LISA RENEE on “Spiritual Blindness”

“Most people on this planet are living out of alignment with their authentic and natural self, which means they are unable to express Personal Integrity and Coherence. Without personal integrity we exist in the unnatural state of internal and external disconnection, unable to actually see how the things around us are interconnected and cause things to manifest. When we are confused about who we are, the Collective Unconsciousness takes over our direction in life, and this ultimately produces poor decisions and self-destructive manifestations. In the state of being disconnected from our authentic self, we feel deep unresolved pain and the inner emptiness that causes the lack of fulfillment and contentment in our life. Pain is created when you are inauthentic and living outside of Personal Integrity, believing in your mind you are something you’re not, expressing something to others in an identity that you really are not. Beyond experiencing abusive physical Trauma, it is important to remember that when experiencing painful negative emotions, the pain being generated is based upon lies and deceptions. Many times painful emotions are created from a deception in your mind that you believed to be true, when it’s really not true. When we do not know who we really are inside, when we do not have clarity on our life lessons and purpose, when we have not taken time to develop a close relationship with our body and self, we lack self-awareness. When a person lacks self-awareness, they can easily become delusional. If a person does not know what their personal values are, they will have no understanding of the guiding principles that motivate their direction throughout life. This is the state of disconnection within the inner self that generates Spiritual Blindness and energetic weakness that is set up for exploitation. We must see the times when we represent ourselves to others in a way that is out of alignment with our Personal Integrity. When we realize we are out of integrity, it is imperative to correct the behavior or make amends immediately, changing the destructive behavior to more positively aligned behavior in the future. When we dedicate the day to day effort to neutrally observe our thoughts and reactions to people and things, we gain self-awareness by discerning the reasons why we have reacted in the ways that we have. What is critical in these intense times, is to make the effort to move away from inner confusion and disconnection, by taking positive steps towards discovering inner clarity. To help us develop the right relationship to our core self, we must study ourselves. We must gain deeper self-knowledge so that we can discover the personal core values we have that reflect the deepest inner contents of our being. Only when we gain self-awareness can we begin to even know the guiding principle for the highest expression for our authentic nature. We cannot live within personal integrity until we dedicate some effort to truly knowing who we really are and what inspires heart based motivations in the way we live life. In the 3D world, blind spots and energetic weaknesses are aggressively exploited by Controller archetypes, to keep people disconnected from their authentic core self so that they can be easily controlled by the external forces. Spiritual Blindness is the lack of self-awareness that continually produces blind spots that operate in the periphery of our consciousness or lack thereof. Many times our spiritual blindness shows up as recurring themes of intense obstacles, hurdles and dark attack. On a planet that places power in the hands of those that use deception as imposters, these blind spots are potentially exploited in every area of our lives. As we start to recognize deceptions and the imposters manipulating in the environment, then we must also see closely inside ourselves any places where we may be deceiving or lying to ourselves.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Law of Structure”

“There are Universal Laws governing structure which exist at both energetic levels and physical levels for absolutely everything in existence. Most of the pre-matter knowledge of these Universal Laws of Structure is kept hidden within the secret societies, such as the many allies organized around the pyramid of Masonic Orders. Fundamentally the name Mason means ‘Builder’. To be an expert builder or craftsman, one has a trade of which understands the principles and laws governing building a structure in both the macrocosm and microcosm. In this example, the Law extends the knowledge to exist both at the pre-matter level of the energetic-spiritual blueprint, as well the manifested result of the structural form in matter. This advanced knowledge gives the ‘builder’ access to understand the collection of energetic resources in a structure and how to direct those energies (world of forces) for some intentional purpose. Obviously, the energetic purpose of the structure must be defined by the architect-builder and can be designed as either intentionally destructive or intentionally positive for humanity. When we apply this Universal Law to improve the energetic structures ‘living’ inside our own physical form or improve other types of structures we have operating in our lives, we will achieve beneficial, clear and efficient results. This is because we intend to live in harmony with the Law.”

