DON’T FORGET TO DRINK YOUR TRUMP-AID! ~ Gary D. Barnett on “Those Who Fall for the So-Called ‘Left/Right’ Election Madness Are Absolute Fools!”

“Here we go again. Each side of the coin being flipped is the same; both sides indicating parties of evil. It is the same game as always, and the same stupid people jump on board because this time, things will be different, and your guy will fix everything. There are several labeled ‘right-wing’ candidates being touted as saviors by the maniacal herd, especially those blind ‘pro-freedom’ pretenders, who continue to trust the State and the heinous and fraudulent political process, while leaping on the band wagon with both feet of every single candidate promising them to do it right this time. It would be difficult to find a more pathetic exercise than this, but at least it is eternally predictable. If human nature is nothing else, it is a showcase for hypocrisy and gullibility, and in light of this current trend, those falsely calling themselves ‘libertarians,’ anarcho-capitalists,’ staunch ‘conservatives,’ and fighters for freedom, are all showing their bare asses in broad daylight. It is a sad sight to be sure. There have been several of these claimed freedom ‘pretenders,’ immigration ‘warriors,’ monetary fixers, and free-trade imposters, who have been recently elected around the world, and the faux alternative media sites have bought the hype hook, line, and sinker, without once standing in any light of reality. This time is no different, and this is so simple to point out and see, but it belies imagination that most people who vote for their next ruler, never learn anything at all from thousands of years of mistakes. All these candidates are Statists, whether they claim that status or not, so are their supporters really fooled, or are they exposing their real character and lack of intellectual reasoning, by embracing complete contradiction? Liars all. The news stories recently are consumed by ridiculous headlines that include; the ‘rise of the right,’ ‘far right ‘outsiders,’and ‘right-wing nationalists taking power.’ All these politicians are compared to Trump, (what an endorsement?!) an insider if ever one existed, and all support Zionist Israel, protectionism, war, genocide, and massive State power. They are all peas in a pod, they are all the same, just as all parties are virtually the same power hungry controllers, regardless of the lies and deception practiced by those spewing their falsehoods on the podium. Now the criminals vying for the seat of rule in the U.S., which is nothing more than a seat for a puppet ruler, will be the story of the coming year, as all the fake ‘freedom’ pretenders, will latch on to their guy, claiming good times for all are coming because of a new lord and master who promises to bring them freedom. Already, several have been sided with and endorsed by those claiming to be ‘anti-State.’ Will this hypocrisy, insanity and stupidity ever end, or will this madness go on forever, as has always been the case? I think you know the answer to this question. Fools are always fooled, they have always been fooled, and they will likely continue to pick their master at every single opportunity, thus resulting in perpetual rule and mass enslavement. But all fools should hurry, choose your new and better master, and run to the voting booth, as it will be so much better this time around. This story is as old as time, but gets even more idiotic each and every election, as even more historical evidence and fact exposing the voting scam are easily obvious, showing the pure idiocy of voting for a master. For the thousandth time, doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different outcome, but finally, the good guy is here to save you. What a crock of crap is this, and how can any sane, thinking individual, fall into that same trap every election, without once understanding that he is in a circular game of hysterical lunacy?”

~Gary D. Barnett

Read the full article here:

Those Who Fall for the So-Called ‘Right Wing/Libertarian-Leaning’ Election Madness Are Acting as Absolute Fools!


Copyright © 2023

Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given

“You drank the Kool-Aid. But I’m dead now. In fact, I’ve been dead for a long time, but you YUGE fools never knew it! Haha! Well, you know it NOW! Ow, it’s getting hot down here… ow… OW… OWW!!! SOMEBODY! PASS THE BURN GEL!! OWWWWW!!!!…”

~The former Donald J. Drumpf, signing off from his own self-created Hell

Read related article here:


GARY D. BARNETT on “The Next Big Election”

