memories, false identities or Clones through which our consciousness could be manipulated or misled. That is why this unhealed Lightbody damage is commonly exploited for alien love bite situations, as many people can be easily manipulated in their emotional layers to play out unhealthy behaviors in the twin flame new age mind set. The negative form is a duplicate Shadow Self that is attached to the soul layers like nesting dolls that are made in our genetic image. Sometimes they connect these images to other people that they are attempting to confuse and derail in their Ascension progress. These are designed to spin out interference, artificial realities and Alien Love Bite scenarios where the NAA attempts to fully control the future timeline of that person, by derailing them or placing superimposed miasmatic interference in their field for the purpose of ongoing technological sabotage of that Awakening person. [2]



  1. Historical Timeline Triggers
  2. Universal Shadow

See Also:

Galactic Wars

Law of One


~via Ascension Glossary