~Lisa Renee

There are Universal Laws governing structure (architecture) which exist at both energetic levels (pre-matter) and physical levels (matter) for absolutely everything in existence. Most of the pre-matter knowledge of these Universal Laws of Structure is kept hidden within the secret societies, such as the many allies organized around the pyramid of Masonic Orders. Fundamentally the name Mason means “Builder”. To be an expert builder or craftsman, one has a trade of which understands the principles and laws governing building a structure in both the macrocosm and microcosm. In this example, the Law extends the knowledge to exist both at the pre-matter level of the energetic-spiritual blueprint, as well the manifested result of the structural form in matter. This advanced knowledge gives the “builder” access to understand the collection of energetic resources in a structure and how to direct those energies (world of forces) for some intentional purpose. Obviously, the energetic purpose of the structure must be defined by the architect-builder and can be designed as either intentionally destructive or intentionally positive for humanity.

This same Law of Structure applies to all things in the macro/micro that have form; a monument, churches, skyscraper, businesses, organizations, communities, houses, altars and even websites. This moves consecutively down to the collective human level which impacts energetic behavior directly leading all the way to an individual’s mind, body and spirit. See Law of One.

Foundation of Law

For purposes relating to taking back control over one’s own mind, body and spiritual consciousness, we are discussing the foundation of the Law as it is relevant to become aware of the Internal Structures of Ego operating in one’s body.

  • All Matter in the Universe is composed of layers of Vibrating Energy. This is also known as the Law of Vibration.
  • All Consciousness Energy Vibrates and manifests in accordance to a Higher Law or Principle governing the Structure or Body
  • The Geometric Form (blueprint + intention) determines the Energetic content and Vibration within the Structure or Body
  • The more perfect the Geometric Form (blueprint + intention) the more perfect the Energy Content and Vibration is harmonized
  • Consciousness Energy, Life Force or Spirit is constantly moving and transforming. Energy cannot remain stagnant and must follow the Structure within the Form which creates change
  • Change is both essential and inevitable for Evolution which is a blueprint of Spirit inhabiting Form

When we apply this Universal Law to improve the energetic structures “living” inside our own physical form or improve other types of structures we have operating in our lives, we will achieve beneficial, clear and efficient results. This is because we intend to live in harmony with the Law.


When you strengthen every day your Law of Structure it builds your inner core self. Okay, what that is, that’s your daily prayers, that’s your daily meditations. This is the sacred space when you call upon the Natural Laws of God. This is setting your intent, setting your consent and setting your consent to authority, right? This is very important now. When we interact with, let’s say, criminal systems and we give our consent to them, this can create a snafu or a problem in our manifestations because we have become in consent with a criminal system with antihuman agendas.

In most cases, if your Law of Structure is in place, meaning your praying, you’re working your spiritual tools every day — this is like building a spiritual muscle, building strength where your consciousness and your body is attuned to your God Self, and to your Christ Self. This is the highest expression of where you’re moving through this consciousness journey and that Law of Structure’s being set every day like a muscle that you’re building when you pray, when you meditate, during any of your spiritual practices — no matter what you’re doing with ES tools. If you’re working with any of the tools here, you’re setting a Law of Structure with the Christos. You’re setting a Law of Structure with a Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. That is our mission statement, everything in our community is organized around this — we live it, we breathe it, this is our sole existence, to be in service to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One in the reclamation and service to the Christos Mission. When we strengthen this through our intent, consent and authority every day, this naturally puts us on the organic timewave.

Now the issues that can come up are that if we tip over into fear, if we tip over into chaos, if we tip over into something that has our emotional buttons and we start to panic and we start to engage with a third dimensional (3D) control system that is a criminal system, this can interfere with our manifestations. So we need to be extra careful. Again, just be informed, wise, awake and aware to the fact that the 3D system is the control system and it is being heavily weaponized against us. Again, it’s very sad but that is what is happening, as the system in place must fall. That means, with certain 3D structures, we cannot rely on these structures to help us in most cases.