The next big election in this country is coming up soon, and all indications at this time, lead to a grand rematch between Biden and Trump — a brain-dead, retarded, war-mongering, socialistic, fascist pedophile against a narcissistic, egomaniacal, homicidal war-mongering, bioweapon-injection pushing, genocide-supporting, protectionist fascist. I could go on and on with these descriptions, but I think my point is made. Is this all there is; is this the best you can do? Pick out two old, evil, corrupt, criminal fools, who take orders from their masters, so that they can run your lives, tell you what you can and cannot do, where you may go or not go, how much of what is yours that they will allow you to keep, what wars in which you may die, what innocents you should kill, what you may do with or put into your own body, what you may say or write, whether you may protect yourself or not, and what master you have to not only accept, but vote to place in power over you? This sounds like a collective, enslaved, horde of ignoramuses, being controlled by a ruling master class of demons. This is to be expected, because regardless of the total failure of any and all politics, political systems, political parties, and elections, regardless of the massively growing tyranny, the complete lack of freedom, relentless wars, and spying and surveillance of every human movement, ‘faith’ in political saviors (moronic ‘hopium’) continues its grip on the those who spew the ‘trumpery,’ (pun intended) that things will be better this time. What all these and most all other so-called rulers have in common, is that they are all lying, thieving, criminals, and murdering scoundrels. Elections of course, do not matter, because the lowly ‘useless eaters,’ as they are seen by the ruling class, continue to allow their masters to rule, and therefore they willingly become servants to those they voluntarily put into power over them. This has never worked out for any good, but do not worry, I am sure it will be better this time! Stupidity at this level is difficult to imagine, but alas, believers in government continue to cling to the idiocy that all we need is a ‘better’ ruler. What a comfort it must be to be able to share your misery among all the others who also think they get to pick their own Almighty king and master to give them everything they need and want. Get ready, as you will be inundated by political and election propaganda throughout the next year, saturating the media, and then you can all run to your local precincts, hide behind the curtain in your voting booths, and maybe, just maybe, your demon will win out over their demon, and you can party like its 1984. As George Carlin so eloquently put it: ‘Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups’. Isn’t it grand that you are not alone in your voting stupidity?

~Gary D. Barnett

Read the full article here:

The Scam of Politics Continues: Feigning ‘Hope’ Where None Exists


Copyright © 2023

Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given

GARY D. BARNETT on “Most All of Society Is Going About the Problem of Injustice, Fraud, and Tyranny the Wrong Way”