Now sometimes, again God willing, God, our Guardians, our Teams, are going to help us navigate through in order to find a resolution to the problem. But in general, what I’m expressing is that you do not want to run to or engage with the 3D control systems because they are being weaponized against humanity. So that means no direct engagement to the best of your ability – and that, you do your best to stay low on the radar. You’re not rattling sabers or running into the criminal controller system because you think the legal system or medical system is going to save you, because right now it’s not.

So when we set our prayers, when we set our meditations, you can purposely as well, set your intent, consent and authority. We’ve had many threads and some blogs talking about what we do not consent to and certainly that began with the plandemic, where we were saying we do not consent to this mass murder, we do not consent to this weaponization of the medical system, we do not consent to this bio-weapon. All of those are powerful words of you commanding your own personal space in your organic timewave which is your Law of Structure. The Law of Structure is the structure you create, the energy container you create for yourself with your 12D Christos shield and your prayers. That’s your energetic protection, as you’ve set a Law of Structure that is connected to the natural laws of God.

Now that you have a foundation and you have your Law of Structure in place, let’s say a problem arises. There are some tools in ES of which you can use, let’s say, higher sensory perception where you’re doing an energetic scan of the problem. But if that is too complicated, at a very practical level you can, if and when a problem arises, first analyze the situation. Use some critical thinking and common sense. Get your situation awareness, analyze the situation and the problem and then once you understand what the problem is, inquire on the tasks in order to look for a solution.

So think of the process that you’ve got your Law of Structure in place. A problem arises and this could be, emergency situation or chaotic stuff going on around you. Maybe you have to have to evacuate because there is flooding or something that’s going on where you live or work. Okay, calmly analyze the situation, analyze the problem. Go within in your personal shielding, understand that your prayer has set the Law of Structure and inquire and ask the question of spiritual guidance to inquire on your task at hand, so that you can look for the best and most effective solution for yourself, your family, and whatever else.

Then, know that the solution exists on the organic timewave.

A lot of the time we have problems and then we go into a cycle of detrimental self-talk where we’re in fear or we’re worried or concerned because it doesn’t look like there’s going to be a resolution to our problem. This is what we must remember, that this is actually not true! That there is a resolution to our problems existing in the organic timewave — the issue is, is that we can’t see it yet, but in right timing it’s going to manifest itself. And when you participate with this process, it’s going to manifest in a more graceful and easy way for you because the surreal situation that we’re going to be living through is going to be, that you are going to get all your needs met in what needs to happen to support and protect you in that situation, while your neighbor may not. And that’s going to be very strange.

And I explained this phenomenon a long, long time ago to the community when I was living in Malibu and there are a lot of fires in Malibu, California. And I was doing the 12D shield in the place I was living at that particular time. The fires were ravaging everywhere and it was so strange to come back to the house and see there was literally a large circle around the house I was living in and a few other houses were under the shield of protection, where a fire had ravaged through the tract homes but left ours unscathed. That is the kind of surreal situation that can happen in this anomaly of trifurcation that is occurring. And our goal is to not be scared or panicked if you see something happening to someone near you and think automatically it’s going to come and happen to you. And again, this is not about withdrawing our empathy, love and compassion from others, but it’s understanding first you take care of yourself and then inquire on the task, in order to look for the solution.

Know that your solution has been already created and it’s already existing in the timeline, you just can’t see it yet, because it’s found in the organic timewave. God has not abandoned us. Our God Self has not abandoned us to this dire situation. We will be given what we need when we ask for it. We may not always get what we desire, when we make demands and are snapping our fingers that we want this-that-and-the-other, but with humility, we will get what we need to take care of ourselves and to take care of our families.

The issue is, is to not panic and be scared because of whatever situation you may see in your environment. Instead, to calmly analyze the situation and problem, asking for direct guidance and inquiring on the tasks or actions that you have to take in order to find a solution. That means you have to actively energize the consciousness of your personal Law of Structure. The Law of Structure functions as your consciousness container. Where’s your consciousness being focused? Where’s your energy directed? You intentionally direct it into your Law of Structure by asking the question, taking an action through actively looking for a solution. Because again, when you inquire and ask a question, you go into meditation and you’re asking for inner guidance, as a consequence you’re performing an action. That action is a consciousness that enlivens and activates your Law of Structure, this is the foundation of your spiritual lightbody.

So again, know the solution is on your organic timewave. Your solution is going to be with God, with Christ, however you pray in developing your direct relationship with God.

And again, the challenge we are all going to have — and we’re already undergoing this, we’ve been primed over the last few years – is seeing others suffer greatly. Because knowing this does not negate the horror of seeing deliberate attacks made against humanity, and the compassion and empathy that we feel for others that are greatly suffering. Whether it’s the recent events as an example, demonstrated in what happened to Maui and the people that were living in Lahaina – it’s utterly horrific. But when we are enduring some changes occurring in our personal world, possibly uprooting our personal lives, I’m hoping that this information will empower you to stay out of fear, to get out your “Don’t Panic!” button. Then start to understand that your solution, your resolution to problems exists in the organic timeline – organic timewave – that that you are consciously moving towards that, and you just haven’t seen it quite yet.

It’s going to manifest for you and you’re going to get your needs met. So again, it’s the certainty of understanding that God has your back, God has an answer for you.

We know with certainty there’s an answer to the problem because God has got our back and we are co-existing in this world where we’re moving towards the organic timewave. And that organic timewave is going to be the location, it’s going to be the space, where we get the right answer to our problems. We’re not going to have this Armageddon scenario worldwide, the kind of situations that the cabal and the entities are attempting to get us to co-create with them. They’re trying to lure us into a consciousness trap that humanity is destined to suffer some kind of nuclear or solar devastation that comes with complete annihilation of the human race. This is something a lot of people are believing, whether it’s the solar event, that this is going to kill a lot of people on the surface of the Earth. This is not happening, that is a part of the 9-11 Armageddon software of the NAA.

At the same time we have to have the calm, emotional maturity and willingness to see, that yes, there are people around us that are being exposed to these horrors and they are suffering terribly. Many do not understand how to connect with God and to find this organic timewave. Many do not know about the spiritual ascension process that we’re enduring as a planet and as a species, and that this spiritual warfare is going on. We need to be calm. We need to work our clearing negative ego tools, clearing fear that grips our mind, right? Be calm, be neutral, and find compassionate witnessing as the practical application in daily life. There are going to be times in the next cycle that we’re moving into now, where you will need to do more than saying prayers. You may need to inquire on the task at hand, and take an action. This isn’t something to worry about, I’m just asking you to pay attention to that inner guidance and the whispers you receive from inner spiritual guidance. Pay attention to asking the right questions in your situation, what tasks at hand that you are personally responsible for. God helps those spiritually connected and who are willing to help themselves. It means if and when, we have an action that we must take, we must listen to that guidance and act accordingly. And that means we may have to push through fear, push through resistance, maybe a form of inner struggle in order to understand that we have to take an action in this way so that we can energize our Law of Structure.

So think of the Law of Structure that exists in your prayers, in your intents, in your spiritual practice — that’s your consciousness container. That’s the container of which your consciousness is projecting your organic timeline – your organic ascension timeline and it’s a part of your lightbody, it’s your consciousness. Now that you have the container with the Law of Structure that’s fully connected to communicate with God, fully connected to Christ, the Christos Mission, the Christos peoples, as a Christos person or, or what-have-you, then you energize your container with your actions, because you are directing the power of your consciousness into your Law of Structure in order to find solutions. To find what you need, that in itself is an active principle that you are collaborating with God — this is responsible co-creatorship. We are moving into a responsible co-creatorship now because that active principle now is being energized.

You have God as a partner in your life, and God is going to be leading you in different spaces and places during this phase, now you’re learning how that co-creatorship role actually works. This is the practical application of all you have learned thus far on the spiritual journey. And this is the structure of responsible co-creatorship that we’re moving into now.