“We are faced with extreme tyranny, based on a totalitarian model, and one that promises justice where none exists. This should have been realized at the so-called beginning of this country, but alas, the people were once again fooled, as is the common theme of mankind throughout time. As the government gains more and more power, which is the natural state of all government, the people become more enslaved until societies eventually fail. When this happens, a dictatorship may be the result, but more often than not, the lowly masses, and the surviving ruling class, attempt to solve the despotism responsible for the failure, by building a new dominant governing system where a ‘new’ ruling class is given power. What this amounts to, is attempting to solve the problem of rule, by more rule. It matters not if the ‘new’ rule is expected to do better than the last, as that has never happened in history, but that the many think that seeking redress from those who caused and administered the tyranny, to be viable and legitimate. This is an impossibility of course, but has been clung to perpetually, all without any function of logic, reason, common sense, or use of intellectual brain stimulation. These same idiotic attitudes are extremely active today, as so many believe that by picking new masters, accepting new politicians, ‘voting’ for different overlords, seeking redress for grievances from government and government courts, or begging government to cure itself, is an answer to anything other than more brutal rule and tyranny. Nothing could be more asinine. Only fools, seekers of power, or manipulators, pursue such a path of idiocy. But that is exactly the tactic being sought today, as the mainstream of society has not changed its position or opinions about the State in eons, and likely (obviously) never will. This is known by all who desire to gain power over others, regardless of their claims to be men of liberty, simply attempting to make the criminal State better, when in fact, the opposite is the case. All those who claim to want to make things better by putting new rulers in place, or seeking rule themselves, are either duped ignoramuses, or outright liars. This could never be more evident than during these pitiful and absurd election cycles, where all news of importance is sacrificed for the stupidity of picking a new master, or as many have been brainwashed to believe, a new ‘leader.’ The useless term ‘leader’ in every aspect of sanity, is self-defeating, because if one seeks a ‘leader,’ he is admitting to being only a follower, which is the first step to evil unintelligible collectivism, and slavery. No individual seeking real freedom could participate in such nonsensical and preposterous imbecility, but then has not that always been the way of this country and many others. This could only happen if the masses of populations are so dumbed down and indoctrinated, as to be beyond the ability to reason, and instead, voluntarily accept their lot in life as allowed by their chosen masters. This has been the case for thousands of years, and yet, the bulk of humanity has never figured out the grand plot of the ruling classes; which has actually brought about their own serfdom at the hands of the worst of mankind. Even now, as Israel has attempted to genocide and ethnically cleanse an entire people, supported, at least initially, by most all Western governments; those heinous monsters claiming to speak for each of you. Not only that, but the support of this effort of murder has been paid for with the very money stolen from each of you, making complicit all those who remain silent in the presence of evil in their names. Fake ‘pandemics,’ fake ‘viruses,’ intentional fires and murders, poisoning and death due to government-mandated and approved toxic bioweapon injections, fully funded wars by the U.S. in Syria, Yemen, Palestine, and much of the rest of the world, total economic devastation at the hands of this criminal federal reserve and U.S. government, destruction of supply lines for food and energy, planned takeover of all with central bank digital fiat currencies, massive monetary inflation causing a doubling or tripling of prices, worldwide famine, all-consuming surveillance, censorship, monitoring of all activity of every individual, and on and on, and on. Even with all this, most are searching for a new rule to fix the problems that only rulers and a complicit society could cause. Those in government, and those freedom pretenders, continue to seek to cure the ills of government and rule, by promoting different and more government and rule. Many of them seek rule themselves, promising to make things better this time around. They promise to bring ‘legislation,’ (more laws) that depends on corrupt government and crooked government courts to uphold, even in the light of the evil perpetrated by these criminal bureaucracies over centuries and beyond. They pretend to seek ‘fairness’ by setting up ‘investigations’ of government by government, a ludicrous notion to be sure. All this while the power-seekers of all stripes continue to promote the electing of more lying politicians, the continuation of criminal and murderous governments, the elimination of freedom at every level, which is almost complete at this point in time, and they beg for your acceptance by expecting you to once again place them in power; promising a ‘change’ this time. In the midst of all these lies, brutal war continues, economic collapse looms closer by each day that passes, and human suffering and annihilation is evident worldwide. Every election brings about a worse outcome, regardless of who is selected to run your lives this time, and the next of course, as this is what should be referred to as the circular order of totalitarian control and rule over all peoples. This has never changed, and can only change for the better, when all elections are eliminated, all politicians are scorned and held in contempt, and government is reduced to total impotence or elimination. So long as you contribute to the existence of power, to a master/slave relationship, to rule by the few, to any government whatsoever, your lives will remain in a state of hell. This does not have to be your fate, as all power lies with our massive numbers, so long as some majority stands against the evil State.”

Gary D. Barnett

Read the full article here:

It Seems Most All of Society Is Going About the Problem of Injustice, Fraud, and Tyranny the Wrong Way


Copyright © 2023

Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given

GARY D. BARNETT on “It’s Time to Expose and Negate ‘Anti-State’ and ‘Anti-War’ Pretenders!”