~via Law of Structure / Situational Awareness Update

LISA RENEE: “Transmuting Energy Belching”

“This is the shared inside joke with all energy workers that transmute or transfigure negative energies, entities or Black Subtle Forces, at a certain level your body will process the dark energy through belching and burping. I never belched in my life, until I embodied higher spiritual aspects and began to move energy in table sessions or gridwork. If you are in a public place this can be somewhat embarrassing, because if the people in the vicinity do not understand this function of the consciousness body, they may think you are very rude or uncouth! However, it is not that you are being rude, it is a transition of the heavy or negative energy and negative spiritual attachments and dark entities that you come into contact with. This reaction has nothing to do with what you have consumed, like food or drink. As an example, what comes to mind as one of the most loud and intense belching episodes was doing Planetary Energetic Gridwork at the Vatican under the St. Peter Square and Obelisk. The necropolis area was so toxic and filled with energetic sewage, when I opened that area up, it was a massive floodgate of Miasma and Dead Energy, as well as trapped souls, that the belching was equally as intense. Those that access the session recordings after have been spared these nasty details, but belching is the true glamorous life of planetary Gridworkers!”

~Lisa Renee

Transmuting Energy Belching: This is the shared inside joke with all energy workers that transmute or transfigure negative energies, entities or Black Subtle Forces, at a certain level your body will process the dark energy through belching and burping. I never belched in my life, until I embodied higher spiritual aspects and began to move energy in table sessions or gridwork. If you are in a public place this can be somewhat embarrassing, because if the people in the vicinity do not understand this function of the consciousness body, they may think you are very rude or uncouth!

However, it is not that you are being rude, it is a transition of the heavy or negative energy and negative spiritual attachments and dark entities that you come into contact with. This reaction has nothing to do with what you have consumed, like food or drink.

Many energy session workers share this same reaction, but I’ll share what happens to me.

  • Clearing blocked energy when I touch a person’s body, like through massage or laying of hands – automatic belching ensues.
  • When exposed to an area, place or building with negative energy or AI Signal, belching.
  • Talking about any topic with a build up of toxic or negative energy – belch, burp.
  • Coming in contact with demonics or Fallen Angelics anywhere, nauseated and burping.
  • Working any kind of session or gridwork when coming upon miasma or negative energy in the planetary field – belching ensues. Usually loud and intense.

As an example, what comes to mind as one of the most loud and intense belching episodes was doing Planetary Energetic Gridwork at the Vatican under the St. Peter Square and Obelisk. The necropolis area was so toxic and filled with energetic sewage, when I opened that area up, it was a massive floodgate of Miasma and Dead Energy, as well as trapped souls, that the belching was equally as intense. Those that access the session recordings after have been spared these nasty details, but belching is the true glamorous life of planetary Gridworkers! [1]


  1. [ES Forum: “How is your Health?”]

See Also:

Etheric Surgery


~via Transmuting Energy Belching

Images courtesy of Ascension Avatar

LISA RENEE on “Life Review”

More Ascending waves of human beings are currently being spiritually initiated into the Unity Platform timeline and simultaneously being extracted from the 3D Mind Control architecture. We are entering a time on this planet of Life Review, the same function of the consciousness holographic memory projection of our life-stream, that we view in between incarnation cycles. Participating consciously with this Life Review during this cycle, while in a body, is a positive and massive step forward in accelerating Consciousness. For some it may feel like a death of your identity, or death of someone or something, who is the archetype who agreed to be the catalyst of your Ascension transition. This may be another pass around coping with past issues, past relationships, past family dynamics, or past lives as our spiritual identity is attempting to drop the density away from being stored in the bodily memory. We are streamlining by lightening the load and traveling light! Many hidden or unaddressed issues creating imbalance in our energies, have reached a breaking point and are breaking through now, throwing our usual routine or schedule out the window. It is up to our inner wisdom to discern whether we engage with these issues actively, or disengage from what may be a false mental program operating that pushes our buttons. Facing memories and reaching a conclusion of these events, by fully letting them go in unconditional love and forgiveness, will slide your light-body into the new supportive platform of the Unity field. Many times we are placed in positions where we are just there to observe. Having wisdom is being engaged neutrally, being present to what is happening, and knowing when the space opens up to reveal that an action is required. This is a time of spiritual initiation to apply greater wisdom in our actions and lifestyle, and this is the force that is applying pressure in our lives to make that appropriate change. Many of us will be deeply transformed in our lives through this time and suddenly moved into different locations, residences, relationships, service work or even forced into plain silence. This is a time of great inner and outer revelation of our life purpose, and clarity with our existence relative to the whole. If we are sensitive to feel the planetary field energies, there are various dimensional levels of group entities, species and their kingdoms, evacuating into other times and spaces. The dimensional energy placement is shifting tremendously and that creates a massive movement within the consciousness layer fields throughout all the planetary kingdoms. There are base tone dimensional keys, overtone dimensional keys and resonating dimensional keys that make up the three layers of the dimensional frequency strings comprising the entire Universal Time Matrix and its Master Key Tone DNA Structure. Miasma is synonymous with black, frozen or dead light, which is generated in a damaged morphogenetic field similarly to an energetic waste product, like toxins or feces. Damaged architecture in the planetary field cannot run enough life force current or the proper frequency tone keys, and that damages the earth body, creating dead wiring and dead spaces. These dead spaces cannot transmit or exchange with living intelligent energy fields, and ultimately that harms earth inhabitants by creating digressive mutations. If not corrected, the dead waste product creates disease, sickness and deterioration of the DNA and its frequency tone keys. If planetary miasma is not cleared and repaired, it infects the brain and nervous system of the planet, the grid system, all of the planetary kingdom’s DNA, as well as infecting human being’s DNA. For these reasons and many more, this planet received several quarantines to limit the waste product from infecting the outer rims of nearby dimensions and other planetary worlds through their potential resonating dimensional key tones. The Starseed and Indigo family have come to this planet to work specifically with healing this planetary and human miasma by rehabilitating DNA tones, working in the timelines, healing or ejecting dead light miasma and their causal implants. This function makes up for a large part of the clearing and transmuting work within the collective Light family. This is a major and necessary step in reclaiming this planet’s freedom from the invasion of Reptilian based control. The Reptilian control was successful because they invaded the planetary brain, the holographic architecture, and used that as a control panel to direct the elemental forces and the nature kingdoms. There is a sensation of great unease in the larger fields, as the space between breaths right before a great cosmic sneeze. So remaining as stable as possible and keeping an even keel, will help serve to navigate through these choppy waters. We know in our cells something huge is coming and there is a level of preparation getting ready for it. The past few weeks have presented many of us with a tremendous amount of tasks to complete and issues to resolve. Almost as if there is a deadline associated with these tasks. Even if they appear mundane, there is a sense of a great meaning presently working behind the scenes. Many of us will be deeply transformed in our lives through this time and suddenly moved into different locations, residences, relationships, service work or even forced into plain silence. This is a time of great inner and outer revelation of our life purpose, and clarity with our existence relative to the whole. The dimensional energy placement is shifting tremendously and that creates a massive movement within the consciousness layer fields throughout all the planetary kingdoms. These energies are abrupt, sudden and intense, and are designed to really rock the boat to reveal what’s hidden. If we have developed a degree of mental discipline and are capable of quieting the mind and being still, many inner revelations are being presented to us through this period of great consciousness expansion. Most people in the masses are still working on releasing mind control, mind slides and alien technology that distort mental perception and beliefs, from gathering an accurate assessment of this reality. Many of the masses will be confused and lost, obsessively looping in ego and personality problems. Those of us reading this are the light and example, to help our brothers and sisters release their bondage of suffering from unconsciousness. If you have not responded to needed changes, this is the time to hunker down and Just DO It! Stay awake through the Life Review which may mirror a ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ process in order to be present for the feeling of the returning flight to freedom. As one reclaims the Inner God Spirit, one is made in the image of the eternal Light of God and lives as the Natural Laws. These laws are basic, however intrinsic to our Spiritual Ascension process and our journey home, back to freedom. Live as the Law, and freedom, liberation and sovereignty is eternally yours, this is God’s Promise.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Life Review / Restoring Energetic Balance