“To get right to it, no politician on earth can be anti-state. What an asinine assumption. No one who supports politicians, who are the representatives of the State, can be anti-state. When it comes to the so-called ‘right’ and ‘left’, the general party system, it should be obvious that they are certainly promoters of government and rule, but what about those who claim to be different, and against the State? What about those who think war is bad unless the government has a ‘formal declaration of war.’ No one can be ‘anti-war’ if they are ‘pro-state’. One thing is for certain, they are the very, very few, those who actually believe in the freedom of the individual, and abhor the State; any State. In my mind, that leaves all others as pretenders; those who can find an excuse suitable to their cause in order to promulgate support of the State and war. There are the obvious murderers and supporters of war, such as the neo-cons, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, all politicians, and all who applaud the flag, and support the nation-state and its military. This includes those more hidden pretenders, the ‘Libertarians.’ Yes, those who call themselves, and label their organizations as anti-state and anti-war, but still support the state, its politics and politicians, and worship its constitutions which allow war and carnage so long as a handful of liars and cheats called ‘representatives’ vote to declare wars. Ah, the libertarians; those freedom-loving types who cling to the State as god, so long as it polices itself, self-restricts all its power, and does only good for the lowly serfs, protecting them from any threat to their freedom. Yes, they do claim this ridiculous position, and fully believe that a government (State) can be limited by the very whores who sold out to the State in order to gain power over the proletariat. They are there at every election, they are running in these elections, jumping on board with the politician of the day, whether Trump, DeSantis, Gabbard, Ramaswamy, RFK, Jr., or any number of other political trimmers seeking official king status; and all of whom support war. Those who say they are anti-state, anti-government, or anti-war, cannot contradict their position without becoming blatant hypocrites by participating in the promotion of any politician, state, government, or war. That is complete and total heresy, but is practiced by most all claiming to be ‘libertarian.’ I guess logic is lost for those who cannot understand that they are lying when they claim to be against something and for it simultaneously. There are no just governments. There are no just wars. There are no friends of freedom in any State or government. There is no such thing as a just war, there is no such thing as a good war, and no war can bring peace. All wars are evil manifestations of power and control conjured in the minds of the abhorrent psychopaths who rule over nations, and their fascist partners in government, who by proxy, fill the minds of the mindless with fear, so that constant atrocities meant to solidify domination can survive all moral objection and sanity. War is good for nothing other than grief, terror, sorrow, torture, maiming, and death; it is the single most evil curse of mankind. At least the left and right accept that they are partisan, (sometimes) and openly lie, cheat, contradict, and are hypocritical without apology. Isn’t honesty refreshing? The recent genocide by Zionist Israel, brought out the truth about these pretenders, as taking sides was instant. The Israeli lobby obviously won the day, and solidified solid political support for its ethnic cleansing campaign.”

~Gary D. Barnett

Read the full article:

It’s Time to Expose and Negate Anti-State and Anti-War Pretenders!


Copyright © 2023

Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given

GARY D. BARNETT on “The ‘Hannibal Directive’ and Zionist Israel’s False Flag Terrorism”