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Practical Application of Embodying Integrity”

“The world is rapidly changing during these stages of bifurcation, as the negative polarity and positive polarity spirals are becoming more extreme and amplified in the external. In order to stay deeply connected into our core self, and to withstand the massive impact of these opposing forces colliding, we must take conscious steps to embody personal integrity. In the face of the current challenges we are navigating in this bifurcating world, it is increasingly important now to examine and live by our personal beliefs and value system. This is a time to get to the deeper clarity on what reveals itself to be the guidelines to your truest nature. In our context this would be consciously participating with spiritually beneficial behaviors that help to define a clear value system and guidelines, for building improved character and Personal Integrity. Our personal values provide an internal reference point for what is discerned as beneficial, important, useful, beautiful, productive behaviors and actions, which we commit to for the purpose of developing ourselves and guiding our life. Our personal values are what motivate and generate our behavior and actions, they are what influence the choices we make in everyday life. Understanding ourselves enough to have clarity on what we give value to in our personal value system, is critical for building Personal Integrity and discerning whether the actions we take are aligned with those values or not. Each of us has to choose the kind of person we want to be in this world, whether we decide to wear the mask others have provided for us, or act independently to discover what we really value and how to think and feel for ourselves. When we are committed to cultivate higher attributes of our moral character through the practices of compassion, kindness and embodying personal integrity, we will naturally attract genuine people into our lives that hold value for these same qualities. Building trust within ourselves and knowing how to build solid, genuine and trustworthy relationships takes some personal effort directed towards self-study in exploring personal integrity made through daily self-reflection and meditation. Through our meditations we direct compassion to ourselves and compassion to others, reflecting on the positive qualities we want to grow in our lives. We achieve greater self-awareness by paying attention to our thoughts, behaviors and reactions, so that we get crystal clear on where we place our attention. With this clarity we can then further refine our value system to stay aligned to what is meaningful in order to remain true to ourselves.”

~Lisa Renee

In the face of the current challenges we are navigating in this bifurcating world, it is increasingly important now to examine and live by our personal beliefs and value system. This is a time to get to the deeper clarity on what reveals itself to be the guidelines to your truest nature. In our context this would be consciously participating with spiritually beneficial behaviors that help to define a clear value system and guidelines, for building improved character and Personal Integrity. Our personal values provide an internal reference point for what is discerned as beneficial, important, useful, beautiful, productive behaviors and actions, which we commit to for the purpose of developing ourselves and guiding our life. Our personal values are what motivate and generate our behavior and actions, they are what influence the choices we make in everyday life. Understanding ourselves enough to have clarity on what we give value to in our personal value system, is critical for building Personal Integrity and discerning whether the actions we take are aligned with those values or not.

Each of us has to choose the kind of person we want to be in this world, whether we decide to wear the mask others have provided for us, or act independently to discover what we really value and how to think and feel for ourselves. When we are committed to cultivate higher attributes of our moral character through the practices of compassion, kindness and embodying personal integrity, we will naturally attract genuine people into our lives that hold value for these same qualities.

False Friends and Fake People

One of the most difficult and painful lessons many newly awakening people have on the spiritual path is discernment, or the ability to clearly identify the shiny glamour of appearances that is generally behind fakery and fake people. We tend to be unaware of fake people that use false friendliness towards us when we are unclear about our personal value system and the ways to practically embody personal integrity. We encounter many different kinds of people throughout our lives, and for those of us committed to spiritual growth and the building of meaningful relationships, it becomes increasingly important to discern when people are being genuine and when they may not have the best of intentions.