“We are living in the clear presence of genocidal terror at the hands of Zionist Israel. Please do not feign disgust, or pretend to be aghast at this pronouncement, as when something is this apparent, it is excruciatingly embarrassing to witness blind apathy in the midst of mass murder. These efforts of brutality, displacement, and murder, are always dependent on acceptance and support by the populations involved in the slaughter, and most always, the people allowing State crimes of war and genocide, also become the victims of the same monsters they endorse who rule over them. None of you are exempt from harm or death during these times of aggression, as you, all of you, are expendable, and nothing more than fodder for the sake of the State. Those who happen to be in the way, and whose deaths can enhance the State’s power, are simply considered collateral damage by the governments involved in conflict. This is even spelled out in many cases, and openly admitted. One case in point, and very appropriate considering what is going on today in Israel, is Israel’s Hannibal Directive, which spells out that killing Israeli hostages in order to ‘protect’ the State is warranted, and accepted political and military policy. Remember, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country — die is the answer expected! This long-planned ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians by the Zionists, is now close to fruition, and with the help, support, and funding of the United States and its military, and the ‘blessing’ of so many confused fools, the complicity of the U.S. means that not only are the Zionists committing genocide, but by proxy and with the use of ruthless force and funding, so is the U.S. government and its ruling class. What this not only indicates, but fully exposes, is that expulsion of an entire race, genocide by ethnic cleansing, a heinous crime against humanity, and the essence of holocausts, is apparently accepted only if committed by Zionists. The hypocrisy here is astounding, and any who cannot see it, are completely blinded by asinine and ideological indifference so insane as to be pathological. How many false flag operations have to take place in order for the blind to see? The U.S. government, its military, the CIA, and all its accomplices in government and corporate America, have used many false flag attacks to stoke war and division for over a century, and Israel is now allowing and committing purposeful acts of terror against its own and Palestine in order to further its agenda of colonialism and murder by way of a false flag event. This has led to thousands of deaths of innocents, (likely tens of thousands) mostly children, as much of the world stands by applauding the carnage, or at least fully supporting the Zionist’s crimes against humanity. Zionism is certainly an evil political nationalist ideology, but at its core, it is pure colonialism. To have to preface this conversation with such a statement is to expose the ignorance of those who have been brainwashed and indoctrinated to such an extent, as to be willing to accept historically counterfeit propaganda, without any critical scrutiny or logic applied. This is the imminent result of becoming a cog in the machine of life amid an ‘organized’ non-thinking, like-acting collective mob, lost in a fog of oblivion. What has happened to mankind? What has happened to sanity? What has happened to the moral fiber of man, when genocide can be not only accepted, but praised? This is the insane world we live in today. It is not normal, it is not due to individual terrorists, or to outlying terrorist cells mostly created purposely with nation-state funding, with weapons supplied by Western powers. It is conspiratorial at every level, and done to affect a particular outcome; that outcome is to advance the reset of the world in favor of those who run it. How many false flag operations have to take place in order for the blind to see? The U.S. government, its military, the CIA, and all its accomplices in government and corporate America, have used many false flag attacks to stoke war and division for over a century, and Israel is now allowing and committing purposeful acts of terror against its own and Palestine in order to further its agenda of colonialism and murder by way of a false flag event. One of the most advanced militaries on earth, one that has many of the highest capabilities, modern weaponry, a huge nuclear arsenal, and that controls the border with Gaza to such an extent as to know when even a bird breeches this walled concentration camp, removed all soldiers and guards, and allowed their own created terrorist organization, Hamas, to come across with an attack, and did not even respond for hours, while Israelis were killed and hostages were taken. In other words, this was an intentional set up to cause the populace to support the genocide of all Palestinians, while using its own citizens as bait, knowingly killing many in the process in order to further their terror. This has led to thousands of deaths of innocents, (likely tens of thousands) mostly children, as much of the world stands by applauding the carnage, or at least fully supporting the Zionist’s crimes against humanity. Every false flag operation, every unnatural firestorm, every geo-engineered weather tragedy, and the multitude of attacks on the innocent; are plotted and intentional, and in most all cases, they are soon eliminated from the fake news cycles, and then forgotten. Consider 9/11, the many economic crises, the fake ‘covid’ terrorism, chemical spills, the Lahaina, Maui murders, and many, many more. Competent reporting, as well of course as mainstream ‘reporting’ on the horrors in Palestine are already subsiding, and this is a tragedy in and of itself. Do not let the political and media scum erase this slaughter and genocide of innocents from your minds, as that will be the plan. Then, the next atrocity will simply take the place of the last, and on and on it goes until it doesn’t. There are no political accidents, no coincidences, so legitimate reaction does not exist, as all is premeditated, planned out over time, and released on the lowly proletariat at a time when beneficial to the State. The State is forever and always the enemy of the people, and never is it your protector and savior; it is only evil. What is missed (or ignored) by most all Americans, as well as most others around the Western world, is that we are all Palestinians now. To believe that it cannot happen here is not only ludicrous, but also far beyond naïveté, and borders on extreme psychosis. What will you do when you, your family, and your children are targeted by the State for elimination? Will you run and hide, or will you defend your life and family?”

~Gary D. Barnett

Read the full article:

The Hannibal Directive and Zionist Israel’s False Flag Terrorism


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Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given