Fake people with surface smiles or people lacking self-awareness tend to attract more fakery and false friends as the result of the lack of clarity they have in directing their own lives in alignment with a personal value system. When people are confused or unaware of the necessity to shape their own personal value system, they lack self-awareness, and tend to be oblivious of how their dishonest actions may influence others. Fake people generally provide a reflective mirror highlighting certain areas in our lives where we also may lack self-awareness, providing an opportunity to shine a light on blind spots for mastering our egoic lessons. If we can recontextualize false friend situations when we felt betrayed or when we discovered fake appearances in others as an opportunity for increased spiritual growth, we can convert these unpleasant lessons into a powerful means through which to gain stronger discernment in order to see the red flags immediately.

The emotional danger of connecting with fake people is that we can more easily misplace our trust in someone we thought was a genuine friend, and when that trust is broken, we may perceive that to be a significant betrayal. Emotional and spiritual betrayals can be devastating in such ways that can leave us emotionally shattered when we experience what we perceive to be a great betrayal from someone we trusted. In these moments, if we surrender to the painful situation as a lesson for intuitive discernment in order to be able to see people’s true moral character and genuine intentions more clearly, we may increase our intuitive ability in all interactions we have, which builds the qualities of trust.

Building trust within ourselves and knowing how to build solid, genuine and trustworthy relationships takes some personal effort directed towards self-study in exploring personal integrity made through daily self-reflection and meditation. Through our meditations we direct compassion to ourselves and compassion to others, reflecting on the positive qualities we want to grow in our lives. We achieve greater self-awareness by paying attention to our thoughts, behaviors and reactions, so that we get crystal clear on where we place our attention. With this clarity we can then further refine our value system to stay aligned to what is meaningful in order to remain true to ourselves.

It may be a powerfully positive process to review your core values, so that you can see how you are evolving and transforming, as you stay better aligned to your own personal value system.

What Values Motivate My Life?

What are the most important Personal Values that motivate my life? Choose up to five of the most important core values that feel the most essential to live authentically and express your highest purpose. Then focus upon those themes that you have chosen and evaluate if you are practicing and increasing these important values throughout your life.

Maybe upon deeper reflection or in the future you’ll find that your most important personal values are shifting, or are revealing differently in order to become more specific in their quality. The more specific we are in identifying our core values, the more accurate and clear we can be when applying those to the behaviors that guide our life. As an example, let’s say through deeper self-study you have identified a recurring pattern that makes it hard to feel confident in valuing yourself when in the company of intimidating people. One of the core values that you choose is to Value Yourself equally to others, no matter what happens. To make this an important guideline in your life will help strengthen personal behavior to value yourself while in intimidating situations, which increases Personal Integrity.

Once you’ve defined some of your most important personal values, then inquire on each one to evaluate how you can better align your thoughts and behaviors with the meaning and quality of each value. 

Practical Application of Embodying Integrity

In the process of completing a personal integrity self-assessment and consciously choosing your value system based on what you know to be true for you, now is the time to take conscious steps every day to behave in ways that are consistent with your personal values.

*Identify the behavioral traits that need to be addressed and are required to change.

*Determine the underlying reasons why you have not behaved with greater personal integrity.

*Observe the obstacles and other people that are used as excuses to lie or violate your personal values or moral code.

*Commit to build authentic relationships through greater truthfulness, honesty and being open and direct.

*Compile a list of tasks and behaviors in which you dedicate to become more trustworthy and honest.

*Protect your basic human rights to be authentic and protect the rights of others, by respecting the decisions and opinions of other people.

*When possible, be of service to others and live as an example for embodying truthfulness and integrity.

*Be willing to honestly self-assess progress on your commitment to personal integrity, making adjustments along the way.

*Look for the support of others who are inspiring examples of personal integrity, and have similar goals and personal values to be honest and trustworthy.

*Develop Accountability for personal behaviors and actions, and if you make a mistake that impacts others or you break a promise, be willing to admit it and apologize.

The world is rapidly changing during these stages of bifurcation, as the negative polarity and positive polarity spirals are becoming more extreme and amplified in the external. In order to stay deeply connected into our core self, and to withstand the massive impact of these opposing forces colliding, we must take conscious steps to embody personal integrity.

(Source: ES Newsletter – Personal Integrity)

~via – Time Shift Blog – July 10, 2023